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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.73 MB, 3024x4032, fat diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17647510 No.17647510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do people eat like this?

>> No.17647529

By being an Amerifatfuck.

>> No.17647534

From a trough?

>> No.17647543

Lots of people subsist on only prepackaged snacks and Uber eats.

>> No.17647547

It's called an EBT card, sweetie. The fact you don't know the signs of welfare recipients just shows your privileges. Post nose.

>> No.17647551

How do people even afford to be this fat?

>> No.17647555

The majority of people are fucking idiots.

>> No.17647559

Welfare and corn syrup subsidies.

>> No.17647565
File: 70 KB, 300x184, kek sundowner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post nose.
I look like Sundowner from MGR, it doesn't get much whiter than that

>> No.17647567

I could use some welfare, where is my share?

>> No.17647577
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x961, ernie__sesame_street_play_with_me_sesame__vector_by_jack1set2_depan49-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With their mouths, Bert

>> No.17647656

Do you have a job?

>> No.17647663

>dyed hair

>> No.17647686


I bet you think you're fucking invincible

>> No.17647703

I'm very in touch with my inner child.

>> No.17647750
File: 805 KB, 1200x1000, your tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sunny D
looks pretty healthy all things considered, probably top 25% of Americans for BMI

>> No.17647758

>I touch my child

>> No.17647768

imagine shopping at walmart. i haven't stepped FOOT inside of a walmart in over a decade. what a terribly depressing place.

>> No.17647794

Amerisharts are not people.

>> No.17647795

cope europoor

>> No.17647803

>corn syrup subsidies
Holy shit I just checked and it's real.

>> No.17647809

You're missing out on primo prices, this is how you're telling everyone you're literally poor. Rich people shop at Walmart or pigglywiggly. Only poors that pretend to be rich shop elsewhere

>> No.17648111

This is how i image the radical pro-vaxxer who can't understand how people "don't trust the science" while that same science is literally killing her with what's supposed to be food.

>> No.17648128

humanity is not a given. It takes work and discipline. Many people are just animals who have given up on being human.

>> No.17648132

Must be an old pic. Hell most Walmart stores use those fucking self scan things now. Yeah your literately herded straight into them like your cattle. Some dude watches it all from a central station. Fucking christ I hate walmart more now for doing this shit. Least Kroger still has actual fucking people doing the work.

>> No.17648143


Holy shit, even the white trash family down the road eats healthier than that. What gives?

>> No.17648160

Most I've ever eaten was the day I got back from jail(jail food SUCKS). I was there because I contacted a girl on instagram whom I wasn't allowed to because I previously had made death/rape threats towards her. I was out on bond in a day (it was only $200 but prosecutor wanted it to be $25K as I had also had priors for threatening to shoot up my high-school). When I got out I ate
>An entire large pizza
>A pound of hamburger
>4 cups of rice
>A pint of ice cream
>A bag of pistachios

>> No.17648165


>> No.17648166

People will look at this and blame the obesity epidemic on meat and eggs

>> No.17648171

Those two giant bags of cheetohs are more than a bag of potatoes.
That bottom rack alone is what, 20 - 30 dollars worth of shit? Imagine how many vegetables you can buy with that, I can buy two - three whole chickens for that.

>> No.17648189

It's cheaper to be fat.

>> No.17648190

Did you learn your lesson?

>> No.17648196


>> No.17648206

It is not but ok. Need to have fatties/uglies around so less comp for the good looking ppl.

>> No.17648214

"I can't afford to eat healthy like those rich people!!!"
>*buys $4000 worth of junk food

>> No.17648233

Fat fucks always resort to this retarded cope. If you gave them a supply of vegetables for free I bet they wouldn't even touch them.

>> No.17648250

you're shopping in the same place dipshit

>> No.17648267

It clearly says Food Lion on the cart you fucking tards who said anything about Walmart?

>> No.17648269

Grocery stores tend to have a selection of different foods, not everyone has to buy the same fatass junk food.

>> No.17648271

poor people stores have poor people food and shitty poor people "healthy food"

>> No.17648279

Not them but all the blue must've made them think that.

>> No.17648334

You mean the produce section?

>> No.17648376

shut up retard boomer

>> No.17648479

>EBT card
This. But props to this white trash whore for actually using for food, most white trash and niggers get the arab liquor store owners to give them 50 cents on the dollar for swipes, so they can buy crack or liquor

>> No.17648483

whiteoids literally think the sunny d is "healthy"

>> No.17648515

based chester's fries enjoyer

>> No.17648555

I can't help but notice all the soda and cookies, and the sauces that all have processed corn syrup sugars... THEN! there's an entire bag os more sugar.

Holy Fuck, does that woman hate her pancreas, or what?

>> No.17648558

yes that's the basis of the thread

>> No.17648569

yes, technically

>> No.17648632

no doctor will ask you to eat like this bud. the exact opposite.

>> No.17648658

>Scanning cart for signs of real food
>See bag of what looks like it could be flour
>It's sugar

>> No.17648699
File: 140 KB, 700x641, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do amerifats really just buy bags of sugar?

>> No.17648737

This looks like the Food Lion near me in Durham North Carolina

>> No.17648738

Eating like that is unhealthier and a bigger financial burden on the healthcare system than the memeflu could ever be. Where are the healthy food and sports mandates? The lockouts of fatties from the kitchen? Science wants you to eat like that and they don't even have to coerce you into doing it.

>> No.17648749
File: 68 KB, 808x805, 8813467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they have a bag of flour in there, which implies that they cook at least a little of their own food.
That's not much but it's still an improvement over most Americans' diet. Still atrocious though.

>> No.17648763

Probably because your health effects are limited to your body, and isn't a contagion, aside from the financial implications. Which of course, are a fake idea, like all money. The only comparison is if fat people went around falling down on people's grandparents and cancer patients.

>> No.17648766

would bet money on the only thing that flour will do is coat something about to be fried

>> No.17648782

Ask your mom when I take my dick out of her mouth.

>> No.17648790

Look again, it's a bag of sugar.

>> No.17648797

I also thought it was flour until I saw

>> No.17648802

dear god, i cant imagine anyone with that much precooked food baking anything, you think they just eat it by the spoonful?

>> No.17648807

it's cheaper than avocado toast and starbucks.

>> No.17648815

>Post nose.
You're the one who should be doing that.

>> No.17648824
File: 38 KB, 498x616, images - 2022-04-04T131223.954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more BBW transwomen.
Imagine her brapping in your mouth as you eat her out.

>> No.17648836
File: 935 KB, 2530x759, Autism puzzle pieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17648837

Fat "people" figuratively fall on people's grandparents and cancer patients by taking up ICU spots and other capacities that could otherwise be used for them. It's the same rhetoric that pro-vaxxers use to justify vax mandates.

>> No.17648844

The greatest privilege a person can have is not having to shop at Food Lion.

>> No.17648847

speaking only as an american, most americans, including the obese, will only go to the ER and take up beds when they are essentially forced to. the coof forced a lot of people into the ER, where as people like in OP's pic will go years, perhaps even decades, before going there

>> No.17648852
File: 2.56 MB, 3024x4032, 20220403_211710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this supposed to be??

>> No.17648862

It's a bag of read the thread.
Or read the bag.

>> No.17648879 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger I was honestly wondering because I can't make a fucking idea of what it is from this perspective.
>inb4 I'm not American

>> No.17648899

Storing 6 packs of soda on the side of your shopping cart is a 100% match for fat person.

>> No.17648906

looks like Granulated Sugar

>> No.17648918

>I was honestly wondering
Then read the thread.
Or read the bag.

>> No.17648930 [DELETED] 

You queer niggers need to be decapitated with that kind of attitude. If only Abraham Lincoln wasn't so blind...

>> No.17648940
File: 365 KB, 1183x699, Nippon smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kind of attitude
That people should read a bit before posting? That people should be able to read at all? Call me whatever you want, you're demonstrably the dumbass here.

>> No.17648950

>Yeah sure let me go through 70 posts to have a right to post my opinion
Fuck off you nigger queer, your dad probably has thoughts of shy you came to be such an insufferable faggot

>> No.17648954

Very true, it's a great deal because there's no tax also, it's like getting $110 fo only $50

>> No.17648972

You didn't post an opinion, you posted a question that you could've answered yourself with minimal effort. Then you chimped out and projected your illiteracy and inability to delay gratification.

>> No.17648987

I'm wondering what the bag of raw sugar is actually for. I doubt this person cooks since everything else is premade shit and there are no other raw ingredients. Does she just add spoonfuls of sugar to the instant ramen or what?

>> No.17648998

>he thinks avocado toast and starbucks are health food
You're the fattest fuck on this board

>> No.17649009

>Does she just add spoonfuls of sugar to the instant ramen or what?
With a diet like that I wouldn't put it past her. It's also common for megalardasses to sprinkle sugar over their already-sugary cereal for breakfast here

>> No.17649015

In defense of ramen noodles OP, throw like 6-12 packs in a stock pot along with some frozen mixed vegetables, spinach, chopped onion, minced garlic, celery, etc. and you have a meals for a week that aren't altogether unhealthy and relatively cheap.

>> No.17649021

>processed garbage

>> No.17649025

>aren't altogether unhealthy
Check the sodium on the "flavor" packs and get back to me

>> No.17649041

>you posted a question that you could've answered yourself with minimal effort.
>50 posts plus
>*an insufferable faggot*
Like pottery.

>> No.17649050

prolly koolaid for her unemployed nig bf

>> No.17649055

stupid retard

>> No.17649070
File: 11 KB, 469x375, MSpaint Eddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "bag"
>4th result
>bag of sugar
>5th result is another person who recognized it as sugar
>6th result is another person who recognized it as sugar
And of course this is glossing over the image itself containing the information.

>> No.17649092

To be eaten as is. By the laddle.

>> No.17649106
File: 6 KB, 600x474, 1632346187595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBQ sauce
>can't see meat

>> No.17649123

what kind of pussy nigger sneaks photos of other peoples shopping carts

>> No.17649138

There is a shaker of bacon bits just to the right of it anon

>> No.17649164

>mask on
I bet she bitches about people not wearing a mask for "her safety and health".

>> No.17649187
File: 631 KB, 727x911, 1634064671691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YEAH SURE *cus im that autistic*
>*probably a zoomer*
>*always ctrl-f's when going innathread.jpeg*
>"NooOOooo moom I swear I'm not in the spectrum"
>"STOOOOOOP OMG I don't need no psychological support"
>*still be a nigger*
>*still be in the spectrum*
Yikes... many such cases. Good luck kiddo

>> No.17649199

Not an argument

>> No.17649244

I forgot Sunny Delight even existed lol

>> No.17649256

Bullshit, everytime I've been to the ER there are lardasses there complaining about the most babyish symptoms. Then constantly clog up the doctors offices like their 4L of cola does to their veins.
The people in shape generally refuse to go to the emergency room and deal with the bullshit. I haven't been to the doctor in 6 years. Last time was for bee stings that I had a rough reaction to.

>> No.17649286

I talked shit about walmart for a while but I go there once every 2-3 months to get cheap produce.

>> No.17649290

Granulated sugar. Helps sweeten the 7 up

>> No.17649330


>> No.17649346

you could be right, i was just going off the statistics that most americans avoid the doctor/hospital in general because of the costs related to it, but considering far asses are fine with spending thousands at walmart every month, they might abuse the medical system as well

i know in countries with universal healthcare obviously they would clog up the system, which is one of the only reasonable arguments ive seen against implementing that in the USA

>> No.17649406
File: 201 KB, 931x1163, 1639692363424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with that hair color being synonymous with white trash women. they ALWAYS get that shitty red dye.

>> No.17649510

if you understand how checkouts work you would know that that's not the woman's cart...that's OP's cart.

>> No.17649656

>get married
>have kids
>go to college full time (2 years CC GenEd and 2 years real university)
>get mid-tiers bullshit job in Flyoverland because you have a college degree
>take advantage of government or private tuition repayment for working for them
>use new job and status to find a low class friend with your old EBT benefits and pay them $0.50 on the dollar

>> No.17649659

Fat men are the most unconvincing faggots because the female body is designed to carry extra weight for reproductive purposes.

never going to be a women Mr. Goldstein

>> No.17649716
File: 28 KB, 583x583, angry black kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those price hiked individual serving sizes
>1% milk
>fake bacon bits

>> No.17649728

So go buy them you fucking faggot.

>> No.17649730

> people

>> No.17649732

Yes your 4channel posting with several other tabs open is very healthy. inb4 nerd rage

>> No.17649780

where did i talk about health food in my post
if anything i criticized them for getting 1% milk so im antihealthy

>> No.17649789

Not where I live. Whenever I only buy vegetables and meat, I spend way less compared to my hauls where I get processed, packaged "food".

>> No.17649796
File: 33 KB, 474x574, smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.29 ONLY!

>> No.17649801

it's sugar to add to the soda, which many lardbeasts love to do.

>> No.17649822

I refuse to believe that's a thing. The typical canned drink is already very sweet.

>> No.17649825

Not my problem

>> No.17649827
File: 2.90 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220318_180909362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 30ish lbs of sugar in my house most of the time. More if I'm brewing.

>> No.17649839

>$2.29 only!
What the actual fuck man, I remember when they were $2 when I last lived in the US. That's fucked up, man.

>> No.17649844


>> No.17649873

biden's america

>> No.17649884

>tfw when I remember the kino of sitting on my porch in the Georgia sun drinking límon pepino gatorade and eating Chester's hot fries while being blown by an art hoe, and my heart aches for it again
Fuck I miss mid-2010's America. Did Joe get rid of those Mexican gatorade flavours too?

>> No.17649917

I don’t think you understand the drain on resources that fat people are. Each one of them eats as much as 2 people. The animal and plant life required to sustain a population of fats is literally double. Grocery stores, roads, trucks, refrigerated trailers, factory farms, inhumane conditions for both workers and animals, vast swathes of natures destroyed, energy costs. All of these things are wasted on fats. To put it this way, there are people out there who will spend their entire lives crawling in the dirt, planting seeds for $5 an hour just so some fatty across the country can be 400lbs.

Now, I can’t speak for other specialties, but a large majority of people who come in for heart and/or lung surgery are fat. There of course are those who are just unlucky, and the really old ones, but fatties are commonplace. The cost of, lets say, a valve replacement + an ICU stay can be astronomical. Every single sick person needs, nurses, doctors, highly expensive medical equipment, medicine, etc. We spend so much more time and effort now trying to save people because they are fat. It’s not only harder to save someone who is fat, but there are far more of them, and they’re liable to just die soon after anyways. Not to mention, fatties die sooner, and become ill sooner. They are more of a burden on their family.

Financial implications are not fake, they are not nothing. They have very real consequences.

>> No.17649918

>go grocery shopping with gf
>get fresh ingredients for dinner
>some beers or wine
>maybe something to snack, like one bag of chips
>bag of chips gets eaten for 3/4th and then sits in the pantry for a week until i throw it out
The point of this story is: how the fuck do people eat like this, for real, and how are they not cut off from the obvious benefits they're collecting to finance this hobby?

>> No.17649926
File: 245 KB, 1900x1000, frenhold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t think you understand the drain on resources that fat people are. Each one of them eats as much as 2 people. The animal and plant life required to sustain a population of fats is literally double.
Double rations?

>> No.17649933

You talk as if there isn't a food surplus

>> No.17649935

I hate this retard level cope. All the prepackaged food costs WAY more than some potatoes, onions, eggs, and milk.
You are fat because you are lazy and/or have no self control.

>> No.17649939

If she is from the south (fat as fuck so probably is), I can guarantee that sugar is for sweet tea.

>> No.17649942

>>A pound of hamburger
Uhh, clarify this please, did you eat a pound of hamburger meat? A pound of hamburgers, or one giant 1 pound hamburger?

>> No.17649951
File: 331 KB, 1407x1500, 814Kr466xsL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat people should be completely BANNED from receiving public healthcare.

I'm sick of it.
Degenerate waddling fiends.

>> No.17650027

2 hamburgers about 6-8 pounds each.

>> No.17650095

>jail food SUCKS

What did you expect? Lobster tail and filet mingon? Maybe don't threaten to rape someone if you want to eat good food.

>> No.17650105

these are the people that post on reddit all day and tell you to have sex

>> No.17650194

He's only one person

>> No.17650231

Yeah now you know why they're on welfare

>> No.17650252

You know that's a good point seeing as the woman is already interacting with the debit card reader which implies that her groceries have already been scanned and she's in the process of paying.

>> No.17650256

Why is your sugar filled with insects

>> No.17650278
File: 180 KB, 517x768, Superlative laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technologically illiterate Pepe poster calling other people zoomers

>> No.17650307

Not anymore there isn't.

>> No.17650323

I expected it to at least be edible.

>> No.17650325

I'm a kiwibong and I buy bags of sugar when I want to do any baking, or if I'm making jam or chutney.
She doesn't look like the type to do any of that though, so it's probably to put in her coffee or cereal or some shit.

>> No.17650401

It's vanilla beans. Makes for some good sugar.

>> No.17650614

I think it's vanilla beans, to make vanilla sugar.

>> No.17650630

How is it even possible to eat that much dude?

>> No.17650635

How do you get brown sugar?

>> No.17650683

Process brown sugarcane

>> No.17650716
File: 134 KB, 640x923, fat fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Domino's large pepperoni
1700 calories
>two double quarter pounders
620 x 2 = 1240 calories
>four cups cooked white rice
204 x 4 = 816 calories
>pint of ice cream
"The average pint contains 1000 calories" - some faggot nutritionist's site
>a bag of pistachios
160 calories per ounce, so at least 8 x 160 = 1280 calories, if not double that
>total estimate
5036 calories. With an ass that fat, it's a miracle Bubba didn't make you his bitch.

>> No.17650720

Fuck off fatty worshipper

>> No.17650780

I feel sorry for the men who have to pay for their wives/kids food.
The prices are getting so bad it's costing $100 AUD for my week of basic food + a few 'treats' and I always see some chick dragging around a bunch of kids with trolleys packed over the top while also getting brand name everything, it must cost them upwards of $400.

>> No.17650803

i suddenly feel a lot better about myself

>> No.17650838

Literally isn't.
It's true that foods lacking in micronutrients and heavy in processed carbs are cheaper than many healthy foods. It's a real issue.

But if all you cared about was WEIGHT, then just eat less of the exact fucking thing and you'll be less fat. For less money.

> All the prepackaged food costs WAY more
Per calorie the cheapest foods are flour, bread, sugar, rice, pasta and noodles. With some regional variation, but it's heavy on the grains everywhere.
All cheaper than even potatoes and onions, and significantly cheaper than any dairy. Not that a diet of potatoes and onions is that great, either.

And guess what this junk food consists of? Sugar and grains. With some nice government subsidies if you're a burger.

>> No.17650884

I’d fuck the shit out of her red fat pussy

>> No.17650889
File: 2.92 MB, 540x540, 1643897712558.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17650905


>> No.17650913
File: 119 KB, 599x519, walmart pizza party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're no fun at pizza parties.

>> No.17650917


>> No.17650922

That milk is gonna go bad.

>> No.17650927

35 second mark is the only funny part

>> No.17650930

If it makes you feel better I ended up puking 7 times that night, also as I said jail food is fucking awful. Imagine school lunch but WORSE
Jail wasn't even bad because I was scared, it was bad because it was fucking boring. No tv, no books, I didn't even have a cellmate for over an hour. I was hoping someone would rape me just to alleviate the boredom.

>> No.17650933
File: 183 KB, 471x400, 1644713969285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17650944
File: 38 KB, 563x444, cringe miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's soy and sawdust in there 100%