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17641639 No.17641639 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17641652

I don't understand it. How is it lion meat if it doesn't come from a lion?

Either way, how do you want me to react, OP? I'll give you the reaction you're looking for. Want a 'the world is ending'-tier response or enthusiasm for this?

>> No.17641657

Probably originated from cells harvested from a lion

>> No.17641660

sounds gay as fuck

>> No.17641661

How did they get the seed cells for these?

Because that's what it's seeded from. They don't conjure meat up from thin air.

>> No.17641664

>Lab grown

Fuck that, pass

>> No.17641666

Jacked off a bunch of zoo animals maybe

>> No.17641669

>You VILL eat ze cat

>> No.17641671

ew, imagine the smell

once jerked off to a woman rimming the shit-encrusted asshole of a male horse. Felt like a lowpoint

>> No.17641677

Yes daddy government

>> No.17641680

Wish I wasnt a fucking poorfag zoomer so I could take part in all these growing businesses.

>> No.17641686

>gay lab meat

>> No.17641689

Climate change isn't real op, remember that

>> No.17641693

Did she make the horse cum at least?

>> No.17641701

Not sure anymore. A few years ago I was on fire for four months and now I'm drowning for two months. Never had it this bad before.

>> No.17641705

This is just a way to generate interest. I'd care more about the quality though, like if I could get the equivalent of the best quality beef at a lower price then that's what would make me buy it rather than an epic lion burger that tastes like crap and isn't very nutritious.

>> No.17641708

nah, it was because it didn't get hard while she was sucking it off, so they had to come up something else kek

>> No.17641783

Smart idea. Make fake meat of animals people normally can't eat so there's no comparison. How would anyone know your lion burger tastes wrong? They won't.

>> No.17641791

Preferable to butchery but I doubt you can grow meat in labs fast enough to satisfy global needs

>> No.17641793
File: 185 KB, 900x484, mountain lion meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely retarded.
Lion meat also wouldn't look like that. Based on what I've seen from mountain lion meat, it would be closer to a very lean pork.

But urbanite consumer slaves are eager to part with their money good for them I guess? I'll opt for eating my neighbors and my livestock as well as the occasional hunted/trapped critter

>> No.17641801

You can know if it tastes good, though.

>> No.17641815
File: 141 KB, 350x350, tumblr_4b2a0c262c74b25d7bd4b7fbe8cec1dc_91da48e8_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lion meat also wouldn't look like that.
Are you saying that they are... "lion" to us?

>> No.17641832

I won't eat tiger, lions, or zebra because I don't eat cats or horses.

>> No.17641833

>I'll opt for eating my neighbors
based cannibalchad

>> No.17641835

Seems silly as both lion and zebra are available as farmed meat.
It’s expensive as fuck, due to low production (as it’s not as if there’s demand), but it’s available.

>> No.17641838

What does human meat taste like bros?

>> No.17641851

ask ur mom

>> No.17641852

can i harvest my own dick cell so i can make others choke on my dick meat?

>> No.17641861

Yes. Not sure how you'll make people choke on it, but it's possible.

>> No.17641904

sure just cut off your dick first so they can harvest enough cells from your microscopic dick

>> No.17642077

Sure but then the cope is "well it's supposed to taste that way, it's lion, it's an acquired taste" and act all high and mighty eating this goop.

>> No.17642078

I would rather they focus on stopping the inflation on meats we already have access to.

>> No.17642163

True. It would be handy if rate of supply had some sort of impact on inflation.

>> No.17642232

I'm sure that vat-grown meat will be reasonably priced what with skyrocketing energy prices. Unlike that stupid analog cow.

>> No.17642238

When will i be able to order bio-onaholes cultured from the cells of women i know? Asking for a friend

>> No.17642288

How are you going to get her vagina cells? Women hate pap smears.

>> No.17642326

I wish my ex-wife had hated my pap's smears.

>> No.17642372

It's cool that they can do this and I imagine that the technology will only improve over time to the point where it's pretty much indistinguishable from the actual product. From what I understand long term it will be cheaper and more efficient than pretty much anything else, meanwhile it's certainly better than bugs and soy.

So good thoughts. I'll be happy to enjoy it when I'm in my 70's.

>> No.17642392

Hipster gimmick shit that will be off shelves soon enough.

>> No.17642394

>skyrocketing energy prices
energy is incredibly cheap.

>> No.17642412

That African dictator dude with the Hitler stache used to eat wild lion meat. I wonder if it's any good or just like cat meat

>> No.17642418

predator meat is usually not nice

>> No.17642419

We just need lab-grown tiger cocks, elephant tusks, and rhino horns to save the animals from the Chinese.

>> No.17642422

This is a bit clumsy but I like that you were trying.

>> No.17642433
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1052, SL91 white-bellied pangolin male juvenile_(c) Sangha Pangolin Project 1600wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they suck tiger dick for medicine?
Also we need to save the pangolin from them. Look at this cute fuck.

>> No.17642452

It probably sucks. I wouldn't be surprised if Mugabe (or any other African dictator) would go out of his way to eat lion meat just so he can tell everyone he eats lion meat. I've heard carnivorous mammal meat is really acidic and strong.

>> No.17642453

>Lion meat also wouldn't look like that
it's ground meat, it can look like anything

>> No.17642462


They literally eat everything.

>> No.17642468

its made from muscle cells not cum

>> No.17642493

I dare you to tell that to a Brit. Film it if possible.

>> No.17642506


Can't wait to eat lab grown human meat. I heard it is the easiest for us to digest and probably tastes good. Also, METAL AS FUCK!

>> No.17642511

It's supposed to be most like pork...

>> No.17642513

imagine talking to a brit lol

>> No.17642516


Pigs have a similar anatomy to us, sooo maybe? I also read somewhere that it tasted like lamb

>> No.17642525



>> No.17642622


I'd love it but it's apparently only arriving in restaurants and probably expensive as hell for a long time still

>> No.17642629

I don't think I want to eat carnivore animals.

>> No.17644148

Makes sense, the process of making lab-grown meat is probably the same whether it's imitation beef or imitation lion meat.

Lion meat both has the appeal of being something most people would never get to eat, and because most people have never had it they wouldn't be able to tell whether or not the lab-grown version is a close match.

>> No.17644179

I know how that lab-grown shit works. It makes sense for things like beef if they plan on making it a cheap alternative someday. But what's the point when they're adding in fat from non-lion sources after they grow it anyways? It's never gonna be the fucking same as real lion.

>> No.17644185

Grinding up pork doesn't magically make it red.

>> No.17644203

I mean, its not lion meat, and they use fetal bovine serum from pregnant cows who are slaughtered and their still living fetus has fluids sucked out of its heart.

The biopsy can come from any animal but it's still being fed cow cells. It's gross and all this shit makes me run in the opposite direction.

>> No.17644212

Literal schizo lmao.

>> No.17644218

How do you think they feed the cell biopsy?

>> No.17644238

If idiots want to pay $100 for lion burgers then they should go ahead.

>> No.17644295

Probably the least efficient way possible to make meat.

>> No.17644309

Like pork, but sort of saltier.
Like if you mixed some wild boar with spam.

>> No.17644419


>> No.17644749

Lab grown meat will cause an extinction event as they'll gradually breed the cells to be extremely resilient until the point they become immortal cancer cells, they'll then start grafting onto humans intestinal lining, and eventually spread through skin contact or touching objects, similar to that contagious tasmanian devil cancer.

>> No.17644810


>> No.17644983

>*Sneed cells
>*Sneeded from
Satan trips confirmed for sexually abused zoo lions :(

>> No.17645043

carnivores usually taste way worse than herbivores. I don't know how a "100% cultivated" meat would taste like, but I would probably taste the zebra before.
too bad that it's a zebra """"""""""sushi""""""""""

>> No.17645116
File: 3.31 MB, 2400x2400, 80fcdd67-56a3-41a0-9164-d8094fc6f1c2.431e58bcc7d951f7ed9de0b81feeffe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground pork is red.

>> No.17645165

I'd try lion meat, but not lab-grown meat.

>> No.17645201

Fuck off with this liberal vegan bullshit. Whether by machinations of nature or God, mankind is the dominant species on this planet. It is a mockery of that perfection not to subjugate lesser species. They are to be enslaved and eaten for the betterment of mankind. If you think chickens or cows wouldn't do the same thing to us you're mad. Delusional hippies think a chemical cocktail is better than a natural lump of meat? We need to bring back bullying in schools because it would sort most of this faggot nonsense out.

>> No.17645203

They still haven't figured out shit about how to filter out nutrients from the execramage. Hard pass Keanu

>> No.17645204

Serves you right for living down there.

>> No.17645476


>> No.17645482

Yes, so how did they get the muscle cells.

>> No.17645494
File: 32 KB, 701x438, E766DBF1-EBDA-403A-80D9-20CD944BF118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks bright pink. If we want to talk red, look at this ground venison.

>> No.17645505

>what's the point?
How retarded are you? It's so that people can taste what lion meat tastes like, or as close to it as possible without the effort/money required to actually get lion meat.

>It won't be the same
The people who would do this wouldn't be able to get actual lion meat anyway, so even if it does end up tasting different they wouldn't have any way of knowing.

>> No.17645573

Lol no it don't

>> No.17645583
