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17640133 No.17640133 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17640142

if you bought a 50 pound bag of rice from Bangladesh at your local indian market, yeah I would

>> No.17640145


>> No.17640151

depends on where you live and what type of texture you want from the rice

>> No.17640169

yes every time
it helps ensure that the heat from the rice cooks the egg

>> No.17640212

Depends on how much arsenic you want in your rice.

>> No.17640217 [DELETED] 

only disgusting Asians wash their rice
only disgusting blacks wash their chicken

>> No.17640222

What do disgusting whites do? And native americans?

>> No.17640236 [DELETED] 

white people wash their hands
disgusting native americans wash down their whiskey

>> No.17640245

Moths, larvae, and eggs are more or less harmless to eat, so you don't technically "have to" wash your rice.

>> No.17640247

What about arsenic?

>> No.17640256

if you're worried about your rice to the point where you meticulously wash it
stop buying shitty rice

>> No.17640271 [DELETED] 

90% of rice comes from...

>> No.17640273
File: 463 KB, 677x1024, chicken2-677x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure to wash your chicken too
90% comes from...

>> No.17640279

Thats not soap, right?

>> No.17640285
File: 270 KB, 1300x1064, various-sorts-of-rice-are-sold-at-the-spice-wholesale-market-2AP1K5X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you buy the bulk kind that comes in burlap sacks.

>> No.17640289

Imagine the smell.

>> No.17640292
File: 61 KB, 404x632, YPgZSnDMg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a chicken washing thread

Start running the sink with medium-warm water and while sink fills combine
2 cups of bleach
1/4 cup of dawn dish soap
A heavy shake of salt
A splash of lemon juice
A splash of vinegar
After mixed well add to the sink
Then begin to add ammonia until fragrant
Best chicken wash of all time. My wife's son Jamal and her boyfriend Tyrone can't get enough of it

>> No.17640303

Yeah, it was a tiktok video made for updoots.

>> No.17640305

You think it's funny, but there are actual people out there who do this.

>> No.17640310
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inhale the aroma

>> No.17640313 [DELETED] 
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>actual people
not people, blacks

>> No.17640350

I mean, if you buy chicken sold in a wet market, butchered in a dirty wooden block, sure, wash it. But if it comes in a styrofoam tray and was refrigerated, no need.

>> No.17640356
File: 50 KB, 634x384, 13093306-6992911-image-a-60_1557001251896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17640410

smells ricey

>> No.17640434

if you are in the western world you dont have to wash your rice at all, its a waste of water.

>> No.17640443


>> No.17640479

Hey, I'm not Asian!

>> No.17640511

I only wash white rice. Brown rice I'll give a quick rinse but there's not really any excess starch to get off, it's just for cleanliness.

>> No.17640520

I enjoy the starch

>> No.17640522

you have to wash it to wash away the startch or else your rice will become pudding

>> No.17640524


>> No.17640563

Whitoids kiss their dogs on the lips btw

>> No.17640575

I’m white, I’ve never done that.

>> No.17640710

>water, vinegar, & lime
That sounds fine desu. Heck, give the chicken a bath in that and it's practically a marinade. What bothers me are the videos of people using soap, or actually "soap", i.e. chemical detergents. Does anyone really do that, or is it just a Black Twitter meme?

As for "spreading germs", how can washing chicken be any worse than dumping the raw-chicken-water from a styrofoam tray down the drain? And you do rinse the tray before disposing of it, yes? (I don't want salmonella festering in my trash can for a week and causing toxic stink. The sink doesn't bother me since that is continuously getting hit with hot water and various cleaners.)

I may actually start doing this (with the water/vinegar/lime).

<span class="xae" data-xae="thup">👍[/spoiler] <img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c7375c9d_ChadYes.png"> <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/adf2d2f0_EZY.png">

>> No.17640821

>As for "spreading germs", how can washing chicken be any worse than dumping the raw-chicken-water from a styrofoam tray down the drain?
Yes, for obvious reasons.

>> No.17640833

You don’t have to wash your rice. You can just be a smelly brown long grain mongrel. Don’t expect to participate in civilized society at that point, though.

>> No.17640855

95% of latino videos I've seen on youtube have people washing the rice. Also it's common to do that in the Middle East. I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you're hungry.

>> No.17640859

Washing chicken sprays chicken juice everywhere.

>> No.17640861

does the price vary by arsenic and poo content?

>> No.17640886

of course I fucking do, but it has nothing to do with cleanliness
removing some of the starch makes it less gummy and prevents boilovers

>> No.17640974

You don't HAVE to do anything.
Just keep in mind that the people who packaged it are brown.

>> No.17642781

Don't do this it makes mustard gas.

>> No.17642868

I'm white and I will usually rinse off the 'gunk' because I figure it helps the marinades stick and get a better sear

>> No.17642941

generally yes. if nothing else, that rice at one point was sitting on a tray to dry for who knows how long and in what conditions. if it's not a sealed plastic bag, but a more traditional cloth one, stuff can get into it as well. at the very least you should rinse it off once or twice, more if it's particularly starchy and you want it to not be for reasons.

>> No.17642951

Yes, unless its enriched.

>> No.17642959

Yes, you need to rinse the excess starch off of it or it will turn out super bland and mushy.

>> No.17643227

You dont have to if you live in the first-world. Its not going to be dirty or anything. But if you want your rice to be less sticky, washing it removes excess starch. So you definitely want to watch rice when making pilaf or biryani, but not when making risotto or rice pudding.

>> No.17643231

Like rice? Do you think ingredients cant possibly be fresh or good if they dont come in a plastic container?

>> No.17643240

wtf is wrong with you ?

>> No.17643305

You can just wipe it you know

The water from the tap aerosolizes the germs

>> No.17644618


>> No.17644672

gotta build up tolerance somehow

>> No.17645140

Absolutely every single time.

>> No.17645162

>what type of texture you want from the rice
This is the answer. Any other response proves you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17645173

According to this guy, it's your choice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjvN-bqg0FE

>> No.17645184

I wash my rice because thousands of people die in New Zealand each year from tainted tap water and I'm suicidal.

>> No.17645315

you don't have to shit, try stuff, see if you can tell the difference, decide if it's worth the time.
Some people microwave bacon because it saves time. More power to them, the sick fucks.

>> No.17645328

i wash it to remove the starch that bubbles out of the pot and makes a mess

>> No.17645335

I watched someone on youtube make rice unwashed vs washed and they said the unwashed had a better texture so now I don't wash my rice.

>> No.17645369

For normal rice, yes, cleans the rice, and washes out excess starch and rice husks. For rice grown in America, no, it will wash out all the vitamin A, B12 that was sprayed on during the milling process.

>> No.17645391

I only wash short grain rice. Washing jasmine rice has a habit of fucking up the aroma.

>> No.17645416


>> No.17645417

>American diets are so shit that they literally have to spray vitamins on rice so that they can survive
I don’t want any extra shit on my rice.

>> No.17645856
File: 556 KB, 1223x1155, 772D041F-92FB-4A55-9B5F-5A256B7F8EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dudint wash yo chicken yo ass is WACK foo

>> No.17645862

I cooked my rice in the microwave today, and it was the fluffiest rice I've ever had. Including a rice cooker

>> No.17645949

ok, wiseacres; then what kind of textures do you get if you do/don't wash the rice?

>> No.17646082
File: 85 KB, 870x1000, 1630330357895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you wash it's more fluffy and doesn't stick.
it also helps wash away any random crap that's got into the rice, although how much that matters depends where you are.

>> No.17646129

No. Rice has some arsenic but you'd have to eat a shit ton of it to have to worry about washing it.

>> No.17646720

It looks like washing it with a constant flow of hot water, then cooking it the same way gets the arsenic content down.

>> No.17646731

It's much starchier and stickier if you don't wash it and it clumps together. Ideal for adding gravy or making jambalaya or similar.
It's looser and better for certain rice dishes (think Mediterranean or similar) if you not just wash but also soak it. If you've ever done it both ways, you would know this is true. It's easily, observably true.

>> No.17647384

I don't have to since I have a rice washer

>> No.17647396

yes because starchy rice is gross and will never result in decent fried rice

>> No.17647548


>> No.17647590


You don't have to wash anything. I know because I literally don't wash anything. Literally even dirty ass potatoes are fine after they get boiled.

>> No.17647672

does this apply to the "premium japanese rice (product of california)" that they sell at my local chink market in 50kg burlap bags or only poo rice?

>> No.17648372

No you don't. The tempuratures that the rice cooks at will kill all the bacteria. I do burlap rice, never washed it, never been sick. I think washing rice is basically just a japanese formality thing, like taking off your shoes before you walk around the house.

>> No.17649587

You're using that water for other things after using it to wash rice, right?

>> No.17649603

it's more for the inedible dust and weevils than the bacteria mate

>> No.17649638

i believe u have to soak the rice like u would beans, to remove the arsenic

>> No.17649859

If it's "enriched," do not wash the rice. Enriched rice is coated with vitamins and minerals. You will wash those out.
Otherwise, if it is not enriched, yes, you should wash your rice.

>> No.17651395

I was mostly thinking of dust and stuff that falls on the rice.

>> No.17651419

I’ve never bough enriched rice in my life. Just looking on google, it all seems to be l*ng grain, which you should not be subjecting yourself to anyways.

>> No.17651550

heavy metals add flavor, rice washers are pussies.

>> No.17651602


>> No.17651606

What the fuck?

>> No.17652654

if you don't wash it and just cook it bare it stinks like sweaty pussy

>> No.17652770

Hah who cares?

>> No.17652936

No, I just put it straight in the rice cooker. I can't be bothered to get a sieve dirty.

>> No.17653705


>> No.17655475

You don't use a sieve, look at OP's picture. You just agitate the rice in the cooker pot and then pour the water off.

>> No.17655530

wtf, it worked!

>> No.17657018

gunk is fat and can only help for sears

>> No.17657619

rice is covered with excess starch. the couple of times i've cooked rice without washing it first it ended up with a gross foamy starch scum on top. it doesn't make it any more food safe but it gives it a better texture so why wouldn't you do it

>> No.17657943

Washing it removes starch and changes how it cooks. Most of the time washing will improve the texture, but if you're making like risotto you want the starch to be there.
or if you bought enriched rice then you're just washing all that enrichment down the drain

>> No.17658058

Do people who don't wash it not notice the smell of old bran on the surface?
Perhaps the smell of oil or butter is deceiving?

>> No.17658085

I have cheap shitty enriched rice, I don't wash the enriched stuff because it's so processed washing it would wash the added supplements.

Having said that I wanna buy higher quality rice and be able to wash that. I want some nice short grain glutinous rice.

>> No.17658104

my favorite rice is akamai

>> No.17658624

depends on where its from. You dont HAVE to but the water you get from rinsing it is good for your skin so you should keep it

>> No.17658629

Depends on the rice

>> No.17658665

I never used to but my Asian girlfriend said I need to so now I do

>> No.17658740

It will literally do nothing to you at such low concentration

>> No.17658743

I rinse my chicken because Adam Ragusa said not to

>> No.17658746

yeah. imagine adding a pinch of corn starch to your rice when you cook it. thats essentially what not rinsing it is like.

>> No.17658752

if you are in the western world and wash your rice you are a idiot and waste water on top of it as well

>> No.17658764

people in countries with shit tier food safety standards or poorer countries basically wash rice to get rid of bugs, bug parts and dirt.
In the western world and how rice is produced here these things are not an issue and the rice is clean. Stop washing your rice if you are in europe, us, canada and so on you retards just waste water

>> No.17658765

depending on where she's from it could be a food cleanliness thing. if you live in a developed nation then that's not a factor but you should still do it to wash away extra surface starch

>> No.17658767

how slow is this board that there are still emojis floating around?

>> No.17658772


>> No.17658811

>In the western world and how rice is produced here
It isn't produced here
All the rice I see in stores comes from south east asia or India

>> No.17658817

no it waste to much half goes down the drain when i pull out the plug to drain the water

>> No.17658878

Depends on the way it was processed and texture you want, generally it's a good thing to do to wash out extra starch.
People who think it's for cleanliness are fucking idiots

>> No.17658932

americans are retarded enough to spread salmonella and bacteria all over their kitchen, clothes and face.

>> No.17658985

>wash out the extras starch

rich is literally just starch

>> No.17658988

then call it prepared you retard if that suits you better, fact of the matter is our food standards are so high that we dont get the typical dirt with rice and the reason why third world countries wash it, stop washing the rice you retards you are just wasting water

>> No.17658998

all the more reason

>> No.17659602

The 'starch' is just rice dust from the rice grains jostling around, washing it just gets rid of that dust so you dont have your final rice coated in a 'celephane' like membrane that sticks the rice together.

>> No.17661017

>rice coated in a 'celephane' like membrane that sticks the rice together

This would literally never happen with normal unwashed rice. There's probably something wrong with your pot or rice cooker. Rice doesn't form a fucking cocoon dude wtf

>> No.17661294
