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17636480 No.17636480 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Texans so autistic about putting beans in their chili?

>> No.17636489

Beans are a standard ingredient in Chilli con Carne the world over, nobody cares what gatekeeping mestizos think.

>> No.17636498

It's mostly California transplants being uppity little shits. Actual Texans don't care what you put in your chili. It's your chili, not mine.

>> No.17636507

In my experience nobody down here really gives a shit. We'll joke about it but I'm inclined to think that it's mostly other people trying to get in on the joke and taking things too far like everyone does with everything.

>> No.17636525

Because they ruin the dish<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/b05923f5_monkaW.png">

>> No.17636539

Native Texan I put beans in my chili tastes good don't give a fuck. <img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/099390a2_peepoBlanket.png">

>> No.17636544
File: 29 KB, 161x164, 37F0253A-E0A2-477E-8835-6A60DCC62C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17636550

no it doesn't
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/bc1ff2b8_AYAYAHyper.png">

>> No.17636558

If it has beans it's bean soup not chili <img class="xae" data-xae width="22" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/eda6f332_cockmongler.png">

>> No.17636587

no beans is a meat stew, dumb democrat voter.

>> No.17636612

Chili is a meat stew

>> No.17636614

Yeah, chili is indeed a meat stew
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/9ecd704b_PepoThink.png">

>> No.17636681

i like beans and oyester crackers and cheese and sour cream :drool:

>> No.17636693
File: 1.06 MB, 2640x2640, 355049_true-texas-chili_1x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"chili" """with beans"""
>watery soup like OPs picture
>real chili
>correct thickness

It's not just the beans that are wrong, everyone adding beans also screws up the chili itself.
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/42faedcc_pikachuS.png">

>> No.17636704

anon that's just a cut up steak in a bowl

>> No.17636718

yeah that's what chili is

>> No.17636724

What no ketchup?

>> No.17636728
File: 534 KB, 640x960, steak-bowl-20[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my chili
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/d3c674ba_monkaHmm.png">

>> No.17636741
File: 85 KB, 1200x843, WaluigiSmashNever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the worst thing you can do to food, but adding beans to chili is generally a warning sign you're making subpar chili and leaving your flavor too weak. A proper chili is aggressively flavorful and wouldn't allow you to taste something as weak as bean flavor. Beans are also used to skimp on meat and that's pretty lame to do. And overall they go against the spirit of the chili making endeavor in how they don't take the same amount of time to cook as the rest of the chili so in most cases you're making some separate round of bean cooking without even cooking what is supposedly one of your main ingredients in the chili dish you're shoehorning them into.
I honestly have no idea why anyone would feel compelled to hurt what could have been perfectly fine chili with out of place space wasting beans. Even when I hear from the people allegedly in favor of this practice they don't provide very compelling rationales e.g. it provides fiber. Seriously? Fiber? I have a hard time believing people would sabotage a working dish like that on the basis of fulfilling some speculative daily recommended fiber consumption rate.

>> No.17636748

>on rice
>onions overcooked
>literally no chilis
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/9ecd704b_PepoThink.png">

>> No.17636751
File: 410 KB, 2000x1546, R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what I call a good chili, just like my two dads used to make.
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/5de4addd_KannaNom.png">

>> No.17636757

>again literally no chilis
<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="27" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/08b66b75_FeelsOkayMan.png">

>> No.17636947
File: 189 KB, 720x1080, Pepper-Steak[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this chili?

>> No.17637312

texas chili really doesn't live up to the hype, but those faggots are so proud of it like it is some kind of culinary accomplishment and they all have 'secret' recipes.

>> No.17637375
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your beans, nigger.

>> No.17637544

beans beans the magical fruit <img class="xae" data-xae width="100" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/49bde730_shoopdw2.png"><span class="xae" data-xae="fire">🔥[/spoiler]

>> No.17637563
File: 140 KB, 600x485, capri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some kind of culinary accomplishment
It's bretty good. Not any weirder than chicago fags claiming mastery of the hot dog or new england fags and their clam chowder.