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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17624025 No.17624025 [Reply] [Original]

Could you finish this in one sitting?

>> No.17624026


>> No.17624041

65 hours in my fast, i most definitely could.

>> No.17624048 [DELETED] 

Does "a sitting" have a time limit?

If not then yes. Could probably maw through that in 2 hours because I'm a fat fuck.

>> No.17624050

after fasting i get full wayyy easier

>> No.17624054

fuck yea

>> No.17624062

sure, don't know why I would do that though

>> No.17624063
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Based fat fuck

>> No.17624065

Only if i take a huge dump on it, fucker
HHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEENNNGGG Take that freak, eat my brown poopy sauce. AAAAAAAAAHHHNG warm driping sauce right out of my gaping brown fluud leaking hole. Damn that felt good. Cya

>> No.17624068

Unfortunately not. I don't like their barbeque or ranch so there would be two unopened packets left

>> No.17624072

Thats 2 days worth of food for me
> t.145lb Manlet intermittent fasting master race

>> No.17624078

I don't understand how people eat that "Polynesian" crap it literally just tastes like corn syrup

>> No.17624086

Can I throw up? What counts as a sitting?

that would feed me for 3-4 days

>> No.17624091

I used to get four spicy sandos, fries, and a drink as a way of spending as little time as possible eating throughout the day back in college when I had a chick fil a next to my apartment.

>> No.17624142

That's a fairly small amount of Chic-fil-A for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.17624147


>> No.17624158
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I'd say I could get through 80% of that, maybe all depending. Gonna have to take those awful fucking pickles off those sammys tho.
>FUCK pickles, garbage

>> No.17624162

fuckin twink man up i could eat all of that food you sissified emasculated faggot

>> No.17624169

Two sandwiches is my limit

>> No.17624170

based pickle hater

>> No.17624172

sure as long as I don't have to drink any leftover sauce

>> No.17624179

Based. Sauce faggots need to learn their place.

>> No.17624184

chik fil a tastes perfect without sauce
i hate babies that need to have sauce with all their chicken. ffs dude it tastes good without being drowned in cunny musty, saucefags would eat a sauce soup with little pieces of fried chicken mixed in if they could.

>> No.17624195

>t. sensory overload autismo

>> No.17624200

nah it's a little dry without sauce

>> No.17624209


>> No.17624213

i just had their sandwich yesterday and i didnt find it dry, i dont find the nuggets dry either

>> No.17624214

If I was forced to sit still for 24 hours yeah I think I could manage it in that timeframe.

>> No.17624220

aside from the 3 orders of fries this may or may not be my standard order from cfa

>> No.17624224


>> No.17624228

Everything except the fries. Potatoes is how (((they))) get you.

>> No.17624232

what's your height? Wanna have sex?

>> No.17624233

And now we wait...

>> No.17624250

Is the sharpness or the saturation on this image weird, or am I going blind?

>> No.17624262

youre going blind
stop staring at a screen so much or at least turn the brightness down sometimes

>> No.17624263

I said a little dry. Not bad by any means but not perfect. I'd rather some sauce than not.

>> No.17624265


>> No.17624268

hell no, i was starving and got two chicken sandwiches from chic fil a recently because i don't like their fries or nuggies and felt like i was gonna die afterwards

>> No.17624272

i had two sandwiches recently too and i was fine. god i fucking ate skinnies, just fucking eat sometimes

>> No.17624276

it's not the saturation but adjusted midtones. note the nugget boxes, white sauce cup, etc should be white but they're more of an off-blue

>> No.17624286

Im 5'6 and no im not gay anon

>> No.17624290

but im a girl. oh well then, i gave you a chance but you blew it. guess ill stick to tall dudes

>> No.17624303
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>i had two sandwiches recently too and i was fine. god i fucking ate skinnies, just fucking eat sometimes

>> No.17624314
File: 13 KB, 200x290, 93FA0D35-46B4-4040-B44A-82746AEE39D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>i had two sandwiches recently too and i was fine. god i fucking ate skinnies, just fucking eat sometimes
and im not fat so keep coping

>> No.17624328

I'm 6ft, wanna have sex? I am gay so you're gonna have to peg me.

>> No.17624341

yes. i weigh 170lb.

>> No.17624348

I'll send you $100 if you eat all this in one sitting

Bet you can't despite how disgusting and fat you are

>> No.17624408

that's 4 or 5 days of food for me. maybe 6.
t. 105lbs twink

>> No.17624418

that looks like a light meal to an adult male

>> No.17624431

>t. 105lbs twink
I would be too spooky for life at 105

>> No.17624511

>I'll send you $100
through what medium and how do i prove to you i did it?

>> No.17624523

yes but I would only do it if there was some sort of incentive

>> No.17624527

I do and don't. Fasting helps me get full easier, but if I'm starving I can pack stuff away faster than my stomach can tell the brain it's full.

>> No.17624577
File: 281 KB, 1080x859, 1645075385266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can eat this in one go, you are 30+ bmi

>> No.17624622

Aren’t Dutchies on average like 4 inches taller than Americans?

>> No.17624847

what's that maybe 4000 kcal? I eat like that 2-3 times a month

>> No.17624850

Wouldn't that cost like $40

>> No.17624856

Nope. I'd try, but it would be embarrassing

>> No.17624859

Bitcoin, it's a good investment

>> No.17624862

I bet you could eat up all my cum too and come back for seconds

>> No.17624873

OMAD chad here, I have a massive stomach and yes I can and have eaten this amount in a single sitting hundreds of times. No I'm not fat.

>> No.17624882

The best competitive eaters in the world are not fat. Being obese actually gives your stomach less internal room to expand within your body. I can out-eat any lardo on this board guaranteed.

>> No.17624886
File: 99 KB, 700x700, 1627454471602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gottem lmao

>> No.17624894

you need to be 18 or older to post here

>> No.17624911

But I'm 57

>> No.17624915

That's a fairly small amount of Chick-fil-a for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat it all in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.17624939

I-... you're right

>> No.17624950

A built-fat working would make you look like a little boy at the diner table.

>> No.17624970
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Cope fatty

>> No.17625138

>I can eat out any lardo on this board guaranteed.
Woahh now let's not get sexual here you fucking faggot

>> No.17625166

I fucking love pickles but Chicfila has the worst pickles in the business. And I mean the worst, I have tried every single place out there and I can say for a fact that this is true. They are always limp, shriveled and half dissolved. They mush into the bread warm and soggy you can't even distinguish them except for the rancid vinegar tang. It really is a shock how they never caught on to how bad they are and how customers never complain. Even when I asked for them on the side the cup of pickles I got was the same consistency so it isn't just them getting warm in the sandwich. They really are just horrible and bring the entire place down. I mean imagine if they had popeyes tier pickles. They are the complete opposite, fresh with a wonderful crunch and bursting with multifaceted flavor. I dare to say they make their sandwich half what it is. I hope its just a boomer thing and when the old school chicfila management dies off the new generation will figure it out and change things.

>> No.17625188

pre covid I was a vendor for cfa and they get the pickles in 5 gallon buckets and brine the chicken with the very brine they come in, so it's not going anywhere any time soon. I wouldn't mind them so much on the sandwiches if it didn't seem impossible for them not to overlap them on every single fucking sandwich they ever make, which, for me, elevates it from 'okay disappointing pickle, but that's not why i'm here' to 'god damnit this shit is slowly making its way through the bottom bun like it's acid through a wooden floor'

>> No.17625212

Don't see why they couldn't use the brine from good pickles instead. With millions of employees and even more customers I can't imagine I'm the only one that feels this way. They must get countless complaints every year about them. Boggles the mind how blind they can be so such a glaring weakness. I spotted it the very first time I ever ate there and it has kept me from going back half as often as I would and now I almost never go when I have plenty of other choices for a good chicken sandwich with better pickles. I guess that's just the price of being a mega corp you can't really make meaningful changes because there are just too many cogs in the machine.

>> No.17625248

It depends how deep you are, what you allow yourself to eat. If I do a hard fast, 4 days with only water/tea/vitamins is when my hunger usually begins to fade.

>> No.17625283

A sandwich is like a video game, and sauces are mods. Sauces can improve it, but the base product has to be fun, or else there's no use. Nobody wants to bite into a Skyrim sandwich and find bugs in it.

>> No.17625284

I literally eat this on a daily basis

>> No.17625287

i liked plain skyrim though

>> No.17625288

Depends on the size, idk how big those sauce packets are but if they're mcdonalds sized then yeah, I probably could finish it

>> No.17625299

Yes but ive only eaten that much food once and it was unpleasant.

>> No.17626236

Henry Cejudo is that you

>> No.17626314

No but I would take the challenge just to be able to eat those waffle fries, but even those i'm not sure I would finish

>> No.17626329

I'll have to split it into 2 meals so no

>> No.17626333

This is easily 3 or 4 if you're not a gigalard

>> No.17626447

>tb anon threads get deleted
>regurgitated instagram shit with literal r****t tier subject is considered totally normal and will most likely hit bump limit
I fucking hate what this place has turned into.

>> No.17626629

A couple of hours probably could but only because there is no soda as well
if you had sodas couldn't do it

>> No.17626642
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>> No.17626664

i hope this is some sort of iq satire of the shitty nostalgia posters here and not actually serious

>> No.17626685

that would probably not be good for you at all

>> No.17626702

Probably not

>> No.17626737

Americans are manlets

>> No.17626773

anon if that's the first thing you thought of....I hate to be the one to tell you...

>> No.17626862

>fat fuck
>2 hours
i'm skinny and i could eat that in 20 minutes

>> No.17626884


>> No.17626895

Now this is super cope

>> No.17626974

Depending on the length of the sitting I probably could, I'd at least make a valiant effort.

>> No.17627193

I could eat all this in 15 minutes easily. And still not eat enough for my day

>> No.17627290

>iq satire of the shitty nostalgia posters

>> No.17627356

I bet I could finish it in 30 minutes or so.

>> No.17627368

forgot to put high behind the iq, typical iq moment on my part

>> No.17627381
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>you have 30 min to finish this

>> No.17627517

As long as he avoided the waffle fries and buns I see no reason he couldn't eat that. You need to avoid carbs, fat and protein are A-OK.

>> No.17627531

I'd rather die also imagine the shitty aftermath

>> No.17627533

No I do not.

>> No.17628833

>so fussy my answer to all these could you eat all this questions are no because I would start vomiting trying to eat a tiny bit
if those burgers are really just chicken and pickel I could maybe eat them if the pickles are removed and I don't have to eat the sauces

>> No.17628839

If I've had nothing else all day and I'm at least moderately buzzed, definitely.

>> No.17628844


>> No.17629602

No, because I don't have $94.86 to buy that order

>> No.17629622

if the sitting was 1 whole day and I didn't eat anything the day before

>> No.17629642

I could not

>> No.17629714

I used to do eating challenges; I can finish a 5-pound burrito in 28 minutes. The most pizza I've ever eaten in one sitting was 19 large slices.

I think I can do this.

>> No.17629728

before a workout? prolly not
after a workout? id eat two servings of that shit and still feel hungry in 2-4 hours

>> No.17629886
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I could but I don't want to.

>> No.17631029

yeah because chic fil a is barely filling

>> No.17631039

it would take me 30 minutes to finish the burgers

>> No.17631100

hes literally fat
t. 145 lb twink

>> No.17631107

>3 waffle fries
>3 original chicken sandwiches
>2 6-count nuggets
>1 3-count strips
sure, no problem

>> No.17631749

I love how old these pictures are. Chick fil a sauces haven't looked like that in years.

>> No.17631752

food good

>> No.17631918

this isn't even that much food.

>> No.17631927


>> No.17631948

>Could you finish this in one sitting?
This stuff has a shelf life of 12 minutes tops. I only eat once a day but this isn't going to taste good throughout.

>> No.17632421

Yes, but only because I am bulimic and so I'm used to loading my stomach with huge quantities of food at once, but I would be fighting extremely strong urges to purge after.

t. once ate then purged an entire 3lb bag of almonds in one sitting

>> No.17632434

are u fat

>> No.17632440

no the opposite, borderline underweight

>> No.17632502

ok just wondering, i wanted to know the demographics of you type. i binge eat sometimes but dont purge or anything like that and im skinnyfat

>> No.17632518

I'm 6'1 so if shes pegging anybody its gunna be me, sorry short king.

>> No.17632528

That's not what fasting does to you. Your stomach shrinks after fasting for a while so you wouldn't be able to eat that much without intense pain. Competitive eaters gorge the day before an event to stretch their stomach out. Fasting for 65 hours you'd probably get full on one of those sandwiches and a couple fries.

>> No.17632576

Yes, but I would feel fucking awful afterwards

>> No.17632590

Other than the pickles and slaw, I bet I could do it.

>> No.17632598

what are you a ketolard?

>> No.17632737

I once knocked back 2 double quarter pounders with a milkshake and I felt like dying. Yeah I think i could do it, with some difficulty and time.

>> No.17633587

I'm a ketotard, there's basically nothing on that plate you can't eat. The bottom right is rice maybe? But slaw is perfectly fine and pickles are literally negative calories with zero carbs.

>> No.17633600

>Your stomach shrinks after fasting for a while
It's ghrelin that does that, your stomach can't shrink retard. Also it takes at least a week of fasting to make that happen.

>> No.17633617

>The bottom right is rice maybe?
To me it looks like chili. It even has all the typical fixins.
>grated cheese
>sour cream

>> No.17633644

It looks like chili over rice but you're right it could probably just be an excessive amount of sour cream. Also forgot the buns lmao, can't eat those either. But other than that it's all basically good for keto. It's fucking nothing but piles of meat, I don't know what that anon was going on about.

>> No.17633657

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat it all in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.17633664

If I had to, probably

>> No.17633855

Yes. Just skip the sauces.

>> No.17635415

what flavor were the almonds? i could eat that many as long as they aren't plain

>> No.17635426

<img class="xae" data-xae width="30" height="29" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/51cbf903_PepeLaugh.png">

>> No.17635445

You only think you could. I know from fasting that after just one of those burgers I'd want to die.

>> No.17635451
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>t. once ate then purged an entire 3lb bag of almonds in one sitting

>> No.17635454


>> No.17635466

I could, but I would feel like a balloon that's about to pop.

>> No.17636260

Sure if it's free.

>> No.17636952

I actually think I could if
>it’s 7pm
>haven’t eaten anything else all day
>just ran 8 miles, showered, got into comfy sweats
>smoked a gram of good weed with a bongfull of another gram with my meal
>could put on a movie

I might puke within an hour of finishing, voluntarily or by necessity. But I think I could do it. The fries would be the hard part, and that godawful Polynesian sauce.

>> No.17637072
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this was my lunch today minus one of the fries but adding 2 large arnold palmers

>> No.17637235


>> No.17637300
File: 115 KB, 598x752, moviebob food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends. Do I have to eat the pickles?