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17632054 No.17632054 [Reply] [Original]

Post homemade pidser, discuss homemade pidser, rate homemade pidser.

>> No.17632059
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Pizza margherita with prosciutto cotto


>> No.17632060

>no pineapple?


>> No.17632067
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Type 1 flour, very quick resting time (3 hours) and kneaded by hand. 70% hydration.

>> No.17632097
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Nice but didn't you dry it up too much after adding mozzarella? I only do 3-4 mins after that
Still great results for a type 1 flour, what brand?

>> No.17632123
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Thank you anon, your pizza looks very good also.

I didn't use fresh mozzarella fiordilatte, I used mozzarella for pizza, the "dried" kind, I don't know how it's called in English I just did the 1:1 translation.

The brand is Molino Spadoni, farina tipo 1 "primitiva". Yes, it's Italian.

>> No.17632136
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I made little mini pizzas for me and my friends all day while we drank last summer. This is one of them, I think its pesto for sauce then mozza, chicken, spinach, sundries tomatoes, and black olives.

>> No.17632170

how did you make your dough?

>> No.17632212
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Ahh i used this brand too for a focaccia di Recco (just manitoba), also tried Petra (very good but i think it's overpriced) and the Spadoni mix for pinsa, also good
Is there a 0 flour of that brand? I only found 1, 2 and 00
Some type of Petra flour i don't remember, 200g, i made a 44% hydration biga, 24h at room temp
Then mixed with a standard mix pizza flour i needed to finish, 325g, added water up to overall 80% hydration, rest in fridge for 24h
Take out, make final shape, rested at room temp for 5h or so, lay it on pan and go
Pic related was a week before, without biga

>> No.17632213

Looks good anon, however I hate black olives and prefer green ones. They taste better imho.

>> No.17632224

Sei un fratello?

Molino Pasini is a very good brand but it's difficult to find their product also because they have a professional line that you can order from their website.


>> No.17632259

Sono un pad*no
Most of those are at the local store but didn't know about the online store with pro line flour
>Spampatti flour in the store
That nigga makes some good shit but why mine feels very inferior when i follow his recipe? This he's keeping some secrets for himself
Only started recently and only do pizza in teglia romana
What you do?

>> No.17632279

Thanks so much, had you been there I would have let you make your own. I had a bunch of ingredients out so people could pick and choose while I did the actual cooking part.

>> No.17632315

Basato Padanon, siamo conterranei.

I too followed Ian with his recipes and I had good results so far (I'm at my 3rd pizza ever made), however I still can't achieve an elastic dough like him for some reason but I think it's because of my mixer which is cheap as fuck (I need to buy another one soon).

I started making bread following the ciabatta recipe from chef Stefano Barbato, the madman, and after several tries I perfected his method adding different kind of foldings that I use for pizza dough too (strech & fold and pieghe a portafoglio).

I'm more comfortable with bread at the moment.

>> No.17632321
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The bread.

>> No.17632332
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What's the best blend of flours? I'm trying half manitoba half 1 next.

>> No.17632337
File: 265 KB, 1280x960, photo_2022-03-18_14-17-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty good for someone that just barely started
I'm also using a cheap ass mixer but it seems like it does the job, especially since i only do small quantities, doing a kg of flour like that would be impossible
It kind of seems to me that there are a bit too many memes around pizza and bread making, folds, temps, water content...i think that when you have good flour and good over, as long as you don't do massive fuckups the result will be decent at the very least
Dis was focaccia

>> No.17632339
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rucola grana

>> No.17632346

Type 1 flour is the shit, it has that "burned" after taste that is fantastic.
I'd make 70% type 1 and 30% manitoba, the latter used to make a 12 hours poolish instead of the biga.

>> No.17632348
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>> No.17632365
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I was able to achieve good bread, at least in taste, from the very first time I tried making it (of course I followed a recipe).
The only two things I find to have a huge impact on the final result are: the poolish (better crust and softer interior) and the folds.
The fold are super important, especially the portafoglio one followed by pinch closure gives you an airy inside.

That crust looks good anon.

>> No.17632369
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*laughs in alveolation*

>> No.17632376

The 1 flours I find at the store are too weak to do 70% type 1, I don't have a kneading machine too

>> No.17632384

I never tried poolish, maybe i will do so this week
Any pizzas if yours? Recipe?
I always do folds but never having skipped them i don't really know their impact, i think it's not as relevant in pizza as it is for bread

>> No.17632390

You can do even 80% kneading by hand anon.
Follow this recipe (there are English subs): https://youtu.be/WV1Bld0xvp8

>> No.17632399

Look this recipe and also that guy channel >>17632390

>> No.17632403

I did this 80% by hand >>17632348 A pain in the ass though, I used to have an electric whisker but it burned. Imma buy a kenwood machine soon

>> No.17632416

I already watched it all lmao but i wanted some direct experience from a beginner, to a pro almost anything comes out fine
I did as well and as the other said it's a major pain in the ass, the technique isn't that obvious and it takes a couple times to learn well

>> No.17632437
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Posted this one before, I know it needed a bit more oven but this cornicione was nice

>> No.17632438


>> No.17632445

btw the oven and the iron tray do most of the work for the alveolation.

>> No.17632452

My pizza drastically improved with my ferro blu pan, but a good pizza oven is a bit expensive for a casual pizza maker

>> No.17632472
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This one, same style of pizza more browned

>> No.17632483

effeuno would be great but it's too fucking expensive, I can buy a ooni for half the price and do neapolitan pizzas which are better than teglia

>> No.17632493
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Jacks cooked it at home myself

>> No.17632501

I was thinking about buying one of these trays, so far I always used the standard one that came with the oven covered in EVO oil.

>> No.17632506

Is it worth the hassle? I've done max 78% or so, my flower can handle 80% I'm pretty sure but I don't know if I should try or if it will cook well on an electric oven.

>> No.17632517

That didn't work bad either but i couldn't put it directly on the floor like i can with this
Seasoning it is a bit of a pain in the ass but worked for now

Domanda scorrelata: perché gli amerigrassi sembrano essere digiuni sulla lievitazione? Vedo sempre che postano delle suole ricoperte di formaggio in maniera indegna

>> No.17632524

I don't think there is much difference between 75% and 80%

>> No.17632531

How do I know the maximum amount of water in % my flour can work with?

>> No.17632535

Depends on its force, if not written then by protein content

>> No.17632537

Yeah I would suppose so but I think maybe my oven would struggle as it goes up to 250c only.

Also >>17632506 how the fuck did I just write flower kek

>> No.17632548

Sono troppo mongoli e grossolani sul cibo

>> No.17632549

>by protein content

Ok and how do I translate proteins to hydration % max?

>> No.17632558

You can try yourself and see how far you can go, most strong flours can handle at least 75% easily. If you use folding techniques you can push the hydration very far.

>> No.17632566

Ok thanks

>> No.17632568
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More or less

>> No.17632570

I am no expert and I think there's more factors besides protein % but I would say most flours with over 12% can handle 70% hydro. At least in my experience.

>> No.17632581

Interesting, sauce? I always use the same flour for focaccia and pizza.

>> No.17632585

Depens on the flour's strength, only the company who produces it can tell you for sure and often underestimate it. For 80% hydration you need flours with at least W300+(13-15g of proteins).

>> No.17632591

You should always do your own tests anyway because there's many unpredictable things that concur into making the final result of your dough

>> No.17632608
