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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17623362 No.17623362 [Reply] [Original]

going off to college soon, any meals recommended to learn that's cheap and nutritious?

>> No.17623372

You are starting college in April?

>> No.17623401

as in soon i mean ill be moving to the city late july and would like to learn some quality recipes beforehand

>> No.17623573

Don't ever fix your lips like collagen and then say something where you gonna end up apologin'.

>> No.17623575

Try my shepherd's pie a la poorfag, makes a great pack lunch if you portion it out into slices.

required ingredients:
olive oil
1 large white onion
1lb ground beef
teaspoon of thyme
teaspoon of rosemary
teaspoon of sage
teaspoon of smoked paprika
teaspoon of tomato puree
1/2 cup of corn (the frozen stuff is fine)
1/2 cup of peas (same here)
1 or 2 large carrots
Worcestershire sauce to taste (2-3 spoonfuls will probably do it)
1/2 pint beer of your choice- I find lagers, pilsners, golden ales and mild porters/stouts like Guinness to work best. (If you're underdrinkingageb& or don't have any beer, use 1/2 pint of chicken stock instead.)

1/2 cup heavy cream
about 2lbs of potatoes
2 eggs
2 sticks butter

Chop onion into small pieces, set aside.
Chop carrots into medallions, or smaller if you're a pussy. Set aside.
Set aside carrots with corn, peas, sage, rosemary, thyme, Worcestershire sauce, smoked paprika, tomato puree.
Cook the onion you chopped in a wide pan on medium heat in a little bit of olive oil until they start to go soft.
Add the pound of ground beef- move it around until it starts to look cooked.
After that, add the vegetables and seasonings you put aside earlier, and turn down the heat to low. Wait a minute or so, then pour in the 1/2 pint of beer. Drink the rest while you're cooking. But if you used chicken stock instead, don't drink the rest of that, retard.
That can cook on its own for about an hour. Stir it whenever you feel like it.

While that's cooking:
Wash your potatoes. Peel the skin off them, then cut them into pieces about half the size of your fist.
Get a pot of water boiling. Drop them in once it's boiling. Stab them with a butter knife every couple of minutes. Once they slide off the knife, they're done.
Drain the water off your potatoes. Add the heavy cream, sticks of butter, and the yolks of those two eggs to the pot. (Eat the raw egg whites to preserve your gains.)

>> No.17623589

>Shepherds pie

Why are you setting this kid up for failure right off the bat. What you are referring to is a cottage pie. Imagine if he showed up to a party in the dorms with your recipe and he called it a shepherd's pie. He'd look like a fool.

>> No.17623592
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Cont due to longwinded

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

When the meat filling is done, use it to cover the bottom of a pan. Once that's on, add salt and pepper. Add the mashed potatoes to form a cover layer. Add salt and pepper to that, too.

Cook at 400 for about 20 minutes or until you start to see the potatoes turn brown at the edges of the pan.

Now you have my shepherd's pie a la poorfag. Enjoy.

>> No.17623599

rap isn't music

>> No.17623607

That's why it's a la poorfag. You think college boy over here is going to have mutton money?

>> No.17623632


Rice, beans and bread.

>> No.17623664

>that's why it's a la poorfag
fresh meat, a bunch of vegetables and different spices are not a poorfag meal you dumbass

>> No.17623666

Thanks! i will try this recipe

>> No.17623705

Go ahead, anon. What do you think a poorfag meal is? Give an example.

>> No.17623717

Pulled pork is the ultimate cheap and delicious meal. Can smoke it or do it in the oven. Just do a basic rub with mustard as binder, salt, pepper, smoked paprika. Cook at 225-300 degrees and pull at 200 degrees.

Biscuits and gravy are hella cheap to make. Pound of sausage is $2 at Aldis or $3 at wally world. Then milk/heavy cream, flour, salt pepper. Use the cooked fat to make a roux then add the milk and let it thicken up. Then biscuits in a tin are dirt cheap, just throw them in the oven.

Eggs are cheap, filling, and healthy. Spice it up with leftover veggies and meat from other meals.

>> No.17623718

a meat
a veggie
a carb
unless you plan on blowing your whole budget on a shepherd pie and then trying to make it last long enough to payoff

>> No.17623726

>a meat
appx. $5 worth of ground beef
>a veggie
appx. $5 worth of vegetables
>a carb
appx. $5 worth of potatoes
Wow holy shit would you look at that
How about you stop budgeting for a thirty rack and a few Popov handles every time you hit the grocery store

>> No.17623727

it's whatcha all been waitin for ain't it

>> No.17623735

>thirty rack and a few Popov handles every time you hit the grocery store
H-how did you know..

>> No.17623753
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Another good cheapish meal tho a bit pricier is a low country boil. Polish kielbasa, red potatoes, shrimp, corn on the cob. Cook potatoes > corn > shrimp > kielbasa. Essentially just heating up the last two ingredients. Add some cajun seafood boil seasoning and your set. I've been using "cajun dust" as of late.

>> No.17623756
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 743FC027-0084-4423-85EE-BB4BBB750C97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German food, watch some YouTube cooking videos to get a feel for it it’s cheap and easy. Soups, stews, salads, roasts, and schnitzel. Tools needed are a skillet, a Dutch oven, and a chefs knife. Ingredients are oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper, raw veggies and cheap cuts of meat.

>> No.17623821

i love shnitzel

>> No.17623822

You can eat some high-calorie-density garbage but accompany it with steam-in-bag microwave frozen veg (broccoli, green beans, etc.) which is a great way to add bulk and nutrition to any entree for very cheap with a braindead amount of preparation.

As for shepard's pie, you can actually do quite well by just cooking the beef, GRATING the carrots and onions into the meat (the more the better) and topping with instant-mashed potatoes for a simpler recipe. might not be cheaper but instant potato flakes can't be expensive.

>> No.17623844
File: 40 KB, 450x450, toritilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much a meal as it is an ingredient, but tortillas are the ultimate poor man's bread. I use them for just about everything since I'm a single 20 y/o collegefag and they're cheaper and take longer to go stale than loaves of bread.

>> No.17623856
File: 3 KB, 120x117, music to my ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook them on the oven rack to make tortilla chips
>fill with generic mexican cheese, chicken, and lettuce and pan fry to make nigger-rigged crunchwrap supremes
My man

>> No.17623932

Bean of your choice and rice curry
Use coconut cream
Curry powder and season with salt and whatever else you want
Minimal prep time, nutritious and good calories to cost ratio

>> No.17623998

Find the nearest grocery store with rotisserie chickens

>> No.17624017
File: 55 KB, 610x487, 4B7E3315-09C6-4DBC-AC02-A2DEFE6EAF72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s one of my go-tos you don’t even have to bother with the breading thing just dredge in flour or do it raw. Simple bratwurst, skillet fish or meatballs are good too. Use any as the basis of your meal, then focus on the next three elements:
>jagersauce (brown sauce with mushroom)
>gypsy sauce (paprika spiced bell pepper and onion)
>Holsteiner style (fried egg, capers, anchovies)
>garlic sauce
>wine or beer sauce
>mustard sauce
Starch side:
>potato salad
>French fries
>potato dumplings
>egg noodles
>mashed potatoes
Vegetable side:
>green salad with homemade vinaigrette
>beet salad
>asparagus salad (with fennel, radish, and lemon dressing)
Try these out and keep your go-to ingredients stocked so you can make a healthy and cheap variation quickly.

>> No.17624053

Decent cottage pie recipe, but stop putting corn in everything, americans.

>> No.17624066


>> No.17624077
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Do what I did
>pot of rice on
>couple cheap Steak-Umms steaks
>season with shichimi togarashi
>cook with diced onion and garlic
>once done simmer with teriyaki sauce and wooster
>once rice finishes, pour 2 beaten eggs over meat and turn back on to medium
>stir until egg is slightly cooked
>put in bowl over rice
Wa la, cheap gyuudon

>> No.17624081

Which city?

>> No.17624083

Prepackaged salad/green mixes using balsamic vinegar as dressing. Add walnuts and a cheap protein, perhaps apple slices and/or some other fruit. All components are cheap and quick. No cooking required and you can get the calories, fiber, and nutrients in.

>> No.17624111

For the love of christ anon, just cook
it doesn't matter what it is, all that matters is that you practice cooking what you like to eat
expand your shit if you want, but get up off your lazy ass and just do it

>> No.17624132
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St Catherine's

>> No.17624144

mmm that looks good

>> No.17624161

you forgot
>teaspoon of thyme
>teaspoon of rosemary
>teaspoon of sage
>teaspoon of smoked paprika
>1/2 pint beer of your choice- I find lagers, pilsners, golden ales and mild porters/stouts like Guinness to work best. (If you're underdrinkingageb& or don't have any beer, use 1/2 pint of chicken stock instead.)
>but dont buy beer
>1/2 cup heavy cream
>2 eggs
>2 sticks butter
that's tripling the entire cost of the meal

>> No.17624513

It is despite the aura of poorfaggotry it exudes.

>> No.17624717

a teaspoon of seasoning? How fucking laughable. No wonder darkies thing white people don't spice they food

>> No.17625153


>> No.17625178

it literally is

>> No.17625332

protein bars and chipotle

>> No.17625617

How is it possible that we have 40 of these threads a day and they aren't full of people telling OP to use the archive or any search engine?

>> No.17626786

How broke do you have to be to not have spices, eggs, and beer readily available in your house? It's a poorfag meal, homeboy, not a meal for someone living under a fucking bridge.

Pro tip: buy spices one at a time every trip to the grocery store so you don't have to be a whiny faggot online about how spices are "so expensive." Spices are free.

>> No.17626791

You'll eat our tomatoes and smoke our tobacco but you won't eat our corn, eh Eurofag?

>> No.17626854

Whatever is in the shared fridge.
I'm certain people have made a living in collage thinking like that.

>> No.17626867

Busch lite

>> No.17626913

ya'll bunch of dumbasses, this poor nigger got butterflies in his wallet thus we are talking about ramen fucking noodle type stuff not a goddamn $30 shepherds pie from scratch! there are some privileged people in here for sure.

>> No.17626940

Pasta and spices are cheaper pound for pound than ramen. Poor =/= stupid and poor

>> No.17627002

I make deviled eggs and a mushroom soup on weekends if I want to meal prep
don't have to pipe the eggs, just keep the mixture separate and spoon it out as you eat the egg white halves, top avocado and paprika

for the soup (sautee mushrooms, onions, garlic, herbs, cook in stock and immersion blend) I don't use any cream so it doesn't spoil, I add that before microwaving when I reheat

learn to make a simple creamed spinach with arugula or kale or other greens, that'll help your nutrition too

>> No.17627003

My favorite is chicken parm with pasta on the side. cheap, simple and very tasty. its fried tho so you dont want it too often

>> No.17627197

Deviled eggs are a very based meal. One of my favorites
Sometimes I eat an egg salad sandwich and some deviled eggs on the side, when I feel like gassing the entire room

>> No.17628106
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What’s your recipe, homie?

>> No.17628180

>German food, watch some YouTube cooking videos to get a feel for it it’s cheap and easy. Soups, stews,
Misread stews as jews there for a second

>> No.17628227

>cheap and nutritious
-Egg dishes. Either quiche or scrambled. For scrambled I think corn, potatoes, onions, peppers and diced tomatoes go well
-Tilapia fillets. Super cheap and just cook them with onions spices and lemon juice, maybe add some brown sugar. Works in a pan or baked in the oven
-Goulash. Cook ground beef and diced onions, peppers, etc in a pan and cook up elbow noodles. Mix it all together with pasta sauce and spices. I added corn too as a healthy bulk
-Chicken and rice. Cook however you like, save chicken sauce for the rice. Don't cheap out on the rice though, at least get a nice jasmine and remember to rinse the rice before you cook it. If you are dealing with a lot of marinade/sauce with the chicken, throw long sliced strips of carrot and celery in there

>> No.17628239
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beef and cabbage stew
>sear ground beef, remove
>sweat onions and cabbage in same pot
>add some salt, pepper, garlic, thyme, red pepper flake and rosemary for last 30 seconds
>add 2 cans of decent quality tomatoes
>bring to boil, lower to a simmer
>add beef, oregano, simmer until cabbage is tender
>add vinegar and dill at the end when the heat is off
wa la

>> No.17628258

Welcome to hell.
Italian recipes are usually pretty cheap and straightforward. German food is not as cheap but more protein based.

>> No.17628307
File: 306 KB, 1200x1800, baked-chicken-parmesan-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very simple and my go to

use 2 breasts and butterfly them and put the rest in the frezer

bread chicken with flour (with salt and pepper) then into egg wash and then into bread crumbs that have freshly grated parm

when all the chicken is ready for frying start up with the pasta. i like speghetti but penne is also good.

bring up oil on med heat till you can submerge a bit of the chicken and starts bubblin (i dont use a thermometer or anything i just eyeball it)

turn once and you should know when its done when it turns a brown color, also the peices are thin so you dont need to cook for long. after taking them put on a drip tray and let the oil out. then pour sauce over and grate fresh mozerella and parmesian then put into the oven till cheese is melted.

now your pasta should be done. i dont go all fancy and make my own sauce i just buy this premade one that i like it has ittalian sausage, onions and green peppers.

drain pasta and pour sauce in and mix when cheese is melted on the chicken plate it and serve with the pasta and some garlic bread.
i dont drink wine much but a good grape red wine goes really well with this.

>> No.17628349

i do the essentially the same recipe but with schnitzel, i just leave out the parm and instead of pasta put mash potaoes and gravy as the side and serve with a slice of lemon haha

>> No.17628363

>maybe celery for taste
You can make a ton of shit with just these and they're pretty cheap.
>better than bullion or bullion cubes
Can make nice filling soups.
>large back of rice, large bag of beans
These are like a dollar a pound and a staple
>meat on sale
I just picked up some bone-in chicken thighs for 1 dollar a pound.
high calorie, low cost.
cheap and filling
cheap, filling and high in protein
cheap and tasty with a 1 dollar can of tomato sauce you can spice up

And finally try to get some spices/condiments to make all of this shit work. You'll end up spending more on spices than anything.

>> No.17628385

Said this already but will say it again.
If you're moving out, don't buy yourself a whole spice rack to start out, you'll waste your whole budget. Buy salt, pepper, and some basic bitch hot sauce first, then pick up one or two spices a week until you have everything you think you'll need.

>> No.17628402

Not a euro and I do neither. I avoid US crap as much as possible.

>> No.17628416

>Not American
>Not a Euro
My sincerest condolences.

>> No.17628437

cause spices are free, right?

>> No.17628453

Beans and rice
Buy cheap bulk meat and just get a variety of spice rubs, get frozen vegetables, buy a variety of rices to mix it up
Drop the money for a small rice cooker, its worth it

>> No.17628465

also cabbage and potatoes. Not together I mean, theyre just outrageously cheap for how filling they are.
a million different ways to make potatoes. not as many for cabbage

>> No.17628475

After you have bought one or two three-to-five-dollar spices each week and have a full spice rack, yes, at that point adding spices to a meal is functionally free.
Have you ever budgeted in your life?

>> No.17628490

maybe try reading OP's post before acting high and mighty
>going off to college soon
meaning he doesn't have them

>> No.17628496

Damn, that's crazy. I wonder if anyone posted something like post >>17628385 so as to advise him on how to handle that problem

>> No.17628497

aglio e olio
youre a retarded cracker

>> No.17628514

mmmm delicious shepherd's pie seasoned with
>basic bitch hot sauce
which buying to start out is probably close to $8

>> No.17628522

red kidney beans with sausage and spices all combined in a pressure cooker.
Pressure Cook The Red Kidney Beans (put water 1 inch above them)
Quick release after 15 minutes
Pressur Cock the Sausages for 10
if you have any veggies add them with the sausages
???? eat nigga

>> No.17628529

Mmmm another delicious post by anon who seeks only to elongate retarded online arguments to get (You) dopamine even if he refuses to consciously acknowledge that this is why he does so

>> No.17628538

feeding me (You)s does, in fact, make me stronger
not afraid to admit it

>> No.17628543

OP is welcome to make my delicious shepherd's pie recipe 3 weeks after his move in date.

>> No.17628544

based (You) seeker, you tel him anon, even if I think your cottage pie recipe is expensive
overall OP your best bet is to purchase bulk beans (the lowest price per gram) and bulk rice, if you can afford to then get sausage. in here Canada its about 10$ for a pound or so

>> No.17628550

>requires 3 weeks of budgeting
>cheap poorfag meal
pick one, anon

>> No.17628558

>regular grocery shopping
pick one, fag

>> No.17628560
File: 45 KB, 933x690, 14C06B90-8197-4502-B3BF-5FB04CFF52E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they dont know you can buy cheap spices at the dollar store if youre a poorfag

>> No.17628567

This nigger gets it.
Give me that 3.5 ounces of McCormick brand freeze dried herb for $2

>> No.17628581

if it takes 3 weeks to accumulate the ingredients its not a cheap meal

>> No.17628590

I'm glad you accept my core premise that the recipe is indeed cheap for those outside the extenuating circumstances of being a newly moved out college student, you (You) farming double nigger

>> No.17628591

do you understand what thread you're in?

>> No.17628604

It takes 3 weeks to accumulate enough spices
Once you have accumulated enough spices, it is a cheap meal
Fellate my penis to completion

>> No.17628608

do you realize a person needs 3 weeks of recipes before your shepherds pie?

>> No.17628614

Yes, I figured other anons would help with that, in fact I figured that you yourself might be able to help with that instead of posting retarded gotchas about how my shepherd's pie recipe isn't actually cheap for roughly 84 posts

>> No.17628621

>my shepherd's pie recipe isn't actually cheap
so why did you post it

>> No.17628629

>post it
I already did retard

>> No.17628635

>i already posted it
you didnt have to defend it for rougly 87 posts

>> No.17628651

I'm lurking for other poorfag recipes, responding to your retarded posts is merely a side effect

>> No.17628660

>I'm lurking for other poorfag recipes, responding to your retarded posts is merely a side effect
crisp me

>> No.17628670

Cheese eggs
Omelettes with veggies
Butter and bread
Grilled cheese
Chicken Quesadilla
Fried rice
apple onion salad or berry onion salads
Chicken soup
Potatoes, mashed, country style, fried french, chips, smashed, twice baked
Oatmeal and frozen fruit
Fried bananas
Fruit pie
Shortbread cookies
Rice krispie treats

>> No.17628684

Eggs and toast
Make sure you eat it out of the pan or use paper plates. Never buy the foam ones. They melt easily.

>> No.17628709

Buy plates from Goodwill or the Starvation Army, you can usually get decent sized unbroken sets for like $4

>> No.17628714

i remember once i went to vegas and had nothing to do since i couldn't gamble and wouldnt if i could anyway so i brought my 360 and gta 4 with me to the hotel and while i was playing out of nowhere
started playing and i stood up from the bed and looked out the window and felt so fucking cool
it was a really kino experience
anyways thanks for reading my blog

>> No.17628747
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one of my favorites of the album

>> No.17628755

I can relate. Something i would do too