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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17623105 No.17623105 [Reply] [Original]

>offer to make food for someone
>they accept the offer then make a bunch of annoying requests for it

>> No.17623118

this but with lactose intolerant people
fuck them, if your ass can't each cheese or milk bring your own food you faggot

>> No.17623123
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>> No.17623127

Celiacs deserve the rope. Same as diabetics.

>> No.17623130


>> No.17623142

it's more like
>hey im gonna make a grill cheese want want?
>can you put some tomatoes and ham in mine too??

>> No.17623236

>about to cook something for in laws
>remember that my brother in law has crippling autism so I can't use any fucking spices or half the veg I'd planned on using for his sake
>have to make bland garbage

>> No.17623241

I mean, if there's already tomatoes and ham around- that's a better sandwich.
Your biggest effort is in frying a sammy, whether it has ham inside or not.

>> No.17623248

i didn't ask if you wanted a ham and tomato melt i asked if you wanted a grill cheese
god fucking damnit just forget i asked

>> No.17623254

Just keep some frozen fries and tendies on hand that your can hear up when he's over, then make adult food for everyone else

>> No.17623267

Just peel me off a slice of ham, it's an extra second of effort.
I gotta get my 'teins, Anon.
And do we have any deli mustard left?

>> No.17623275

This is why I dont offer to do anything for anyone.

>> No.17623281

>>about to cook something for in laws
>>remember that my brother in law has crippling autism so I can't use any fucking spices or half the veg I'd planned on using for his sake
>>have to make bland garbage
You need to be creative. Toppings to add flavor and heat. Even Wendy's serves their bland chili with a packet of chili seasoning oil. I serve mine with fried strips of dried anchos in chili oil, cornbread and lots of sharp cheddar, green onions, and smashed crackers. Just figure out the picky people and outsmart them.

>> No.17623295

>>remember that my brother in law has crippling autism so I can't use any fucking spices or half the veg I'd planned on using for his sake
I've seen this shit on reddit, something like autism foid intolerance? You can nip that shit in the bud by not giving into litlle timmy's food demands when he is 6 years old. Shame your in laws allowed your BIL to grow up as a mentally crippled adult.

>> No.17623315
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i was cooking breakfast for a bunch of people at a cottage party and this woman handed me a bunch of eggs from her farm and asked if i could cook them up along with whatever else i was doing because "i was already in there"
i was mildly annoyed at the request but decided to do it anyway since it wasn't too much extra effort, i'm good at cooking eggs and multitasking so i can manage
i very gently cooked about half the eggs over easy/medium and handed them out to people who wanted them and they were all very perfectly cooked and beautiful looking and i was pretty content with myself
the woman who asked me to cook the eggs fucking bitched that i wasn't cooking them on high enough heat and turning the white into disgusting crispy plastic skin
i'm still bent out of shape about it
years later i still get invited every year but have turned it down since

>> No.17623353

Why is that you used to meet maybe one person in your whole life that was gluten intolerant and now in the last 5 years like 30% of people are?

>> No.17623375

>i didn't ask if you wanted a ham and tomato melt
Works for me, I’d never touch the cooking of some autistic faggot who insists on using “melt” to describe a grilled cheese with any form of non-cheese ingredient.

>> No.17623399

no one likes your shitty slmiey grilled cheeses with tomato in them

>> No.17623412

I never understood why people put a hamburger on a piece of toast and call it a patty melt.
Does it really need a bun to be called a hamburger?

>> No.17623421

Most of them are fad dieters claiming to be intolerant either because they don't want people to give them shit or because they were "diagnosed" as having a "sensitivity" to gluten by their local unlicensed massage therapist.
I briefly dated someone from a family of these people, I am not exagerrating.

>> No.17623425

Celiac became a lot more understood. Starting testing more for it. Apparently been around forever people just lived with the symptoms
'intolerance' idk about

>> No.17623429

you would understand why if you were offered a hamburger and then given a patty melt

>> No.17623435

They're literally the exact same thing, except one is on toast and the other is on a bun.

>> No.17623436

I have a friend who was diagnosed as celiac when we were kids, 90% of people who claim to have it fess up to faking once he presses them a bit.

>> No.17623441

i suspect you grew up very poor if the difference isn't egregious to you

>> No.17623448
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i suspect i might have it but i love bread and beer to much to look too far into it

>> No.17623452

Your suspicions are correct.
I ate hamburgers on toast many times growing up, and never once would we call it a patty melt.

>> No.17623482


>hey anon im allergic to x
absolutely fine, usually v easy to work around

>hey anon I don't like x
grow up, also x in this case is always some kind of vegetable

>> No.17623567

You are autistic

>> No.17623593

make your own fucking food

>> No.17623606

It's just a blood test may as well. I was like that but then eating gluten free for a bit got rid of so many problems I had no clue were related to it
Also turned me into a far better cook

>> No.17623648

I do, I'm also able to adjust some meals on the fly. if you cant make at least two things at the same time, you're a little retarded

>> No.17623780

you're an entitled brat if someone offers to make you something and you start adding a bunch of extra work on for them to do

>> No.17623788

>offer to make food for someone
>she threatens to call the police
Maybe I shouldn’t ask people at the gym.

>> No.17623935 [DELETED] 

The irony in your post is astounding, do you have a speech out when someone asks for sugar in their coffee too? I'm starting to doubt you've ever had guests over since you have absolutely no idea how to act as a host

>> No.17623946

The irony in your post is astounding, do you have a sperg out when someone asks for sugar in their coffee too? I'm starting to doubt you've ever had guests over since you have absolutely no idea how to act as a host

>> No.17623950

tomatoes are perfect in a grilled cheese sandwich, you pleb.

>> No.17623976

if you start asking for a bunch of extra ingredients in the food i preparing for you, i would never host you again

>> No.17624033

Diagnosable autism

>> No.17624060

weird comment from someone who doesn't grasp societal norms

>> No.17624088

Being a good host is the social norm, you're trying to convince yourself otherwise since you cannot handle your patterns being changed

>> No.17624156

being a good guest is also a social norm which includes not screeching about whats beeing prepared for you
>wtf im the GUEST here you need to make mee broccoli AND cauliflower or you are a BAD HOST
- literally (you)

>> No.17624164

Nigga just take one slice of ham and slap it over the slice of cheese, it's an extra second of effort

>> No.17624178

i dont even have god damn ham! you know im jewish!

>> No.17624190

Being a good guest does not equate to sitting in silence and accepting whatever is handed to you like an 1850 chimney sweep you absolute retard

>> No.17624283 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17624320

thats exactly what it entails

>> No.17624343
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>sorry, anon, i don't eat red meat
>oh? for health?
>no, i just don't like the texture
>so just chicken and pork chops?
>no, i don't eat pork either
>oh? no bacon?
>yes, i eat bacon

>> No.17624673
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>> No.17624720

If it's a textural thing that makes sense, bacon is very texturally different.
They make super fancy expensive beef bacon for jews and muzzies, I wonder if your pal'd like that.

>> No.17624745

Rightfully so, fuck that bitch.

>> No.17624774

Yeah and so does tomato soup, fuck off tasteless pleb.

>> No.17625258

a good cook can work around diet restrictions, just saying

>> No.17625271

Gluten, and grain in general, was not meant to be such a big part of our diet. Imagine having to admit your allergic to something that's 30-40% of the modern diet.

>> No.17625455

Actually it is. It is rude to start making requests to cooking unless it’s for a genuine reason or dislike of a particular ingredient. We all have a few things we just really don’t like, and I don’t mind if people want to smother my food in hot sauce, ketchup or salt. I do sometimes. But when I’m cooking, don’t backseat drive it or talk smack about it.

>> No.17625924

a good host will have already established out what you like and dislike and can't eat before you arrive and possibly even filled you in on the meal plan
so yeah you're just being an annoying nitpicky bitch if you're trying to micromanage the meal at the last moment

>> No.17625941
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>i'd like the veal parm sandwich pls
>but make sure it's gluten free gluten free

>> No.17626506

I ask about allergies or aversions before I even think about cooking. Sometimes it completely negates what I had in mind, but it's better than spending hours prepping and cooking to find out I'm the only one who'll eat it.

>> No.17626520

Kek. Imagine having non autistic but picky noomer parents that only eat the same 4 dishes. My brother and his 20+ husband senior wife live with them. My brother tries to make all kinds of shit, healthy a lot too because of his wife (she's a little picky too, a touch vegetarian and shit), but my parents only eat enchiladas, tacos, flautas steak and I think that's it. Holy shit what a terrible group of people to live together. Sister in law is going so insane that she text me at 10:30 pm losing her shit and we aren't really close, only talk when I go down to visit twice a year. Crazy ass boomer bitch, got damn. You have a family, unload on them not me, what in the fuck. But nooooo, I have to be civil and let her talk shit to me too, as if I wronged my brother. Damn it. Just move out, you are 60+ and your husband is 40+.

>> No.17626524

On one hand, yeah, know who you're cooking for. On the other (very specific) hand, cooking for professional cooks can be fucking painful. In my experience - outside of the kitchen - chefs tend to offer advice or constructive criticism, but cooks will tell you you're fucking everything up because you're not doing something the inefficient/flavourless/wrong way they learned it. It's always something that could nail blindfolded and high.

>> No.17626531

Lololol this is what my brother does for my dad. My dad will not eat anything he makes so brother picks up banquets and other frozen meals when grocery shopping. What a shit show.