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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17621466 No.17621466 [Reply] [Original]

Spam and eggs for breakfast here. How bout you?

>> No.17621524

Why are your eggs a watery mess?

>> No.17621531

nice fucking eggs m8

>> No.17621534

It looks like you regurgitated the eggs and gave it a dash of paprika

>> No.17621536

nothing wrong with spam but those eggs look disastrous. fucking disgusting man.

>> No.17621547

Eggs are supposed to be runny if cooked right. Sorry I don’t like overcooked rubber.

>> No.17621562

Anon, there's a big difference between runny and the watery shit you posted.
and an even bigger difference between overcooked rubber and the shit you posted.

>> No.17621567

Throw that plate in the trash while you’re at it.

>> No.17621579

lmao shut up you fucking retard

>> No.17621599

Bro why do you have the same plates as me? Are you me?

>> No.17621638

>Are you me?
how do you cook your eggs? with the consistency of post-binge monday morning diarrhea or like a normal person?

>> No.17621664

lemme guess you salted the eggs before you fried them.
All you got there is a seperated watery egg mess.
Awful, just awful and youre to ignorant to realise your mistake. those eggs arent runny, they separated.

t. chef

>> No.17621852

Are you the Gordon Ramsay of Wendy’s? I add milk to my scrambled eggs and cook them in a lot of butter. Most of the wateriness is from the excess butter and milk. I didn’t add salt to them because there’s enough in the spam.

>> No.17621855

runny sure but not pissing liquid on your plate

>> No.17621858

No, you're wrong and we're right. Your eggs look like shit, you can't cook, and you're very likely a faggot.

>> No.17621866

>waaah waaah you make your eggs differently than I make mine, you can’t cook!
Can probably cook better than you, faggot. You’re the ones getting upset over extra creamy eggs that tasted wonderful.

>> No.17621890

thats not creamy, you just poured water over your eggs for some reason

>> No.17621915

This faggot enjoys diarrhea

>> No.17621922

eggs look disgusting

>> No.17621941
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>asks people to rate his eggs
>people rate them
op is once again a giant throttling faggot.

>> No.17621946

this, OP will forever be a faggot.

>> No.17621968
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Looks the same going in and going out.
Perfection, food of the future.

>> No.17622015
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Here's a plate of scrambled egg and bacon I made a while back. Very fluffy and tender, not watery and gay like OP.

>> No.17622023
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>> No.17622047

yours aren't cooked right.

>> No.17622053

That’s a manly breakfast.

>> No.17623933
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Plate bros

>> No.17623971

this happens when you add milk to eggs. the milk solids separate out and you are left with water.

>> No.17623997

Eggs look ok, but you forgot to toast the bread.

>> No.17624004

What is that under the green stuff?

>> No.17624022

How the fuck does someone make such shitty eggs?

>> No.17624031

What does Spam taste like? Breakfast sausage or more like ham?

>> No.17624032

Lookin' tasty, OP. Don't mind the wet-egg haters. It could use a hot crispy English muffin with melted butter and Vegemite to be complete, but maybe you're doing the keto meme.

>> No.17624073

More like ham but a different texture due to being processed. It's really OK though. Jokes about Spam are a dead boomer meme, it's certainly no worse than hot dogs. Tell people you're making Hawaiian Spam Musubi if you feel the need to justify yourself with some cultural cachet--but frankly, microwaved spam & eggs with hot sauce is a perfectly acceptable high-protein two-minute breakfast.

>> No.17624082
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>> No.17624849

Yeah nigga, the fuckin YOLK should be runny maybe. Not the entire egg.

>> No.17624880

Hi Jack

>> No.17625300

Today I ate french toast made with whole wheat bread topped with butter and maple syrup along with a glass of apple juice and a cup of tea for breakfast.

>> No.17625311

>the heat of the plate cooks the egg

>> No.17625462

Don't encourage OP, he'll never get better if you praise his failure.

>> No.17625675

No im a chef who works in his own restaurant with 2 partners....

>Most of the wateriness is from the excess butter and milk.

Milk...pfhahahahahhaaha and also, butter and milk dont do that to an egg, if that puddle around the destroyed eggs is butter thats even worse you imbecile.

>> No.17625680

>You’re the ones getting upset over extra creamy eggs that tasted wonderful.
Imagine being such a soft little pussy that you ask for ratings for your food, you get actual ratings and get pissed not everyone is massaging your balls verbally.

Grow up you fkin child. You fucked those eggs up bad, great if you liked them and you enjoyed them. But every chef will bring you this plate back and tell you to redo it and eat it yourself.

>> No.17625682

Untoasted bread is fine if you spread some jam or butter on it.

>> No.17625693

>I add milk to my scrambled eggs
It should be illegal for you to be inside of a kitchen you fucking retard

>> No.17625723

>the cold of the plate uncooks the eggs

>> No.17625730

How do you do eggs then mr michelin star

>> No.17625767

Yes, Gordon Ramsay does say scrambled eggs aren't meant to be runny.

>> No.17625816

Holy shit I genuinely cannot believe that I share the same air as people like you. Half of your egg mixture is overcooked and the other half is undercooked. This is miles away from being 'runny' in the correct way

>> No.17625817

The problem with retards like you is that you are literally too retarded to have any idea how retarded you really are.

>> No.17625828

Like all the other faggots here, those eggs are fucked bro, what were you thinking at the time?

>> No.17625843

what the fuck did you do to the eggs? and what did they do to you?

>> No.17625886

I hate boomer so fucking much it’s unreal. Uninstall 4channel gramps

>> No.17625891

Today is opposite day. For breakfast I'm having stewed potatoes, carrots, and onions, then later I'm having sausages and eggs.

>> No.17626031

So if that is today, and have been refraining from relations with niece... Shhould I?

>> No.17626164

Nigger I like runny scrambled, but this is just leaking egg water man...

>> No.17626197

nigga it looks like shit
how can you make spam look presentable but fuck up scrambled fucking eggs?!

>> No.17626366

I never asked anybody to rate anything. I asked what you had for breakfast. Develop reading comprehension.

>> No.17626372

ITT: People absolutely buttblasted about how I enjoy my eggs. I don’t cook them like that for other people. I know how to cook eggs for faggots who like them to taste bad too.
>inb4 more seething

>> No.17626403

The liquid is supposed to stay in the eggs. The eggs should not do an impersonation of an incontinent granny.

>> No.17626417
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>posts his dirty eggs on the internet for people to see
retard faggot

>> No.17626513
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>> No.17627414

Green stuff is rabbit food.

>> No.17627502

t. baby

>> No.17627566

You don't know how to cook if you think that shit is acceptable.

>> No.17627874

There is literally a puddle of water under them you nasty fuck. learn to cook.

>> No.17627883

I don't eat breakfast

>> No.17628343

those eggs are hella watery

>> No.17629160

Your pan was too hot when you added the eggs, causing the proteins to tighten up and squeeze out a bunch of water. Try cooking them at a lower heat next time and stir them frequently

>> No.17630127

Ive been here probably before you were born you shitty little zoomer : ^)

>> No.17630140

salting your eggs beforehand doesn't make them watery you spastic. Assuming you're not salting them 2 hours in advance or some shit

>> No.17630178

No their not you filthy fucking pleb.

>> No.17630257

Holy fucking kek next time just beat the eggs and drink them straight. What a faggot. Stay butthurt.

>> No.17630324
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Fucking aces.

I find that SPAM alone is a bit salty and boring but paired with eggs it's a delicious team, and then you don't need to salt the eggs at all.

For a bonus add some vile weed such as kale for an extra bland, fibrous alternative texture. All together they're so much stronger than just the sum of the parts.

>> No.17630332

If I got served this at a restaurant, I would vomit and demand my money back

>> No.17630451
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>hey guys rate my eggs
>they're not looking that good, gonna be honest


>> No.17630710

Nah his eggs are perfect and you guys are fags. The only reason its watery at the bottom is because he added milk, who gives a shit

>> No.17630724

and your eggs here >>17622015 look like absolute shit. Did you microwave them?

>> No.17631872

The best thing since sliced Spam.

>> No.17631896

I never said I didn't ask for it, faggot. I'm just calling you all faggots for thinking they're poorly done. You guys have shit taste, but that's a given. I don't care if you rate my eggs, but you're still a faggot for thinking they're atrocious. Just don't put words in my mouth saying that I asked you to rate them, because I didn't.

Never called anybody toxic. This board is a cesspool of faggotry. Also, for the last time I didn't ask anybody to rate my eggs. You guys took it upon yourselves to do so and get butthurt when I call you out for your shitty opinions.

>> No.17632085
File: 981 KB, 342x239, 1648708362120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb bitch who just posts a picture of their food and expect /ck/ not to judge? Stay butthurt that you're rightfully getting called out for cooking watery-ass eggs and defending it like the rest of the fucking world is wrong

>> No.17632105

>cooking watery-ass eggs

op needs some cooking lessons for sure, it looks like he just vomited onto the plate.

>> No.17632363

As I said before, I know how to cook eggs the way you'd like them. I made them the way I like them. I don't care if you judge me for them, but you won't convince me that cooking things the way I like them is wrong in any way. I bet you faggots couldn't even poach an egg if you wanted to.

>> No.17632367

Good thing I don't serve them like this to others unless they try them first and agree that it's the superior way.

>> No.17632383

Those look horrible. Overcooked, dry and rubbery
This is what I’m trying to tell people. I add milk intentionally to MY eggs because I like them that way. Faggots are crying about my personal choices in this thread.

>> No.17632645

The milk's water doesn't separate if you do it right. Egg is an emulsifier, milk an emulsification, they can blend together just fine.

>> No.17632669

>I'm just calling you all faggots for thinking they're poorly done.
They are poorly done.
You are objectively a shitty cook.