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17612846 No.17612846 [Reply] [Original]

I recently found out I have extremely high cholesterol and need to cut out all red meat, eggs, and all carbs that aren't whole grain. I am almost 2 weeks in and want to put a bullet in my head.

I am hopelessly addicted to meat and bread and don't know what to do. I absolutely despise most cholesterol-friendly proteins like lentils and beans and I don't have the time/money to buy fresh fish every day. what the fuck can I eat that will still satisfy me? plz help.

>> No.17612861

>I recently found out I have extremely high cholesterol and need to cut out all red meat, eggs, and all carbs that aren't whole grain.
lmao okay

>> No.17612877

olive oil instead of butter
1% or fat free milk instead of whole milk

and just in general eat a better diet. its not like you can never eat red meat again, its just all about quantity.

>> No.17612879


>> No.17612881

also whole wheat bread tastes better than white flour trash

>> No.17612998

like I said, I can't eat fish every day.

>> No.17613026

not my call, doctor's orders

>> No.17613110

>believing a whitecoat

>> No.17613332

If you also had high trigkycerides what your doctor told you will just make it worse even if your cholesterol does come down a bit. Then when it doesnt work youll be told you need drugs. Alternatively just cut out the refined grains and sugar. Your choice

>> No.17613348

>Trusting arrogant bullshitters instead of people who have studied the topic for years and have worked even for decades and people who have made hundreds of studies with empirical measurements from all over the world
You are fucking arrogant ignorant fuckfaces. Walking Dunning-Krugers

>> No.17613416

Try tofu i guess. Split pea soup is great with some mustard and onions and dark rye bread. And its cheap to make too.

>> No.17613418

just lose some weight and cut out some sugar and your cholesterol will go down fatty

>> No.17613422

Another two weeks and you'll be fine, you're just addicted to 'comfort food'

>> No.17613427

Whole oatmeal can reduce cholesterol too. The beta glucan in that shit prevents cholesterol from absorbing in the gut

>> No.17613643

Statistically doctors kill just as many people as they save, look it up. During hospital strikes the amount of mortalities goes down.

Dietary cholesterol is a meme, only idiots think it matters.

>> No.17613658
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>when nobody's having surgeries at particular hospitals during strikes, people don't die in surgery
No. Fucking. Way.

>> No.17613661

Are you overweight? Sometimes just losing weight will bring it down to a normal level.

>> No.17614776

>eggs give you high cholesterol meme
let me guess your ‘doctor’ is a boomer

>> No.17614806

Eggs are good for you, I eat 2 to 4 a day and have normal cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

>> No.17614825

High blood cholesterol means you are dealing with high amounts of inflammation causing damage to your arteries leading to an overproduction of said cholesterol to fix it. Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood level cholesterol. Adopt an inflammation reducing diet. Low carb, OMAD, apple cider vinegar, curcuminoid. I would also suggest taking enzymes like serrapeptase, nattokinase, and bromelain.

>> No.17614844

Also if youre a fatty look into intermittent fasting

>> No.17614848

Ditch the carbs. Do not eat any seed oils. Be moderate with beef. Don't worry about eggs at all. And here's the biggest secret: eat two tins of sardines packed in EVOO every day. In 6 months you'll be good.

>> No.17614908

You're an adult, if you're so unhealthy that the only way to correct it is to go on an ultra strict diet that makes you want to kill yourself, you might as well just continue as you always have and die that way instead since you're so incapable of self control that you've found yourself in an all of nothing situation like this. If you want to be healthy, listen to your doctor. If you don't want to do that, kill yourself, I don't care which method you go with.

Either way, fuck off.

>> No.17614921

>eat two tins of sardines packed in EVOO every day
quite based but I counter with one tin of deenz and one tin of oysters

>> No.17614942

Fermented foods like kimchi and saeurkraut have been shown to lower cholesterol. They're pretty fun to make as well.

>> No.17614948

what did your diet look like before this? if i'm going to offer any meaningful suggestions i'd like to know what your tastes are like, what your comfort zone is, how much time you're willing to put into prep etc

>> No.17614965

I was just like you OP last year. I stopped eating red meat but still ate eggs and carbs plus lots fish, vegetables, and tofu. In six months, my cholesterol level was back to normal. For fish, I bought fresh, frozen, and fish cakes/sausages. I also ate poultry from time to time.

>> No.17614971

just do alternate day fast

>> No.17615034

What the low/no-carb is gonna do is lower his triglycerides. The sardines, or any other wild-caught oily fish is going to give him a more favorable Omega3 to 6 ratio, which should give him lower LDL and higher HDL, since the fats are mutually exclusive. Only animals that do not eat grains, notably non-farmed oily fish have a beneficial omega-3 content. I was OP years ago, and my doctor wanted to throw statins at me. I did not comply with any of the dietary advice. I cut carbs and seed oils and my triglycerides and overall cholesterol went way down. Then I started eating more sardines and my LDL and HDL flipped after several months. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about with dietary recommendations.

>> No.17615040 [DELETED] 

No, they kill more than they save, they just write the death certificates

>> No.17615083

>Some dogs alertly look at the thing a person is pointing at, other dogs just sniff the pointing finger. The publicists who disregard the complete nutritional and ecological situation, to focus on cholesterol and fat in the diet, are like the finger sniffers.
Read this if you want to live.

>> No.17615238


>> No.17615245

you’re talking to a wall

>> No.17615452

dietary cholesterol (HDL) does not raise blood cholesterol (LDL)
act accordingly

>> No.17615460


>> No.17615461


>> No.17615480

ask your doctor how often they recommend statins, if they say anything other than cery seldom run for the hills

>> No.17615501

Get the fuck back to r3ddit you chomo

>> No.17615504

>trusting death cult kikes above everyone else

>> No.17615547
File: 123 KB, 750x317, 62D91C59-AB5D-41FE-9EAA-4B20F139B3E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All true. After reading my horoscope this morning it said “Helping someone whose face you don’t know, will bestow great fortune on the both of ye cunts”. So I got off my sacred-datura root infused mattress, plucked the hot shiatsu stones off my ass and headed straight to my local shaman for a vodoo-style fortune telling (those are the most accurate). I should her this thread (after cleansing the aether waves from my phone obviously, duh) and she confirmed with the ghost of christmas past that everything these spiritually-versed gentlemen said is definitely true and will improve your health within three months. Don’t thank me, thank the stars.

>> No.17615551

you will never be bill maher

>> No.17615559

yes i'm sure you're an excellent decision maker, fatty

>> No.17616013

There is no correlation between high cholesterol and early death.

>> No.17616035

>I am hopelessly addicted to meat and bread and don't know what to do
>what the fuck can I eat that will still satisfy me?
moderation? you can very easily subsist on a filet with some lentil flour-based noodles, and fucking afford it, asshole. do that for half a year and you'll have a heart pumping like a marathon runner's.
if you don't want to learn how to do a lot with a little then you will receive the same manner of advice.

>> No.17616092

>I am hopelessly addicted to meat and bread
How can you even be addicted to meat or bread? Just try eating both without a gallon of ranch or other sauces on top you stupid fatso.

>> No.17616103

cu/ck/s BTFO

>> No.17616527

Not op but I can easily down a 16oz ribeye and a bunch of bread. Even without butter, the juices from the steak are perfect for the bread.

>> No.17616598

Only use olive oil for all cooking purposes and use sparingly.
Limit your carbs to rice noodles, rice, potatoes (sweet or normal). Carbs can be your friend as they bring satiety but eat SPARINGLY. Count your calories.
Eat more veggies.
Get some ω3 supplement and try to eat more fish.
I repeat, count your calories, I bet you're also overweight. Losing weight does lower your cholesterol levels. If you also had high triglycerides also cut down on alcohol.
You can still eat lean meat cuts and occasional eggs but do not overdo it (no more than 10 eggs/week).

>> No.17616804

Would you call yourself addicted though?

>> No.17617219

Red meat has fuck all to do with cholesterol, saturated fat is hyper-cholesteric. Eating chicken thighs or pork chops is worse than lean beef.

>> No.17617243

>Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood level cholesterol.
No effect on fasting blood level cholesterol. It does have an effect on postprandial cholesterol.

If you start out with high cholesterol, throwing more postprandial cholesterol on top is likely to be even worse for your health. So until you stop being an obese sack of shit, limiting your cholesterol intake is likely a good idea.

>> No.17617253

Yo I've got great cholesterol and I'm one of those bro science types that believes actually doing the opposite of what you are supposed to is the correct thing to do. What do I do?

>take a lot of random supplements
The main one doing some good is omega 3 and vitamin d. I take a lot of omega 3, like over a gram each DPA and EHA in total.

>eat almost no sugar/sugary snacks/refined carbohydrates.
I do eat a moderate amount of fruit, but all of my carbohydrates come from stuff like skin on potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, vegetables, beans etc. I eat very little bread and stick to wholemeal seeded bread when I do eat it. I eat very little white rice. I don't eat cakes or biscuits, sweets etc, sometimes a little chocolate, but once or twice a month.

>I eat very little meat and none of it is processed
When I do (twice a month) it is grass fed beef or lamb. The rest of the time I am vegetarian or I eat a small amount of fish. I eat eggs and dairy.

>I don't eat refined seed oils
I eat a small amount of nut oils and the rest is basically butter.

>I eat a diet heavy in fibre and vegetables
I like to make soup with dinner, I like to make pickles, I like to have a salad with dinner, basically I have grown bored of the one pot sloppa vegetarian food and generally seek out a variety of texture, taste and cooking methods at a meal time.

>> No.17617288

Eh, maybe. I have problems with food, but at least I’m not fat.
I do usually have some form of bread and meat on most days.

>> No.17617289

Laughing my ass off at the idea of a 400lb man asking for health advice on 4chan and dying of a heart attack because he followed the advice of a guy who thinks his mailbox is talking to him and that vegetables cause cancer.

>> No.17617312

you sound like you got it together, king. keep it up

>> No.17617324

You can eat as much chicken as you want anon, go with whole grain on your grains and shit should still be fine. Just don't do stupid shit like eat out every day and actually make food for yourself.

>> No.17617326

>what the fuck can I eat
blu beanz

>> No.17617329

Shoo, grain merchant.

>> No.17617357

OMAD/intermittent fasting will bring down those levels naturally.

>> No.17617369

GPs don't know shit. You have to get extremely ill before the medical industry gives you access to someone with any real expertise.

>> No.17617421

No, all you have to do is ask.

>> No.17617423

yeah noice

>> No.17617474

instead we live in a world where people consult the eminent epidemiologists on facefuck for advice on a global pandemic and listen to dietary advice from a chinese pedo cartoon site

>> No.17617548

Maybe if you have ten thousand dollars to spare for a voluntary consultation. I'm talking about normal people.

>> No.17618471

squats and oats. eventually you can go back to eating meat and bread if you continue the routine

>> No.17618543

I like meat, cheese, and carbs (bread, rice, anything really). I love garbage that is terrible for me. Yes I am aware I am a fat faggot who is slowly killing myself, but what can I say– i guess i'm addicted.

I also like roasted vegetables (root veggies) but absolutely despise raw leafy greens. Like salads with lettuce or arugula as a base are repulsive to me unless there's a million other things in there and/or a ton of dressing.

I'm not retarded like I get I have to make some changes and I'm willing to compromise. I like smoothies and fruits enough to eat those in good amounts, it's really just the figuring interesting meals out on a consistent basis that's killing me. Like there's just no way I'm going to eat chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli every single night for dinner without wanting to die.

>> No.17618553

how do you not get sick of fish? I thought I loved it but after 3 delicious dinners in a row I woke up one day and couldn't stomach the thought of eating anymore fish.

>> No.17618565

ya I've been eating oatmeal pretty frequently. it's one of the only "healthy" things I've forced myself to start eating that I'm enjoying since it at least simulates the feeling I get from gorging on carbs

>> No.17618602

need some recipes from you buddy. the thought of eating fucking veggie chili and shit like my gf and all her plant-based friends do is enough to make me slit my wrists.

>> No.17618632

based squotes poster

>> No.17619109
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I already like fish even before I was forced to eat more fish and eat less red meat. I just didn't eat as much fish before because whole fish is a pain to prepare and I didn't know a lot of recipes for fish. I try to keep things fresh by making different kinds of dishes like fish tofu burgers, grilled fish, baked fish, pressure cooked fish (so the bones can be soft and edible), pasta + sardines, etc. I forgot to mention I also eat other seafood (squid, shrimp, octopus, etc.) from time to time.

>> No.17619266

you got any good recipes nigga?

>> No.17619336

yeah but how much do you bench?

>> No.17619393

not healthy

>> No.17619526
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Grilled mackerel
Cut one mackerel into 6 pcs. like pic. Marinate overnight with 1 tbsp. soy sauce, mirin, and lemon juice plus 1/2 tbsp. sugar. Grill for 5-6 minutes.

Pasta and sardines
Saute 1 tbsp. minced garlic and a can of sardines using the oil from the sardines or olive oil. Mix with cooked pasta and season with salt then garnish with chopped parsley.

>> No.17619671

>she thinks big pharma cares about her health
don't you know that all you are is niggercattle? they want you on meds for the rest of your life to """fight""" your """cholesterol""" and keep you unhealthy forever, taking a dozen different meds several times a day until you die

>> No.17619697
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Is a life of depravation surrounded by the most plenty the world has ever known really worth living, friend?

>> No.17619704

>recently found out I have extremely high cholesterol and need to cut out all red meat, eggs, and all carbs that aren't whole grain
sounds fake. I recommend eating fruit, lots of eggs and plenty of protein from poultry and meats including red meat

>> No.17619709

and you're gay

>> No.17619710

based """doctor""" disrespector.

>> No.17619722

Just get your fiber up to 35g a day and exercise (take a walk if you aren't fit)
Everything else just helps a little.

>> No.17620287
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>Grilled mackerel
Good choice, but you already fucked up. You want to cut it in half, and keep the skin. About 20 mins before cooking, pat the fish dry, and salt heavily on both sides. Just before cooking, remove the (visible) salt. Cook skin side down first on medium-high. Drizzle a little lemon juice over it if you want.

>> No.17620324
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There is more than one way to grill mackerel. What you just described is the western way, mine is the asian way.

>> No.17620415

>There is more than one way to grill mackerel
True, but that’s how it’s traditionally done in Korea.

>> No.17620507

I'm unfamiliar with Korean cuisine so my assumption was totally wrong. Now that I think about it, it's very similar to shiosaba yaki.