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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17608479 No.17608479 [Reply] [Original]

Why nobody fry or deep fry in lard or suet like we used to do anymore?

>> No.17608502

Lard is roughly five times the cost of cooking oil.
Is a 5X markup okay with you? If you were buying a car, and your budget is $50K, but the car you like is $250K. Does this bother you in the slightest?
Also you are a big ol' faggot

>> No.17608504

>being poor

>> No.17608509

i still fry stuff in duck fat every now and then

>> No.17608722

According to /pol/, it's because the Jews want you unhealthy from eating seed oils. >>17608502
It's literally a different product you absolute idiot. Seed oils are cheap to produce and that's why they're shilled so hard.

>> No.17608978

You can easily see from the context of the post that he meant an increase in the base cost of production, even if "markup" might not have been the best choice of word.

>> No.17609020

not where i live

>> No.17609023 [DELETED] 

Named the Jew. Impressed. More people need to call them out. So, its cheap seed oils flooded onto the goy population to cause widespread, long term chronic illness which is financially great for their pharmaceutical and health care holdings? It makes sense doesn't it. Especially since they don't like pork, its a natural thing for them to try to suppress it. Thanks for the redpill, I now support team manteca de cerdo.
Found the (((economist))) who finds nuances in semantics and language in order to twist the meaning, often after the fact. Techniques like this can bring down any nation, history is repeating.

>> No.17609034

Speak for yourself, I fry stuff in fat all the time. Yesterday for lunch I had pork chops fried in bacon grease. I feel like this is really a fast food thread to which the answer is "you wouldn't pay that much."

>> No.17609051
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>pork chops fried in bacon grease

>> No.17609061

Not where i live

>> No.17609160

If you’re not retarded you can get fat for free

>> No.17609172
File: 772 KB, 640x960, yes really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17609359

post a picture of yourself, underaged poster
we'll wait

>> No.17609365

If you have money to burn - by all means.

Lard and tallow in my mind are better used for pie crusts and doughs where they can make it crispy and crunchy.

>> No.17609388

Wagies can't stop taking L's, LMAO

>> No.17609392

Jews and boomers didn't like lard. It wasn't kosher and boomers thought it caused heart attacks

>> No.17609413

Jew here. I love lard - it's just more expensive than using butter and I'm cheap.

>> No.17609604
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You were saying?

>> No.17609611

? Lard is cheap as fuck

>> No.17609616
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>> No.17609629

Well Lard isn't exactly the best solution either. You should generally eat less fried food, but if you need to cook, cooking with fat is healthier. I personally use olive oil and just avoid deep fried stuff. You can air fry most things and they turn out ok.

>> No.17609641

>Eat less fried food
>Cooking with fat is better
>Air fry everything

I have no idea what point you're attempting to make

>> No.17609651

Because it isnt 1952 anymore?

>> No.17609652

The best part of this comic is that the artist who drew it is easily the most chinless ashkenazi you could find.

>> No.17609673

You're retarded. Kill yourself with haste.

>> No.17609682
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Because billionaires say to drink canola oil so we do to resist capitalism

>> No.17609776

the fat fuck couldn't even bear to wait 5 seconds more just to mix it up

>> No.17609779

Jew detected.

>> No.17609807

Just let him be. He will die son anyway.

>> No.17609815

I wanted to love it, but lard fucking stinks, man.
Bacon fat all the way, or clarified butter

>> No.17609905

>b-bu-but m-muh saturated animal fats are, le bad!!!

>> No.17610005

Bacon and chicken fats are easy. how do I get enough tallow? Large cuts are expensive and don't have enough fat on them

>> No.17610015

It's okay anon there's plenty of people who cannot read beyond a 5th grade level

>> No.17610023

Such a shame

>> No.17610039

Beef knuckle bones.

I roast them then pressure cook them - if you do not have a giant 14 liter pressure cooker like I do - use a stockpot and simmer them overnight.

Strain it into a metal bowl or container of your choice.Once you refrigerate it and cool it, peel around the sides of the bowl and take off the now solid disc of tallow and rise the part where it was touching the stock in water.

I like to slice it into pieces and freeze it.

>> No.17610060

Muslims and vegans thats why.

>> No.17610115

What context? A post about lard and his reply about it being expensive? Do you struggle with the English language too?

>> No.17610211

I buy suet from the butcher and make my own Takes 2 hours. 30 bucks and it lasts 6-8 months. Soy and canola never enter my home. Fuck seed oils and fuck the food industrial complex

>> No.17611002

did ask to get both the butcher's deez?

>> No.17611055

yes, this poster right here. this guy knows.

>> No.17611077
File: 497 KB, 2477x2480, 1637370071542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a dyke or a baby faced fatboy?

>> No.17611085

The eternal boogeyman for some people. You're a joke dude.