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File: 143 KB, 1200x630, vomma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17607400 No.17607400 [Reply] [Original]

Is liking vomit-textured eggs just an English thing or are all Euros like this?

>> No.17607414

I prefer scrambled eggs the French way which is even more goopy. You should try it. It's delicious.

>> No.17607483

not about taste.
it's about knowing how to cook a fucking egg.

>> No.17607492

I prefer sunny side up fried to perfection

the key to a good scramble is to not use any milk or cheese

>> No.17607497

Amerifat here. Soft scrambled eggs are best eggs if eaten alone or on toast. Harder scrambled can be a decent ingredient.

>> No.17607500

It's cooked just fine. Whether or not you like the texture or doneness is up to you. Trying it might surprise you.
Unless you live in some 3rd world hellhole you can eat eggs raw if you want.

>> No.17607501

>the key to a good scramble is to not use any milk or cheese
also don't overcook and use a shitload of butter

>> No.17607506

>It's cooked just fine
it is not finished cooking if it's a french style scrambled egg.
so not think nonsense again.

>> No.17607511

That is not French style. It's much smoother.

>> No.17607578


>> No.17607583

Butter is the key but don't overdo it or it will be just eggs floating in melted butter.

>> No.17607594

Best way is to cook them so the eggs don't have any crust on them, but they are firm and have no snot texture. If you like them runnier than that you are gross. I hate euros I swear they do shit that tastes worse just to feel superior. Like eating pizza with just a few tiny dabs of cheese on it. Who the fuck wants that

>> No.17607606

I think you went to a weird restauraunt. pizza in italy is normally very good and they don't skimp on the cheese

>> No.17607615
File: 109 KB, 1500x1125, frencheggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French have the more vomit-like eggs actually.

>> No.17607647

Wow, it's another scathing polemic from the people who think Butyric Acid is a desirable flavouring.

>> No.17607683

American way is with large curds.
British way is more smooth and with more moisture.
French way is over a water bath, takes loads of time and is whisked the whole time so it's very smooth. Also has lots of moisture.
You can pick which one you like the most. None are wrong to me.

>> No.17607688

Those are way undercooked for even French eggs.

>> No.17607689

The hell's the matter with you? I love raw eggs.

>> No.17607712

that looks horrible

>> No.17607717
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>> No.17607731
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>> No.17607850

Weird to me that no one has done a comedy skit with a rude Parisian waiter serving this sloppa to an unsuspecting customer.
It could be an amusing scene. A bit like that Mr.Bean beef tartat one.

>> No.17607861

yes. it's French and it's shit. there should be a different name for it, because they're not scrambled
good scrambled is fluffy and solid, but not overcooked. somewhat difficult to do

>> No.17607889

not in spain that's for sure, we just eat omelettes or fired eggs

>> No.17607911

I like creamy scrambled eggs from time to time. The butter emulsifies into the eggs and the curds are so fine that it's more like custard. Do I want that with my biscuits and gravy? Absolutely not. I would want your standard scrambled eggs with a firm curd. And other times, like for a breakfast taco, I want the pan scramble method where you crack the eggs into a hot pan and stir them up the best you can, so you still have distinct white and yolk pieces throughout.

>> No.17608089
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>> No.17608121

no. is egg texured vomit a US thing or is it all of America?

>> No.17608214
File: 40 KB, 336x354, 1312951578003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's a semi-firm scramble mixed with a cornstarch slurry, a spot of sesame oil, wok fried at very high heat, and finished in tamari. Shit's so good I'm gonna have to make some now.

>> No.17608232

Show pictures when you do. The cornstarch part sounds weird.

>> No.17608375

What an absolute brainlet tier post

>> No.17608798

>The cornstarch part sounds weird.
It's really not. Adding cornstarch to eggs helps them stay moist, and not get too firm. It helps a lot when you fry them at high heat, so the outside will get cooked quick, but the inside scramble will be soft, moist and fluffy. Personally I like to use sake instead of water in my cornstarch slurry for the added flavor, and the unsubstantiated belief that denatures the proteins while evaporating quicker preventing the scramble from seeping liquid.

>> No.17608900

Why bother making a slurry? Eggs are already mostly water, yo.

But he's right, cornstarch eggs with sesame oil, soysauce and a touch of garlic powder cooked in all of 30 seconds are a fantastic way to go.

>> No.17608962

Adding straight cornstarch to liquid is a good way to get clumps of cornstarch. That's why you should mix the starch in a liquid first, then add to the eggs.

>> No.17608969

That looks fantastic. Take the runnypill and don't look back, bros

>> No.17609345

i used to eat scrambled eggs that you could build houses with like you, but after cooking them like picrel for the first time, i realised that there really is a brighter future out there for all of us. please get better taste soon

>> No.17609437
File: 1.07 MB, 1284x1860, 11FAC163-10B2-45A0-9527-04A47A86FED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can people like things done in a way I don’t like it?
Because you’re autistic.
However, your autism is compounded by your being a zoomer, an additional disorder also characterized by lack of self-awareness.
Please see the handy attached guide.

>> No.17609823

Try some on a water bath next time.
They will take a long time but they are amazing

>> No.17610846

Don't like it as well but it's pretty good when I add a little roux before adding the eggs

>> No.17610863

I prefer eggs a little runny when sunny side up, obviously, never eat them that way scrambled.

>> No.17611271

a water bath eh? i just cooked them this morning á la https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSOu3-cymnY with some chives, a slice of torunska sausage and two bits of rye bread and it's fucking lovely. i'll definitely try them on a water bath next time.