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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 349x383, 58F57686-8F2A-464F-ACD5-73748B07CE6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17605935 No.17605935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so hostile, angry and belligerent? It’s just food, anons. Everyone has their own taste.

>> No.17605943

fuck off

>> No.17605946

When people ask this sort of question I have to think: Is this a bot? Is this a troll? Can there actually be a person so stupid as to not understand the obvious answer, and too lazy to look it up? Did you hope to create some meaningful discussion by asking such an inane question? Did you hope to garner attention by feigning ignorance? This post is an embarrassment to any human with the capability of rational thought or even basic self-awareness.
All I can say for sure is that I'm tired of this trash. Got it asshole? Stop posting. Now.

>> No.17605950
File: 82 KB, 768x611, doener-kebab-768x611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're a bunch of isolated people with no future prospects, what else can you expect from us. To be loved and to love back would cure our bad mood but sadly it's not a realistic perspective.

>> No.17605956

>Everyone has their own taste
That's just it, they don't. They think they do, but then "think" might be too strong a word.

>> No.17605962

mad because theyre casserole collapsed or whatever

>> No.17605964
File: 87 KB, 1121x282, blessed ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is based

>> No.17605969

Drop dead, nigger.

>> No.17605983

/ck/ is one of the comfiest boards here, ive seen tons of threads where people stay on topic and are nice

>> No.17605987

Cope queer faggot

>> No.17605991

it’s one of the most combative, mean-spirited and downright shitty boards on this website, which is all the more ironic given that it deals with a completely apolitical subject that literally every human enjoys.

>> No.17605996

You're literally killing the planet. I hate you.

>> No.17605997

hey, if you can't handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.

>> No.17605999

Most of the combativeness I see is because of reddit bullshit. I grant that this is also likely linked between /pol/ and reddit as well.

>> No.17606001

Stop trying to gaslight me. This board is laidback.

>> No.17606004

You obviously have no kitchen experience, you pathetic little faggot.
Hostility is what keeps you going when your paycheck is shit and hours long.
Also, go fuck yourself and don't ever post that dead cucks image here again.

>> No.17606006

huwite peepl

>> No.17606010

No one who worked in a kitchen should be on this board. Go away, poorfag.

>> No.17606019

how do you figure

>> No.17606020

I imagine myself entering McDonald's, walking up to the counter to place my order. I address the middle aged Salvadorian woman who is shaped like a bag of potatoes, and say "I'll have the Travis Scott meal." She would reply "what to drink" and I would look at her quizzically and say "I said Travis Scott meal... I gotta have my Sprite." She will say "anyting else" to which I would reply confidently "yeah. Cactus Jack sent me," as I crack a smug sidegrin, slyly pull out my wallet, and place my AmEx Gold in the chip reader before she even tells me the total.

She hands me the medium drink cup and the receipt, while I wonder why she even asked what I wanted to drink, when everyone knows the Travis Scott Meal is supposed to come with a Sprite. You would think someone who WORKS at McDonald's would know that, but once again I am smarter than the fast food wage slaves th-


I glance down at my receipt, and see that my number 135 has not yet been called. The fat construction worker standing by the drink machine walks up to get his order. Why did he get his food first? I am about to ask to speak with the manager because their employees are obviously

>> No.17606030

make me a double gruyère cheeseburger with bacon, aioli, LTO, on the potato bun, hold the mustard. do it now, anon. your $12/hr line cook “salary” is on the line

>> No.17606107

I understand subjective taste but is this guy memeing about pinto beans and cornbread? He makes it sound delicious but I can't make heads or tales of he's bullshitting or not. First two segments are political shit third is about his dinner.
I don't know, maybe he's just trash.

>> No.17606111
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>> No.17606142

>Reddit nigs come and cry on our board
>tell them to fuck off and make it clear they aren’t welcome
Wow OP maybe you Are Not Welcome. Fuck off.

>> No.17606277


>> No.17606303
File: 158 KB, 749x1024, 3C294121-EECF-47DC-B218-15AF31C407E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pays to cover up for his gf
>she slept with teen
>teen played her 7 year old son in movie
>called her mom around the set
>crew said they seemed actually related because they were so close
>starts me too
>Hollywood normalcy is under attack
>Js get pissed
>hitter screws up
>she wasn’t home
>was supposed to be a murder suicide
What did they mean by this?
>pic semi unrelated

>> No.17606316


>What did they mean by this?

That the contrarian cunt who spent his entire life sabotaging himself to get back at his parents for not letting him smoke pot in the house, is a cunt who sabotaged himself permanently.

>> No.17606364

Because eventually sheer incompetence and lack of taste you see all around beats you down.