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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17599155 No.17599155 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post the most recent meal you cooked and photographed.

For me, it's bone marrow and saffron risotto made with homemade stock.

>> No.17599184
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>> No.17599239
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>and photographed.
I dont do that a lot but here

>> No.17599284

How do I roast the bone marrow? I usually use that for stock.

My instinct for preparing it to eat it would be to wrap it in foil and bake it at a fairly high heat (400F) to process the insides before the outside gets too brown.

>> No.17599321

>pinch of salt
>put in oven
et voila

IMO you're wasting marrow in a stock. There's not much collagen in it, and most of the flavor is just fat that'll get skimmed off. You want joint bones for a stock, not marrow pieces.

>> No.17599325

ok but where da meat doe

>> No.17599331

Did you follow Escoffier's recipe, anon?

>> No.17599342

Blanch it and then roast it with a blowtorch.

>> No.17599345

What is this strange styrofoam contraption and why does it have raw meat on top of it?

>> No.17599346

It's wa la, idiot.

I wouldn't trust this guys recipe or anything he says, really.

>> No.17599355
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Shortbread cookies flavored with TONKA BEANS. Fun and incredibly easy recipe. Tasty result. Tonka bean is quite nice. Not really a meal, but it was the last thing I cooked.

>> No.17599397

Pretty sure there's no Escoffier version of this dish because it's too young. Also i haven't seen it in his book.
I just seared 4 chicken breast in clarified butter, took them out, sweated 3 large shallots, deglaced the pan with white wine, added grated comte and cooked it until it dissolved. After that i just added chicken fond/glace, cream, a few spoons of mustard, paprika, pepper and gratinated it with more comte and bread crumbs.

>> No.17599424
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A simple burrito
>ground beef mix (onion, serrano, garlic, various spices, tomato puree, water)
>monterey jack cheese
>sour cream
>pressed and crisped up in an oiled pan

>> No.17599431

Oh my bad, I thought it was an Escoffier recipe. I remember seeing it on the French Cooking Academy youtube channel, but I've never tried making it myself. How do you rate it?

>> No.17599435
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i made more chicken stew last night because i couldn't stop thinking about the last time i made it

>> No.17599442
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>bone marrow

>> No.17599444

Damn that looks nice. Would you mind sharing a recipe?

>> No.17599447

Vegan or American?

>> No.17599450
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Thanks anon, its super easy! my tongue is still burnt from eating it too quickly last night kek


>> No.17599455

It tastes exactly what you think it would taste like. It's extremely fatty though. Pretty much junk food made with expensive ingredients. 7/10 because it tastes good but isn't too interesting or refined.

>> No.17599472

I imagine it tastes like Hungarian chicken paprikas + cheese.

>> No.17599491
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stew of sorts with mince beef, turkey, onion, mushrooms and spinach/kale in a peppercorn-based sauce
>excuse abysmal pic quality
its actually for over the weekend. my dinner tonight was just a (cold) mackerel fillet with hot sauce in a tortilla wrap lol

>> No.17599494

Not at all. PGG is more subtle flavoured and mustard forward while paprikas obviously has an extremely strong paprika/bell pepper and onion flavour. Paprikas is also seasoned stronger and uses a wider variety of spices while being the lighter dish.

>> No.17599537
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Mushroom ramen- looks shitty but the broth turned out real nice

>> No.17600156
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Chili con carne

>> No.17600166

That looks good and bad at the same time. Nicely done.

>> No.17600195
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Torta pasqualina

>> No.17600203

WTF is that? It also looks good and bad at the same exact time.

>> No.17600261
File: 632 KB, 1512x2016, IMG_0795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made vegetarian bolognese last night. It was experimental, I had never made it before and did not follow a recipe. Turned out pretty good.

>> No.17600286

Interdasting.... What's it taste like?
Why are you gay?

>> No.17600321

saffron should NOT be that color lol. you sure you didn't just buy turmeric?

>> No.17600369
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Alton Brown's beef stew.

>> No.17600425

I'm a fat fuck. Eating more vegetarian food is one of several things I am doing to get in better shape.

>> No.17600545
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Butter chicken. Used curry pastefor the firat time. Would recommend

>> No.17600600
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posted in the last thread but i made pork belly bahn mi the other day. i didn't photograph it but i made this last night and it was pretty good https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020726-sheet-pan-chicken-and-potatoes-with-feta-lemon-and-dill?action=click&module=RecipeBox&pgType=recipebox-page&region=all&rank=0

>> No.17600604 [DELETED] 
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someone comment on my g-ddamn creampie i worked hard on this

>> No.17600615

Both look great without any hints of being bad. Well done.

I will say that Mr. Butter chicken needs to focus on his photographic skills some.

I will say that the banh mi bun looks a little too nice for proper banh mi. I think those shitty soft rolls are part of what makes them so delicious, but that's my own taste. +1 for using pate.

>> No.17600625

You were the guy doing the dried raspberry to make it not look like literal shit. I wouldn't have worried too much about that considering that a chocolate cream pie is delicious and definitely not poop. Maybe try focusing on "sculpting" the filling to make it look more presentable if that makes sense.

Were the tastes and textures on point?

>> No.17600632 [DELETED] 

I used a little too much salt and sugar but that's an instructive lesson for next time. It's still perfectly fine.

Turns out I tried to puree the freeze dried raspberry powder in my food processor and I didn't notice I had included the little bag of silica gel that comes in it and that got mixed in so I threw it all out and used pre-ground strawberry powder I had as well.

I just wanted to try to make "real" choccy mousse, The texture was delightful.

>> No.17600690
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beefy quesadillas here, with lots of hot sauce

>> No.17600726

Good thing you caught that. I hear those silica packets make mustard gas in your stomach when consumed.

Looks like a pretty good success! What's next for your chocolaty culinary adventures?

Salted 'cado +1
Not really a lot of hot sauce unless you added more after picture, but the amount you put seems like a reasonable amount. -1
Very nicely crisped tortilla +2

Looks great with no signs of being bad.

What kind of beef did you use?

>> No.17600743
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Macarons, not exactly a meal

>> No.17600748

Very nice. You've got some inconsistencies and small amounts of sloppiness, but I won't knock you for that considering how tricky 'roons can be.

What flavor are they?

>> No.17600756

There's more hot sauce inside the quesadillas
I used the beef from >>17599424 , ground it myself

>> No.17600794

Beef looks only okay from the picture at least. Very minimal browning, but at least you broke up the chunks well. Big chunks of beef won't be correctly seasoned. The mix sounds nice as well. +0 for the filling.

>> No.17600884
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I don't typically photograph my food unless I buy something that's out of the way and a rare treat (and then, it's only to dangle over my brother's nose).

>> No.17600920
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>> No.17600924

That is a 2 lb disposable grill made of cardboard, bamboo and some lava rock that feels like its styrofoam. Someone bought it for me and said the big appeal was that after I cook on it I could just burn it and have 0 waste
I ended up just searing on it and finishing those steaks off in the oven. Heat was really low, took longer to get 'hot' than just firing up the normal grill and it left a weird flavor like lighter fluid

>> No.17600962

>Pickles, raw red onions, and hot sauce on untoasted whole wheat bread

>relish, mustard, raw red onions, and hot sauce on untoasted whole wheat bread.

These both sound like either meals of desperation, meals of the lazy, or just a weird personal flavor combo you enjoy.

Objectively you get a -5, but my guess is they aren't as bad as they look for a super super fast snack.

The relish one is more like a -7

Is there an explanation for your behavior?

>> No.17600979

Try a peanut butter hot sauce pickle onion right now.

It hits.

>> No.17601001

Oh peanut butter not mustard. My bad. That actually makes more sense.

You know I dig the thai peanut butter sauces, so I could see it doing something. I mean they put rotten ass smelling fish sauce with their oeanut butter and it tastes delicious.

I don't have pickles atm sadly. Maybe I'll get some one day to try it out.

I'll increase my score to -3. presentation, and overall effort keep it low.

>> No.17601007

I’ll take it, that’s fair.

Give it a try. The salty/peanut buttery/spicy works with a bite of raw onion.

>> No.17601035

Maybe I'll try my own riff on it later tonight if I have peanut butter. I've got some thai chilis that would be nice.

Finely sliced chilis and onion with some apple cider vinegar and a small amount of fish sauce mixed together. Salt + sugar for seasoning.

Toasted bread with a layer of peanut butter and then a garnish of the mixture.

>> No.17601042
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this is the last one I took a pitcher of

>> No.17601066

Corned beef, sauerkraut, yellow mustard, pickled onions, and grits?

Is the mustard cheap heinz yellow or nice spicy mustard? I know some polish mustards are yellow like that and are quite nice.

>> No.17601166


i thought it was turnip

>> No.17601604
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Venison stew, with turnip taters onyon and carrot. Used beer an chicken stock for the liquid
Ended up a bit thin because I forgot to add flour and used too much stock but it tastes bretty gud

>> No.17601609
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It is an Italian pie to celebrate spring filled with greens, ricotta and egg.

I decided to make a layer of herbed ricotta on the top for contrast, and for texture I added pine nuts, the braised stems of the greens, and toasted breadcrumbs. Served with a romesco sauce.

>> No.17601618
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Chicken Stroganoff

>> No.17601671

More like chicken throwinup HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.17601705

More like choke ‘n strokin’ off HOHOHOHO

>> No.17601714

you got it all right except the that's actually carrot and potato mash. I discovered recently that I love mashing them up together rather than just boiling them and dumping them on a plate

as far as the mustard goes, mustard is complicated. i grew up on Gulden's which is the bees tits, lately i've been dabbling into really spicy mustards but then one day on /ck/ i realized i've never had French's mustard. i bought a small bottle and the shit's perfect, the best balance of vinegar and mustard hand-down from any plain yellow mustard.

if i could buy Gulden's in my current country of residence it would 100% have been Gulden's but it wasn't

>> No.17601730
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Leftovers the next day

>> No.17601744
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Chicken legs cooked in a pot with caramelized carrots and onion, eggplant and potato. Cooked in tomato juice and dry wine. I’ve experimented with fenugreek among my usual spices (black pepper, smoked paprika and chilli), came out good.

>> No.17602030

What are your thoughts on sauerkraut? I want to get into it but the big grocery stores around here only carry one brand and I think it's low quality. I might try getting some from an eastern European market.

>> No.17602037

Excellent. Make some. Fun and easy. Take 3 weeks to properly ferment, but can be enjoyed in about a week

>> No.17602039

Go to Big Lots. They have kraut in a jar from Eurotrash countries and it's not too expensive.

>> No.17602043

Sauerkraut is very easy to make. You can make huge quantities and they're good for a while.

>> No.17602439
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Made some steak and eggs

>> No.17602469

Steak poorly seared and cheap looking. -2

Eggs sunny side up, minimal crisping on bottom, and yolks still runny +1

Potatoes looks underseasoned and dry -1

Toast +1 because I'm feeling generous this morning.

You get a -1 as a final grade.

>> No.17602495

Let's see something you've cooked

>> No.17602506

was that served hot or cold?

>> No.17602513
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Bucatini with homemade pesto and shrimp

>> No.17602520
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bix mix'd salad
round lettuce
canned sardines
"""vintage""" cheddar

couple slices of multi-cereal bread as a side and a citra APA as a drink

>> No.17602524
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I don't have anything very recent, but here's a quick meal I made for lunch from mostly leftovers.

A baked chicken breast with pan juices on top. (Baked myself)
foraged sauteed stinging nettles
leftover italian bread soup.

The nettles were a little overcooked, but still quite tasty for my first time cooking them.

>> No.17602535

hot as fuck anon, hot as fuck. i even warmed up the kraut for god's sake. i suppose the meat looks cold but it wasn't, it was just leftovers

>> No.17602540

Now that looks pretty damn good.
I love shrimp

>> No.17602544

Shrimp looks possibly overcooked, but can't be sure. +0
Nice sheen on pasta from oil. +1
Not quite enough sauce for my tastes. +0

Total +1

Decent ingredients +1
lacking salad dressing -1
I'm going to have to take a poiint off for the bread unless you put something good on them while eating. Possible -1 or +0
Total -1 or +0

>> No.17602578
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Found a can of pumpkin from the fall, decided to make some pumpkin muffins with cream cheese filling

>> No.17602584

Do you have a cross sectional shot? It may be your saving grace.

>> No.17602586

It looked good enough for me to eat. Lentil bolognese yum yum

>> No.17602602


>> No.17602626

Looks like garbage friend

>> No.17602631
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I like the filling :)

>> No.17602645

Low effort. -3
Tastelet filtered. -3

Overal post quality -6 try a little harder next time, sweetie.

I know pumpkin muffins are generally denser than a normal muffin. Texture +0

Is that vanilla bean in the filling? +1

Balance is off between filling and batter, but not enough to warrant anything more than a +0

Total +1 nicely done.

>> No.17602661
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>> No.17602697

-6 still better than your garbo food

>> No.17602709

>salad dressing
evoo, salt and pepper, the only things I'm going to be putting on salads until I find real balsamic vinegar for less than €50/l, but I doubt I'll find it in this god forsaken island
I ate the bread by itself, it was pretty good and a nice counterpoint to the juicy, slightly oily salad

>> No.17602733
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Try a little harder on your steak next time. It's just a plate of food lmao. No need to get so butt hurt about it.

I'm open to constructive criticism like I've attempted to dole out to every person I've reviewed. Read my reviews I've been harsh, but fair and objective.

Local dry aged scottish highland steak the rancher gave me to try out. This is what a proper sear looks like.

>> No.17602744

I think the two counterbalance themselves, so your score will remain the same.

My absolute favorite salad dressing is:

1tbs good dijon mustard
.5-1 garlic clove pasted or finely minced
1tbs good quality white wine vinegar

Slowly add 4tbs of evoo while stirring until it all emulsifies

Add roughly 2 tsp of water to thin dressing, season with S&P

It creates an emulsion, so you get all the flavors coating the lettuce. Really easy and so delicious. Spicy and richness from oil is perfectly balanced by acidity from vinegar.

The recipe works well with balsamic, but the color isn't as attractive.

>> No.17602746


>> No.17602902

I'll try it out

>> No.17602919

This looks so good, thanks for sharing the recipe.

>> No.17603002

damn that sounds fucking good once you know what's in it

>> No.17603648
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First time I've made carbonara, kind of fucked up.

>> No.17603659


where the peas at

>> No.17603665

I usually do the bain marie method for a carbonara. Which technique did you use?

Eggs look scrambled a bit but not too bad.

>> No.17603684

I was told the italian mafia would hunt me down and chop my balls of if a single pea even came close to the dish, seriously though I don't really like peas in carbonara.
Cooked the bacon in a heavy stainless steel pan, once it was close to done I turned off the stove and started cooking the spaghetti in already boiling water, once the water was a bit starchy I added some (like 1/3 cup?) to my sauce once it wasn't as hot anymore.
Once the pasta was 1 minute off of being done I strained it and added it to the pan with the bacon, then quickly threw in the sauce and kept stirring, I think my mistake was not taking the pan off the hot plate so the pan was hotter than I thought it was/wanted it to be, bacon also was a bit more cooked than I wanted it to be.

>> No.17603715
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Spinach omelet #1

>> No.17603721
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Spinach omelet #2

>> No.17603722

I'm sure somewhere in that sentence you meant to say "eggs" instead of "sauce", and you did not make a carbonara with just pasta water and pork fat.

>> No.17603724

You're lucky to have such nice lighting in your kitchen for photographs. Nice omelets too

>> No.17603725
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I just made pork chuck. It was marinaded in mustard and and garlic paste, then seared, then I make a pan sauce with beer and stock and then I broiled the whole thing. It was awesome.

>> No.17603733

Oh yeah, I meant a parmesan + egg mixture (to which I added some of the pasta water).

>> No.17603735

I hate to break it to you but that person was fucking retarded

>> No.17603751
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Char siu and honey walnut/pecan shrimp for a succulent Chinese meal

>> No.17603766

looks great!

>> No.17603882

looks tasty af mate, prime comfort food

>> No.17604177
File: 3.68 MB, 4160x3120, 20220325_153342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken, broccoli, rice, curry, almonds. Turned out quite tasty... Before I had been browning the chicken and adding sauce at the end, but this time I cooked the chicken in the sauce. I think it infused the flavor better. Also I used cardamom instead of cloves, which let the sauce retain a nice orange color instead of brown.

>> No.17604193

Add some elk meat and you've got a meal fit for a Rogan.

>> No.17604197

Toe rogan is a butt pumping gatekeeper.

>> No.17604221

This anon knows his ju-jitsu well

>> No.17604234

>It's wa la
holy shit you are retarded

>> No.17604235

white almonds? qrd?

>> No.17604240

obsessed little idiot, aren't you

>> No.17604329
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Just made this, some gnocchi with a pesto sauce + Busch lite

>> No.17604363

Thanks for the sweet sweet (you), you absolute newfag.

>> No.17604396
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>salad(iceberg lettuce, tomato, bell pepper, red onion)
>blood sausage fried alongside onion and peppers
>mashed potatoes
>a fried egg

>> No.17604417

Theyre peeled. If you blanch them in hot water for like 10 minutes the skins just slide off really easily. Then I lightly toasted them on the stove.

>> No.17604431

>doesn't enjoy bone marrow
>calls other people idiots
Give it a try or remain a retarded American. Your choice.

>> No.17604439
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>> No.17604456
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not enough beans

>> No.17604518
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>> No.17604543

I only used 1 pound. Also
>Fell for the soaking meme

>> No.17604582
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>> No.17604586
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soaking is essential for chickpeas and other legumes to use them as fritters, I find 20-25 min of pressure cooking gets you the best texture on beans for soup and baked beans and things like that - a bit firm but cooked all the way through.

>> No.17604590
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>> No.17604598
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>> No.17604619
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guacamole, recently picked up the chop-grind technique from chef john, very delicious

>> No.17604625

can I get a QRD?

>> No.17604633

chocolate mousse, chocolate pie crust, strawberry powder on top

oh and i sprinkled some honey-glazed pecans atop the crust before loading on the mousse

>> No.17604648
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Cozy thread.
Salmon with homemade teriyaki sauce and some sautéed asparagus.
Was pretty good.
Wish I had looked up teriyaki sauce ingredients sooner and saw how simple it was.

>> No.17604666

Looks dumb as fuck would have returned it to the store

>> No.17604673
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nothing special but i'm documenting everything i eat recently due to trying to lose weight

>> No.17604682

nice, looks excellent

>> No.17604693
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pork tenderloin sandwiches, crusted in crushed saltine crackers

>> No.17604698
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>> No.17604703
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>> No.17604708 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 1080x835, candiednuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added a bit too much sugar and salt - do not befell my fate - be judicious adding sugar and salt to chocolate mousse!


enjoy my honeyed nuts

>> No.17604713
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>> No.17604717
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>> No.17604724
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burgers add a lot of flavor to chili and you get nice chunks of beef

>> No.17604743
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brown up the sausage and a quick saute on the onions/peppers

>> No.17604745
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>> No.17604754
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chili for weeks

>> No.17604757 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 467x590, gay5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah cuz u didnt reduce it all all

r u a bachelor?

>> No.17604761

>glows in the dark
im on to you anon

>> No.17604765 [DELETED] 
File: 466 KB, 1080x851, falafel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im but a humble neet

>> No.17604770

you’re a jew

>> No.17604772

pls dont abuse the fallafel

>> No.17604787
File: 1.46 MB, 1198x852, Screenshot from 2019-12-31 22-30-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spoon is literally standing up

>> No.17604792 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1080x588, pitabread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

i prefer it reduced in the oven to get more browning

>> No.17604798
File: 103 KB, 800x450, burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i prefer it reduced in the oven to get more browning

>> No.17604805 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 1080x1373, croquetas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u put the pot of chili in the oven - and u cook it in a low oven for hours until it reduces + browns

mostly uncovered unless it starts browning 2 fast

or u can start out covered and switch after 1-2 hours

stirring every so often - more regularly as it reduces

>> No.17604838

>a rice and bone

Kek wow and you even took a picture to show it off

>> No.17604844

i hav never heard of anyone doing that, why not just simmer on the stove? I simmered it for about 2 hours

>> No.17604854

look like shit lmao learn2cook fag

>> No.17604862 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 1296x1016, friedchicken2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you get a much better flavor because the oven nets you much more browning on the meat and veggies and a properly reduced sauce

j kenji lopez alt of serious eats food labs recommends this technique for his tomato sauce and bolognese

it should cook in the oven for 3-5 hours

if you are in a hurry you could do it in the oven at 325-350 just gotta stir pretty often

i like to set it and forget it at 275 or 300f and stir every hour at first

>> No.17604899
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>> No.17604919

Show me your tits

>> No.17605003
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mixed berry crumble

>> No.17605009
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>> No.17605018
File: 1.24 MB, 1536x1510, sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coupla sponge cakes

>> No.17605039

Filled me with childhood nostalgia, recipe?

>> No.17605047

O yeah, here:

>> No.17605058

They're just simple ass sugar cookies I made to see what tonka beans taste like. You make the dough and roll it into a log then refrigerate it and it turns into a hard brick. Then you use a knife to cut the cookies off the log.

Have you posted anything on here?

Here's my other crappy foods I posted. >>17602733

>> No.17605078 [DELETED] 

what do tonka beans taste like?

>> No.17605106

Very nice. Like a warmer and less floral vanilla bean mixed with almond/noyeaux and a bit of cherry. It worked really really well in the sugar cookies.

>> No.17605109 [DELETED] 

hmm do they cost a lot of money to buy?

im gonna make pecan sandies soon

>> No.17605123

They're a little pricey, but you use them very sparingly. For the 40 sugar cookies I used half a tsp finely ground.

>> No.17605131 [DELETED] 

>but you use them very sparingly. For the 40 sugar cookies I used half a tsp finely ground.



is it fucking poisonous?

*eyes widen*

>> No.17605165

Yes they actually are mildly toxic lol, but you'd be an idiot to actually poison or cause yourself harm. They were banned from being used in commercial food products in the 50s in america.

You only use half a tsp because the flavor is very strong. Not quite as strong as nutmeg, but on a similar level.

>> No.17605173 [DELETED] 

>they actually are mildly toxic lol

nevermind then

shoulda led with that part...

i do have almond extract for the pecan sandies maybe

>> No.17605196

If I ate all the cookies I made in one sitting it would be much less harmful than a night of moderate drinking.

>> No.17605203

Aaaand here's a study for you. It isn't a big deal if you aren't eating multiple whole beans a day.


>> No.17605206
File: 1.39 MB, 1774x1362, queencakept1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmm tonka
This cake is morphing

>> No.17605217 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 2822x232, brainscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's a study

is this funded by the same people who proved trannies have girl brains neurologically not fem gay men brains?

>> No.17605218

You do know that it's possible to eat vegetables without being a vegetarian/vegan, right? There are tons of vegetarian dishes in every culture that are delicious.

>> No.17605231

>"lots of hot sauce"
>10-15 small drips
"lots of hot sauce" implies every square inch is covered in half a centimeter of hot sauce.

>> No.17605237
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 26fd9f5474f4fd51fc90eeb4f333dda4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo, Imma need some of dat rye now

>> No.17605260

holy shit you are new

>> No.17605265

He mentioned that there's a good amount on the inside of the 'dilla as well.

>> No.17605266
File: 1.73 MB, 1536x1750, queencakept2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding raspberry preserves

>> No.17605273
File: 1.43 MB, 1533x1956, queencakept3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the weekend cocksuckers, don't forget to bake something

>> No.17605280
File: 2.00 MB, 1536x2048, queencakept4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was whipped cream

Here it is slathered all over chilled bottom half of the cake

>> No.17605284
File: 2.04 MB, 1536x2048, queencakept5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi and here is the wa la shot

>> No.17605290
File: 1.63 MB, 1965x1497, queencakept6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he's the wa la closeup

>> No.17605300 [DELETED] 

>it's the weekend cocksuckers, don't forget to bake something

being gay (enjoying oral pleasures from/to other men or women) is not something shameful or insulting

>poison cake

>> No.17605303

Co/ck/suckers ... is what i was referring to. You got the wrong guy, i will fucking kiss you over this

>> No.17605326
File: 2.03 MB, 4000x1800, 20220322_214941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sugar cookies are the only thing with tonka beans in them I think. Look at these weird and smelly little dudes.

>> No.17605332

> ay yo dis nigga eating bones

>> No.17605340 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok and the origin of the insult is to demean gay men for providing oral sex.

>> No.17605346

no wa la without true cross section you double nigger post it

>> No.17605353
File: 797 KB, 2100x1574, D73DF69E-CC65-4205-9342-E4CB7A71E9F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak with beef broth and shallot

>> No.17605354
File: 2.00 MB, 1536x2048, queencakept7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i dont care loser bot this discussion is about food and i was challenging you to bake something.

>> No.17605357
File: 2.10 MB, 2048x1536, queencakefin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the wa la money shot

>> No.17605362


>> No.17605381
File: 783 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_1370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hangover and covid so I'm eating kluski soup. Used stock pots for the broth and it's so damn nurturing right now. Thanks Knorr.

>> No.17605520
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>> No.17605533

Are you a femanon? This looks good but it also looks like a ladylike portion.

>> No.17605571
File: 77 KB, 895x500, ossobuco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, I don't know if it's because of photography, but putting parsley ruined the vibrant yellow of the dish

kek, but keep trying anon.
Not the worst result for a first try. Did it taste good?

>> No.17606098

Didn't take a picture but I put slices of Cajun chicken over pizza pretzels and warmed it up in the oven. I paired it blue raspberry Faygo I got for 75 cents from the dollar store.

>> No.17606563

>kek, but keep trying anon.
Yeah I'll try again next week! I'll take the pan completely off the plate next time and maybe let the spaghetti sit for like 10-15 seconds, that should
>Not the worst result for a first try. Did it taste good?
Was really fucking good kek, I had another portion of about that size and I really wanted to eat it but it was just too much.

>> No.17606567

Fuck, hit send too early kek, meant that should prevent the eggs from scrambling.

>> No.17607084

Try browning the meat next time.

>> No.17607101

Reduce it more.

>> No.17607106
File: 54 KB, 300x300, img-thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon this is an imageboard

>> No.17607476

Stroganoff? More like "Jerked Chicken" HEHEHEHEHEHE

>> No.17608060
File: 925 KB, 1080x1196, Screenshot_2022-03-27-04-06-39-79_754cf9a4094c34a8eeb04648e2e3eb8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like lemon slices in my sandwiches sometimes

>> No.17608069
File: 323 KB, 1280x958, 83884002-DE95-4853-80DC-9D885F506DF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made some breakfast sandwiches with sausage links, egg, hashbrown patty, chik fila sauce and franks on a toasted eng muffin

>> No.17608096

So American then?

>> No.17608105
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Turned out pretty good honestly.

>> No.17608172


Google "Poe's Law"

>> No.17608187

looks like you cut open some intestines

>> No.17608190

bone marrow is some of the most toxic shit you can eat it it's from a medicated animal

>> No.17608193
File: 71 KB, 480x640, IMG_2090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cajun cassoulet

>> No.17608194
File: 215 KB, 1440x1080, 2022-03-24 01.49.10 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 2x spicy ramen that everyone keeps going on about (I usually make real food but I saw it at the Chinese grocery when I was stocking up on kimchi and fish sauce and I was curious). It's spicy like a good Thai meal, but I wouldn't call it a challenge.

>> No.17608204

That's why you only have it once a year buddy, relax.

>> No.17608209

You're supposed to drain the water

>> No.17608219

the truth is that you fucked up and now you're massively coping
it's over

>> No.17608228
File: 3.44 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20220313_142511291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a meal but a dessert. Literally just blended up strawberries, blueberries and raspberries with a little bit of lemon juice and some dark chocolate tossed on top afterwards. Pre-made Graham cracker crust because lazy and I was only given a few hours notice to make this.

>> No.17608241

the cute dog shaped salt&pepper shakers make it look extra sophisticated

>> No.17608246

Im a different person

>> No.17608273

>Busch lite
Lol. Iowan.

>> No.17608280

That's smarter than what I could come up with on short notice. Is the red stuff everythings sitting in the berries blitzed together like you said? Sounds nice. I kept thinking about that dessert after I saw it. It would be good on a summer evening for sure.

>> No.17608323

my bad dawg. I have a potato camera and I wasn't planning on posting.

>> No.17608368

Package says to leave 120mL. I'll try it full strenth next time though.

>> No.17608392

I did try it, I preferred it with just oil, salt and pepper, the mustard's taste clashed with the fish

>> No.17608401

Thank you. I love those shakers. they aren't the most functional (the salt one is fine, but the pepper one is basically useless because the holes are too small) but they're very cute. I got them at TJ maxx

>> No.17608473

I suppose it might be made for more finely ground pepper? You can grind black pepper into a powder finer than salt, but the downside is that it oxidates pretty quickly and loses flavor.

>> No.17608522
File: 57 KB, 1200x800, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I used to have this creamer(dish used to pour cream into your coffee) shaped like a swan that I really loved(similar to pic related). Animal shaped tableware always looks cool.

>> No.17608687
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Just a simple dinner.

>> No.17609046
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a salmon

>> No.17609052
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>> No.17609067
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Tom Douglas' coconut cream pie

>> No.17609071
File: 3.41 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220105_201240017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17609137

Shit then all beef is toxic ya dip

>> No.17609162

nah, not to the degree that bone marrow is. it's extremely fatty, and toxins always accumulate in the fat areas of the body. you can, for instance, eat raw beef from the supermarket and be totally fine. I do it all the time. bonemarrow can send you to the emergency room however, if sourced from the wrong animal.

>> No.17609242

Ok dr 4chan

>> No.17609250
File: 152 KB, 1080x677, subrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making sub rolls.


>> No.17609366
File: 279 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220326_174654694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I would have to go out for dinner tonight, until I realized I had all the stuff to make this naan pizza. Chorizo, Edam cheese, peppers. There's a garlic white sauce under all of that. pg, ngl.

>> No.17609389
File: 422 KB, 2048x1536, IMG-20220317-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a femanon. Usually I'd have a larger portion but I didn't feel like having much that night.
Here's some rice pilaf I made a while back that I think shows my usual dinner size.

>> No.17609403

For some reason I read the comment as that you WERE a femanon - and I kept thinking "wow thats a lot of food for a woman is she trying to say she eats a lot"

Also, if that were homemade egg noodles instead of rice that would be IMPROVED imho.

>> No.17609479

Yep, the red stuff is just the blend. Put it in the fridge for at least an hour before serving, it actually sets really nicely. I assume something to do with the fruit juices but I have no idea. You're right, this will be great in July!

>> No.17610558

Gib the recipe homie

>> No.17611168
File: 299 KB, 2048x1536, IMG-20220309-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't made my own noodles but I do generally prefer noodles over rice. There's a Mongolian minced beef dish that I've been making recently that calls for rice but I prefer it with noodles. Not the most flattering but here's a pic of it.


>> No.17611453

Try fermenting them a little bit with garlic paprica, chili and olive oil. Just couple of days, even just one day so they stay fresh

>> No.17611689
File: 814 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20220327_101739_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crustless quiche and half-finished ricotta I'll use later in a strata.

>> No.17611756
File: 1.86 MB, 2527x3504, IMG_20220326_183711_0472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kalbi brisket, marinated in kalbi sauce then applewood smoked on a weber kettle before finishing low and slow in the oven. The bok choy is stir fried with garlic- garlic browned first followed by quickly stir frying the cabbage. Turned out very good, but:

I didn't get a very good smoke ring- Next time I'll try to find an asian inspired dry rub, or make one myself. I just kind of threw this together, wanting to make an asianish meal using american bbq techniques.

>> No.17611770

Is there saffron or is it just turmeric? Be honest

>> No.17612160
File: 273 KB, 1574x922, chickpea-curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chickpea curry

White rice with mustard seeds, parsley and some lemon zest

>> No.17612168

so thats a yes then?

>> No.17612197
File: 365 KB, 484x453, 1631517366439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like chilli con-comeon whaddafuck is that T?

>> No.17612253

This looks more like Gulasch or stew...

>> No.17612266

Jfc go back to r****t

>> No.17612315

how dry is that friend?

>> No.17612319
File: 1.12 MB, 672x793, mmmsoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken gnocchi soup w/ spinnach and a lot of cream. I tried making basil and mozzarella toast and put some random ham on there. let it simmer all day before adding cream, it has rosemary, lavender, thyme, sage, and basil. overall was pretty good

>> No.17612339
File: 98 KB, 900x600, 2022-03-26 18.11.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese and onion bread

>> No.17612351

Already gave them away so no pics, but I made aloo paratha for my dad and stepmom and little brother, and a fruit tart for my mom and sister and her family.
They both turned out mediocre, so I’m really disappointed in myself.

>> No.17612367
File: 162 KB, 733x897, 1644953122067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made with homemade stock.
Yea but is your plate homemade? And you call yourself a /ck/ook

>> No.17612372
File: 2.25 MB, 3024x4032, 0A32CECA-2EF8-497B-B98A-143C722A4F17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some soup beans and cornbread

>> No.17612627
File: 3.56 MB, 4160x3120, 20220314_215714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken burritos

>> No.17612742
File: 3.28 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160708_235658171 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashed potatoes during simpler times. I've become extremely good at making the dish since.

>> No.17612918
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, B3C29C7F-798D-44CD-B583-E3E8C69D1CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried baby calamari with tzatziki and fries

>> No.17612945

>baby calamari

>> No.17612972

that looks good

>> No.17612980
File: 1.65 MB, 2895x1862, 20220306_173017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a pizza too

>> No.17613045

is that a fucking hair on your cornbread

>> No.17613136

I barely made it to the store and they were already packing away stuff from the ice, I asked for calamari and turns out they only had these babies :( felt like shit but they’re tasty nonetheless. All honour goes to the babies

>> No.17613149

Yeah probably one of my pubes I usually eat naked

>> No.17613234

nice, what did you use for toppings?

>> No.17613277
File: 313 KB, 1080x712, pecansandies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pecan sandies

pecans in the dough and on top

>> No.17613315
File: 54 KB, 800x381, 20210415_194104_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have many recent pics
south west eggs rolls and cheese nachos made from scratch.

>> No.17613322
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x1960, 20210526_191525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You plate like you use a zoopals plate lmao

>> No.17613356

>Criticizes the plating of my plate of leftovers for lunch.

>Plates almost identically to me, except!

>Puts a sprig of parsley on his "thing" as a garnish.

Your poached egg looks like shit btw.

>> No.17613439

Instead of waiting for yous why dont you use that time to cook a decent meal

>> No.17613481
File: 847 KB, 1800x2444, 20220327_140553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. Just made some fried rice with my asian pulled pork and a generous portion of quick pickled veggies.

>> No.17613999
File: 2.75 MB, 4000x3000, 20220322_104156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast tacos.

>> No.17614468
File: 413 KB, 975x1304, 8ch3qbywr3x21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been raising these sub species of garloid. Im not familiar with cooking them, so i decided to fry them. Howd I do?

>> No.17614534

Looks yummy. Try cilantro instead of parsley next time if you can taste cilantro properly, goes perfect with curry

>> No.17614672

Those are cow vaginas. I think you may have gotten ripped off. Sorry, bud.

>> No.17614680

didn't take a pic but I made a lazy buckwheat (part buckwheat flour part bread flour) brioche in my stand mixer

hoping it rises

i put in a ton of honey to proof the yeast and it barely proofed

i also added freeze dried pineapple powder to make it like "hawaiian rolls"

>> No.17614683

mushrooms look great, what's your method?

>> No.17614710

Did you use sugar happy yeast? Buckwheat is a pretty cool grain.

>> No.17614721

I used active dry I keep in the fridge. If it doesn't rise I will do another proofing and add that resultant yeast.

s-sugar happy yeast?

i have ale yeast - is that better for high sugar applications?

>> No.17614731

Yeah, if you're doing high sugar doughs theres yeasts that tolerate the sugar much better than normal yeast. Saf instant gold is one example.

I believe they're called osmotolerant yeasts, but sugar happy yeast is more fun sounding.

>> No.17614739
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, photo_2022-03-27_22-07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made some salmon with a beet salad. i grew up on beets(Polski) but not sure if i like them in chunks like this. you have to do so much to mask that overwhelming bitter taste to a point where it's like... why even use them then. how do you feel about beets?

>> No.17614751

I mean I don't have saf instant - I don't like instant yeast - I don't trust it to be quite honest family, but I somehow bought ale yeast because ck said so.

I will check on it now. I'm fine with a sloooow rise - I will put in the fridge for a few days -I just want to make sure it rises a bit.

>> No.17614756

I like it

>> No.17614771

Well. Good luck to your bread! The honey may slow it down even more. Be patient and you'll get there!

Why did you get ale yeast? For bread?

>> No.17614786

Yeah but I also wonder what would happen if I made beer flavored cupcakes but used ale yeast to raise them instead of the usual baking powder.

Anon said to use ale yeast for bread and I just do what ck tells me to usually.

>> No.17614801

That is, without a doubt, THE worst hard boiled egg I have ever seen. Jesus fucking christ. Are you Bri'ish?

>> No.17614812

Based thinking.

Hmm that sounds kind of fun. Maybe do a poolish with the ale yeast, so you can get more of those delicious beer flavors in there.

Toasted barley tea instead of water?

I think beer yeasts don't have as good of an oven spring, but that's only from what I've heard.

>> No.17614818

No, like stout beer instead of water and cocoa powder so its like chocolate stout cake I guess.

so actual beer, and also ale yeast

i would do a final proof before baking

>> No.17614873

Oh yeah. I just blanked on your whole post, sorry.

Naturally leavened cupcakes sound interesting. Is there such a thing?

Maybe you could adapt a brioche recipe for them. Normal chocolate guiness cupcakes are really good as well.

>> No.17614901

No, its not naturally leavened, I'm still adding ale yeast packet. I want to try experimenting with yeast-raised cakes vs the usual baking powder.

The brioche I'm making is for chicken salad sandwiches. I'm going to form it into rolls.

I roasted a chicken and diced it up and have it stored in my freezer. I will make mayo tomorrow and honey glazed walnuts.

The brioche is rising *a bit* I will let it sit out overnight then refrigerate it.

I purposely didn't add a LOT of yeast anyways just maybe a tsp. I heard somewhere you get better cold ferments using less yeast.

>> No.17614934

Damn. No shit naturally leavened isn't with added yeast. I'm really tired today. :(

Brioche is a fun bread to make and very delicious. Will you post a picture tommorow of your bread and possibly even your sandwich? They both sound good.

>> No.17614941

I don't think it will be ready until Tuesday but I will then.

>> No.17614957
File: 3.21 MB, 4160x3120, 20220327_193353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this again but tried making naan as the side. I followed the recipe nearly to a T (besides using all-purpose instead of bread flour) and this was the result. Edible, but definitely a disappointment.

>> No.17614967

I like your table garnish. Really adds some good freshness to the meal and picture.

Good naan really needs a tandoori oven I think.

>> No.17615055

spinach and ricotta are moist as fuck idk what to tell you.

>> No.17615371

>Crustless quiche
Frittata? Looks good.

>> No.17615470
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Made BBQ bacon Big Matt's for dinner last night and had a patty leftover this morning so I made a regular Big Matt and a bacon and egg burger with aioli and smokey BBQ sauce. The buns were made in the bakery at my supermarket. Was on like 4 hours sleep when I made them so I did not toast the buns.

>> No.17615526

Let me tell you why you're poor little whyte boi

>> No.17615541

That's a pajeet stew

>> No.17615616
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I didn't photograph the most recent incarnation, but here's what I ate. Had three of those.

>> No.17615948

Thanks. I thought fritatta had to be fried? The end results are fairly similar in taste but this is a lot denser. I had heavy cream left over this time so I used that instead of milk, and made it even thicker.

>> No.17616044

why is that potato chip so flat?

>> No.17616049

Egg yolk

>> No.17616214

Looks like a pattern on the plate.

>> No.17616513
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>> No.17616518

Six million Jews died in the holocaust because of whites just like us guys.


>> No.17616533

It's "voila".

>> No.17616548


>> No.17616603

what's on that toast?

>> No.17616898

Thanks for the tip - I actually would have lilked to use cilantro, but I usually don't cook that many dishes where cilantro is used, so I rarely have it at hand.

Found the recipe from Adam Ragusea and tweaked it a bit

>> No.17617093
File: 1.02 MB, 1173x653, sweetandsour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I watched a whole video on Youtube of some Vietnamese people preparing and cooking cow vag. They even shaved it with a little disposable razor.


>> No.17617139

damn that's hardcore

>> No.17617142
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x2268, 1648417475812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17617208

that's sad, at least take it out of the package and heat it on the stove

>> No.17617360

I’ve never known beets to taste bitter

>> No.17617528

Can a rich cook pls spare some change? I'm about to be evicted and I'm a purebreed neet who doesn't stand a chance on the streets, pls even 10$ would make a huge difference, I owe $100 to my landlord but need at least somthing to let me stay at least a few days, I'm out of food and furniture already, only a crooked phone and some clothes, pls :(

p4y p4l alberto(dot)alvarez(dot)alejo(dot)gmail

i'm having the worst time of my life pls

>> No.17617587

Asians are weird. These things apparently smell awful and have to be soaked for hours several times to be palatable. Just feed this shit to the pigs.

>> No.17617592

Get a job you worthless beggar huehue jungle monkey.

>> No.17617610

I have one but I'm severely underpaid

>> No.17617636

Damn maybe if you didn't say purebred. What you do for a meager living, friendo?

>> No.17617639

looks decent but personally i would cut out and blanch the bone marrow
makes it more appealing

>> No.17617644

I categorize google searches for ad optimization, but the project went on hold

>> No.17617798

Give me an address and I'll mail you a nickel

>> No.17618363

Sto risotto fa schifo, l'osso è secco e non c'è il suo grasso.
Suicidati ritardato.
+ che cazzo è quella cosa verde?Prezzemolo?
Sei propio un ritardato.
Fa cagare
Hai fotografato della carne.....mhh okay.
Anemici, di sicuro fan cagare
Sembra buono, ma che cazzo lo fotografi a fare? E' un burrito, pure un negro ci riesce.
Zuppa di pollo = suicidati
Troppo acquoso, sembra un minestrone con carne. idiota.
E' asciutta come la segatura e gli strati son fatti a cazzo
>I made vegetarian bolognese
Sei frocio e ricchione, letteralmente non hai tagliato neanche un pezzo di verdura nella giusta maniera. Suicidati. Sono di Bologna.
Idiota che fa la foto ad un panino
Fatti bene
hai fotografato dei pancake di merda? Chissà che grandi soddisfazioni nella tua vita.
Noioso, cazzo fai la foto a fare?
Sei riuscito a farla scotta, comunque è orribile. Ritiro sul secca perchè non lo è ma non capisco perchè l'hai divisa così.
Cazzo fai la foto?
Buoni, ma il sugo vuole più lento.
Muori male
Hai messo la panna? Suicidati.
Orribili, appiccicosi, il pesto fa cagare e si vede.

>> No.17618379

I don't speak pasta mongrel, but I understood that you're jealous of how much whiter these pancakes are than you will ever be.

>> No.17618386

Orrible, An unventilated swag with a little bit of cream in the middle.
Learn how to make your sponge cakes airy and when you stack them remove the crust with the endiccappato.
A cake needs to be balanced.
Yours are two badly leavened doughs with a little cream and jam in the middle.
Fucking sucks

>> No.17618399

Why putting parsley in the first place?
+ The bone is dry and the rice a little bit to
+Where the fuck is the fat of the Osso buco? I don't mind the one inside but the cooking fat. Where is it?
You trowh it away?
Fucking kys.

>> No.17618404

I say that is sad that u take a photo of 3 very sad and shitty pancake.

>> No.17618790
File: 1.12 MB, 1125x1052, 43487AE0-761F-4021-9711-786579B2D38B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beef ribs that I smoked for 24 hours at 180 for a bbq with some friends last night. The fat just melted like an egg yolk when you bit into it.

>> No.17618821

>Sei riuscito a farla scotta, comunque è orribile. Ritiro sul secca perchè non lo è ma non capisco perchè l'hai divisa così.
The torta looks fine jackass.

> Buoni, ma il sugo vuole più lento.

> Hai messo la panna? Suicidati.
Maybe he just used too much egg white, I'm not sure there's cream in that

I agree with the rest tho

> but I understood that you're jealous of how much whiter these pancakes are than you will ever be.
Meds are better than you corn syrup niggers