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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 252 KB, 820x871, chicklemonade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17603295 No.17603295 [Reply] [Original]

For me, its Chick-fil-a Lemonade

>> No.17604395

Nice, pure and wholesome. Think I'll grab one after church on Sunday.

>> No.17604402


>> No.17604566
File: 213 KB, 980x1307, chick fil a girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's chick fil a worker girl pee

>> No.17604571

tell us about your die-uh-beetus

>> No.17604573

uhhhh based department?

>> No.17604577 [DELETED] 
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The chain has been known to have ties to homophobia since many years ago, but in 2019, tax files from 2017 revealed that the company had donated $1.8 million to anti-LGBTQ+ groups. Chick-fil-A continues to donate to these groups. Companies like the Fellowship for Christian Athletes and The Salvation Army are still funded by Chick-fil-A.

The Salvation Army also has records of being tied to discrimination of LGBTQ+ people. In 2012, a Vermont branch of the company fired a case worker after learning she was bisexual. The company even put out a statement saying that homosexuality is forbidden according to scripture and that all gay people should become celibate to respect that. Despite this, the Salvation Army continues to deny their homophobia.

The Fellowship for Christian Athletes (FCA) does not allow openly gay leaders and can kick you out if you come out as gay.

Homophobia weakens society and brings us ALL down.

>> No.17604580
File: 922 KB, 1168x535, poster_756e1ee339df41af88e9f142fc924280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Arnold Palmer

>> No.17604583

life is short so I'm going to have as much cfa as I want

>> No.17604584

no one cares bro

>> No.17604609 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17604616 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 1080x809, GayCouple9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shitty low quality troll thread made because posting chick fil a lets them pol-post outside of pol and jannies will sometimes let it slide

clearly people care of they wouldnt be trying to pass laws to oppress us

>gay is illegal in 70 countries
>dude nobody cares

>> No.17604670


>> No.17604677 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17604683

europe is such a shit hole

>> No.17604687

okay faggot

>> No.17604686

cry about it faggot

>> No.17604690

Chick fil a isn’t open on Sundays

>> No.17604692 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17604701 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17604709
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>pol-post outside of pol and jannies will sometimes let it slide
I hope you realize this is 4chan right?
we're not required to be nice to faggots just because we're not on /pol/

>> No.17604718 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1027, GayFear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17604741

my nigga

>> No.17604781

idk I just think that gay people are low key disgusting.

>> No.17604799 [DELETED] 
File: 801 KB, 1000x667, GayCouple8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you hurt my delicate fee fees so I should be able to harm you


>> No.17604833

Someone post faggots being thrown off roofs.
Inshallah blyat.

>> No.17604846 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 959x1280, gaypregnant3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17606617

What is the secret to making good lemonade mA I supposed to make it while warm so the sugar dissolves first or is it all just a ratio thing

>> No.17606767

They dump literal buckets of sugar into it

>> No.17607255


>> No.17607274
File: 277 KB, 750x563, 1629769839400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying a bunch of CFA on saturday night to keep in the fridge and reheat for after sunday mass

>> No.17607279

Make a simple syrup with the peels and sugar. 90% of the lemon flavor in good lemonade comes from the oils in the peels, not the juice.

>> No.17607292

How Talmudic. Always looking for a loophole in the word of the Lord

>> No.17607335

That's like saying that eating a digiorno pizza is cheating.

>> No.17607341

Don’t fucking lie to me, give me the real answer.

>> No.17607754

My local chick fil a is ran by anti-catholic bigots, so I refuse to eat there.

>> No.17607791

he’s not lying
look up a more in depth recipe but that’s the basics

>> No.17607813

I'm going there today.
Rate my order:
>Spicy chicken sandwich, no pickles, add pepper jack cheese. Extra crispy. Honey roasted bbq sauce.
>Original chicken sandwich, no pickles, add American cheese. Extra crispy. Chick fil a sauce.
>waffle fries, ketchup.
>Unsweetened tea with lemon, light ice

>> No.17607828

have you guys had the grilled bbq bacon chicken sandwich? I don't know if it was a limited time thing or not but I had a big fat friend that ate there 7 days a week and he got me one once and that shit was delicious

>> No.17607839
File: 29 KB, 276x491, 5C2CB840-3CF4-47F0-A226-AF6CC1B8E8E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty fast food
>shitty fast food, fag bashing
Why keep making Chick-fil-a shill threads? They make mediocre chicken sandwiches for people who are too lazy to cook for themselves.

Listen, if you constantly eat fast food, go to Costco and pick up a $5 rotisserie chicken and a pack of buns. You can make like 4 sandwiches from the chicken breast, plus you have the rest of the chicken. It’ll be much healthier, tastier, and cheaper. When you’re done with it, you can even use the bones to make chicken stock.

>> No.17607843
File: 111 KB, 352x500, 20220323_071502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have pretty and cute girls that work there and the food is pretty good as well as the service.

>> No.17608364 [DELETED] 

so you hate gay ppl?

>> No.17608370

I'm gay and try to eat at chick-fil-a whenever I can. I really don't see the issue. Plus, their spicy chicken sandwiches are the absolute best.

>> No.17608396 [DELETED] 

The owners donate millions (still) to organizations that work tirelessly to keep gay people marginalized in society and support laws to make it harder for gay people to participate in society. The owners think you are disgusting and should be shunned.

Homophobes always insist that the solution to discrimination is boycott- but obviously that doesn't make sense when you are 1-2% of the population.

If enough people stopped buying Chick Fil A - you would better believe they would release a public statement saying they no longer hate gays or support anti-gay causes if the alternative was them losing their places to live and all their money.

Clearly they are able to profit off their hatred and by buying their food you ensure the future of that.

>> No.17608433
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>wall of text
Interesting post, you haven't convinced me to not eat at chick-fil-a though. I'm probably going to go on Tuesday, I have stuff in town to do so might as well

>> No.17608803

i agree

>> No.17609969
File: 446 KB, 1200x1496, C60FD615-D1EE-4E68-80FE-1F2E57A288A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are other bottoms retarded? You are giving us a bad name. Chic-fil-a isn’t even that good and they close on shabbat. Cane’s is superior, especially in the realm of lemonade.

>> No.17609974

based based based and BASED

>> No.17609978 [DELETED] 

top and bottom are homophobic terms used to demean gay men into heteronormative power-larps

people who claim to only be able to top or bottom have brain problems and the issue isn't the sex itself its the socio-politics surrounding gay sex that influences their decision

>> No.17610043
File: 130 KB, 500x359, 52A36B2D-2D48-4562-A6A5-0074B053C478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying $7 or whatever for picrel

>people who claim to only be able to top or bottom have brain problems and the issue isn't the sex itself its the socio-politics surrounding gay sex that influences their decision
Let me guess. You are vers and you pressure bottoms into topping. Fucking sicko.

>> No.17610049 [DELETED] 

in my experience most bottoms have no problem trying to top if they feel safe with you and comfortable but tops are always fussy about bottoming so i mostly avoid anyone who labels themselves a top or vers top

i think its kinda retarded we have to label ourselves to begin with

>> No.17610687 [DELETED] 

I'm a top

>> No.17610695

>Why are other bottoms retarded?
I'm a top and there is nothing retarded about eating at chick-fil-a

>> No.17610777 [DELETED] 

gays aren't human

>> No.17610789

Where is that 7 dollars? It's like 4 dollars where I'm at.

>> No.17611459

prolly canada

>> No.17612212

>>paying $7 or whatever for picrel
Its $4.50. I know I can get two for $5 spicy chicken sandwiches at arbies but I prefer Chick-fil-a

>> No.17612223 [DELETED] 

gay people are human!

>> No.17612246

Honestly. Report it to corporate and they should take care of the issue. I am Catholic as well.

>> No.17612259
File: 69 KB, 540x960, 67CA90F5-0E9C-49FF-BA5A-12CB23FD19AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouth watering

>> No.17612447

Shut up nigga

>> No.17612454 [DELETED] 

I’m pretty sure the owners have stopped donating to that anti-gay group anyway, it’s all just social signaling now

>> No.17612616

That cat is being offered Ferrero Rocher AND champagne. Why isn’t it happy?

>> No.17612747 [DELETED] 

Not true. Chick-Fil-A said in 2012 that they’d stop donating to anti gay groups, but 2017 tax returns released in 2019 proved otherwise. In 2020 they said they would change their donation approach moving forward, but they very explicitly did not say that they were going to stop donating to anti lgbt groups.

Of course, this is all about the company’s offical donations, not those of the CEO. Cathy himself is still making his own donations. Look into the national christian charitable foundation, and see where they send his money.

>> No.17612941

>say they aren't donating
>it was a lie

>> No.17613123 [DELETED] 

stop oppressing gay people!!!

>> No.17613130

wow almost like christians are just liars and religion is fake and a way you get to hurt people and get away with it when you otherwise wouldn't if you didn't claim "muh magical sky figures forced my behavior"

as i said, christians being polite is fake and artificial

they dont mean it and it creates an atmosphere of distrust where if you DONT fake being happy all the time you can be punished for "acting out of line"

>> No.17613171 [DELETED] 

No, I will continue to exist and be heterosexual

>> No.17613177

Lying is literally a sin in christianity, I doubt they "lied"

>> No.17613246 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1080x712, pecansandies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heterosexuals get NONE of my delicious pecan sandies!

>> No.17613252
File: 75 KB, 680x528, 3AB7B321-29DC-4390-BCD8-09FAD935D271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewing your way into deceiving people without explicitly saying falsehoods is still lying.

More chains should adopt waffle fries. They are superior.

>> No.17613265
File: 122 KB, 1372x772, chickfeelgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like waffle fries, and their honey mustard dipping sauce, but I hate enabling homophobia.

Meals for this feel?

>> No.17613329


>> No.17613847

>More chains should adopt waffle fries. They are superior.
I fully support this

>> No.17614473

it's okay

>> No.17615242

Literally never had it

>> No.17615486

I worked at a CFA about 20 years ago. It's literally fresh lemon juice, filtered water and sugar (or Equal for diet lemonade, though I've heard they've switched to Splenda a while back).

>> No.17616457

Based. Fuck papists.

>> No.17616459

This or TGI Friday’s strawberry lemonade, based taste OP

>> No.17616511

t. steve albini

>> No.17617852

>TGI Friday’s strawberry lemonade
I've had that before but not Chick-fil-a's lemonade. Yeah, its pretty darn good

>> No.17619147

You should try it

>> No.17619212

>as i said, christians being polite is fake and artificial
Do you know any Christians? It sounds like to me a Christian shit on you for acting like a dick and now you're inventing cope that in actuality they are just like you but pretend to be polite.

>> No.17619219

I knew I was only attracted to the same sex as a young child and my feelings have never changed or wavered.

Have y'all tried frying your own chicken sandwiches? I've had the best success using thighs and brining them.

>> No.17619345
File: 38 KB, 144x159, 1614060298591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

describe it

>> No.17619508

Go get a spicy chicken sandwich. Probably the best fast food item on the market

>> No.17619620

>Always looking for a loophole in the word of the Lord
Nigger its a day of rest not fasting

>> No.17620045
File: 1.81 MB, 1199x899, UUUOOOH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's pic related, idk how they do it but it's like they grab an angels be and make concentrate from it

>> No.17620048

fuck i meant pee not be im retarded please ignore my mistakes

>> No.17620050

It's ok to like cumin even if everyone around you says you should be into oregano

just because something is popular or common - doesn't make it good

>> No.17620093

Dangerously based

>> No.17620157

why do mexicans always smell so strongly of cumin? its weird, they cant be eating that much

>> No.17620159

cumin is relatively cheap so it forms a large component of cheap seasoning mixes "goya sazon" that mexicans rely heavily on

>> No.17620223

that makes sense.

>> No.17620420

I do miss working there