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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17603386 No.17603386 [Reply] [Original]

Include flavor and opening method.
I'll start:
Lightly salted kettle chips opened neatly with scissors at the top

>> No.17603441

i don't have a variety i get all the time, but i just use the pinch and pull method

>> No.17603450

ketchup or all dressed
squeeze until it pops

>> No.17603460

You are impulsive and average with occasional stroked of genius. You've never fucked up catastrophically, but maybe it's because you've never taken the risk

>> No.17603486

curly peanut, peanut puffs or whatever you call them
pinch and pull, definitely. you have to open it all the way too

>> No.17603496

You probably went to summer camp as a child. You take delight in pranks.
You cook ground beef and don't drain the fat and you love discount food stores.

>> No.17603497

does your mom know you're gay, or is it just us?

>> No.17603537

My husband might have an idea

>> No.17603551

Scissors fags are the dregs of humanity
For me it's sun chips with the pinch and pull method

>> No.17603607

for small bags, i open the bag on it’s side by grabbing the corner at the bottom of the bag, and tear it all the way across till it reaches the other at end.

>> No.17603739
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I had Sunchips after a blood donation recently remembered liking the harvest cheddar when they 1st came out years earlier.. otherwise I tend to eat Pringles or the Aldi bootleg brand.. Clancy's
So pinch n pull for me

>> No.17603755

Unless you're specifically donating to a family member or dear friend, giving blood is one of the most cucked things you can do. You severely weaken your body and freely give your life essence to some random stranger. What if your blood gets donated to a pedophile or worse? It just seems altruistic to the point of utter stupidity. Nobody in this world is getting a damn drop of my blood unless it's 100% necessary and they are someone I deem worth helping.

>> No.17603761

Is there a term in your cunt for opening the side of the package? They called in something like "friendly opening" or "party opening" here because more than just one person could cram their hands into the bag if you open the side and not the top/bottom

>> No.17603762

Why don't all chip bags open as easily as Lay's or the other big brands? Bags that require scissors should not exist.

>> No.17603768

>Scissors fags are the dregs of humanity
Also, you'd take a woman on a date to Panera and you have a pool membership.
You are literally the antichrist

>> No.17603773

Kettle cook BBQ. I open it the top with both hands using an opposing pull motion.

>> No.17603778

I cut them at the top middle vertically and then pull until theres a corner missing

>> No.17603779

Hot cheetos, carefully pulled open in the 7/11, squirt that fake cheese and chili into the bag for a walking taco.

>> No.17603791

You are majorly affected by Sarah Mclachlan ASPCA commercials but you pretend not to be. Is it the musical nostalgia or the baby animals that does it?
>Is there a term in your cunt for opening the side of the package?
No, you've figured it out already. It's called being a cunt because you can't close the bag easily afterwards to preserve whatever's leftover.

>> No.17603802

by cunt I meant country but I see your point bro

>> No.17603825

You are gregarious and you know how to drive stick shift.
You get into fights with relatives over politics during holidays. You mostly wear sandals.
You pretend to care less than you really do in relationships. You liked superheros as a child.

>> No.17603829

Absolute madman.

>> No.17603860

Swing and a miss

>> No.17603903

If I'm home, I cut a small opening with scissors as if I was going to cut it open, but then I rip the top off the rest of the way. Otherwise, pinch and pull.
Big fan of the Frito twists in bbq

>> No.17604030

Lidl's baked paprika, I open it along the top and middle seals to spread out the bag to put some tomatoes ketchup dip for the crisps.

>> No.17604041
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Salt and vinegar, salt, paprika
Sometimes just opened by hand at the top and rolling the bag up.
If I want to be lazy and read while eating I open them like pic related.

>> No.17604461

You are a bird person. You also had a weeb phase.
You are a romantic and do well in relationships, if you've ever had one. You don't match your socks after washing them.

>> No.17605361

i crunch em up in the bag then pour the tater dust down my hole

>> No.17605389

Salt free
I toss them on the floor and I jump in the air and land on my butt on top of them so the bag explodes out in front of me then I eat all the chips I can off the floor in front of me. Whatever I can't reach I leave to the dog.

>> No.17605399

Just open it with your hands you unbearably weak faggot

>> No.17605815

Just open it normally then pour in a bowl.

>> No.17605831

I don't eat chips
But when I did, I ripped down from the top

>> No.17605839
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>gently open bag to let air out
>crush up alll chips in bag
>shake to get seasonings all mixed up
>pour in mouth

>> No.17605848

kill this man

>> No.17605858

you must be a gargantuan faggot to open chips like that and not just put some in a bowl or something. holy fuck dude.

>> No.17605879

Not him, but the bags usually have a seam on the back for that reason. You pop the top and then open it down the seam and now the bag is your bowl.

>> No.17605912

salt and vinegar. pinch and pull

>> No.17605939

Same as this guy
and this
applies perfectly.

>> No.17605955

Sometimes you need scissors because the glue used for the seal is stronger than the material of the bag.
In that case, the standard method of pinching and pulling the front and back could cause a rip that goes far down the bag.

>> No.17606040 [DELETED] 
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>Sometimes you need scissors because the glue used for the sea blah blah blah my pussy is leaking and men charge too much for tampons and my gunt pushes the pad off god i hate that skinny bitchblulu luyliubccrivroiu hpip887vkgb

>> No.17606055

I want the schizo to leave.

>> No.17606106

Salt and vinegar
I just squeeze them until they pop

>> No.17606109
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I do too, he somehow comments on all of my posts across five separate boards.

>> No.17607117
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I'm a Pringles pigs in a blanket flavor enjoyer myself.
What I like to do is cut a tiny slice off the corner for air, and then smash the bag a few times with my fists. I smash it until the pringles are reduced to a powder and then pour it straight into my mouth.

>> No.17607123


>> No.17607127

They come in bags too.

>> No.17607154

>blood donation
Anon those are run by clans of vampires.

>> No.17607161

Can opener bros, wya?

>> No.17607181
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>ITT We Judge Each Other
I’ll open chips however the fuck I want.
I live my life by the code of the lone wolf. Or as those who follow the path call it, “El code-o del lobo solo”.
I am beholden to no man, and loved by countless women.
Judge me if it makes you feel better, but know that you are judging wind and shadows; things to which your judgement matters not.

>> No.17607314

those new walkers extra spicy jalapeño n cheese ones, sometimes I pull it open, sometimes I stab it with some random item on my desk. best served with cheap Czech beer

>> No.17607355

It seemed to be the right thing to do after I needed a transfusion after a vehicle accident.
Some random person helped me when I needed it hopefully my blood will help somebody else too.

>> No.17607359
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I use scissors.

>> No.17607360

>because you can't close the bag easily afterwards to preserve whatever's leftover
why would you want to save half a bag of chips that had multiple peoples' hands in it?

>> No.17607480
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I buy nacho cheese doritos and fritos jalapeno cheddar dip. I grip the bag in my strong man hands and anxiously apply tearing power, worried that I will tear the bag open with such a force that chips will go everywhere. After I open the bag without incident, a wave of calm washes over me, and I dip my doritos in the jalapeno cheese dip and contemplate the moment's decadence.

>> No.17607643

>Lightly salted kettle chips opened neatly with scissors at the top

The gayest troon on 4chan.

>> No.17607655

>squeeze until it pops

>> No.17608006

You are hetero but not dating currently. You read lots of true crime.

>> No.17608021

Thread ruined.

>> No.17608023
File: 62 KB, 600x688, D4375124-AECA-4529-9F69-99D13487F297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple chips.
If it’s a resealable bag, I’ll open it normally.
If not, I open it upside down using the pinch and pull method.

>> No.17608113

donating blood is good for you retard

>> No.17608150

i just pull the bag apart, pour the chips into a bowl and then close the bag with a clothespin

>> No.17608184
File: 351 KB, 386x488, Screenshot 2022-03-26 12.31.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my desire to want to finger Adia..

>> No.17608217

Cut across the top with scissors, then cut a large flap out of one side of the bag. Place on desk or chair to eat. Thi method minimises noise which irritates coworkers or angry wife.

>> No.17608238

Funyuns, pinch and pull from the bottom

>> No.17608318
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>open bag
>take a potato chip
>eat it

>> No.17608957
File: 46 KB, 313x500, 51W6jhV+1RL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Actual Vampire