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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17595217 No.17595217 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most disgusting eating experience you've ever had?

>> No.17595235
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gluten-free spinach crepes at school cafeteria, they were crisp at the edges and raw mush in the middle

>> No.17595249

Sushi. Felt like a waterboarding, nearly painted the dinner table in vomit.

>> No.17595258

Had a burger, ordered it medium-rare, came back medium-well

>> No.17595271
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Every single time I had to eat seafood of any kind. They're all equal.

>> No.17595274

visiting friend's grandma, she made potato salad that was 50% mayonnaise. I find mayonnaise disgusting but had to eat a plate out of courtesy

>> No.17595282

One time I ate ass but she had showered first so it didn't taste like anything. Wasted half an hour of my life

>> No.17595293

lost a game of soggy biscuit

>> No.17595302

This but actually unironically

>> No.17595307

Oyster will forever remain the most disgusting thing that grazed my tastebuds

>> No.17595312

I tried to chew a gum, never again

>> No.17595323
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I ate a bowl of spoiled lentils out of stubbornness once.

>> No.17595333

I will never forgive modern tranny culture for stealing all the cute tomboys from us.

>> No.17595337

Vegan anything

>> No.17595342

I dumpster dived a soggy half eaten cheeseburger from a fast food joint and microwaved it for 30 seconds at a gas station.

>> No.17595345
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Have you ever had filet of Dover sole? It’s delicious

>> No.17595352
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>> No.17595355

>12 years old
>Staying at my cousins
>His stepdad is a cook in the army and he cooks us dinner
>It's chicken stew but the chicken is slimy and rubbery like it's not cooked properly
>Sneakily throw it in the bin and the step dad throws me a dirty look when he comes back in

>10 years old
>They took all the spastics and problem children out of class
>They let them cook something for the rest of the class
>It was some type of rhubarb liquid
>Tastes so bad I almost vomit

>Staying in rual Ireland
>Order kebab from the local takeaway
>It's just the frozen Lidl kebab you heat in the microwave
>Threw a brick through the guys window as I was leaving town

>> No.17595357

I had gnocchi once. That's how I know I will only have gnocchi once.

>> No.17595361

Why. Gas stations have microwaves?

>> No.17595362

Before Covid, my job had a google-style campus with included breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack/coffee every day.

One day I ordered the beyond burger and it was awful. It had a bitter, metallic after taste and it made my breath smell throughout the day. It was so bad I could smell it just sitting at my desk.

>> No.17595363

Disgusting, and this is no offense to my Belgian hosts at the time, was definitely the most disgusting. It's very bitter endive topped with ham and cheese, breaded and baked.
Weirdest is still sea cucumber that made my whole mouth go numb.
>natto for a third grossout

>> No.17595384

I was a heavy drug user and I hadn't eaten for days, literally no money either so I was shit out of options. And gas stations often have microwaves for customers if they include a store so you can heat up frozen burritos and stuff like that.

>> No.17595386

She's not a tomboy, she just looks like one.

>> No.17595393

Probably the shitty Unagidon I had at a dive joint, genuinely made me want to puke.

>> No.17595399

When are you gonna start using again?

Mmmmm drugs, remember that wonderful rush they give? Oooooo yeaaah I could go for some good drugs right now mmmmm

>> No.17595408

ive eaten some shit (not literally) but nothing comes close

>> No.17595500

Accidentally drinking my own piss, if that counts. Honestly can't think of ever eating anything that tasted so bad I wouldn't finish it. Only time I don't finish something is if i'm full.

>> No.17595526

blueberry muffin underdone in the center, burnt at the top, and the berries were all spoiled - so sour that nothing I ate the rest of the day tasted right
the worst possible blueberry muffin

>> No.17595527

Instant Seafood noodles

>> No.17595637

>Staying in rural Ireland
>Order kebab from the local takeaway
>It's just the frozen Lidl kebab you heat in the microwave
Reminds me of this time I was at a Farmers market where everyone was selling homemade produce like fruits, eggs, vegetables, jellies, and other stuff like that and there was this obese black guy in a tent selling sweet potato fries that he "cooks" in his frier. They were overpriced to shit but because I was hungry and like sweet potatoes, I paid him for a plate, and the dude pulls out STORE BRAND frozen sweet potato fries out of his cooler and dumps it in the frier right in front of me like there was nothing wrong. Sadly I already paid him and he had a pretty muscular friend who could whoop my ass, so I just sat down and waited for the fries to be done. They were soggy and tasted bland.

>> No.17595779
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My friend made some weed cookies that were strong as hell, I was fucked after 1. Went to eat the second one another day and almost threw up cause of the smell.

Not sure if it was because it wasnt as fresh or what, but it suprised me and almost put me off weed entirely.

>> No.17595947
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ate 15ish scones as a judge at a tea party because a bunch of older women made me. I never ate scones before, but I will not eat scones again. Fuck the UK for inventing them.

>> No.17595974

>File: qavu9a6ib5i81.jpg
Opinion disregarded. Go back and take your obsession with you.

>> No.17595999

I hate seafood but I assure you that decent seafood does exist.
I had fish quesadillas once and they were pretty alright. I'm sure other decent seafood dishes exist out there.

>> No.17596022

I was drinking my coffee and there was a fly in it. The worst part is that I accidentally chewed on it and that was the vilest flavor I have ever experienced.

>> No.17596053
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Go outside you fucking loser, nobody cares

>> No.17596067

god you even pay the utilities don't you you dirty bitch

>> No.17596112

My wife grew up a tomboy, still is a bit. She told me how glad she is that she's 30, because otherwise she very easily (bad home life, abusive mother, hated herself, etc) could have been groomed into becoming a troon. The whole "trans rights" nonsense is just a way to normalize imposed mental illness.

Maybe just learn to accept who you are, and the body you're in. I did.

>> No.17596138

>be me
>parents go to food bank (US)
>beg for mom to get trader joes expired cupcakes because i was a kid and wanted cake
>eat one
>throw up instantly because it had been sitting in the sun all day

>> No.17596143

American's are so weak

>> No.17596149

Kill yourself

>> No.17596152

thanks anon I enjoyed the imagery

>> No.17596435

anon, i...

>> No.17596489
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Look out for yourself, anon.

>> No.17596503

Vegan Mayonnaise.
not trying to hate on vegan stuff but seriously it was the worst tasting "food" I'd ever tried

>> No.17596523

Eugh, reminds me of when the house I lived in had a severe ant problem and the fuckers snuck into my water mug a couple times and I drank from it without looking. Also sometimes theyd climb up my chair and into my pants. And the worst thing was a couple times I woke up to realize they had infested my bedsheets.
And no, I wasnt a slob with food and trash lying around, they were just fucking everywhere.

>> No.17596531

are you saying that you wish she hadn't showered?

>> No.17596561
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>be me
>ramen shop opens across the street from eye-doctor
>spending day with dad
>he has an eye appointment
>while he's there, he gives me money to go across the street for lunch
>Have an excellent bento box and order a bowl of "[city] ramen"
>It is enormous
>It is also delicious
>Enjoying myself immensely
>Elderly Japanese man walks out from the back slowly
>Begins speaking to me in broken English, I can't make heads or tails of it
>Younger fellow (presumably son or grandson) steps out from the back to try and translate for him
>"The ramen was made incorrectly."
>I couldn't tell, shrug
>"It's supposed to have cheese on it."
>Old man holds out grater and a block of yellow cheese
>"Mae ay purease finish de desh."
>I'm afraid he's gonna collapse if I say 'no, thank you'
>Let the old man have his way, it's not hurting anyone, and besides, he's trying to be very polite
>He covers the top of it
>Bows with a huge smile and shuffles to the back where he emerged
>The entire thing tastes of bad cheese now
>Easily the worst thing I've ever gotten at a restaurant
>Never return there again

>> No.17596582

tfw no gf whose ass i can eat

>> No.17596587

He probably did it intentionally. (Pearl Harbor)

>> No.17596716

Never forget what they stole from you

>> No.17596821

I'd eat out that butthole

>> No.17596930

Sure this based gentleman wasn't a Korean? I know cheese ramen is a big deal over there.

>> No.17596968

Even if he's using drugs, at least he doesn't post cringy gay shit like you

>> No.17596973

It's hard to judge him for that, but I understand the frustration

>> No.17597337

sea urchin sushi, shit was $20 for 2 pieces and tasted like dirty catfish

>> No.17597364

Zoomer detected

>> No.17597530

How'd you drink your own piss?

>> No.17597548


>> No.17597553

I was on holiday in Spain, we went to this little restaurant where I ordered a pizza.
When I sliced the pizza, and cut through a big bubble in the crust, a cockroach came out, unscathed from the heat of the oven.

>> No.17597723
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It's entirely possible he was, I know a lot of 'Japanese' restaurants in America are actually staffed by Koreans/Chinese, or so I've heard.
I mean, bless the guy. I'm sure he's dead by now. I ain't mad at him or nothing. But it was objectively my worst experience.

>> No.17597861

I was at a sushi restaurant as a kid for my birthday and i got curious to try something new and ordered baby octopus. I wasn't picky, eel is my favorite, but i bit into the head of this baby octopus and instantly vomited. Managed to catch it all in my mouth and sort of hide with my napkin as i let all the puke onto my plate. Never tried baby octopus again and eel is still my favorite.
Runner up was my mom made dorito covered baked chicken. She slathered everything in mayo to get the doritco crumbs to stick. Pretty much threw up on the spot with that too. I dont like mayo, especially not baked, hot mayo

>> No.17597870
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>2 years ago I see a food challenge advertisement
>myself and a partner have to eat a 28 inch pizza in an hour to win $500
>look up the pizza online, looks 100% doable
>pull up after making the reservation
>Looks a little bigger in person, still seems feasible
>first 15 minutes go by great, about 1/3 of the pizza is gone
>start slowing down quick, going at a snail's pace by the 35 minute mark
>The 32 oz soda that came with it isn't washing it down anymore
>Stomach is getting fuller and fuller, but I gotta keep going
>3 slices left with 10 minutes to go, barely inching along
>Jaw feels like tv static, head is woozy
>Take a bite and try to swallow
>Chewed pizza physically will not go down. Activated my gag reflex without causing me to barf
>Shamefully and slowly allow the mass of mashed up dough and cheese to come up out my throat and out into the designated bucket, failing the challenge

I wish I could've done it, but it felt like pizza was crammed all the way up my stomach and into my throat. There was no way I could finish. It was fun, though, aside from the nausea afterwards

>> No.17597882


>> No.17598102
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Drank out of a piss bottle when I was super drunk. Couldn't tell why the "booze" tasted like bitter water so I even went in for a second swig before realizing what the issue was. Used bottom shelf vodka to wash the taste down.
Honestly it didn't even taste bad it was just the psychological factor of it being piss.

>> No.17598120

William Stamper is that you?

>> No.17598154

Unwashed vagina, followed closely by Marmite

>> No.17598171
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Havn't gotten a compliment like that in a while. Wonder what ol' stampy is doing after he got busted for a DUI. No clue how he made bail. One of Gods special creatures, no doubt.

>> No.17598230

Shouldn't have gone with that strange lady. But at least she gave you breakfast.

>> No.17598231
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>> No.17598493

aw shit that reminds me of the time I woke up hung over and to take the edge off, I took a nice big gulp from the half finished beer can I still had on my kitchen table. Turns out I'd been using that can as an ashtray last night so the contents were stale beer mixed with ash and cigarette butts. Spat that shit out immediately and started retching over the kitchen sink, which went on for a good couple of minutes. Took hours to get the taste out of my mouth.

>> No.17598557
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once i ate a fish with human teeth

>> No.17598573

Brutal. Been through cigar hangover before. Nicotine can be a monster.

>> No.17598577

getting bullied by old ladies lmao

>> No.17598782
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>pizza+greek place near my house
>have eaten the greek food there before and it was pretty good
>decide to try out the pizza ($22 for the smallest size)
>the texture is completely off the dough feels like stale bread and the cheese (which is that shitty cheap american style cheddar cheese) forms a crust over top that is almost hard on the outside
>the pizza tastes like it had week old calamari crust smeared over it
>when I bite in it the shrimp in the pizza feels like it has never been washed since it left the ocean
>had a few slices since I had not eaten for a few days and was hungry as fuck then threw the rest out even though I was still fairly hungry

>> No.17598923
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When I ate one of these at a dingy corner cafe in Beijing. Most of the food I had there was great. I just don't get how people eat this shit.

>> No.17598931

ur mams pusy lmao

>> No.17598987
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>> No.17599094

My dad made lamb bariyani but it ended up far to greasy and disgusting

>> No.17599099

Bri ish fish en chip. Wut you never met the chipo man

>> No.17599116

You've never had a crab cake in Maryland, clearly

>> No.17599337


>> No.17599478

Crab cakes make me vomit

>> No.17599564

Why did that upset you?

>> No.17599657

I was a picky eater as a kid, so one night when I was staying at one of my Aunt's she placed a plate of some meat, rice, and beans (beans covered like half the plate) in front of me
I ate everything but the beans, and when she saw what was left she gave me the "You're not allowed to leave the table until you've finished everything" spiel. So after failing to stomach two spoonfuls of it, I decided the only way I could make it through was to take a swig of soda alongside each bite

I can't properly describe how nauseating the texture and taste of the two combined were, but I can say that I was there for almost 30 minutes trying to finish it all until my Grandma saw me there, asked what was up, then promptly told me to leave the table me because my Aunt was full of shit.

>> No.17599692

Used to go to Shenzhen a few times a year for work. I've eaten some pretty awful stuff that I can only imagine what it was comprised of.
Old Bay isn't that great and Maryland drivers are fucking trash.

>> No.17599834

>summer job with the parks dept and sent to clean a big garage
>find a tin case of "civil defense biscuits" packed in the '60s
>of course we open it
>no flavor at all, it's a textural experience
>the texture is a rock hard block of dust

>> No.17599907

>Wasted half an hour of my life
who rims for half hour? you not going to give her a ass assgasm

>> No.17599943
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>drinking Gatorade at friends house
>set it down beside me on the floor
>pick it up without looking
>talk giant swig
>MFW it's a 2 week old bottle dip spit
i'm gagging just thinking about

>> No.17600043

That's what you get for associating with cancer-mouths

>> No.17600088

>he doesn't know

>> No.17600093

Basically anything I ate when I went to America. I was half grease by the time I left.

>> No.17600110

>visit America
>access to a plethora of options and ingredients
>opted instead to just eat fast food the whole visit
You only have yourself to blame

>> No.17600116

family trip to Florida one time during the off-season, my older sister convinced everyone to go to a tourist trap restaurant when i was insisting that because it was the off season we would be better off going to any busy place as it shows the locals eat there.

i made the mistake of ordering seafood because i didn't think it would be that bad when it was literal beachfront, absolutely positive i was served rotten seafood mixed with sand.

>> No.17600461

What part of FL? you'd hang from a light poll if you sold bad sea food around me.

>> No.17600480

He probably went to some tourist trap where they can get away with it knowing you're not going to return anyway

>> No.17600539

meh doing gods work keeping tourists out of FL

>> No.17600540


Do you lift? How big are you on both the X and Y axis?

>> No.17600555

Any boiled meat slop from 99.9% of all cooking shows

>> No.17600560


Is it a texture thing? It typically has little flavor in of itself but it can absorb whatever you cook it in.

>> No.17600607

gf made me go to her uncles wedding. Her uncle was white, the bride Chinese, and it was a traditional Chinese wedding or something.

There were something like 7-9 courses of food, each more inedible, cold, and disgusting than the last. It was like something out of Star Trek, Klingon food.

After each course the Chinese people got more and more offended we weren't eating anything lmao

>> No.17600671

How did you accept her being ran through?

>> No.17600711

basically, but what's even worse chinks eat expensive foods just to show off their wealth

>> No.17600723

This is cra

>> No.17601393

KEK based
assmad druggie

>> No.17601397

Kill yourself avatarfagging tranny.

>> No.17601421

Right now I thought I'd buy supermarket eclairs to cheer me up, a whole box costs about the same as 2 bakery eclairs.
God they're awful. The dough has a bitter aftertaste, as expected the filling isn't creme patisserie at all, even the glazing isn't chocolate. Ingredients include shit like soy lecithin, flavorings and other garbage ... I'm gonna finish the entire box anyway.

>> No.17601427
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Sorbitol and sorbic acid too. Some sketchy startch with an E name. Why the fuck did I buy these again

>> No.17601447

Hello retard.

>> No.17601451


>> No.17601570

What a fucking pussy, two people and you couldn't down the equivalent of a couple of large pizzas? I used to take on two large pizzas and breadsticks and wings and a 2 liter back in my heyday.

>> No.17601577
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>> No.17602498


>> No.17602610

>Be me, decide to go to Dennys
I know 'that was your first mistake' bros.
>Order 1 all you can eat pancakes for a family of three. Each of us shares a pancake, we eat like kings.
So turns out staff hated that and tried to kill us off.
>we eventually find a bread tab in our cakes, followed by a hairclip
We got the memo and finished up. Never ate there again.

As for like actualy cringeworthy I bought a tuna sandwich at a beach side sandwich place, expecting it to be the best I had ever had.
>mfw there was a full on spinal bone inside.
It perminantly ruined tuna fish sandwiches for me.

>> No.17602646

I was drinking chocolate flavored protein shakes every day and thought to make a chocolate mojito
I could only stomach half despite it being alcoholic and highly proteic
ah this happened to me once, bad experience but definitely not the worst

>> No.17602656

>almost 5 years later, bongs are STILL seething

>> No.17602671

Fruit salad at my school. Halfway filled with juices and had random shit thrown in, one random piece being a fucking carrot. Also the school kept serving expired milk.

>> No.17602687

>Bri ish fish en chip.
You cunts make rubbish fish and chips. The ANZACS mastered it, plus they have decent fish.

>> No.17602695

Based Aunt not taking your bullshit.

>> No.17602719

>there was a full on spinal bone inside.
Was probably canned salmon or mackerel.

>> No.17603335
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To be fair, pretty much every culture will have people eat expensive food to show off how rich they are, though the Chinese tend to forget that the food should also taste good.

>> No.17603412

I had went to a restaurant/pub sort of thing and ordered chicken curry. It was the thinnest wateriest curry sauce with literally torn up slices of sandwhich chicken slices over rice that was cooked too long. This was when I was 12 and it haunts me still

>> No.17603878

Not with that attitude

>> No.17603908

I know you're some rando asshat trying to make himself feel rad by talking down to other randos on the internet, but FYI, the area of a circle is a product of the square of its radius. Thus, while a large pizza at the fancy places you'd patronize (such as Papa John's or Domino's) has, according to the google machine, a 14 inch diameter, it is actually only 1/4 the pizza of a 28 inch diameter pizza. So, even in bloviating, you're still a failure.

>> No.17604002

I can down a whole container of steakums in a day, I think I'll be ok.

>> No.17604027
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Black-eyed peas with ham hocks my step mom cooked when I was a kid. Picrel isn't hers but accurate from google results. Tasted like arm pits. I told my dad I didn't like it but he had a standing "I don't care, eat it" policy when it came to dinner. So I tried. I didn't make it. I threw up into my bowl at the table, splashing it onto whoever was next to me. Unfortunately it wasn't my step mom. It looked and smelled exactly the same before and after. They should have listened to me. We never had it again.

>> No.17604060

the corned beef my childhood friends mom made. I could barely eat a bite while they're all scarfing it down around me. never listened to his opinion on different foods after that.

>> No.17604120

Do you happen to keep the plumber's number saved in your phone?

>> No.17604137

Let's just say I have a plunger and a backup industrial strength plunger.

>> No.17604802

The time I had a rotten apple was pretty bad. Don't want to remember that again.

>> No.17605482

i had the opposite experience, paid premium price for some "handmade" eclairs in germany and the damn things were soggy as shit, they had this sickening watery taste in every bite

>> No.17605525

At Safeway they used to sell 10 eclairs for $5 where I lived. They weren't bad, not real bakery, but not bad. Was never able to eat the whole box in a day though.

>> No.17605532

Why don’t you go enjoy sobriety, poser

>> No.17605538
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>>Staying in rual Ireland
>>Order kebab from the local takeaway
>>It's just the frozen Lidl kebab you heat in the microwave
>>Threw a brick through the guys window as I was leaving town
Holy shit. My sides.

>> No.17605540

>my wife said she’s glad she’s too old or else she’d become a tranny
Bro make this dumb fucking retard an ex wife before she chops your dick off in your sleep.

>> No.17605553

what am I looking at?

>> No.17605565

I had a bowl of steamed vegetables and some sausage I smoked. You get what you deserve dipshit.

>> No.17605597

Mental illnesses are obviously normal, lots of people have them. It is possible to be born mentally ill. And transexuality is not imposed, that is a baseless claim. It has existed throughout history. You and your wife are both dumbfucks.

>> No.17606070

>It has existed throughout history.
This is sort of like saying that fat people have always existed throughout history so there's nothing wrong with obesity in America. You're being dishonest if you're trying to imply there's nothing anomalous or pathological about the recent trends.

>> No.17606085

Drinking the soda was a mistake, it just filled you up faster. Should have just had water, then after you won threw up to not feel like shit

>> No.17606091

Looks like an ancient chinese sweet and sour dispenser

>> No.17606117
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First and only time I've ever sat in a iHop. To this day people practically beg me to try it again because it's just sooo good. Fucking NEVER again.
>nobody but a single table of two senior citizens in the restaurant and myself
>Takes 30 fucking minutes before a waitress walks out and asks what I want to drink
>Another 20 minutes to get the cup of coffee
>I'm already ready to leave but I go with sunk cost fallacy and decide to stay
>Order stuffed french toast
>Still no other customers
>45 minutes despite the kitchen having nothing to do
>Waitress is still 15 feet away and I get a distinct odor of rancid milk
>It's so fucking bad as she sets the plate down
>Mention this smell to her
>"Don't know what you're talking about"
>She leaves, odor is still present, obviously wasn't her and is the food
>Now I'm just curious
>Slice into it
>The cream cheese is so rancid it's literally green
>The senior couple six booths away are gagging and wretching, I'm joining them
>Scream for the waitress, I mean loudly
>She's not 30 feet away and is gagging and wretching
>After me being an asshole for a minute she fucking asks what I'd like as a replacement
>Are you fucking kidding me? You think I'm eating here after that?
>"I'll take it off your bill"
>Sweetheart, I'm not paying you $1.50 for a cup of coffee that I had to wait an hour for only to be served rotten food.
>She's actually threatening to call the police on me for stolen coffee a I walk out

>> No.17606136

He became a meth fiend and streamed with a couple of other nobody meth fiends for awhile on Twitch I believe. I think thats how he's been able to sustainably live in an actual house and not become homeless, like Shadman. Then he started uploading a lot of 2-6 minute videos to youtube of him trolling parking lots like a weirdo, making shit fried food, etc. All just veeery strange stuff. I miss when he was a bit more sane, and his actual friends were still around to help him out. Now he's pretty much nothing. Barely uploads actual content. Its so fucking depressing.

>> No.17606150

most of the creatives end up insane, anon. it just happens. poor stampy.

>> No.17606397

I'm like 130kg fat as fatass. I can eat a cake or a box of eclairs in one sitting just fine. Shame they were so fake.
I'd could try making them again myself, but my choux dough always deflates. I usually end up just making a sandwich out of two flat choux , and that's still glorious because I use real vanilla beans for my creme

>> No.17606400

oh and the bakery eclairs are 5$ for just one. They don't have super nice filling with real vanilla, but aside from that they're pretty good.

Hey maybe I'm so fat, because I cram unreasonably large amounts of shitty food full of preservatives into my mouth.

>> No.17606424

Never swim in the ocean then

>> No.17606431

Why would I, It's basically just a huge fish toilet

>> No.17606444

I had a girl eat half a pot of nutella off my cock

>> No.17606449

Poor dog

>> No.17606457

Handkaese. Nobody requested or needed it, but Germans were, like, hey, let's make 28% protein, 2% fat cheese that has the density and consistency of vulkanized rubber. Oh, yeah, and add in more sulfuric compounds, for that faux-sophisticated feel.

I couldn't swallow nibs it. I'd diced it and added it to eggs, and they just solidified.

>> No.17606745

Pressed Duck, a very snazzy French dish that isn't served all that commonly anymore

>> No.17606974

>t. roon

>> No.17607000

You will never look like your anime avatars

>> No.17607012

I kept a piece of spinach in my mouth even as they tried to drive me to a donut store to bribe me

>> No.17607021


>> No.17607068

I mean, you did drink their coffee lol, they're in their rights to expect you to pay.

>> No.17607367
File: 20 KB, 735x735, 1576360153863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a beach hotel and they served us spoiled eggs and meat in our food, they apologized and cooked us dinner for free. Pretty nice people.

>> No.17607387
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, Dd4iFOGVQAAeCYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody dared me to eat a raw scallop, threw up about 20 minutes later and again a few hours later when I got home.
Somebody was cooking clams and the smell hit me like a brick.

>> No.17607411 [DELETED] 

>myself and a partner have to eat a 28 inch pizza in an hour
so that's like two 14 inch pizzas

>> No.17607419

You guys should hang out, could have all sorts of wacky adventures.

>> No.17607452


>> No.17608253

Two posts does not an avatarfag make. Lurk moar.

>> No.17608920

>the chicken is slimy and rubbery
Slimy chicken is the worst. Why do people think this is acceptable?

>> No.17609072

>inb4 he relapses because of this post and dies of an overdose

>> No.17609408

frogs legs in a garlic sauce at a really posh restaurant in Bruges. they tasted exactly like how a pond smells and the meat is difficult to get at. fucking vile

>> No.17609550

absolutely BASED fxcuisine poster. i used to use his recipes twelve years ago. i wonder what happened to him?

>> No.17610164
File: 578 KB, 1500x1500, quick-stewed-tomatoes-1007-med103160_sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dating a girl
>She wants me to meet her family
>Meet at some country bumpkin place
>Place is all about stewed tomatoes and her family loves them
>I fucking hate eating tomatoes (aside from an ingredient)
>Have to spend an hour not only managing GF family talk but also eating soggy tomatoes
She had solid DDs and a nice butt, so no regrets

>> No.17610641

That's why I didn't say avatarfag, I said avatar. Likely this is a type of troon that would have this type of art as their profile picture

>> No.17610668
File: 58 KB, 396x462, 1629098371245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are mentally defective and I hope your genetic line dies with you.

>> No.17610693
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x768, 1642281799919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating taco bell, probably. It was fucking disgusting and made me physically ill. I have no idea how anyone can eat that trash.

>> No.17610704

The whole place was about stewed tomatoes? How does that work? What was the menu like?

>> No.17610737

Weird, I enjoy it since kindergarten, it’s amazing /fit/ food, just like quark.
Maybe you gotta grow up with it. Still, you got filtered by kindergartners food.

>> No.17611261
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 3c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli pussy.

>> No.17611335

Nobody cares, retard.

>> No.17611339

yeah you're going to have to elaborate on this what the fuck?

>> No.17611402

Drank my own piss once during the pandemic when I was on unemployment. Drinking 20 beers a day, one day I wake up to a particularly bad hangover and had pissed in my water bottle. Took until the second gulp to figure it out.

>> No.17611406 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 740x1000, ip_139102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either a transvestite or homosexual (aka child fucker) from the kitchen delivered the food to my table not the proper white ~20yo girl who took our order. We all looked at each other in shock how someone would let a filthy subhuman work for them let alone be around food. I painstakingly ate my food. Most of us did except mom and dad which was offended. Dad had like part of his food though.

There should be some safety code... something on menus or on the side of the building if they hire the mentally ill. What a fucking dumb thing to do. You want to make money then handicap yourself with literally supporting child raping animals.

>> No.17611620

>one weird decadent fuck in the court of King Louis XIV whose servants never told him 'no' trooning out is evidence that one in five teenagers who use Discord are ackytchually declaring themselves transgender for 100% natural and organic reasons

>> No.17611670

stop replying then, troon

>> No.17611686
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, feral human.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a hamburger with a friend once. He showed up drunk and sloppy and ended up having the burn spread over most of the table shoving bits and pieces in his face and getting both himself and everything else covered in condiments (he added extra).
Worst food I've ever had was a gull that I shot and roasted on a camping trip. I would have to be legit starving to death to eat gull again.

Pretty sure they will only sell you a pair of glasses like that if you can provide proof that you have raped a child in the past.

>> No.17611919

it's called cunny dude

>> No.17612239

>teaching feelings IRL

>> No.17612272

The forest gump gimmick about shrimp but with tomatoes instead.

>> No.17612471
File: 113 KB, 1408x1387, 1633062814937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a friend's house when I was a kid and his mother insisted I should dip my bread in their avocado-onion sauce. It was terrible. I don't know how can people just eat raw onions without spices or caramelizing them.

>> No.17612535

>be me last summer
>buy discounted chicken drumsticks
>marinade them with herbs and buttermilk
>never tried buttermilk in marinade before
>roast the drumsticks in preheated oven
>oh god the smell
>like someone set fire to a full garbage bin that'd been stewing in the summer heat
>try it anyways
>meat disgusting, marinade disgusting
>end up throwing everything out

>> No.17612573

That's a shame, anon. But at least you tried something new.
It's good to get out of your comfort zone once in a while. Just don't do it with like 5 pounds of meat at a time I guess.

>> No.17612774

Thai restaurant, everything was pre-made freezer garbage and tasted disgusting.

>> No.17612797

Eating over at a classmate's house in grade school and the family turns out to be working class WASPs

>> No.17613232

You're a faggot.