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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17601319 No.17601319 [Reply] [Original]

Can you “waste water”? Got in a debate with a friend while cooking when I left the tap running for a minute while I left the kitchen. They seem to think the water is lost forever by going down the drain, even though I told them it goes back into the system through water treatment plants. I mean even if you left a hosepipe running, it all goes back into the water cycle just through evaporation and rain.

So how exactly can you waste water? Besides the cost of using it.

>> No.17601324

It depends on the water infrastructure where you live. Mine goes back into the aquifer but lots of big cities it dumps the fresh water into the sea after probably processing it.

>> No.17601325

If you pay a water bill then having water running that is not being used is a waste, it's literally no way going down the drain.
If you live in an arid area or in a drought then the water supply is limited so it can be wasted still.
If you live in a first world country then no you cannot waste water

>> No.17601329

Literally 'money' going down the drain*

>> No.17601333

You pay the cost of water and sewage.

>> No.17601336

What this guy said. Also if you get municipal water and don't have a well, it costs money to process wastewater for reuse, as well as energy to pump it back via lift stations
I have a well so Idgaf

>> No.17601339

Obviously the water costs money, but I pay for it, the discussion wasn’t about the cost of the water, but the actual water itself and me somehow damaging the environment. But how’s it damaging when the water doesn’t get destroyed and goes back into the system?

>> No.17601340
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Not my problem

>> No.17601345

Do you think you can waste food when all of the left overs still go back into the earth to eventually grow more food?

>> No.17601355

Because the water will need to be reprocessed costing energy which in most places comes from nonsustainable resources. Obviously a faucet on for an extra minute won't lead us to extinction but don't think we have some kind of perfect efficiency water system

>> No.17601358

What non sustainable resource does it cost to process water?

>> No.17601372

I’m not talking about food, I’m talking about water. Water doesn’t get destroyed, it just gets transformed through the water cycle.

Though on that debate, food waste is a myth too. Food does not last forever, the idea that throwing out food is somehow bad for the environment is stupid too, since things decompose naturally. If you buy a bag of apples and don’t eat them, what do you think happens to them? They decompose. What do you think would happen if you never bought them? Do you think they’d somehow naturally last forever? Of course they don’t. Or what if they were never taken off the tree, so you think they’d last forever then as well? Truth is they’d eventually rot and decompose anyway. Same with all food. It doesn’t matter if you eat them or not.

>> No.17601379

Food molecules don't get destroyed either. It's not like the water just goes down the drain, into the ocean and then back into your tap. There's a whole prcoess

>> No.17601385

Do you not know how the energy system works or the inputs it requires?

>> No.17601388

These plants are running 24/7, they’re constantly treating water like a flowing river, you running the tap doesn’t lead to the plant somehow having to run harder or use more energy, there’s no difference in energy consumption whatsoever.

>> No.17601389

It seems like you are diverting every answer with every technicality imaginable
And nobody complains that food waste is bad for the environment, just that it is a poor demonstration of character. But it is a waste of a life of the slaughtered animals if you are just throwing it in the dumpster.

>> No.17601394

Water is not steadily processed and renewed at the same rate it is used so while it may not be lost forever you are not helping matters by letting it mindlessly drain. There is a reason thousands of “save water” campaigns exist, they don’t just spread awareness for fun.

>> No.17601400

I asked you the question because I obviously don't. What non renewable resource does it cost to process water? How many years do we have left until all the water becomes undrinkable?

>> No.17601408

>It's not like the water just goes down the drain, into the ocean and then back into your tap.
It literally does though? It might take decades or hundreds of years for those exact water molecules to evaporate and become rain, but it’s not lost to us, it’s literally called the water cycle and it’s a huge process that is constantly happening, any water that you put in the ocean today is being replaced by water that was put in the ocean hundreds of years ago. The only time this matters is if you’re in a desert or somewhere where water is scarce and you have limited supplies. But water is abundant on earth and it never gets destroyed.

>> No.17601411

No the water is sent to local reservoirs which when full leads to production stopping. Also scarcity exists so everyone can't just use as much water as you want. If your argument is that the effect of one person has no bearing on anything then that just proves you have a nigger brain that can't comprehend how large numbers work lol

>> No.17601415

The water you flush down the drain doesn't magically find its way back to a reservoir.
If you're the kind of person who believes your vote counts, then you should also believe water you save is an overall benefit.

>> No.17601419

Since the majority of energy comes from coal and gas that'd would be the limit. Or do you think the water becomes clean through magic???

>> No.17601420

>It seems like you are diverting every answer with every technicality imaginable
That’s called having a discussion or a debate? What you’re talking about isn’t food waste, it’s over farming. Whether you buy a steak from the supermarket and eat it or throw it in the bin, it makes no difference to the animal dying. It would still have died either way.

>> No.17601422


>> No.17601423

It takes a lot more work getting that water back to the next faucet than it would if you just didn't waste it.
Like, it's not a big deal if you live in a big country. But you're literally wasting good water.
America is really wasteful with water. We literally flush our toilets with the exact same water we drink and shower with. So you letting the water go down the drain for a minute is pretty much nothing compared to every time you flush your toilet.
But does that mean you should waste water? No, you should try to save water when you can. Especially in 0 effort situations where it takes a simple gesture of the hand to turn off.

>> No.17601424

>The water you flush down the drain doesn't magically find its way back to a reservoir.
Yes it does faggot. Ever heard of evaporation?

The water literally turns invisible and flies itself back to a water source.

>> No.17601428

>the sewerage system is somehow “magic”
Have you never heard of pipes and gravity?

>> No.17601432

What if the rainwater never reaches the old reservoirs?
I think this is one of the major issues with farming in the midwest.

>> No.17601440

letting the cold tap run a bit isn't going to do much harm
it's clean water going into the filtration system
granted, I can only speak for where I live (in the Netherlands)

it is far more harmful to let chemicals and waste go down the drain
for instance, it is completely absurd to me that americans let food waste go down the drain

we have seperate bins for that so that it gets repurposed

>> No.17601469

sorry, this post made me 20 seconds too stupid. um. no? idk man just stop wasting it then. i've been on this coconut crotch water diet for a while now and all i need is sun and pussy to keep my thirst going which sounds like a cooler system than whatever your system is where you have your on water sources every 10 square acres.

>> No.17601474
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This thread just further convinces me that most people are NPCs or just attention seekers repeating things they’ve heard without thinking about it for themselves.

>> No.17601485

Really? No.
Since (((they))) started charging for it? Yes.

>> No.17601493

Is it also wasting water if you drink water?
Because you drink it and it goes right back into the toilet except contaminated with uric acid.

>> No.17601517
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Yes it is. You should all stop drinking, eating and breathing. Get vaxxed, stay at home, you will own nothing and you will like it. You will eat the bugs.

>> No.17601520

Is eating food you buy or throwing it all away the same thing??? Really makes me think desu

>> No.17601533

I'm starting to think this is a bait thread

>> No.17601545

You eat food, it turns to shit. You don’t eat food, it turns to shit. Hmm…

>> No.17601553
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10-to-1 your friend is a filthy toilet-pissing hypocrite. Remind him how much water he wastes every time he flushes.

t. sink-pissing chad

>> No.17601558

You wasteful piece of shit. Put that piss where is belongs watered down and on some plants.

>> No.17601585

If it's yellow let it mellow

>> No.17601592

My family knew a guy who pissed in his garden every morning. Had the biggest and greenest lettuce

>> No.17601599
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>tfw you always offer your guests a salad with your delicious pisslettuce

>> No.17601602

One time I passed out drunk and left the tap running at full capacity for 7 hours

>> No.17601659

I don't want my garden to smell like a freeway underpass though.

>> No.17601756

septic and well chad here
ill leave my water running for months at a time

>> No.17601770

I live in a landlocked but water rich country, water is recycled into the system. Even if it would be dumped, I mean, it either gets filtered down deep into the soil which isn't bad or evaporates and falls as rain again? I mean you cannot really waste water if you're not living in a desert, can you?

>> No.17601775

>food waste is a myth
The problem is wasting huge amounts of irrigation water, chemical fertilizers, and processing/shipping energy costs. These things are most definitely finite resources. Obviously it all goes back to the earth, but not in a readily available form. Current agricultural practice is not sustainable for much longer. It's too wasteful and too global.

>> No.17601789

>he thinks drinking water is a never ending resource
Anon.. I don't know how to tell you this...

>> No.17601798

You don't have to flush every time you take a piss.

I don't pay for my water but I still don't senselessly waste it. My mother taught me better.

>> No.17601800

>Can you “waste water”?
no. it gets recycled by earth's natural processes.
however, you can waste water by filling sink and draining the sink (waste meaning discard in that sense).

>> No.17601801

money is not real and thinking it is is a waste of time.

>> No.17601804

>don't think we have some kind of perfect efficiency water system
you mean earth's natural processes?
if you think sewage needs to be treated instead of just evaporated and then rained back down you are listening to nonsense put out by big sanitation.

>> No.17601806

this bitch-ass manlet had to stand on a chair to piss in the sink.

>> No.17601807

it won't as long as you shave.

>> No.17601809

Sometimes it's best to stand on a chair anyway, the vertical angle makes it easier to aim your piss between the dishes.

>> No.17601810

>he thinks water goes away
>he thinks mars used to have water but it just went away
>he thinks desalination doesn't naturally happen through the rain cycle
we're fine.

>> No.17601816

why would i need a chair for that?
i'm not short.

>> No.17601824

Think of it like the infinite energy loop fallacy. Along the way, water is lost somewhere. Whether it be through evaporation, leaky pipes, etc, on the way to the water treatment plant. So yes, you can "waste" potable water. Its not in huge amounts no, but there's nothing wrong with trying to not be wasteful either.

>> No.17601835 [DELETED] 
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No, you cannot waste water.

Water exists in a self-recycling system.

The water that we drink and wash our assholes with is the same water the dinosaurs drank.

That being said, there's no reason to leave your tap running for a minute while you leave the kitchen.

>> No.17601838

Ask him if he takes showers and if so he is a hypocrite and needs to stfu

>> No.17601872

>He still thinks this shit

>> No.17601956

>Along the way, water is lost somewhere.
turns into rain.
>leaky pipes
back to the earth.
will evaporate and fall as rain.

it's a closed system, anon.
water doesn't go away.

>> No.17601957

>he thinks i need to think it instead of just know it because it's established fact
stop living in darkness, anon.

>> No.17602310
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>The US doesn't have arid areas
>The US can't have droughts

>> No.17603094

Water is never lost. Earths water never decreases or increases. What can change however is drinkable water, aka fresh water. Water can become polluted, sea water is full of salt, or water can be trapped underground, etc.

But this is a whole system, the water cycle and it balances it’s self out naturally through evaporation and rain. Of course there’s areas low on water, like a desert, but those are specific places.

>> No.17603128

aka potable water. The water cycle takes time and uptake can exceed rate of return.

>> No.17603154

It isn't, but good fucking luck going without it.

>> No.17604497

Didnt say either of those things you mong

>> No.17604545
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Are you a literal boomer? I ask because they're the main people I encounter who have these trivially nonsensical revelations and think they've outwitted the entire world.

>> No.17604555


>> No.17604581

A sealed plastic bag is a closed system too, go tape one over your head for half an hour.

>> No.17604589


>> No.17604608

My dad left a house running at his vacation house and didn't know until he received a $12k water bill

>> No.17604623

I live in a suburban area. Water I use goes down the drain and into a sewage system, which is treated at local plants. The water at said plants that I "waste" is simply mixed with other refuse and cleaned using complex processes, then dumped back into the local reservoir .
While water is sitting, it evaporates and creates rain clouds, which rain and refill the reservoir, regardless of if water has been treated or not.
Regardless of if I "waste" water, water is cleaned altogether at the treatment plant and there's no waiting queue for water or anything, so it's silly to think that by using large quantities, we're somehow "wasting" this almost inexhaustible resource that gets readily replenished by moderate amounts of rain we normally have and consistently and perpetually gets cleaned to be made useable again. If you live in a place where water is not plentiful, or the population has exceeded the artificial population ceiling (California), you'd be expected to ration water due to frequent complications regarding resource management. In this sense, it's a "waste" to the community, but improbable that you'd be able to use enough to significantly deplete the resource with just one home's full water usage, even if it were constant.

So no, there's no such thing as wasting water in the first world in your scenario.
In the desert, of course a bottle of water is going to be worth more than next to a freshwater lake.
"waste" is a term indicative of lost usability, opportunity, or potential, which you most certainly are not doing by taking less than the daily replenished amount of water.

>> No.17604641

the water doesn't leave the planet, but the water is limited as to your location
the water that evaporates and rains somewhere does not necessarily return to your specific water table
droughts happen

>> No.17604651

i save the water from when i shower, wash my hands, brush my teeth, and do dishes to flush the toilet

>> No.17604933

Law and order aren't real either, yet the physicalized consequences of society-scale belief in these mystical concepts prevents niggers from breaking into your home to steal your liquor and tongue your anus.

>> No.17605011

Until the media somehow makes it okay for people to loot and destroy cities. What happened to law and order then?

>> No.17605245

Just use the Starbucks bathroom.
0% waste if it's not your bill to pay.

>> No.17605256
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you pay for the water you use so the only thing you are wasting is your own money

you pay people smarter than you to take enough money from you to replace/ reprocess whatever dirty water you produce

so many of these eco faggot phallacys like having to switch to paper straws to save the turtles, even though i live in the middle of the country and pay for BOTH garbage disposal and recycling to be done safely by career professionals

half of the shit liberal government's are telling you to do for them as a favour to "the environment" are just tricks to make the government's job easier while they double the population of your country without building any new infrastructure

ie leeching off of the pre existing population to create an overpopulated wage slave cast system (you will own nothing, not even the tapwater you pay for) and it will unknowingly enforced onto you by retards like your friend in that situation you described

>> No.17605270

Most of the cost of water is just being hooked to the line or being a customer. The first 500 gallons are usually "free" or part of being the customer (around 15 dollars) after that they usually bill in units of 500 gallons. You will never drink that much in a month, so most of water use goes to washing clothes/toilets/dishes/etc

>> No.17605345

>So how exactly can you waste water?
Taking something with is usable/consumable and putting in a state of no longer being usable/consumable, and doing so in a way which doesn’t involve using/consuming it in any beneficial or meaningful way, is wasting it by any reasonable definition of “wasting”.
You can argue as to whether or not the wasting was detrimental, and to what extent, but that doesn’t change the fact it was wasting.
>bringing up the water cycle
According to the laws of conservation of mass/energy, nothing is ever truly destroyed.
It’s not a matter of if the matter
still exists, water or otherwise. It’s a matter of if it’s in a usable state.

>> No.17605422
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Yeah and it’s still useable if it goes down the sink retard. It’s called the sewerage system.

>> No.17605423

>If you're the kind of person who believes your vote counts
I'm not retarded so no

>> No.17605481

>t. Drinks, bathes in, and/or cooks with sewage
Okay, then in your case it’s not wasted. I stand corrected.

>> No.17606673

he said first world country

>> No.17606698

Isn't the point of reducing food waste actually reducing the oil usage?
Since practically every single food produced requires oil (tractors, etc.), wasting the food means you waste oil.
If nothing else, you waste oil on transportation

>> No.17606763

I don't blame you, most of the planet is retarded. Leftards and their greenpets are cringe though

>> No.17606790

If you were paying attention you would have seen the lead spokespeople trying to calm rioters down and making speeches about how it was only undermining the cause and destroying their own home, but Fox probably didn't cover that inconvenient fact.

>> No.17606802

If 99 people are rioting and one person is speaking out against it I will pay most attention to the rioters.

>> No.17606847

gotcha sheeple

>> No.17606985

>Lose retarded argument with house mate
>Ask 4chan for affirmation
>Lose argument again
>Repeat same shit over and over

>> No.17607200

Perhaps, but that goes beyond the consumer and that’s a corporate issue. Individuals can’t be held responsible for waste like that, because if you don’t buy a product it’s still going to sit there on the supermarket shelf and any amount of resource spent creating it has already been used. You could argue supply and demand, but if people stopped buying, then the supermarkets would resort to other tactics like lowering prices until they did. Our society is also dependent upon big businesses being successful.

>> No.17607205

>thinking you can win or lose an argument on 4chan
You do realise that nothing here matters don’t you?

>> No.17607207

absolute smoothbrain

>> No.17607219

Tell us your plan to fix society then brainbox, lets see what those two brain cells can muster

>> No.17607527

Not buying goods dramatically impacts the bottom line of the companies selling goods - especially perishables, like food

>> No.17607546
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>waste water
There is no such thing.
I've connected my tap to a hydroelectric contraption, and get free electricity by running my tap 24/7.
Water is after all included in my rent.
But my landlord got pissed when I tried to sell the excess electricity to the power company, so I gave up on that idea.

>> No.17607639
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>> No.17607866

dont care
still running water while i shave
still running water while i brush
still running water while i dry dishes

>> No.17607968
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The cold war era is over, grandpa. First world means country I like and third world means country I don't like.

>> No.17608129

I take 2 hour long baths everyday. I keep the tap running and half plug the drain so the water level stays the same.
I sometime will leave the shower running while i sleep for white noise.
Water is included with rent in my apartment

>> No.17608135

>Besides the cost of using it.
1 int op answering his own question

>> No.17608146

not the water itself but you are wasting the infrastructure to store an deliver the water as well as the energy invested into treatment

>> No.17608152

does your friend let it mellow if its yellow?
if not hes LITERALLY wasting water

>> No.17608154

water comes from different places. if you have well water the aquifer you're drawing from can be depleted from overuse. some areas are dependent on snowmelt as a water source

>> No.17608156

dumb question because im tarded but can one make water? like electrolysis or some shit?

>> No.17608159

I also should add that I live in a large californian city

>> No.17608168

You just add 2 H's to your O's

>> No.17608207

One of the major problems is that water has a natural cycle that has sustained it self through thousands of years coming to a sort of equilibrium through the seasons.

When mass farming uses shit loads of water to make food that is then shipped to other cluntries you're moving the water too far away and it disturbs the natural cycle of water and rain. California droughts are a prime example of this shit.

>> No.17608521

pro tip, most water meter can not measure water usage at really low flow, so you can get a lot of free water at say 1 gallon an hour

>> No.17608531
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>I told them it goes back into the system through water treatment plants.
You mean wastewater plants?

>> No.17608551

You did the right thing OP. If anything, people should waste more water. The amount of pharmaceuticals that are dumped into the water because of the high level of medication that modern humans have has been wrecking the environment. Diluting it by running the sink for a few minutes helps just a little bit. If everyone pitches in, we can waste a lot more water together and save the environment from the poisons that we can't protect ourselves from.

>> No.17608558

Much easier to dig a well

>> No.17608875

How does "unless you live in X" translate into "the US doesn't have X"?

>> No.17608878

Burning rocket fuel

>> No.17608910

Plus, it takes years for water to filter down into aquifers to be potable for humans.

>> No.17609065

Based alchemy anon

>> No.17609898

Yeah, the bacteria living in symbiosis with plants can turn the -NH2 gruops from piss into nitrous salts that can be used as a nitrogen source by the plants

>> No.17609909

I meant nitrate salts

>> No.17610138

It's a constant flow though, since water from years ago has filtered down already.

>> No.17610167

>me somehow damaging the environment
Why the fuck do you argue with braindead fags ? Just press X when you deal with NPC, seriously. Are you jabbed or something ? What's wrong with you ?