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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 929x801, E5vapfNWEAssVv-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17593855 No.17593855 [Reply] [Original]

This can not be a sustainable business model.

>> No.17593860

Apparently, it is.

>> No.17593864

what's unsustainable about it?

>> No.17593865

What coastal urban socialist hell is that from?

>> No.17593866

The best part is that they double dip. They charge restaurants 15% to 25% and also charge the customer all of those fees.

>> No.17593870
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Probs portland.

>> No.17593923

These delivery services really should be nationalized, it's the most unproductive, rent-seeking form of capitalism out there.

>> No.17593927

You underestimate how fucking stupid and lazy people are

>> No.17593931

Yeah, the government will surely handle things properly....

>> No.17593936
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Oh yeah getting the corrupt state to manage an already shady tech based business is going to fix things.

>> No.17593949

The worst part is the delivery guy only sees like a buck from that order.

>> No.17593956

Lol I can get a big jewcy ribeye from texas roadhouse for the same price.


Lol no. What a joke. Never tip people.

>> No.17593961

>dasher tip

>> No.17593972

Do people who order this stuff not own cars? If you're going to complain about the price, just go pick it up yourself. If price is no issue, then why do so many complain? Is it really just neets and poorfags seething because they can't get fast food delivered to their home cheaply?

>> No.17593983

you can buy like 2 litres of premium ice cream and 100 tea bags for that

>> No.17593991
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>family business agreed to pay for all food that I want if delivered for another six years but I am not allowed to leave house for any but emergency reasons.
>still get a paycheck and do nothing for them
>eat like a king

Feels Goodman. Mfw.

>> No.17594048

>Lets nationalize a tendie delivery service for NEETs

Go kiss your sister right now.

>> No.17594056

I'd rather see you nail your daughter/niece.

>> No.17594063


>> No.17594073
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I can't really clarify any better. My family company pays for my food and delivered meals all it requires is for me to remain home for another six years.

>> No.17594079
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What a terrible name for a beverage.
It reminds me of that tragedy.

>> No.17594085

>remain home
are you a furry and your family pays you to stay inside?
yiff in hell faggot

>> No.17594096
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Nope. Not at all. 40% owner.

>> No.17594118

But like why do you have to stay at home? Like you can't leave at all?

>> No.17594120

Are you living one of those "stay in basement for 10 years and come out a millionaire" things in real life?

>> No.17594129

In my area you have to have 50% off or more to pay for just the cost of the food. I know cause the only time I've ordered is during those promotions

>> No.17594142

Heh, man I forgot about those. He's only got 6 years to go Wonder what setup he chose.

>> No.17594152

So I looked up Doordashes's fiscal numbers, and even with the stupid fees they are still losing money every quarter. Baring some radical change in business model (delivery robots replacing driver?) I just don't see how they will be able to turn their business profitable.

>> No.17594175

I stopped getting Uber Eats due to bullshit fees they started to apply, which don't exist in other services.

>> No.17594187
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>dasher tip
>almost half of the price
Whats the point?

>> No.17594189

Why not? You fucking retard faggots will keep throwing all your shekels at them instead of driving, biking, or walking to a restaurant. They could double the charge and most people would still bleed money for their num-nums
This is the same population of people who made Bezos into the richest man in the world

>> No.17594196

I wish that was me. I spent the last twenty years in my bedroom, and all I have to show for it is a list of collection notices.

>> No.17594199

I'm old but spent my 20's and the beginning of my 30's doing lots of drugs and playing in bands while working retail jobs. Most of my friends are great friends, but objectively doing bad at life. Like renting a single room or still living at home at 40 bad. Like spending all their money on games consoles and weed at 40 bad. When we hang out they are extremely shocked that I won't use these services. They are like 'yo yo it is wicked sick because I can get a new user discount for $10 off if I sign up as you and you don't even have to call the restaurant'. I refuse. I call the restaurant. I know the owner. I pay the going rate. The discount never materialises and the times they have ordered without me they eventually give up looking for endless discount codes and ways to 'game' the app and just order at the ridiculous price. But you don't have to talk to the restaurant. Yeah great I like talking to the restaurant I'm not always stoned and socially awkward. These apps are created by parasitical tech companies flush with investor cash looking for the nExT aMaZoN. They run at a loss to get users acclimated to the service then they bring in the price model when they need to show profitability. They are a burden on restaurants and users alike, fuck them. There is a reason why I own a house, a car, have a family and a good job now, in part it is because I realised that by rewarding myself with a bong, some cheap wine and some wholesale supplied generic breaded chicken pieces deep fried by a child on slave wages alongside a coleslaw that came from a bucket and some fries with industrial cheese was basically just destroying me mentally and physically.

>> No.17594204

The reason he is paying such a high delivery fee is because the restaurant is only paying 15% commission

>> No.17594205

Get the fuck out of here boomer

>> No.17594211

Just to add to that - there are some businesses that spend years running a loss before they can move into profit making phase; Amazon being a classic example. But in those cases the reason the reason for the early losses is that the company is heavily investing in various infrastructure they need, like Amazon building out warehouses & data centers. Doordash doesn't have that sort of infrastructure spending going on. The amount it costs them to hire delivery people is probably just fundamentally more than they will be able to collect delivery fees.

>> No.17594215

I expect like most of these "disrupt the market" businesses, they bleed money until they've forced all of the original value creators out of the market, then pivot to taking over from them. They'll be setting up kitchens in shipping containers soon.

>> No.17594300


I do deliveries and college students and rich kids don't care. All they want is their soy latte.

>> No.17594305

It's a sustainable business model if people pay for it, what you're looking at is a quasi luxury product (like an iPhone) aimed at people who hate cooking and can scrounge up enough to have it.
Personally I like these apps in a pinch but I'm also in a place where what you ordered would be half the price and our currency isn't worth nearly as much as the USD.
You're not supposed to order a single thing unless you're a troglodyte btw.

>> No.17594340

Ty for your input
These companies will be the first to burst in this next tech bubble of retard companies with no exit as absurdly high valuations.

>> No.17594346

>you can't siphon as much money as you can from rich, entitled leftists retards
What's the problem here?

>> No.17594373

Kek, yeah I'm sure that will work really well

>> No.17594382

t. Broke zoomer
Based boomer, I call the restaurant directly or order directly off their website and pick it up myself

>> No.17594420

>$7.99 delivery fee
Do these idiots live on top of a mountain or twenty miles down an unpaved rural route?

>> No.17594770

You fat fucks should learn how to cook

>> No.17594782
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>> No.17594838

It makes fast food into something slow and expensive. Defeating the entire purpose of fast food. They are now paying the price of not learning to cook simple healthy meals with quality ingredients. I have only ever used it when the car is in the shop and simultaneously no one in the office wants to go out. Only happened once.

>> No.17594869

the problem is them having so much money to blow in the first place
the problem is wealth only going to kikes and complete retards who serve them

>> No.17594954


>turn an already inefficient and haphazardly designed business model into a bloated government disaster

Goddamn, you're really that fucking retarded, aren't you?

>> No.17594976

>What a joke. Never tip people.
they can see what you tip before they accept the trip, so your shits never getting delivered

>> No.17595085
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Can someone smarter than doordash drivers post the recipe for this so-called "milk tea" so I can make one. I would like to embrace my savings with this beverage, if I may.

>> No.17595095
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It's another poors seething about poors thread

>> No.17595133

You don't get rich by writing checks poorfag.

>> No.17595150

Tea (usually earl grey or some other black tea)
sugar syrup
easy as

>> No.17595163

It's sustainable as long as you are stupid enough to order and some other rube is stupid enough to deliver it.

>> No.17595410

That's it no special milk or cream or anything?

>> No.17595423
File: 81 KB, 700x703, kim-kardashian-work-advice-people-reactions-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The waltons didn't get rich by eating beans and rice, poorfag. Simp hard enough and maybe they'll give you free money though. It's the thought that counts.

>> No.17595424

It should be illegalized. Its a worthless service that overcharges and promotes laziness. GO OUTSIDE.

>> No.17595436

use briefly scalded full fat milk for more latte-like milkiness, use low fat cold milk for more watery texture

>> No.17595440

>whore tells women to get their fucking asses out there and work
Where do I sign up to manage her girls?

>> No.17595525

>tip before delivery

>> No.17595535

I hate commies so much it's unreal

>> No.17595536

Get dashpass. If you order more than once a month it pays for itself

>> No.17595540

it's not. all these delivery companies are fueled by VC funny money. the end goal is to do away with drivers and have everything be automated, but it's not happening fast enough.

>> No.17595551
File: 404 KB, 1284x2534, A5804C7F-A5EB-406E-B438-F41716DE3D79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look guys I went out of my way to find a high delivery fee and order the cheapest product!
>omg bad business!!!
Fuck off, you retarded ass faggot. When you go out of your way to game something into being retarded, don’t act like your retarded results are shocking.
And holy fuck you suck at even gaming shit into something retarded.
Took me all of 20sec to find a $0.25 cup of ranch that I gotta pay $25 for.
Omg capitalism has failed amirite?

>> No.17595572

I don't understand. You just owned OP by... showing him a delivery fee even worse? It its really cherry picking, you should show a reasonable delivery fee, not one even worse.

>> No.17595600

>do taxes as a way to keep out of the house
>door dash nigger rings me up
>yeh do my taxes bro I worked for skip the dishes
>spent 15k in expenses and gained 28k in gross profit
>ask him how much he worked for the company
>part time between muh school classes for a year

>> No.17595612

Are for B2B/company cards?
Only way i can fathom.

>> No.17595621

Kurdt Cobain? Sir? May I suck your cock sir?

>> No.17595628

How about we just design cities so its easy to walk to a restaurant instead of needing to get in a car and drive 15 min both ways

>> No.17595642

Are you a cpa? Any good stories?

>> No.17595647

Esp drinking establishments

>> No.17595717

damn, he should get a better job

>> No.17595893

Elon is working on it.

>> No.17595914

no he isn't, he's making more cars. Most Americans cant even fathom a world where you can easily walk to most places or take public transportation. White women need their gigantic oversized SUVs and that will never change. I really do wonder what future generations will think of the automobile and why it lasted as long as it has.

>> No.17596234

This is hilarious. Ordering uber eats and doordash is the new avacado toast. Fuck millennials.

>> No.17596248

he is an embarassment to the family and they are hoping he eats himself to death

>> No.17596255

nah the saudis are working on it

>> No.17596271

no that's the best part
it's like a loophole that allows me to legally own slaves

>> No.17596296

Woah buddy, that sounds like communism

>> No.17596308
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Just fucking buy an iced coffee in a can

>> No.17596311

>This can not be a sustainable business model.
It isn't lol
they survive purely from fleecing dumb investors that buy into their pipe dreams that this will somehow turn profitable one day

>> No.17596316

Ive done it once while at a conference in the ass end of nowhere and I dodnt want to eat shitty hotel bar food. Granted it was a luxury since i was traveling. Fucking pack a PBJ if its your day to day food

>> No.17596378

>why can't I afford a house????

>> No.17596390

Or people could just stop being addicted to spending their money.

>> No.17596400

other than this >>17595436, yeah thats literally it

>> No.17596418
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Seriously, why is it so fucking hard to just pay some dude a flat $10 to go bring me some food.

Instead they up-charge on every item with hidden fees and visible fees, turning a $30 meal into a $50+ meal, when it should be $40.
I don't understand how they still fail to make a profit with their absurd fees, are they retarded? They aren't really doing anything but facilitating order placement and paying the driver..

>> No.17596494

It's for medium to larger meals... not to order a single cheap drink on. Retard.

>> No.17596496

It is illegal. They're employers but claim they're not and refuse to have the responsibilities of employers. They are fucking employers and I'm sick of them getting away with their bullshit.

>> No.17596500

You underestimate how scary people think cooking is.

>> No.17596514

so it's a lose lose scenario? jeezuz. more lazy fat fucks and less profits to potentially pay driver more

>> No.17596673

He is doing the exact opposite. He utterly despises transit because he's a CAR SALESMAN

>> No.17596732

I remember when the first wheels of this stuff were turning here. It was Deliveroo followed by Ubereats. Same shit really. Self employed delivery agents brought onboard by an app and plugged into a network to facilitate orders and deliveries between customers and restaurants. The blurb was like ... do it for some pocket money, do it to get exercise on a bike, do it to get out and about and meet people and see the city. It wasn't really supposed to be a proper job for proper adults. Now if you park at Mcdonalds the carpark is completely filled with shitty cars and asian dudes collecting orders, it is clearly popular and that is what it looks like, beat up cars up to 25 years old sat with the engines idling and ethic guys hanging round carparks. The price of fuel here just went up a lot so we'll see how resilient the model is from the delivery end and we've extremely high inflation and increases to the cost of energy and food so take away food will go up in price and peoples disposable incomes are dropping like a rock. The people who rely on takeaway food and spend the most money are generally thick and poor and living month to month already so I'm anticipating them to be extremely impacted by the rise in energy prices. Like mine have just gone from £80 a month to £210. Energy is now over 7% of my total salary. Some people I work with talk about how after bills they have about £15 a week to live on so I don't know what the fuck they are going to do, get second jobs?

>> No.17596742

By making shitty electric cars and just putting more fucking highways underground?

>> No.17596898

>The blurb was like ... do it for some pocket money, do it to get exercise on a bike, do it to get out and about and meet people and see the city.
This and the whole "ride sharing" lie was just because if they called their employees employees they'd have responsibilities and the whole point of the endeavour was to sidestep that and undercut the traditional companies. It was never ever not supposed to be a job.

>> No.17597235

yes what they are doing in regards to having contractor workers is actually illegal.

Once the funny money goes away (bubble bursts) we will see these shitty companies die
Why dont you and I, anon, put out ads in the major cities calling citizens retards for paying more for a slower service? Like you pay extra luxury fee to get it delivered to you on someone else's time...that's regression....

>> No.17597343

>Dude fuck driving 15 minutes each way, that takes too long, we need to make it so you have to walk 15 minutes each way instead
Your lazy faggot zoomer friends will still waste their money on doordash to avoid the walk, retard

>> No.17597488


>> No.17597501

scamming retards with ni impuls control out of their hard earned cash is a bizness model as old as time anon

>> No.17597510
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do citycucks really?

>> No.17597522

That isn't Doordash's business model though; their's is the scamming investors to keep funding an unprofitable business with vague promises that it will be profitable one day. Scamming the retards with poor impulse control isn't actually profitable, in this specific case.

>> No.17597554

2/10 bait but scores a 7/10 because of all the (You)s

>> No.17597574
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>Regulatory Response Fee
a what

>> No.17597578

I dont use services but I used to drive for them and the wages are terrible for what people are paying. It's pointless to allow people to profit off a fucking web app that does nothing.
Also Ayn Rand died on welfare.

>> No.17597632

So you're literally proving the point of the OP, but at the same time subtly simping for these services? Anon I think it's time to stop posting.

>> No.17597638

I got charged almost twice my order and I'm from dumbass red Florida

>> No.17597642

You retards could also just not use the service.

>> No.17597657

Anyone who actively works against the use of automobiles should honestly kill themselves. Their value in society is a net negative. They could cure cancer and they would still be providing net negative value because they are trying to get cars off the road

>> No.17597661

it would help you not be such a fat cunt, tubby

>> No.17597681

Or restaurants could just go back to employing their own delivery drivers. Though the real problem is that too many people are cooklets

>> No.17597741

>He lacks the reading comprehension

>> No.17597783
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anyone who actively works towards the use of automobiles should honestly kill themselves.
>noise pollution
>air pollution
>have to pay for gas
>have to pay for insurance
>have to pay for maintenance and repairs
>have to pay for the car itself
>makes people fat because they don't exercise
>makes it so public transport is shit ("just use a car, what are you poor?")
>makes it so you can't ride a bike or walk anywhere
>makes it so local businesses and shops die out
>isolates you from your community
>chance of crashing and dying
and finally
>since you need them to get anywhere, licenses are handed out to just about anyone, meaning the majority of drivers are genuine retards
compare this to riding a bike or walking
>gives you exercise (desperately needed by most of the population)
>is easier
>don't need a license
>only pay once in the case of a bike, or not at all
>doesn't pollute
>lets you check out all the local shops
>means you can engage more directly with your community
>probably won't crash and die
cars are the absolute worst way to get anywhere
>b-but what if i need to go long distances!
you could take a train or a bus, but we don't get to have those things because of you retards. you retards also make it so we don't get bike lanes or actual streets either. in a case where cities were designed well instead of for the profit of the car and oil companies you shill for, you wouldn't need to go very far anyhow because places you need would all be nearby, rather than having to drive 20 minutes to Walmart to get a bag of chips.
fuck car shills forever and always

>> No.17597854

Do you have any idea how much capital is POURING out of China right now? Chinese kids can buy $20 cups of tea for the next eighty five years without blinking because they're backed by an absurd amount of of their parents' money.

I live in Toronto, I'm an expert on Chinese capital

>> No.17597884
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>go pick up your own food
>pay an extra $16 to get it delivered

>> No.17597885

do americans really?

>> No.17597909

I made the most money in my life selling drugs to chinese kids in toronto

>> No.17597998

yeah you are the type of retard I imagine to order a single fucking drink on delivery and expect not to have costs recouped
your tip doesn't even cover a gallon of gas either. dumbass.

>> No.17598024

Giga based

>> No.17598078
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beep beep motherfuckers

>> No.17598114

i live in the middle of nowhere :(

>> No.17598122

Pretty good for developing country.

>> No.17598204

>Why does the percentage rise when i reduce the variable to a minimum and there's a constant involved
>omg how do limits work
>omg how does math work
Do people really not realise this is for ordering full meals for multiple people and not 1 condiment?

>> No.17598525

Anon, are you reading the thread? They are LOSING money not making a profit. Having the government use tax payer dollars to fund a retarded service that deteriorates society, bleeds money, and produces nothing is completely retarded.
>Ayn Rand died on welfare
Oh yeah, because I don't want Doordash to get nationalized and "think" the government is corrupt I'm an objectivist right? Kill yourself.

>> No.17598551

You're the kind of clueless retard that donated to Bernie's second presidential campaign. I know you wont grasp the significance of that because you're just that goddamn retarded.

>> No.17598562

Good, I hope they charge you more next time.

>> No.17598564

>small order fee
>left a tip
retard. if you order fifteen bucks worth of food/drink then the fees never go upwards of five dollars

>> No.17599014
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>nooooooo you can't just go wherever you want! you may only travel the pre-determined routes that we in the office of transportation decide >:)

>> No.17599370

I'm busy rewatching Friends on Netflix, I don't have time to go pick up food.
Also why am I always living paycheck to paycheck? I can never get ahead in life, this is the government's fault

>> No.17599384

You're just as dumb as people who advocate for cars at the expense of public transportation. We need both in America for varying reasons. But smoothbrains gonna smoothbrain.

>> No.17599419

get off your ass and go to the store yourself if you don't like it, retard

>> No.17599420

Who has a single beverage delivered?

>> No.17599430
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>These delivery services really should be nationalized

>> No.17599571

Closed-minded idealism like this has lead our people to poverty and homelessness.

>> No.17599703

Bus and trains fucking suck

t. Yuropoor

>> No.17599722

how is it not sustainable to successfully sell a product for quadruple its value? it's genius.

>> No.17599760

Definitely piss bottle NEET or camgirl/just chatting streamer. I can't imagine other humans getting a single milkshake delivered and wondering why it would be expensive

>> No.17599777

As long as retards pay for it, it is.

>> No.17599953
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I don't understand this whatsoever.
In Germany when you order a pizza or whatever online you pay for the food + 2-3€ for the delivery and often the delivery fee is removed once you pass 15-20€ or so. It's common to tip the driver if they bring the food quick and hot, but you're not forced to tip (that's ridiculous).
There are the value added tax and (ostensibly) fees for the use of the online service but they're already included in the price of the meal which is a completely normal price you would pay in any fast food or regular restaurant - a typical pizza costs about 7€ and there's always offers for 'date' and family meals which cost 20-30€ including appetizers and soda.

Yet, the service providers still turn a great profit, even though businesses are taxed way harsher than in the US, and are expanding all the timne.
Therefore, all these fees and expenses are clearly complete and other made-up bullshit. My suspicion: In Germany (and most civilized countries) there are regulations stating that service providers are not allowed to charge fees that aren't connected to any real, tangible expenses in their business operations. Passing such laws would not bankrupt the companies nor hinder their growth and everybody, including the customers, can be happy. The notion that all economic activity is a duality of unhinged exploitation on the one and stalinist state planning on the other hand, is one of the stupidest aspects of American politics.

>> No.17599964

>ordering tea
Just make it home for pennies per cup you lazy bastard

>> No.17599972

The picture might look silly at first glance but the breakdown make sense

$7 for the tea Inc tax
$13 delivery
$3 voluntary tip

These are normal prices, it only looks silly
and disproportionate because OP ordered so little.

>> No.17599978

Anything to the left of hands off free market unregulated Reaganomic capitalism is full bore North Korea tier communism here

I hate the extreme polar nature of American politics so much, it’s unreal

>> No.17599985

Literally buying time, paying $22.93 to get an extra hour of your life to spend. Worth it if you make more than $22.93 per hour.

Honestly the restaurant and grocery store model is wasteful as hell. You don't wanna eat bugs? Better get ready for your nationalized DoorDash to distribute food more efficiently you shit. We already deliver mail and pick up garbage at every address, don't see why we can't do that with food too.

Restauraunts are fucking DEAD, they just don't know it yet. There'll be more cookeries without tables than with them soon.

>> No.17599996

You have to bite the bullet when your wife is pregnant and gets a hankering for tea flavored ice cream at 10pm.

>> No.17600001


based rambling boomer. Your point about the inherent worthlessness of all these useless silicon valley start-up apps struck a chord with me.

>> No.17600010

It's not even $23 to get an hour of your life, it's $13-16

>> No.17600056

It will never cease to amuse, how infuriated /ck/ becomes at the idea of food delivery

>> No.17600066

Just dont buy or use delivery services. I mean it's just that simple. You want your 10 dollar burger to cost only 10 dollars and not having to use some gay nigger to deliver your burger for 20 bucks? Just don't do it then you idiot ass retard ass idiot.

>> No.17600083
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>in Germany
>In Germany
Nobody gives a shit about your authoritarian failed nanny state. You cant even order food after 10p.m. lmao

>> No.17600105

It is not. Even during the Pandemic, Doordash has been hemmoraging money and hasn’t been able to turn a profit. Apps do this all the time. They spread out as far as they can as fast as they can to kill competitors and defeat the competition so their app is the only game in town and they can set the price where they want.

But even with a captive audience, there are too many established food services and so none of them won. Instead, they increase the prices because they still owe their investors a TON of money.

>> No.17600278
File: 2.12 MB, 1080x1044, FNoSsupacAItvnQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fine gayasses, i will admit that having both is necessary, but right now only one is a viable option and it's seriously depressing. if i have to drive another day in this drab, horrible oversized parking lot i think i may finally lose it, after i come home and wipe the developer off my shoes.
explain pl0x

>> No.17600298

I'm >>17599014 and I support public transportation but I will shoot before I give up my right to drive. I live in a city with pretty good public transit. I'm a student now but I've accepted a full time position and I can easily commute via the subway there. Thank god for that. I drive for fun, I wouldn't want to commute by car

>> No.17600381

good for you mate, I'm glad you're in a place with a healthy balance between the two. i definitely feel like driving could be fun if so many of us weren't forced to do it for so long for mundane, soul-crushing activity (even as an avid car hater, i sometimes find myself having fun).
i will say that i think that driving should be more of a privilege than a right, hence my point about retards on the road. hell, my driving test only consisted of parking going forward, parking going backwards, and doing a 3-point turn. also the fact that getting your license essentially signs away your 4th amendment rights, but i digress. how is the biking and walkability situation over there?

>> No.17600694

I was in Germany in October and ordered two pizzas and a kebab at 23:00 when I got to my hotel. I'm fat as shit but the point still stands.

>> No.17600710
File: 66 KB, 549x650, StIgnatius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, based, and blessed. as others have said, I call the restaurant, get in my car, and pick up the order.

>> No.17601470

Proof that children use this website

>> No.17601526

How do you stop people from smashing these abominations and stealing the food?

>> No.17601534

>can not

>> No.17601540
File: 380 KB, 1043x1136, 1629019748464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans pay these many fees but then turn around and brag about their low taxes

>> No.17601573

How are Yanks cucked so hard at their own business?

In bongland I can get a maccies (about £12 because fat cunt) delivered for about £16. Theres literally just a delivery fee of about 3 quid then Jewber eats add their "service cuck" of a quid.

I know OP was being a faggot but then I've seen stuff like >>17596418 so theres some truth

>> No.17601576

I use door dasher at work when I didn't have time to prep a meal ahead. It works cause I'm not allowed to leave the building (since I'm the only one there and we keep doors open) so the delivery of whatever restaurant I like is good

>> No.17601601

Anon, most pizza places here do delivery and have like a 2 or 3 dollar charge. They operate the delivery themselves. What the fuck are you on about autist?

>> No.17601655

The business that traditionaly deliver in the US like Chinese and pizza have little to none of these extra charges.

>> No.17601693

>take public transportation
Rather not mingle with non-whites. Not sure how it is in your country.

>> No.17601715

so its literally just fatcunts wanting mcdonalds/chains delivered?

>> No.17601776

Why am I fat for wanting food? Sometimes I'm too drunk to cook or drive but still hungry. :(

>> No.17601786

And venture capitalists trying to do another Walmart. But it's field by the fatties and low IQs like >>17601776

>> No.17601788

Sure. It'll be nice to blow a load in a mouth that isn't my own.

>> No.17601802

Don't know why it's an issue. If I have to money to pay for it, what's the problem? I'm paying for the convenience of not having to cook it OR go get it myself.

>> No.17601849

As long as you dont mind paying the premium then cool. But OP was saying how its not sustainable.

I theres enough of you then it certainly is.

>> No.17602286

Like lottery tickets, this is just idiot tax

>> No.17602291

Doordash isn't for small orders, plus you're not factoring the hidden fees they tack onto drinks based on size. Secretly even more expensive than in the store.

>> No.17602304

I agree.
What you're suggesting is too powerful of a concept for the average consumer, but it is clearly the type of innovation I will apply when I merge with the singularity in the coming days.

>> No.17602308

The only people who actually care about this piece of shit delivery app being expensive are the retards who use it.
I'm just mocking the retards who use it.
Don't tell me you actually use this app and pay $23 for overpriced tea, right?

>> No.17602327

The lottery is a game that you can win money from.
I bet you don't even have a powerball ticket for this drawing. You literally have no chance to win.