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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17593621 No.17593621 [Reply] [Original]

Bought some of this on amazon and it's good, tastes sort of like cola but fermented. Reminds me of a Korean cola drink called McCol which I also like. Any international drinks that you guys like?

>> No.17593631
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get on my level

>> No.17593635

>Inb4 some faggot redditor says mexican coke
I like to drink the weird canned drinks you find at asian super markets, but I can bring myself to try the grass jelly one

>> No.17593640

What does dandelion and burdock taste like in soda form?

>> No.17593642

I would drink the shit out of that
Be brave anon, review it for us

>> No.17593651
File: 36 KB, 321x625, Cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kvass drinker. It taste best when cold.

For me, it's picrel. The best cola I've ever had.
Shame it's pretty costly and poorly available.

>> No.17593664

it's pretty hard to describe, cola-ish with a mild liquorice/herby edge to it. it's nicer than i'm making it sound to be honest lol

>> No.17593667

Not unlike root beer.
Fentimans is shit tier, literally made from the same crap as Coca Cola.

>> No.17593675
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For me, it's Chinotto.

>> No.17593680

had a bottle of that the other day, it is pretty good. if you're a bong, Sainsburys sell it

>> No.17593686

it's fucking cola, what would you expect it to be made from, fucking sturgeon eggs?

>> No.17593694
File: 484 KB, 690x1725, Gusto_RealCola_white_no_shadow_345x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would you expect it to be made from
From kola nuts you spastic. Plenty of other brands manage it.

>> No.17593699
File: 40 KB, 570x697, japanese-food-soda-ramune-strawberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OG

>> No.17593702

Nah, I'm east Euro.
Though, I buy it from time to time. Victorian Lemonade, Cherry Cola, Dandelion & Burdock are also tasty.

>> No.17593714

i'd always assumed fentiman's was but i just checked and yeah you're right. fuck those faggots, they are dead to me now

>> No.17593774

we do things a little different around 'ere, innit guvna

>> No.17593793
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>> No.17593818

Cassis? Kanker vies.

>> No.17593905

hmm... ik ook!

>> No.17593938

What does "cola but fermented" taste like? Root beer?

>> No.17594114
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>> No.17594130

Lurisia is the best brand for chinotto imho

>> No.17594137

it's good but not bitter enough imo. tastes like amaro montenegro (good thing)

>> No.17594139

Do you make sure to wax your faggot hipster mustache before drinking that?

>> No.17594140
File: 1.59 MB, 2816x1880, kofola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slavshit poverty cola
>actually tastes better than Coca Cola

>> No.17594143


>> No.17594160

We say "aap" down here in the Netherlands.

>> No.17595558
File: 68 KB, 1024x1024, R376180_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is half the price of all other soft drinks
>is also based in your path
foreigncucks dont know what they're missing out on

>> No.17595574
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Completely alien. It's like liquid fizzy cheese.

>> No.17595793

japs have had fizzy milk and fizzy yoghurt for decades anon
its not exactly new

>> No.17595797

it tastes the same as I remember...

>> No.17595812

Just try the grass jelly one anon. It is pretty good or at worst it will just be weird. It is like some sweet tea with a jelly that really does taste grassy but not in a bad way. The jelly is a little like that aloe Vera jelly drinks the k-chinks drink but that is better

>> No.17595814

And the Persians have had it for hundreds of years, that doesn't mean everyone in the world has tried it.

>> No.17595816
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Nearly all foreign sodas are fruity caffeine free bullshit.
There's a reason for Coca-Cola's blatant global domination.

>> No.17595818

I'd be up to trying something foreign, as long as it's sugar free.
Don't like sweets much, especially not drinking them.

>> No.17595819

That's funny, I remember as a kid eating some yogurt that was past it's expiry date and it was fizzy.

>> No.17595854

based mixer, tough to have more than half a glass though. It's a touch too sweet now (didn't used to be as bad).

>> No.17595907

Is this or is this not a thread for weird foreign drinks?

>> No.17595937
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Kvass is amazing

>> No.17595969
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Bohemias aren't that good, and you probably paid a lot for them. Try indio beer next time.

>> No.17596164

Grass jelly drink sounds a lot worse than it actually is. I remember seeking some out after seeing it in a youtube video, I think it was Ashens but I can't remember. It's just tea with some chunks of jelly in it, the tea covers up a lot of the flavor and the texture is actually kind of nice.

>> No.17596167
File: 39 KB, 600x600, chino-33cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so good it's unreal. I drank probably 4 liters of this in Italy and haven't found it anywhere in the US since. I know you can order it online but it's like $30 for a 6 pack or something

>> No.17596174

I'd like to try kvass, do you have any recommendations?

>> No.17596186

I just ordered the one in the OP image from Amazon, wanted to try some again before Russian kvass companies got sanctioned or Ukrainian kvass production got shut down. Idk how it compares to other kvass, it's sweeter than I remember it being the first time but I'd recommend the OP image I guess.

>> No.17596203

That'll work thanks!

>> No.17596318
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Always wanted to try this

>> No.17596353
File: 153 KB, 300x684, list-b5969d24c3680e82029a0dc6d747a880_spumador-1lt-vetro-nera-l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like chinotto, italian "spuma nera" is also great.
(I actually prefer it to chinotto)

>> No.17596357

Tastes like bubblegum

>> No.17596382

Asian here. Grass Jelly taste nothing like grass. Its pretty much tasteless, almost like your standard jell-o/gelatin. You could find flavored grass jelly in the supermarket like grape and mango flavored grass jelly

>> No.17596429
File: 195 KB, 750x1024, 69BA9088-FF91-4C0F-AF65-72D4B28A6527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have never tasted this ginger ale then I feel sorry for you. I’ve tried probably 25+ different ginger ales and NONE of the compare to the spiciness/gingerness of this.

>> No.17596431

If you want spiciness and ginger flavor just get ginger beer instead of ginger ale retard

>> No.17596439
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doesn't that stuff contain a bit of alcohol, thus making it not a 'soft drink'? idk my autism sense is tingling

>> No.17596440

Real kvass does since it's fermented but the commercial stuff is artificially flavored soda

>> No.17596467

I went to a vietnamese place and ordered one with my food once, I liked it more than I thought I would. I can't remember the exact way it tasted, but I remember it being refreshing and sweet. Good stuff, you should give it a try.

>> No.17596483
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didn't know that. thanks m8

>> No.17596490

I tried milkis which was kind of weird and some mexican tamarind drink which was way worse than I expected.

>> No.17596497

Milkis banana and melon flavors are really good

>> No.17596525

baste, my friend
back when i drank soda that was the stuff, it's milder in the cola flavour but has that nice anise/liquorice/spicy notes to it
also the extra herbal edition was great but had it once in my life :(

>> No.17596568

sipping on a milkis banana right now. Can confirm.

>> No.17596570

that image is about irn bru, but i wonder how true it actually is

>> No.17596584

Coke doesn't exist in a number of those markets and Pepsi products even have a larger market share in the US.

>> No.17596606
File: 122 KB, 729x1500, baikal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy this stuff at the slav store and its pretty good. I also tried some green central asian soda that was one of the nastiest thing I have ever tasted

>> No.17596762

yeah its not something you'd smash a bottle of but it's still much less sweet than shit like coke, m.dew or fanta.... at least to me.
citrusy drinks are better at quenching your thirst than others, something i learned from friends in the military.

>> No.17597958

I have some black currant in my fridge. Was worried that I wouldn't be able to find the shit anymore but had no issues.

>> No.17598409

>Slavshit poverty cola
>actually tastes better than Coca Cola
It costs more than cola. Is actually healthier too.

>> No.17598425

This is the most disgusting shit I've ever had.

>> No.17598447
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I made some myself with the recipe of "Life of Boris" YT channel. It tasted very nice. Had the same taste like picrel here in serbia, but is fermented. The fermentation process is quite quick so these won't hold for too long when produced. That's why they only use taste extract and these sort of things. (cold is the best)

>> No.17598451


>> No.17599630

Where can I buy Russian made products online shipping to the USA? I want to do my part to support the war effort.

>> No.17599739

North Korea has Coca Cola? Which Kim invented the time machine an accidentally left a bottle behind for American capitalist pig running dogs to copy the recipe and steal from Best Korea?

>> No.17599782
File: 78 KB, 373x1000, 160450_ALM1003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not particularly rare but very nice tasting and SOVLFUL

>> No.17599798
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>lets just put apple concentrate into EVERYTHING
>it fucking works

>> No.17599831

i always pass this over at my slav store. what's it like?

>> No.17600107

Another anon.
It's has more herbal notes than cola, but has similar flavor profile.
And "green central asian soda" could be Tarhun, it's based on tarragon.

For me, it's the weird asian drink with small gelatinous cubes in it. I think it was based on aloe. A bit too sweet, but addictive.

>> No.17600297
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Ramune isn't so rare, but wasabi ramune is pretty rare. It's delicious. Basically ramune with a nice spicy finish.

>> No.17600367
File: 222 KB, 1200x1600, Colombiana_Kola_Flavored_Soda_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good alone or with beer

>> No.17600700

I can't stand Colombiana by itself, i think it's only good with greasy food. Refajo is okay, though.

>> No.17600865
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>> No.17600868
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>> No.17600903

It's not very good, just try bubblegum soda

>> No.17601563

Fuck why did you remind me that this ambrosia exists

>> No.17601660

Really? That's one of the better flavors though.
>Captcha: JAP02

>> No.17601669
File: 630 KB, 800x1200, 42DF2B6F-2649-42DA-A54B-8A94A7EE963D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to buy pic related but they quit selling it for some reason.

>> No.17601706

Not OP. Kvass is rye based, so I'd describe it as lightly fizzy, a bit less sugary than cola and with a rye aftertaste.

>> No.17601720

I had this once, but was nothing special desu

>> No.17601737

I never understood this stuff, it just tastes like cola but very bitter. I like bitter stuff but chinotto's just nothing special to me

>> No.17601992
File: 103 KB, 694x884, 61aFEBHYxNL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one thing that's better than Chinotto, and it's pic related.
God tier of soft drinks

>> No.17602134
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For me it's Julmust. Only available at Christmas time in Sweden. I'm from Denmark but I always travel and buy at least 6 liters.

>> No.17602180

This thing that my favorite lebanese restaurant has. It's like Fanta but a lot better, with a more believable flavour

>> No.17602186
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Shit forgot pic

>> No.17602188
File: 96 KB, 792x1024, Vita_Malt_Plus_Beverage_11.2oz_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish malt sodas were more popular in the US. They're everywhere in Latin America.

>> No.17602362

I can taste that image

>> No.17602461

Fuck my grocery store doesn't have these

>> No.17602512
File: 131 KB, 1512x1681, IMG_E3943[1]_ufo8-6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this in malaga

>> No.17602551
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I used to drink this all the time

>> No.17602557
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I like this sort of thing. Chinese herbal drink. Even better if there is grass jelly in it.

>> No.17602567

Yeah i actually love it when fermented milk products go all fizzy. I think my favorite one was a blueberry kefir, it was acidic, fizzy, divine. When i went to purchase another one it was not as fizzy.

>> No.17602963

I had one of those yesterday. The flavor was kinda basic but it wasn't bad.

>> No.17603023
File: 3.53 MB, 2419x3632, IncaKolaBottleGlass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Sapa Inca

>> No.17603174

You mean its a whole style not just one Baladín product? AWholeNewWorld.mp3

>> No.17603446

I hated Kvass the first two times I had it. The third time I loved it. It was all the same brand too, it just took some getting used to. Wish I had some right now.

>> No.17603553
File: 46 KB, 549x389, spuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it was a popular vintage beverage during a time when foreign drinks like Coke or Pepsi weren't easily available.
There were probably dozens of different brands during its heydays