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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 1500x1000, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17592046 No.17592046 [Reply] [Original]

i went into a giant asian grocery store looking for dinner but everything there looked disgusting so I left and went to panda express next door

>> No.17592055

Did you get the sugar chicken?

>> No.17592059

>whitey enters asian market
>is horrified by spices
many such cases

>> No.17592061


>> No.17592088

i got beef with broccoli
just admit your food is weird and gross, i bet other asians don't even eat most of the shit there

>> No.17592098

I'm not asian, but I do think it's funny to see an American (I'm assuming) try and talk shit about anyone else's food culture. Your food culture is obesity and diabetes. Don't care how it tastes, or how palatable you think it is compared to other foods you find creepy, it is objectively bad as it results in your population slowly killing itself.

>> No.17592117

>i bet other asians don't even eat most of the shit there
Yes, obviously you dumb retard. Do you eat most of the shit you see at your grocery stores?

>> No.17592122

And yet when I say ypipo can’t handle dey spices I get an infection of angloids screeching at me about how they ate a chilli once

>> No.17592130

I swear Americans are the only people who actually acts proud of being so insular.
Like when people ask, "Which countries have you visited?" You say "I never even left my state!" like that's actually a personality trait.

>> No.17592268

That's because we associate the well traveled with the rich and Americans hate thinking about class so much that I never left my state becomes a positive trait.

>> No.17592273

except you are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires

>> No.17592349

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.17592369

Why would you go into a grocery store looking for a meal? You must be clinically retarded. You go into a store looking for ingredients to make a meal. You go to a restaurant for a meal right now.

>> No.17592418
File: 1.94 MB, 2526x3024, E42CF5DD-6177-4D96-8DA0-A21E46B03CC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing in your photo even approaches qualification as “disgusting”
Who the fuck is afraid of dried anise?
I bet your sorry ass didn’t even check if they had duck heads on sale.
Do you even Asian grocery store bro?

>> No.17592497 [DELETED] 

I remember finding the frozen duck heads and giggling. Chinks are weird. What do you even do with a pack of 8 frozen duck heads?

>> No.17592509

Do you even know what star anise is? It's a fucking spice. It's used in a lot of different cuisines, not just chinses and you can probably find it in your local kroger or whatever ratty flyover grocery store you shop at.

>> No.17592516
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>tfw you see the geoduck aquarium for the first time

>> No.17592538

ITT Asian-Americans feel compelled to defend gross stuff because race politics

Meanwhile actual Asians understand and acknowledge that a lot of things are kind of gross, they just don't care

.t Taiwan

>> No.17592577

I look at your post with contempt

>> No.17592588
File: 28 KB, 264x183, 738476C8-FF11-4547-BBF7-A33C26FE5266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you even do with a pack of 8 frozen duck heads?
The fuck do you mean?
You make spicy crispy-fried duckhead just like any other normal person would.
I shouldn’t have to explain this.

>> No.17592589

$2.30 per lb for duck heads
$1.25 for chicken thigh

seriously why does anyone buy byproduct like feet, organs, tails, or heads

>> No.17592633 [DELETED] 

People like is why negrofied muttoid culture is an abomination.

>> No.17592697
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>> No.17592779

Yank can't handle star anise and cinnamon

>> No.17592799 [DELETED] 

Good move anon. Asians are gross.

>> No.17592800 [DELETED] 

You should not even be considering giving money to non-whites.
Asians are like rats, the more you accommodate them, the more they spread.

>> No.17592856

Ok colonizer

>> No.17592869

>Do you eat most of the shit you see at your grocery stores?
Don't ask an American that if you don't want to know the answer will be yes.

>> No.17593039

>what is basic supply economics?
It takes 5 ducks to make a pack of 5 duck heads, and the people buying them aren’t doing so out of desperation. It’s because they want to eat some duck heads.
Same thing with chicken feet. At my local Asian store, chicken feet cost more per lb than actual chicken.
And they sell a ton, as a ton of Asians love some chicken feet. Not because they can’t obtain chicken, but because they love the feet as it’s own thing.
Especially old Chinese ladies holy shit. The Chinese restaurant near me also sells chicken feet and it’s almost always middle-aged to old Chinese ladies eating them, because the general belief is that the high collagen content will make your skin look younger.

>> No.17593051
File: 89 KB, 500x809, 1621885531878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /pol/

>> No.17593052


>> No.17593055

Good. I want more Asian qts around and less whiny 56%ers like you crying about “muh white genocide”

>> No.17593058

Everyone on this website is here for having similar opinions. There have almost never been any leftists on this site. In the past several years more and more retarded women and fat people have come to ck and ruined it. You have to go back. Ck has to return to having cooking threads.

>> No.17593062


fuck off communist sub human

>> No.17593070

4chan was moderate left, right, or neutral literally all the way up to 2016. I wonder what happened in 2016 when mongoloids such as yourself ruined this site more than Something Awful, Ebaumsworld, or Tumblr ever could have

>> No.17593108

I've been using this website since 04-05 and I can tell you with absolute certainty that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>> No.17593128

What white America looked like

what your America looks like

Congratulations on being brainwashed into thinking this dystopia is desirable over civilization. Now everyone in America is affected by the policies that brought this to bear. Drug problems are rampant in rural areas, factories are all closed down, industry is coming to a stop everywhere, the family is destroyed, and people no longer have any common identity or purpose.

>> No.17593133

Sure you have

>> No.17593135

>it results in your population slowly killing itself.
One can only hope

>> No.17593137
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>> No.17593140

>totally changed in 2016
>t. came here in 2015.5
Hush, summerfag.

>> No.17593141

Saying faggot and nigger to be edgy =/= being rightist

>> No.17593154

What a coincidence; I think it’s funny to hear non-Americans talk shit about murican food culture, since literally every other country on the planet has those “horrible” American fast food restaurants, or even worse knockoffs of them.

>> No.17593155

Sure thing, newfag

>> No.17593164

>implying edgy
No, anon.
I’m not calling you a faggot to be edgy. I’m calling you a faggot to bring attention to the fact that you enjoy dicks in your mouth, and ass, and left nostril.

>> No.17593166

nice dubs on both your samefagging posts but fuck off. You really have to go back.

>> No.17593203

I was surprised too but that wasn't me, not that you'll believe me. Racism has always been a part of 4chan but this overwhelming obsession with race and the ubiquity of earnest, unironic racism is definitely a recent phenomenon.

>tfw Trump tourists like you have been here 6 years now and probably think of themselves as oldfags

>> No.17593326

More like anisneed

>> No.17593496

What does that have to do with Asians? Everything you listed is more of a result of boomers raping the economy than it does with legal immigrants. I haven’t been brainwashed by anybody. I used to frequent /pol/ddit and have heard all of your arguments. I even once believed the shit I read there like you do now. I gained my own independent thought again and found the bullshit on both sides of the spectrum. You still allow a hugbox to think for you, yet you call others brainwashed. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.17593540

Is she consenting to intercourse?

>> No.17593555

Absolutely based and correct
Rightoid retards think they’re the majority here simply because they’re loudmouths that can’t keep their garbage confined to /pol/

>> No.17593560

Basically every problem this country currently has can be traced back to Reagan, so good job retards

>> No.17593563

what country is that ?

>> No.17593611

A country China is too weak to take control of

>> No.17593709

What a fucking tourist. What year did you get here? 2018? I’ve been here since 2006 and can tell you 4chan was more of a radically neutral until gamergate and the 2016 election. It was all about pissing everybody off instead of the current state of getting buttblasted because someone doesn’t agree with your “muh conservative values”. /pol/ opening its doors to r/thedonald was the final nail in the coffin when faggots like you invaded. No, im not a leftist, im not a rightoid either. Im in the “I don’t give a shit about politics and just want to shitpost without faggots dragging into every thread” party.

>> No.17593713

Lmao, okay kid. I give you 2014 at the earliest you got here.

>> No.17594777
File: 110 KB, 1200x627, muslamic reagans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor homeless people are poor and homeless
holy SHIT fff-f-fffucking LEFTISTs absolutely BEE TEE EFF OHH

>> No.17594795

4chan was do whatever the fuck you want and had contrarian opinions. It's now "far right" because society as a whole has turned extreme left to the point where it wants to control people even when they're not online. Of course I can't speak for anyone else. Just an observation from when there was a Mitsubishi bomber on the front page.

>> No.17594801

damn bro that's cool but I don't remember asking
the fuck do you have against broccoli?

>> No.17594805
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>> No.17594809

That's total bullshit. 4chan is now pretty mainstream right wing, and the right is in general mainstream as fuck in the west. You are delusional. You do not talk to people in real life much.

>> No.17594817

But westerners eat the heads of animals too. Idk if we do it with poultry but pig's head and cow's head is traditional as fuck.

>> No.17594823

>You do not talk to people in real life much.
Or I live in a blue state. Giving them a video of anything happening in Congress, Psaki speaking, or Biden being insane will make my own family call me liars. This is why votes from densely populated areas shouldn't count. They're so fucking delusional they won't accept shit from .gov websites.

>> No.17594827

Yeah I don't know what most of those words are referring to, Ameriburger. How's your left wing nationalised healthcare coming along, if you're surrounded by so many lefties? Retard.

>> No.17594828

Only by retards who are the descendants of other retards who were too retarded to move to America when they had a chance.

>> No.17594836

Well that's rude
idk why you'd move to America unless you had a special love of American culture though. It seems expensive and incredibly spaced-out and you don't have comfy public transport. The most interesting places like New York are also hilariously expensive and apparently full of human shit, going by what Americans say.

>> No.17594839

Dried herbs look disgusting to you?

>> No.17594850

Chicken hearts are tasty bro

>> No.17594860

Our "left" are an authoritarian nightmare. Yeah you need to look into American politics more. Nationalizing healthcare here would destroy quality and destroy profits. We already have socialized medicine. I've had free insurance for years due to a health condition, but that was determined by my state. States here are like miniature countries bound by a federal government that has gotten more and more powerful over the years.

Anyways, the US is not structured like anywhere else on the planet, though it's going that way and failing.

>> No.17594863

Los Angeles in the 50s was one of the most diverse cities on earth, only San Francisco and New York were possibly more ethnically diverse and desegregated

>> No.17594870

You do not have publically funded healthcare. Don't lie to me about socialised medicine. Getting free insurance due to a health condition is fucking nothing. You said that you're surrounded by the extreme left and yet you don't even have what most countries consider to be a completely basic welfare policy. What kind of extreme lefties are you surrounded by?

>> No.17594873

China was a five thousand year strong before whitoid drug dealers fucked and pushed commie propaganda on it. Whites are just niggers that could sail

>> No.17594877
File: 25 KB, 474x197, diverse coastal hellscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>los angeles, san francisco, new york
That really worked out well for them in the end

>> No.17594887

>Anyways, the US is not structured like anywhere else on the planet, though it's going that way and failing.
Federalism is a very normal thing, you are a very ignorant person. Also Health Insurance providers are not supposed to be for profit legally.

>> No.17594909

Anything besides "There are homeless people" or is that your only issue?

>> No.17594921

>China was a five thousand year strong
a 5000 year history of being btfo and oppressed by foreign invaders every 75 years. also, the people expelled from baghdad, who then settled in india, and used english ships to transport their opium and hashish around east asia weren't necessarily "white" were they?

>> No.17594922

I live in IL bro. The state that refuses to prosecute people after a gang shootout. You can get food assistance around 300USD for a single person and medical care even if you DON'T have a medical issue and are unemployed. What do you want? Your definition of leftist is probably different. It's literally illegal here to pass laws against being intoxicated in public (state vs local). This state is as liberal as you can get outside of California.

>> No.17594927 [DELETED] 

look at the admissions for the entire UC system for the next year, see what you notice

>> No.17594930

I graduated already so anything that makes my school more exclusive is better for me

>> No.17594939
File: 2.44 MB, 3000x2000, los angeles hellscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sure I have more.

>> No.17594958

You argue that LA was good when it was white, and anon points out that LA was not white, and your reply is to just ignore him? An interesting argumentative technique for sure, but not super convincing.
Parsis are the Jews of India, and they're as racially ambiguous, too.
You have no idea. Truly no idea. Anon, the whole point of publically funded healthcare is that nobody -- not a single fucking person -- has to worry about healthcare EVER. You just get it. For free. You walk in and get it for free. You don't have to prove you're unemployed or have a weird health condition -- you just get free fucking healthcare.
Yes, I do think our definitions of leftist are different. That's my whole point. You're not surrounded by the extreme left at all.
>It's literally illegal here to pass laws against being intoxicated in public
Absolutely based, why the fuck would it be illegal to be drunk in public
Where do you want to get drunk? In your little bedroom? The fuck do you think PUBLIC house means?

>> No.17594959
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>> No.17594984

I was talking about the other group that was expelled from Baghdad because of their controlling the vice rackets, selling their drugs all around that area.

>> No.17594996

Look at this list of the political party affiliation of mayors of the 50 largest cities (I.E the biggest urban hellscapes) in the US including los angeles and tell me if you notice a pattern


>> No.17595002

It seems to be just a series of pictures of things that Fox News covers. Fox News' headquarters is at 52nd Street and 6th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. Every single person writing those stories works in Manhattan and the majority live in New York City. Their goal is to manipulate you and keep you away, so that they can get drunk and stumble around Brooklyn and the Village without having to humor your ability to ask where a coffee shop is in 40 words simply because you were there.

>> No.17595003

I do not know of this group. Either way though, Iraqis are actually arguably white.

>> No.17595015

>GOP takes extreme pro-gun, pro-rural America, stances
>Caters politically to the old segregationists in the south
>National party generally advocates for low density housing
>Issue of Abortion muddled by issue of hating Catholics
Is it the voters fault or is it the Party's fault that no one wants to vote for the party?

>> No.17595030
File: 151 KB, 916x615, more la hellscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah evil fox news deflection

>> No.17595031

Easiest way to tell someone hasn’t been here long is if they cry about /boogeyman/.
Leave that part out next time and you’ll be a bit more believable. :3

>> No.17595052

Why the fuck would you want high-density housing? Why would you want gun control? Places that instituted gun control only had their crime rates go UP. Higher than their surrounding areas too. It just means loot this place. It's the left-think like abolish the police. Surely that will make people behave better.

>> No.17595053

You mean like the old segregationist the democrats have in the Office Of President, who told blacks they are not pure of race unless they give their vote to him?

>> No.17595063
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>> No.17595066

keep crying. their tax dollars support your red states and keep them from falling into obscurity. without the "urban hellscapes" you would have nothing

>> No.17595077

Are you trying to claim that newfags are against /pol/?

>> No.17595084

People want cheap places to live you doubleretard
Plus, do you want to make the US even LESS dense?

>> No.17595093

welfare state complaining about his pay piggies. shut up and keep leeching

>> No.17595096
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, old fashioned LA dry by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah blah more deflection

>> No.17595106

Some people prefer to not getinthecarandgo

>> No.17595107
File: 64 KB, 912x512, even more LA drive bys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah blah yet even more deflection

>> No.17595110

>unironically believing this
Sad, really. But I know you’re bombarded with a ton of “here’s more reasons why our country is better than America according to metrics that produce the he result we want” lists, so it’s not as if you would know otherwise.

>> No.17595112
File: 316 KB, 1024x683, more los angeles awesomeness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17595113

I don't think I've ever seen any comparison between my country and the US actually, no. What would that have to do with publically funded healthcare and the fact "extreme lefties" in the US have fucking failed to get you anything near it?

>> No.17595115

>Plus, do you want to make the US even LESS dense?

>> No.17595120

Still better than a school shooting Ryden

>> No.17595123

Cool. So what happens when you're old, anon? My great granny walked to the shops every day to buy the ingredients to bake her own bread when she was 96. She still walked to the shops every day when she was 98 and too old to bake bread every morning. Everyone loved her. She was able to live alone, totally independently.
Could she do that in one of your hideously low-density suburban hellscapes where you have to drive to the nearest shops but there's no public transport because it's not dense enough to justify it? Or would she have had to live in a fucking care home for no reason?

>> No.17595126

Okay but train robberies are cool and will always be cool. Fuck you for inferring that train robberies aren't the coolest type of theft, which is the coolest type of crime, which is cool cause crime is cool by the essence of being crime

>> No.17595137

Disgust is relative anyways so of course you'll get people defending what they don't consider to be gross.
Besides, it's not like anybody's posted anything objectively degenerate like the Taiwanese penis cake that shoots out cream when you bite into it.

>> No.17595140
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I guess if that is your metric

>> No.17595147

Yes looting parked and unmanned trains is very bad ass.

>> No.17595151

I live in a small town. I have 3 grocers within walking distance. Overpopulated cities cramming people like cheap sardines into slum apartments are throwing off the average so far it isn't funny. We could do without most of it and it wouldn't affect your granny one bit.

>> No.17595153

Santa Clarita is the definition of the suburbs. You may recognize it from the suburbs on TV when they're trying to find a real suburby looking suburb

>> No.17595160
File: 36 KB, 1134x237, more los angeles school fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17595162

Who are we kidding? It's all they serve.

>> No.17595164

What do you think is cool? Crime statistics?

>> No.17595167

Small towns with supermarkets within walking distance are great.
But who the fuck mentioned slum apartments you double faggot?

>> No.17595170

Pro tip: just buy msg and put it in everything

>> No.17595174

Learn to read a reply chain you adhd energy drink chugging zoomer.

>> No.17595175
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>> No.17595178
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>> No.17595179

Learn what high density housing means you weed-addled boomer

>> No.17595181

You spend so much time convincing yourself you are right, this is a whole folder you have. This is why living in a large city is so beneficial. There is no way I could ever reach your level of insanity, I see homeless people you make fun of, they are as sane as you are. You need help but you never will get it, because there is no support system where you live.

>> No.17595185
File: 107 KB, 1068x601, the only based people in los angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17595192

>housing with a higher population density than the average
>exactly what I thought based on context
You fuckers really weren't taught shit in school. There's just no ability to evaluate information left in you.

>> No.17595193

loving this bait, but saged and reported :)

>> No.17595194
File: 80 KB, 970x680, favorite los angeles past time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah blah attempt at deflection via personal attack

>> No.17595195


>> No.17595196

That's London dumbass

>> No.17595199

Then learn what a fucking slum is then you imbecile, because a block of flats isn't a fucking slum
You boomers were the idiots who got taught to regurgitate facts without thinking about them so IDK what your rant about education is motivated by

>> No.17595209


>> No.17595211
File: 91 KB, 714x394, not nu british this time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah my mistake, here you go

>> No.17595214

Schizo posting right here. Talking about the crammed high-rise slums buildings never quoted a post referencing high density housing. Both were mentioned by different fuckers but not in reference to each other. You're just really defensive of your hellscape to the point you're seeing shit that isn't there.

>> No.17595220

What the fuck did you mean by this
>Why the fuck would you want high-density housing?

>> No.17595230

Yes. And? Advocating for low density housing over high density has nothing to do with the high-rise slums.

>> No.17595244

Is that like scattered site housing? Where the politicians move the shitheads all over the city spreading the cancer instead of keeping it contained in one area? Of course the politicians and other advocates for the laws never live anywhere close to any of the scattered housing sites.

>> No.17595246

I don't understand, really was under the impression that you were antisemitic

>> No.17595248

Exactly! So why the fuck are you talking about high rise slums?

>> No.17595255


>> No.17595257

It was relative to the post I was responding to, I was forced to live in a couple of cities, I fucking hated it, and you or someone else tried to climb inside of my asshole for criticizing them? I wasn't even in the towers, I was living in the outskirts in townhouses. Cities are just shitholes. Virginia in particular needs to be nuked but, you know, DC area.

>> No.17595260

Its not my fault you're retarded

>> No.17595268

I'm shitting on you for bringing up slums for no reason. Who do you think is advocating for fucking slums? We need good high density housing.
You and I have different definitions of townhouse, given where I'm from a townhouse is something only rich people can afford. A big fucking house in the city centre.
I live in city centres and I love it. Suburbs in cities are often grim, however. Then again, so are many towns, aren't they?

>> No.17595276

>Suburbs in cities are often grim, however. Then again, so are many towns, aren't they?
I've seen people change so much in the last 30 years. The lockdowns showed people are just as ugly in "nice rural areas" as they are in the cities. All the politeness is gone and they go out of their way to not do shit, try to con others into doing it, and take credit for it. And no, it was not that way a few years ago and I'm just old with rosey retrospection.

>> No.17595280

In my country, people in the countryside are rich and polite but they're absolute fucking bastards and everyone knows it. I'm so fucking glad I moved out of the small town I grew up in.

>> No.17595394

I really love this thread about food and cooking

>> No.17595395

>You argue that LA was good when it was white, and anon points out that LA was not white, and your reply is to just ignore him? An interesting argumentative technique for sure, but not super convincing.

Missed this, I not that anon.

>> No.17595409
File: 294 KB, 567x709, Civil Discussion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like /v/ discussing porn. Higher quality than the board normally is.

>> No.17595422

board’s evenly split between spice market connoisseurs who make their own kombucha and people rating fast food orders. This is the natural result of a well catered bait thread. Kid is genuinely mad at LA though, don’t get that

>> No.17595523
File: 159 KB, 912x578, Hooverville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What white America looked like

>> No.17595603

I can't believe how clean and manicured the roads of this country used to look. We have to go back.

>> No.17595633

Look up what tax rates on the wealthy used to be back then. They could afford to build new roads all the time and have well paid staff maintain them.

>> No.17595645

I blame the Bluish influence in the government

>> No.17595711

it's not a kid, this thread was specifically created by someone and is being used by someone to sow a sense of division and insecurity in u.s. citizeens

>> No.17595925

You're right of course, but if they media was honest they would have sowed that division forty years ago.

>> No.17596370

Why yes I regular /ck/ - Food and cooking.

What kind of stuff can I find there?

>pictures of the homeless
>discussions on mayors of major Amercian cities
>more politics

You know, what you would think you would find with a place called food and cooking.

Phone posters and /pol/ was a mistake.

>> No.17596398

Non-Americans are huge faggots.

>> No.17596420

>Nationalizing healthcare here would destroy quality and destroy profits
You're so fucking clueless its actually depressing.

>healthcare is subsidized by his state
>whines about leftists
It's ironic that out-of-touch SJW elitists on the left would fare far better in a right wing America than most of the genetic scum that makes up the alt-right boomer and zoomer populations.

>> No.17596477

>Thinking /ck/ actually posts and discuss food and cooking
fuck off newfag

>> No.17596539

Why do people always bring up that 90% tax rate when it never actually was enforced? It was in place for only a short time and was a federal tax anyway so things like roads wouldn't have been effected by it since those are paid for by local taxes.

I think only 3 people actually even paid it ever with the vast amount of people in the bracket using accounts to get around it like people do now.

>> No.17596680
File: 1.20 MB, 2500x1691, just your normal la gangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes it's muh conspiracy to show the reality of LA

>> No.17596685

Our food is so good we're willing to eat ourselves to death

>> No.17596749

Mods are fags.

>> No.17596912

anyone without a specific agenda to push would choose to make better use of their time

>> No.17596925

in other words, if you're not getting paid to post this stuff on a scandinavian ice fishing forum then you're a moron
a useful idiot

>> No.17596939

Sounds about right.
They need a YouTube memecook to hold their hand otherwise.

It's Josh.
I'm talking about Josh.

>> No.17596947

the overseas versions of american fast food restaurants are better tho

>> No.17597860

Why not just look in the archive for threads post 2016? You literally have 0 proof other than "trust me bro"

>> No.17597865

pre 2016*

>> No.17597868

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.17597881

>Implying /pol/ hasn't been attention whoring since moot created the board out of the remains of /n/, the old news board
Looks like you haven't been here that long, election tourist

>> No.17597952
File: 80 KB, 883x717, california normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this seething and delusional

>> No.17597992

>california has the WORLD"S fifth largest economy
>economy larger than UK and India
>firmly controlled by entrenched democrats
>democrats profess to care about poor and homeless as a party platform
>California has the worst homeless problem in united states that grows and festers by the day

really activates the old almonds

>> No.17598003

Why is this thread still up? Do jannies only check the catalog?

>> No.17598075

stfu i'm busy being obsessed with americans. i must seethe.

>> No.17598169
File: 418 KB, 1186x2208, F945F586-BB67-4D52-81C2-4F2CA3C49673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently moved to Dallas and have enjoyed exploring the Asian markets. they’re always cold as shit, and you can’t expect apple store vibes when you walk in

>> No.17598751
File: 11 KB, 1500x684, does not compute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude why don't you fit into the 2d caricature of le ebil nazi that my favourite political talking heads told me you were?!

>> No.17598979

copium the post

>> No.17599042

If anything more people should be trying to "sow division" because then someone might actually doing something about it. What has "unity" gotten us? Megacities that are infested with criminals, disease, suffering and degeneracy. A dying tree that's just as rotten on the inside as the beasts hiding in its branches.

The problem isn't the taxes. The problem is the people collecting them. San Francisco collects over $4 billion in taxes every year but they are one of the most infested cities in the country and has some of the widest social inequality in the country. LA County collects over $80 billion a year in taxes, but Skid Row has been there for 30 years and is getting worse every year. When you widen the picture to the state as a whole the picture isn't much better despite California collecting $172 billion a year.

>> No.17599046

>Megacities that are infested with criminals, disease, suffering and degeneracy
This has happened since the dawn of civilization

>> No.17599048

oh look another normie /pol/ bait thread
get a fucking hobby, cunt

>> No.17599066

Why are the cashiers so fucking rude at Asian grocery stores? They never look me in the eye, never respond when I say hello, insist on cash only, and then slam the change down on the counter rather than place it in my outstretched hand.

I know I'm white but God fuckin damn bitch, you and your family would be speaking Japanese if it weren't for me and mine.

>> No.17599079


>> No.17599123

If the cashier is Chinese, the behavior you described is simply acting Chinese.
If cashier is Japanese, in which case they’re being “polite”. Extended eye-contact is considered rude in Japan, and it’s customary to place money on the counter (there’s usually a tray) as opposed to handing it over directly. You put your money in the tray, the cashier takes it, and then puts your change in the tray. This is partly to avoid an uncomfortable situation for the cashier if they accidentally touch a customer’s fingers with their own.
But the latter wouldn’t “slam it down” so it’s probably the former.

>> No.17599202

this board is a clubhouse for based boys, flit
and if you don't like it then how bout you shove it

>> No.17599464

It's a Chinese grocery store in the heart of Chinatown. All staff are intensely Chinese.

>> No.17599469

I love my local Asian market. They make kickass bahn mi.

>> No.17599524

whats wrong with aniseed? its an inoffensive spice

>> No.17599544
File: 11 KB, 300x250, 7958099A-DBF6-40F3-9AFB-C16F64980F13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.17599560

I have been frequenting the same Chinese take out place for over 20 years. I have got to know the workers there somewhat. Their mannerisms come off as very cold and distant at times to American always smiling sensibilities. So much so, the times I have interacted with them on a personal level because they remembered me it shocked me how warm and friendly they were to me after seeing such a cold exterior for so long. Once I went in with my siblings and their young children, and we all ate together as a big family, and that was the biggest smiles I have ever seen on the workers faces.

>> No.17599715


>> No.17599723

t. lives in a country with a GDP per capita 25% lower than america's
permanently poor communist

>> No.17599791

>except you are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires
I don't believe that (because I'm not entitled to the wealth of people richer than me simply by virtue of my existing), but even if I did that's preferable to regurgitating commie talking points from 1966 after every other leftist already threw them up.

>> No.17599876

Sorry, anon. I was being facetious with the Chinese comment.
And you’re right; I’ve noticed that the way Chinese establishments treat me is like night/day depending on whether or not I’m a frequent regular. Especially if it’s a small family-run establishment as opposed to a place that just employs whoever.
I used to go to a small takeout place like twice a week, which was run by a couple and their two young daughters. Even helped the kids with their homework sometimes.
Then I moved, and maybe 9mos later I stopped there to eat when I was passing through my old town.
As soon as she saw me, the wife asked where I had been and then angrily tore into my ass like a pissed-off mom for not telling them I was moving and making her worry.

>> No.17600441

ani means multiple anuses in German

>> No.17601272

I use chicken feet as part of making a milky bone broth.
Chicken hearts are amazing. I cook them up in onion and garlic or soups/ stews

>> No.17601350


>> No.17602184

What? Stuff like cholera, dysentery and TB were rampant during the 1800's.

>> No.17602189
