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File: 65 KB, 500x500, Butterfinger-Candy-Bar-Home-Recipe-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17592804 No.17592804 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care what Bart says. Butterfingers suck.

>> No.17592811


>> No.17592814
File: 23 KB, 489x423, 256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when born and raised in Merricka
>live in Australia now
>it has now been 4 years since I last saw a Butterfinger on the International Foods shelf
yes, I'm having a cow, man

>> No.17592822

So you won't lay a finger on my Butterfinger?

>> No.17592824

Butterfingers yeah, stinky fingers on the other hand...

>> No.17592839

Eat my shorts faggot

>> No.17592854

They are easy to get online

>> No.17592858

PTHC they changed the recipe a few years ago to be "healthier"

>> No.17592861
File: 20 KB, 493x402, hi_five_meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so's ya mum

but anyway no anon I'm not paying shipping on a candy bar

>> No.17592884

Boycott Nestlé, they've been killing babies for decades by pushing formula in underdeveloped countries without regard to the damage it causes to mothers and the babies immune systems

>> No.17592889

Formula is alot better than nothing. Not everyone can/should have preteen dfc milk.

>> No.17592891

First you have to tell me what color those babies are that way I know if I need to say “based” or not.

>> No.17592901

Mother's milk is objectively better than formula, the idea that it is a choice between formula and nothing is an absolutely retarded thing to say.

>> No.17593007


>> No.17593010
File: 166 KB, 500x281, seething with confusiojn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17593024


>> No.17593035

Yes. Very young.

>> No.17593037

We all love PTHC here, what's wrong with you ?

>> No.17593048

That guy who came up with that show certainly wouldn't be.

>> No.17593059

I'd airwolf sexy furry Arthricia.

>> No.17593087

Am I just supposed to go on pretending I know what PTHC means?

>> No.17593094


I miss these.

>> No.17593097

Google it ;)

>> No.17593124


It's a extreme sports for preteens league. It actually comprises of many active sports. It's like extreme sports for kids.

>> No.17593421


>> No.17593449

>Boycott Nestlé,
>They’re still selling food to Russian people.
>how dare this multinational company doesn’t bow to my moral outrage at Russian wagies being able to buy food while people are dying in war in a place I didn’t care about 5 weeks ago

>> No.17593904

Since they changed the recipe in 2019, yeah they are not good anymore.

>> No.17594603

but now the chocolate is more pure and less chemistry

>> No.17595426

they used to be good until Nestle sold it and the recipe was changed

>> No.17595434

They used to be good back in the early 90s.

There was a recipe change in like, the mid-00s and it never recovered.

>> No.17595649

Sounds based

>> No.17597204

Bart's Shart n Fart

>> No.17597222

no, it's quite correct.
mother's milk is often not available, for any number of reasons.
you've definitely never had to deal with a hungry baby.

>> No.17597229

My mother was a lactation consultant. There absolutely are some women who cannot breastfeed. There are also people who continue pumping milk after they have weened their baby, to donate milk.
Nestlé's practices and motivations have absolutely nothing to do with helping those specific cases, and anyone actually involved with human lactation is against them because of this.

>> No.17597233
File: 151 KB, 2000x1520, 72851689-36DB-4724-9B8B-09D949650425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfinger bbs are great OP, and that’s what Bart had. Dumb post.

>> No.17597237

there are also women who, you know, die. there's the lack of refrigeration in the 3rd world. Like I said, there's a number of reasons why a shelf-stable milk substitute is a very good idea.
Obviously real tit juice is superior, just like real food is superior to that peanut butter survival paste we send overseas.
But if the other option is "a particularly grueling death" or "watching your child suffer the same", it's abundantly clear why formula exists.

>> No.17597248

Butterfinger Ice Cream was kino.
Though as far as peanut butter flake honeycomb candybars go, 5th Avenue was superior.

>> No.17597647

Well then you must not want one very much

>> No.17598186

I'm not saying formula shouldn't exist, I'm saying the way in which Nestlé pushes it for profit is bad, which it is. Formula does have a place, what Nestle is doing is not to help those who need formula but rather to get money from people who don't need formula but are being combined convinced they do.

>> No.17598198

>killing babies in shithole countries
Lol good

>> No.17598536

wtf i love nestlé now

>> No.17598920

From every session I've watched, the young athletes get QUITE the workout ;)

>> No.17599181

That's why Bart is one of the most famous characters in the history of mankind, and you're you.

>> No.17599262

I went from America to Australia to America again. Do you guys still have Mars Pods? I miss those.

>> No.17599755

Agreed. I don't like eating anything where my teeth are soaked in sticky crud afterwards. I swear 90% of the butterfinger coats your teeth and the rest actually goes in your stomach.

>> No.17599768
File: 69 KB, 640x640, australia_pods_snack_160g_1491316946_a7276035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had pods in a metric yonk but yeah, apparently they still exist

>> No.17599783

They are just a pain in the ass to eat. Almost impossible not to get crumble on your shirt or pants unless you invert it and eat it like a godamn pelican swallowing a rat whole. The BB's were a perfect fix sadly they hate money.