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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17592478 No.17592478 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the optimum amount of alcohol to drink in a night to maximize fun and minimize the hangover misery in the morning?

for me i reckon it's 2/3 a bottle of wine, what do you friends think?

>> No.17592488

It all depends on your tolerance. Dumb thread by underage faggot drinking for the first time. With my tolerance a single bottle of wine won’t even get me drunk. Even many drinkers with less of a tolerance can handle a full bottle no problem.

>> No.17592504

a 0,5 bottle of vodka.
no more, no less.

>> No.17592508

Per night? 1/7ths of your weekly disposable income.

>> No.17592514

I usually drank 2 40oz of steel reserve to make being kissless and working at walmart bearable until they fired me.

>> No.17592536

This. A teenager could probably get fucked up with a 6 pack of budweiser

>> No.17592537

Just take an edible, dude.

>> No.17592554

no hard amount
maximizing fun = downing more in less time
minimizing hangover = chugging water/gatorade/pedialyte/etc.

>> No.17592560

0 alcohol is peak efficiency.

>> No.17592591

>blue retard.jpg

>> No.17592593
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i have around 0.7l of vodka a night with lots of water. drink water with hard alcohol kids.
>hangover from wine
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.17592600

If you get a hangover from 1 bottle of wine you need to buy a higher quality wine. It's the sulfite in those cheap bottles that make you feel shitty

>> No.17592611

>all these wastoid degenerates trying to flex their dependency
anyway that'll be a pint of gin or vodka for me, if you have a gf/sister in the house, ask her for a midol, that stuff is brilliant at wiping out hangovers.

>> No.17592632

Drink water to minimize hangovers. I know, probably won't be feasible at a bar or club, but if you chase every glass of wine with a glass of water you will barely get a hangover. I drank 1l of wine, couple G&Ts and 1 l of strong beer yesterday and I have no hangover right now. Slept 8 hours like a baby.

>> No.17593262

What does alcohol withdrawal feel like? I'm on 8-10 beers a day and want to cut back without dying

>> No.17593298

Anon I worry for your liver

>> No.17593304

Is he dead yet?

>> No.17593309
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>minimize the hangover misery
you pay to play

>> No.17593315
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I genuinely miss the shoenice

>> No.17593325

8 whole beers? How are you still alive?

>> No.17593335

8+ per day for 10 years

>> No.17593361

His latest video he eats a box of snap pops.
Under a thousand views
So depressing

>> No.17593381

are those light beers or real 0,5 liter beers?

>> No.17593415

I doubt you are going to have serious withdrawals from that but it does vary a bit between people.
You can try tapering off by drinking only 4 a day for a few days and then drop down to 2 or even zero.

You will want something to occupy your time. The days are going to feel very long and very boring once you're sober. It passes, but it's a very rough hump for some drinkers to get over.
Sign up for a sport or volunteer work or take some extra hours at your regular job etc.

t.RN and former heavy drinker

>> No.17593430

I find the gatekeeping of alcoholism hilarious yet sad. Just because someone isn't drinking a liter+ of plastic jug vodka a day doesn't mean they aren't an alcoholic. All it really does is make lower-level alcoholics feel fine with drinking more.

>> No.17593439 [DELETED] 
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Friendly reminder that drugs are federally illegal in the USA and you can't discuss it here. I won't report, but please fix yourself.

>> No.17593473

Obviously depends on the individual a lot.
Interestingly, you can't rely on your drinking habits from home either; people tend to get more drunk on the same amount when they're in good company.

You jest, but I caught a ban once for simply mentioning on /pol/ that maybe we should be killed cops and politicians.
People are so sensitive these days.

And mods, I'm not saying again that we should do that. I am only referencing a previous statement.

>> No.17593485 [DELETED] 

Not a joke. You can't talk about anything that is against the law or link etc. I got that ban for telling a story where I was overtaking another car that was doing the speed limit in the passing lane.

>> No.17593495

My usual is about 2 bottles of red wine which I mix with sparkling water. I only drink alone and this is enough for me to have a nice time.

>> No.17593503

I got a 3 day site wide ban for starting an honest thread on tipping etiquette in relation to carhops and such. Jannies faggots confirmed.

>> No.17593515


see you in another three days.

>> No.17593570
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>i drink a lot of beer i'm such an alcohol hahaha

>> No.17593579
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Hemp is federally legal, and there are federally legal edibles with <0.3% D9 THC by weight.

>> No.17593589

At your level? Won't hurt you, but you'll be anxious as hell.

>> No.17593619


>> No.17593685

Real beers and occasionally liquor and dope

I've found I'm completely unable to sleep if I have nothing to drink

>> No.17593703
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>Dumb thread
Us enlightened sons of Bacchus seek to share the fun, not just dick on others.

>> No.17593737

goes away after a day or 3

>> No.17593745

2 liters of 8% malt beer for the last five years every night

>> No.17593777

How is shoenice even alive unless he's purging after every drink?

>> No.17593785

God damn my liver and mental consitution are week. I get tremors and bite my tongue accidentally when I try and get sober, even after attempting to taper

>> No.17593804

These alcohol threads keep me from turning to alcohol to soothe my anxiety. I know i would become a raging alcoholic if I did.

>> No.17593805

>you have to be 18 to post here
not everyone is an alcoholic who drinks a whole bottle of vodka every day, anon...

>> No.17593809

>please fix yourself
I think the people who talk about drinking whole bottles of hard spirits everyday nITT need more fixing than the dudeweed guy lol

>> No.17593812

same, i think we're too far gone
sometimes i do too...trying to eat healthier compensating for all the booze
i used to drink less it just comes naturally and i cant control myself :(

>> No.17593814

>what do you friends think?
That you're a lightweight.

>> No.17593817
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Legal in my area, bro. I might hit the dispensary in your honor today.

>> No.17593877

I'm only drinking like .325L a day too. But maybe the problem is I'm doing it throughout the whole day, supplemented with a 6 pack of beer in between tiny sips. Either way, I'm quitting for a long time. I got to "10 months" last time (2 shots on my bday and a margarita on my ex's bday, but those were both isolated, normal incidences). Then it suddenly got a lot worse around the holidays and I haven't been able to stop binging randomly every couple of weeks for around 2 years now (can't be bothered to do the date math). It sounds like pussy shit compared to some of the stuff I've seen people do, but it the comedown is hell, which is why it takes me so long to come down. I'm losing friends, despite me taking care of them in far worse conditions like being totally blacked out that they couldn't walk. At least when I do that I'm isolating myself to my room, and I've learned to just lay in bed and masturbate so I don't end up hurting myself when I'm blacked out. The worst I've done in a few years during a binge was get told to leave a bar, and I was totally complacent and walked away, and ordered a ride from <insert rideshare service here>. I was totally lucid too, I just thought I was being funny.

Anyway, 3rd day sober. Hope I can sleep tonight. Genuinely worried I might have caught covid since I actually went outside for once, and sleep will probably help it stay mild. No symptoms yet thankfully. Just anxiety and a bit of saliva and bile down the wrong pipe or something. Cleared my throat and I'm back to normal. Good luck anon

>> No.17593878

Friendly reminder that nothing is going to stop me from stealing all the copper wire in your house and selling it for meth

>> No.17593892

>I've found I'm completely unable to sleep if I have nothing to drink
It gets better. I know it sucks.

>> No.17593920
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wish you good luck anon. alcoholism is no joke. last time i tried quitting i got less than 2 months sober before starting again and this time i drank double. that was almost 3 years ago and since then i cant remember having more than one day of not drinking and it was just because i was travelling once and spent a day in hospital after mild car accident(thankfully was in the mornig and was still sober)
havent thought of quitting lately, feels like the only thing worth doing nowadays and its all think about through the day, its hard waiting until 6pm and not just hit few sips around noon.

best of luck, it sucks but youre stronger.

>> No.17593937

As much as you need to pass out in a puddle of piss and vomit. That is enough that you wake up still drunk then continue drinking

>> No.17594037

Best of luck to you too, and no I"m not stronger. I can't even drive. I've been telling myself these days that if I could drive, I wouldn't drink. Not being able to drive and losing so much of my life because of it is probably what's driving this problem. I mean, I was drinking 2-3 days at a time out of boredom/for fun, but once I had responsibilities and things I didn't want to lose, I realized I couldn't meet my obligations and it ballooned into the problem I'm dealing with today

>> No.17594066

In college, I would buy a 750ml bottle of whiskey on Friday, drink half and then the other half on Saturday. No hangover ever.

>> No.17594076

>2/3 bottle of wine

That’s equivalent to 4 5% abv beers, which is nothing.

t. Used to drink 10+ 7% beers 3-4x a week
t. Alcoholic

>> No.17594560

That sounds nice, what flavor of sparkling wat

>> No.17594567

He didn't go anywhere

>> No.17594591

Testament to human body endurance that he is still alive with all the shit he has eaten and how much he drinks.

>> No.17594911

8-10 beers a day
You won’t feel shit. I drank a liter of rum a day for 3 years straight and quit cold turkey, barely felt a think other than shakes and anxiety. You have to drink a gallon a day to get serious withdrawals. I was in rehab with a guy who claimed to drink 2 gallons of vodka a day and the dude couldn’t walk without falling for a week because he shook so much. They kept him on meds extra long cause otherwise he would’ve definitely had a seizure or died. Alcohol and bento withdrawals are the only ones that can kill you. They aren’t as intense and painful as heroin withdrawals, but the seizure risk is so high they’re dangerous.

>> No.17594925

I hate faggots like you who think weed is a substitute for all drugs. There’s reasons people don’t use it. Ever think that maybe people don’t have the same good experiences you have, faggot? I get intense anxiety and am forced to curl up in bed and wait out the high. I’ve considered calling 911 numerous times. Stop trying to push weed on people. It’s not for everyone.

>> No.17594983

I'm cutting down from a half to a fifth of whiskey a night. After about 9 years of drinking, the last I really started ramping up. I turned 30 and didn't want to die at 45 so I'm trying to do better.
I quit cold turkey and almost chewed a hole through my lip and started seeing shadow claws reaching for me from my peripherals and mild shakes. Very stupid move. I've been tapering down the past couple of months and now I'm down to less than a six pack, every other night.
I know myself better than being able to go stone cold sober but it's better than what I was doing. Plus everyonce in a while I slam 2 in the morning shower for old time sakes, its my little treat. Sorry for blogging but I've hid this from my family for years.

>> No.17594988

Calm down dude.

>> No.17595671

i'm gonna tell you straight up beforehand, it sounds scary to stop drinking quickly, but at your level it's literally not a big deal. i was in your exact spot. the sounding scary part is what kept me from stopping drinking. you can do it just fine, you'll be fine, no hospital or anything, just take it a day at a time and you'll be ok. just tell yourself firmly this is something you've gotta do and just do it.

you start getting DTs around the time you usually started drinking. it's like a cold sweat accompanied by a lack of focus and possibly blurred vision. your sides may feel "hard" and sore. it's difficult to describe. the big issue is not the DTs it's the insomnia. you're gonna have a really bad time at trying to fall asleep, so completely erase sugar and caffeine from your diet once you do this, and prepare by buying the highest strength melatonin you can find. i found some in 50mg. take 3 of those or add more as needed to get to sleep, you can't OD on melatonin. also, expect bad nightmares. your body is suffering so much such that the brain can't really fully turn off so your dreams are going to get really fucking weird and be extremely vivid. expect about 3 or 4 nights of this before you're able to fall asleep naturally again. it sucks to go through but it's actually not worse than a fever or flu, there are fewer side effects than that, it's just insomnia and some chills, and it's worth it imho.

you need a replacement drink for relaxing at night, i recommend tea. i bought some celestial seasonings sleepytime tea when i quit drinking and i got into the habit of drinking non-caffeinated tea before bed while relaxing to streams and stuff like that. that flavor actually does relax and help you get to sleep, they make an extra sleepytime flavor that makes you extra sleepy that i haven't tried yet.

also, expect to relapse. nobody's perfect, don't fool yourself into thinking you stopped once you'll stop forever. rehab takes a long time. good luck dude.

>> No.17595692

just go with the flow, keep drinking until you can't

>> No.17595706

Not enough for withdrawal.
I had DTs for the first time last year, was drinking all day, every day, and heavy use for years.
Had hallucinations and thought my brain was shutting down. Became more serious about quitting.

I wasn't a fan.

>> No.17595715

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17595751

quitting heavy drinking cold turkey can actually be lethal. you can get through it if you're lucky, but if you're on harder sauces it's definitely better to go to a hospital. there are drugs for withdrawal but i'm too retarded to remember their names. doctors can help, but good luck in the emergency room if you're american since the health care system here blows so fucking hard it's easier to just die or go through shit on your own than go to a hospital since they'll refuse to prescribe anything you actually need and tell you to fuck off and charge you a shitload of money without aiding the actual issue.

>> No.17595765

I know.
I've been an alcoholic over two decades, but in 2021 it became appalling to even me, how much I was drinking.
I was in a detox facility.
My BAL was 3.88, and it took 11 hours before I could be given Ativan.
I went into withdrawal around hour six.

>> No.17595787

I wasn't even the heaviest drinker when I went to rehab. They gave me a vitamin B injection, diapam and some other meds. Taking the injection was hard because I was so shaky and jumpy.

>> No.17595791

kek'd i agree, and check this anon

>> No.17595794
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>> No.17596086

Your picture is worth a thousand words, anon.

Reminds me of my mama :')

>> No.17596205

4 beers for me now, or 48 fl oz of beer. I was a fuckup and ruined a lot of my life by drinking so that’s all I do then stop. Get enough of a buzz to take the edge off and I don’t act like a retard

>> No.17596235

Alcohol is the worst cope for anxiety out there. Only adds to the problem, never works to fully fix any problem

>> No.17596265

After rehab I was able to stay sober for 6 months. I tried everything from exercise to new hobbies. I think I just hate life.

>> No.17596268

kek aspie staright edgers

>> No.17596340
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when i would wake up after a night of binge drinking, when i got out of bed, my upper stomach would hurt for a couple minutes

this is why i stopped boozing

>> No.17596359

Bro midol is acetaminophen plus caffeine and shit. Acetaminophen is entirely processed by your liver and will accelerate any problems your drinking might cause, to your liver, exponentially when you hit it with both.

>> No.17596401

Thats gastritis

>> No.17596410

Dude you are going to be fine, worst case scenario is that you will feel hangxiety for a few days.

>> No.17596423

What the fuck was blue Porsche thinking?

>> No.17596611


>> No.17596623

Uhhhhhhh... pretty sure the USA is a signatory to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Can't legally sell weed without breaking a serious international treaty.

>> No.17596647

this. 16oz. of water after each shot and some salty crackers in the morning deletes my hangover. But that's a lot of pissing so I normally don't unless I have something to do. But then I just don't drink enough to hung over.

>> No.17596805

Narcotic is where the UN got got. Marijuana by technicality is not a narcotic. That's why I can buy weed in my state.

>> No.17596970

is that a litre bottle or 700ml?

>> No.17596977

Dont forget to rip the copper pipes out of the walls

>> No.17596997

Its why I have stayed away from pot too. I have seen people have absolute shit fits when they have to face the prospect of going a night without their cope weed.

>> No.17597017

I almost forgot /ck/ was a hot spot for alcoholics
personally drink 2 to 3 beers (belgian beers like abt 12 or karmeliet tripel are some of my favs)
they are really good and get me into a comfortable buzzed zone pretty quickly

>> No.17597056

I miss al/ck/ threads, they were super comfy back when I was a full time alco. They prob made my alcoholism worse in hindsight tho lol
I started working out like a madman when I quit to tire myself out enough to actually get some sleep. Insomnia still sucked but got a better habit out of it at least

>> No.17597168

Half gallon of jager and a couple of suger free red bulls (diabetes)

>> No.17598164
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i havent touched a drop of alcohol in a week

we are all gonna make it brehs

>> No.17598197
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Yea man you’re right, guzzle down that alcohol instead

>> No.17598212


>> No.17598213


Good stuff, my man.

I turned 30 last year and realized that the effects of a real rager last much longer than they used to. I've cut way back on booze consumption and it's all for the better. I still drink maybe once every two weeks, sometimes longer in between. I guess the appeal has sort of faded... though getting rekt on vodka feels good from time to time.

>> No.17598229

3 litres of beer and 3 shots of Jägermeister, less gooo

>> No.17598246

You mean .388 right?
If you go to the ER with someone who tells the doctor you'll be staying with them during withdrawals, they'll give you Ativan and let you go. Honestly if you try to leave they might stop you and give it to you even if you don't have anyone else.
He's right though; weed doesn't solve the problem. If anything it will make most alcoholics crave booze

>> No.17598311

>You have to drink a gallon a day
Do you mean a handle? Because that’s a little less than half a gallon. A gallon is like 80 shots of liquor or more I think, there is zero chance anyone is drinking that every day unless they’re like andre the giant, let alone 2 gallons.

>> No.17598342
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i just browse youtube and shitpost while drunk, but i can do that sober and i wont wake up wanting to die from a hangover. i dont need to be drunk to enjoy things.

>> No.17598358

He just posted a video less than an hour ago slamming a bottle.

>> No.17598571

was expecting him to chug down a 75cl bottle or something
what a cuck

>> No.17598594

And almost anyone can buy legal-by-weight edibles. Thanks Farm Bill!

>> No.17598632

shoenice is that you? Pretty sure it is
Why dont you make some oc for /ck/ like you did in the early days?
We made you once, we can do it again

>> No.17598701

He's still around. I heard he's in a wheelchair now but that might be a lie idk

>> No.17598756

Not always. There’s a chance they won’t do that and when you try to leave they just put you on a hold for like 3 days.

3 days with the nutjobs and crazies.

>> No.17599982

personally I'm capped around .5l but really need to up the water consumption

>> No.17600003

This but unironically. My friend can smoke the reefer and just relax and chill out, but if I smoke the reefer, I have similar experiences as you. DESU.

>> No.17600076


>> No.17600196

I smoked a lot of weed and as fun as it is, youre a boring piece of shit at parties when high. Even home alone movie night is better with a few drinks rather than weed

>> No.17600303

Good to know, seeing as I have never been high at a party.

>> No.17600424
File: 918 KB, 1069x1358, 04D370ED-19E5-49A5-806A-C564DF3A2EAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking alcohol at night instead of throughout the day as it was always intended ensuring you stay healthy
Lmao at this whole thread omg

>> No.17600444

>People are so sensitive these days.
hate to break it to you sweaty but you didn't offend any mods with the comment. the ban was them taking the piss just to fuck with you. if you've never seen an irony ban you're too new to be posting, and you go to /pol/ so you honestly need to neck yourself fuckass.

>> No.17601040


>> No.17601590


For me it's 8 standards. I'm an obnoxious prick when I'm drunk so I don't drink often and have a low tolerance. If I stay under 8 standards, it's always a good time.

>> No.17601666

relapsed last night but brought wine instead. I couldn't even drink two bottles, hit my vape felt like fucking death, like a teenager again. room was spinning, utterly nauseous, spewed into a bowl next to my bed then staggered to the bathroom and spewed like 15 times, and then clogged the sink and had to use my hands to unclog my macaroni spew from the sinkhole. worked today feeling like death wondering why the fuck I even did it. it didn't feel good at all, just felt poisoned desu.

in my mind I've done the same thing I used to do with opiates, where my conception of the effects are essentially like "if I take this drug I'll feel good for 5 hours", but with alcohol it's like "if I drink my tension and anxiety and boredom will be gone!". but in reality when I actually drink I just feel poisoned, sweaty, and basically retarded. and then the next day my anxiety is terrible and I feel like shit.

I suppose in the past it did actually work, and help which is why I have this idea, but I'm just relearning over and over that the effects of alcohol suck, and last for multiple days now (in terms of feeling like shit, hangover, etc). and it's not even remotely worth those vanishingly few hours where I can lay in bed watching youtube or listening to music.

>> No.17601763

you're standing in my sun, bro

>> No.17601774


t. drug addict

>> No.17601841
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2 Maß for beginners. 3 Maß for experts.

>> No.17602067

Is it true that becoming a borderline alkie will lead to ed and no/little sex drive?

>> No.17602081

Hahaha pussy.

>> No.17602085

I do my best work on "Enough to maintain a mild buzz." Enough to loosen my tongue, but not so much that I'm not quick with it. No real dehydration, so no hangover.

>> No.17603015

just drink vodka and water and you can literally drink like 15+ shots a night and be functional the next day.

t. former alchy

>> No.17603038
File: 88 KB, 716x750, eyJleHRlbmQiOiB7fSwgImJ1Y2tldCI6ICJpbmZsdWVuc3Rlcl9wcm9kdWN0aW9uIiwgImtleSI6ICJtZWRpYS9wcm9kdWN0L2ltYWdlLzFfRHRrMHR3OC5KUEciLCAiZWRpdHMiOiB7InJlc2l6ZSI6IHsiaGVpZ2h0IjogNzUwLCAid2l0aG91dEVubGFyZ2VtZW50IjogdHJ1ZSwgInd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whiskey dick is real desu

>> No.17603063

It's a fucking 500 mL bottle.
Breaking the bottle after finishing it is maximizing fun.

>> No.17603099

That's good, whiskey is one of the liquors more likely to give you a hangover because it's aged in wood. Were you drinking water, too?

>> No.17603114

I feel ya. After two weeks I decided last night i'm taking a shot before bed. Fell asleep np.

>> No.17604021

not buying any liquor this week
what works as a night drink?

>> No.17604037

yeah, DUDE