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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 700x400, PBJ700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17590068 No.17590068 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's crunchy PB and raspberry preserves. How about you.

>> No.17590102

The fuck is a preserve and how is it different than jam?

>> No.17590122

crunchy on half, smooth on the other
strawberry on half, Meijers Strawberry/Blackberry/Raspberry
I get 4 combinations in one sandwich so I dont get bored eating the same flavor/texture

>> No.17590123
File: 146 KB, 1200x684, Peanut Butter Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanut butter banana sandwich. I dunno, big, big as your fist.. Ask Kemosabe, cowboy puts bacon on his though.

>> No.17590126

For me it's smooth peanut butter and raspberry preserves. Get fucked

>> No.17590159

I cant preserve my dick in your ass

>> No.17590170

A couple of seconds of searching tells me preserves contains pieces of fruit whereas jam is mashed fruit or pulp. Congrats, we both had to type that out instead of you typing jam vs preserve into your browser zoomer.

>> No.17590177

I love peanuts but I've never had it in butter form. If I can get someone to bring me peanuts, what do I have to do to make it butter? They are just so hard I can't imagine it would be easy. Tia.

>> No.17590185


>> No.17590188

Don't know that I've ever had raspberry preserves. I'm not a huge fan of PB&J but when I do have it it's with all natural fresh ground peanut butter and homemade fig preserves on whole grain bread.

>> No.17590190

just mix the peanut with the butter dumbo

>> No.17590227

How do you smash the peanuts into powder/paste though? I don't have a machine that can do that.

>> No.17590238

put them into a bucket and step on them. you know those traditional winemaking places where they get italian women to step on the grapes? yeah, like that.

>> No.17590241

wear heels tho

>> No.17590244

Cmon man. Seriously.

>> No.17590252

I could try the blender if I fill it up enough but thats a fuckload of shelling.

>> No.17590257

i think a blender would jam from all the nuts to be honest but im not really familiar with how strong they are

>> No.17590292

It's pretty loud and strong. But I can imagine the nuts would fly everywhere for awhile. Maybe one day of I am bored. Wish there was an easier way. Could type it in Yahoo but maybe you guys would know. One of those hard things that ive wanted to try.

>> No.17590325

Same but toasted bread.

>> No.17590672

Creamy because you can put on more 'spread' for less calories, and blackberry, apricot, or strawberry jam/preserves.

>> No.17590700

looks disgusting desu

>> No.17590919

Honey pb with blackberry jam.

>> No.17590932
File: 35 KB, 780x438, pepestare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the years have gone by and ripened me into a young man, I prefer smooth.

>> No.17592125

Super chunky peanut butter and boysenberry preserves on lightly toasted bread for me

>> No.17592140

Skippy smooth and welch's grape jelly like GOD INTENDED

>> No.17592144
File: 118 KB, 1200x750, blackberry raspberry chocolate cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to me. see this?
is what you want. this is divine with peanut butter. do this.

>> No.17592145

For me, it's also crunchy PB but with blackberry jam.

>> No.17592160

Never had this version, must try!

>> No.17592164

Skippy smooth and strawberry preserves is my close second. It has to be that mechanically smooth texture with bits of strawberry

>> No.17592168

I tried making a elvis. pb, banana, bacon, and honey. It was alright.

>> No.17592232

For me, it's smooth PB and honey

>> No.17592237

Crunchy with carrot jam,or creamy honey

>> No.17592238

>Is annoyed about looking something up
>Does it anyway
You're a retard

>> No.17592249
File: 361 KB, 1300x1300, uncrust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here, this is it

>> No.17592250

I really like fig jam. The seeds in the fig jam gives a really nice little crispy texture to it that's superior to crunchy peanut butter.

>> No.17592465

Yeah just shatter my teeth right up bro. Boy that's what I just love most about food, the type that literally cannot be crushed by teeth. Immovable objects in my soft PB and J on fluffy white bread. With granite-hard seeds. Yum yum I just love the taste of blood it adds to the flavor when my enamel shatters.

>> No.17592610

You want to know how to make peanut butter? Add peanuts without the shell or skin. Add a vegetable oil. Blend. That's peanut butter.

>> No.17592640
File: 1023 KB, 4032x3024, smeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triple fired egg butty with chilli sauce and chutney

>> No.17592659

You don't have a food processor? If you don't then you can do it with a mortar and pestle I guess but it'll take a while.

>> No.17592660

>Add peanuts without the shell or skin. Add a vegetable oil.
Peanuts already contain enough fat, you just need to break them down enough so it gets released.

>> No.17592676

Crunchy "natural" peanut butter and apple jelly. Don't really see many people using apple jelly, either they've never had it or just don't like it.

>> No.17592677

That looks so good

>> No.17592729

Apple jelly with peanut butter sounds fucking delicious, but I don't think I've ever seen it, only apple butter.

>> No.17593613
File: 46 KB, 294x263, 1626253927216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17593617

Its time to accept grape supremacy.

>> No.17593652

any kind of jam, really

>> No.17594303

I love bread crust, never understood that.

Always loved eating the pizza crusts when family didn't, too.

>> No.17594513

Back when my grandma took care of me and my brother she made us "pb&j" for lunch. She called up my mom saying we were too picky. My mom asked what the fuck kind of sandwich she made that we wouldn't eat and her reply was
>Rye bread
>All natural neanutbutter (basically just mashed peanuts)
>Orange marmalade
My mom told her she wouldn't eat that either
Later at my grandma's funeral I in a total surprise to everyone spoke and said that story. Every old person there said that it sounded delicious and even now I still can't eat that fucking thing.
Would you eat such a sandwich? Mind you she's the kind of person that would cut off mold and eat what "is still good" so there's a chance there was expired bread peanuts and marmalade.

>> No.17594527

On sunbeam white bread of course

>> No.17594532

Crunchy PB with nutella and slice of cheese toasted ofcourse

>> No.17595141

Light-moderate toasted rye (buttered), peanut butter (crunchy preferred), strawberry jam, and a spread of cream cheese in-between.

>> No.17595144

crunchy PB and Cherry preserves

>> No.17595806

Same DESU that is a based combo my good friend.

>> No.17595817

Very nice taste anon. You and I are the same in that regard. so you picked my sandwich

>> No.17595993

I too enjoy the raspberry crunchy combo

>> No.17596002

>blackberry jam
>crunchy PB
>under-ripe banana slices

>> No.17596059

Kys you'reself