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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17582735 No.17582735 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people on this board who don't drink pop?

>> No.17582746

yes, i’m one of them. i never liked how soda hits my throat

>> No.17582772

> >>17582735
kill yourself man

>> No.17582816

Yeah. I carbonate my own water and enjoy that when i need bubbles.

I think soda is more about the bubbles than the sugar, but the sugar gets you addicted.

>> No.17582913

I reserve it as a treat. Too much sugar

>> No.17582921

Yes. I have one every couple of months but by and large I abstain completely.

>> No.17582923

I'm afraid of it dissolving my teeth

>> No.17583060

this is blasphemy

>> No.17583079

I have maybe one or two a year.
I quit habitual soda drinking years ago. No more afternoon energy crashes.

>> No.17583092

i get one every couple of months for enrichment. takes me a few days to finish a 20 oz. i'm about 3/4ths of the way through a space coke now, it's a nice treat.

>> No.17583097

lately coke tastes utterly fucking disgusting to me. and yet i still want to drink it. how do they do it

>> No.17583353

I used to drink like 3 cans a day when I was a teenager but I stopped because I didn't want to be a fat fuck anymore

>> No.17583570
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i only drink pop if i feel ill, sad, its a special occasion, or with alcohol
i cant drink pepsi and stuff though its too sweet and like feels kinda foamy in my mouth idk like its too carbonated or something

>> No.17583575


>> No.17583613

If I want garbage empty calories with a little hydration, I drink light beer. I used to buy soda for social events to give children and teetotalers an option, but now bottled mineral water, lemonade, and fruit juice seem the better options. Closest I'd come is sweetened iced tea or something like Orangina.

>drinking soda pop over the age of ten
Perish the thought, it'd be like wearing short pants in public when not doing athletics, or playing video games at 50yo. The world has been overtaken by adult children.

>> No.17583622

soda is for lessers.

>> No.17583751

I really hate anime tourist

>> No.17583785

OP is fat

>> No.17583963

you're the tourist

>> No.17583981
File: 7 KB, 337x174, 1629549230648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make the worst posts then cry endlessly when called out, the only reason they even go to other boards is to avatarfag as underage anime girls

>> No.17583982

I drink sugar and aspartame free soda, not because it's healthy but because the other ones make me have crohns shits

>> No.17584012

yes some of us are adults

>> No.17584032

That's not even a thing, bub

>> No.17584299
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Best to stick to water only.
I love me some Sprite (the generic one I'm not made of money and honestly tastes also good) tho

>> No.17584335

No I never do because I'm not fat and am not a child

>> No.17584344

i havent drank anything except water in like 3 years

>> No.17584370

i use sugar free soda as a mixer but other than that no

>> No.17584385


>> No.17584387

kill yourself my man

>> No.17584388

There are but I am not of them. I go through a 12 pack a week of Mt. Dew or DP. I am pretty active though with sports, I can see why you would stay away if you live a sedentary lifestyle. Taste good and easy to drink.

>> No.17584439
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>tourist calling other tourists
anime website

>> No.17584448

It's called "coke" retards

>> No.17584449

cry endlessly when called out

>> No.17584471

>anime website
never was.
never will be.

>> No.17584484
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I only drink soda if I'm having fast food.

>> No.17584486

So you guys like the sodiepop or not

>> No.17584492

always has been always will be
look at >>17584484

>> No.17584496

but to answer your question i love soda, especially coke

>> No.17584498

Used to but ever since they started using artificial sweeteners they have this weird aftertaste.

>> No.17584544

all the zoomers pound energy drinks, which is basically soda on steroids

>> No.17584570

people saying they stopped doing it often but still drink any at all are fucking retards. still eating processed food and sugars when your over 18 is so cringe

>> No.17584578

Not as cringe as acting all high and mighty because you only eat healthy food like a good big boy.

>> No.17584579

Same, same

>> No.17584584

>t.16 year old vegan activist

>> No.17584590
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All fatties and anime posters (strong overlap) should kill themselves

>> No.17584602

Do an experiment and drink only water for two weeks only, also no solid sweets. I guarantee you'll taste your soda again and wonder how the fuck you didn't notice that it's disgustingly way too sweet.

>> No.17584605
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The meme that soda makes people fat is just typical fat person reality avoidance.
Literally no one is fat because of soda. They're fat because they're eating thousands of calories more than they should. It takes no effort to switch to a diet / zero calorie soda. If that were really all it took to make fat people stop being fat they all would have done that already. Instead what they need to do is STOP EATING SO MANY CALORIES. And that's something they refuse to do because they prefer bullshit "soda makes you fat" excuses instead.

>> No.17584609
File: 378 KB, 720x648, 1572114605235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most anime posters are skinnyfats or outright skellies. This has been proven several times.

>> No.17584617

This op, make the switch as sugar is poison and corn syrup is even worse
you won’t miss it but there is an adjustment period

and then when you do have that rare glass bottle coke it will taste even better

>> No.17584622

I found a good post at the top for you

>> No.17584778

>using this pic unironically

>> No.17584831


>> No.17584921

Just drink some water.

>> No.17584972

Soda is mostly water except with the benefit of calories, caffeine, and carbonation.
I'm too skelly to be wasting my time on zero calorie bullshit like plain water.

>> No.17585060

I went a good 7+ years barely drinking any soda and honestly believing I had outgrown the taste and that it was disgusting. Then I quit smoking and immediately started craving Coke and root beer all the fucking time and gained like 25 pounds in a year lmao. Quitting soda for real has been ten times harder than dropping cigarettes cold-turkey for me, the cravings get absurd after about a week.

>> No.17585068

If you're concerned about weight gain why wouldn't you just use the many different kinds of zero calorie soda that are now available?

>> No.17585082

Just drink water.

>> No.17585098

they don't taste as good to me desu, especially when it comes to root beer. also if I'm being completely honest most of that weight gain was probably more due to my increased appetite after quitting smoking leading to me eating more often than the one large meal a day I'd been accustomed to for years

>> No.17585118


>> No.17585119

Just drink water. Soda is for cucks.

>> No.17585125

Keep your retarded cuck decisions to yourself.
Waterfags need to scream at everyone else to be like them because it isn't satisfying on its own. That's your problem, not mine.

>> No.17585128

Enjoy your diabeetus, you fatass.

>> No.17585140

I've been underweight my entire adult life and doubt I'm going to magically become obese at some point between age 36 and my death. Sorry, waterfag. Enjoy your non-drink.

>> No.17585167

I started buying diet 7up. I just like the taste and it mixes with my creatine HCL real nice

>> No.17585180

Ok, thank you for agreeing to just drink water.

>> No.17585191

I'm 50, have drunk non-diet soda all my life. last health screening (last year) confirms no beetus, no pre-beetus, no risk of beetus, blood sugar levels entirely normal. want to know the secret? I don't drink pints of the stuff every day, nor do I take in high amounts of sugar in my diet in general. I also like water by the way but insufferable faggots like you peddling the 'sugar is poison!' meme are irritating as fuck.

>> No.17585204

Cope loser

>> No.17585213

I love diet pepsi so goddamn much. I drank four 2 liters of it this weekend. I like Dr Pepper and RC Cola too, but I dislike the syrupy cling of sugared sody pop to my mouth and teeth.

>> No.17585231

I sometimes drink a ginger ale after a big dinner

>> No.17585234
File: 22 KB, 644x1372, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coper accuses everyone else of coping
Get some self-awareness asap.
If you really liked limiting yourself to water you wouldn't feel the need to convert everyone else. It's virtue signaling for you instead of something you do because you want to, and that's just sad.

>> No.17585237

I accept your concession

>> No.17585360

anime website

>> No.17585732

pic made me smile.

>> No.17586868

You should kill yourself, newfag.

>> No.17586953

>they make the worst posts
Pretty sure that's redditfrog posters.

>> No.17587097

>when you do have that rare glass bottle coke it will taste even better
Can confirm. I drink nothing but water these days and boy do sodas and shit hit fucking hard when you do drink them when you're with friends or something.
I can barely drink sweet tea these days without my teeth getting itchy.

>> No.17587270
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>> No.17587429
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>> No.17587433

Yes, some of us like to live and eat healthy. You should try it sometime.

>> No.17587757

t. Non-pop-drinker

>> No.17587796

blagh, yes. define soda though, easily less than %5 of anything mainstream.

>> No.17587799


>> No.17588658

Anyone else barely drink water? I get all my liquid from diet pop. I probably drink a 12 pack a day. I also drink a 6 pack of beer. People that dislike pop are weird
Exactly, he likes to feel superior

>> No.17588675

>Yes, some of us like to live and eat healthy.
>makes bitchy posts on obscure 4chan board

somehow I don't think so

>> No.17588950

Gaybros... We won!

>> No.17589081

Truth. Who drinks flat soda willingly?

>> No.17589220

>can't fathom that others live a healthy lifestyle
Yep, you are 100 percent fatass.

>> No.17589266

>drink poop
only moogy's

>> No.17590152

I don't drink ''pop'' because I am not a child

>> No.17590563
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>anime tourist

>> No.17590711

i only have it if im eating fast food

>> No.17591651

Not as much as I used to. Too much sugar, but here and there yes

>> No.17592784


>> No.17592796


>> No.17592802

I only drink coke with hamburgers and pizzas. Anything else, it's water or milk for me. I'd probably drink red wine too but I'm alcoholic so I know if I have it with my meal I'm gonna end up drinking the whole bottle.

>> No.17592816
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>> No.17592818

>calling it pop
speaking of faggot...

>> No.17593544
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Mt Dew man reporting in

>> No.17594176
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I prefer malt liquor to soda pop

>> No.17594314
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i recall a sim map for some 8--9y ago, which had sodie pop, georgia, i believe, was one of the deplorables

anyways, soda water tops all.

>> No.17594345

Yup, drank that shit daily during my teens and early 20s and all I got out of that was shitload of wasted money and heavily eroded front teeth. Nowadays I only drink tap water and occasionally unsweetened tea.

>> No.17594362

God I wish I could be sexually dominated by a tall, mature woman

>> No.17594390
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I drink one a day with food. Don't really want to but don't have much of a choice. Some meals make my stomach hurt if I substitute with water. Don't know what to do about it. Anyone have a solution?
Its aspartame. They have started adding aspartame to regular coke. It used to have less of it but recently they added a bigger cut to it. Probably, "sweeter", and more addictive. I know the taste well. Everytime I drink one it makes me wish it was a Mexican coke. At least those are drinkable.

>> No.17595065
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Yes I'm one of those unlucky few that has the gene that makes my tongue violently reject carbonated drinks.
I had my first taste of cola at 6 during a school event and spat it out on reflex. Tried again several times since and at 26 nothing has changed. I taste no flavour just pain. Same with Alcohol but its not nearly as bad.

>> No.17595210

is that the faggotry gene?

>> No.17595223

>anime website
Jump off a fucking bridge, newfag.

>> No.17595306
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Fuck off, election cancer.
Drink lemon water, herbal teas or infusions in general with your food. You can begin with a couple of teaspoons of sugar or honey and progressively reduce the amount.

>> No.17595456

Anime is cancer, this thread proves it.

>> No.17595538

Post hand

>> No.17595539

you touch kids, yuck

>> No.17595593

Water and coffee only

>> No.17595661
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>don't gimme no pop no pop
>don't gimme no tea no tea
>just gimme that milk
>moo moo moo moo
>Wisconsin milk
>moo moo moo moo

>> No.17596030

>wah fuck off, i came here in 2013 im cool and old!!!
When are weebs going to realize that being losers won't make them worth a damn? That's not board cred, dipshit, and I'm amazed you aren't tripfagging. Anyway, I'm choking down my third red bull today -- as you all should be.

>> No.17596550
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>> No.17596558
File: 121 KB, 658x247, Screenshot_2021-05-04 qa - ANIME WEBSITE (IT IS THOUGH) - Question Answer - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranime weebsite, though.

>> No.17596616

I hear in some parts of the world they drink coca cola instead of water just because the local water is so dirty. Reminds me of beer in the middle ages.

>thread is board appropriate
>OP's image is thread appropriate
>everything is on topic
Then you little shits show up and start complaining about cartoons. For the love of god, just shut up.

>> No.17596946


>> No.17597349
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>Reminds me of beer in the middle ages.
Isn't the beer thing a myth? I've heard it actually was done for the extra calories.

>> No.17597355

No one is keeping you here, you're welcome to go discuss food and cooking on R*ddit or some such similar site. They'll still have anime, of course (it is the internet after all), but at least there your clout-chasing might someday pay off!

>> No.17597670

Why would I? Water is basically free and doesn't reduce my lifespan?
Is there some hidden benefit that I'm not seeing?

>> No.17597687
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>t. 2016 immigrant
Fuck off, newfag.

>> No.17597700

It isn’t. It’s just the beer had a very low alcohol content, around 2%. That way you could drink a few throughout the day and not get completely sloshed.

>> No.17597749


>> No.17597753

me too, the spam is honestly more annoying than the frog shit.

>> No.17597770

Anime paedos on suicide watch.

>> No.17597816

fake, they even took a digit out of the post number
also go back to wherever you got that jpeg artifact-ridden image

>> No.17597821
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Anti-anime posters are so weird. The board is full of shitposting and barely on-topic threads but they only throw a tantrum if there's a chinese cartoon in the OP. Then they derail the thread and say it's anime's fault.
No, it's a myth. If you can make beer, you have access to clean water. Also a beer with such a low alcohol content wouldn't make much of a difference.

>> No.17597839
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>phoneposting newfag fell for a fake screencap
lmaoing at this retard
also I strictly drink water coffee beer and whiskey
If my drinks have calories in them they're from alcohol simple as

>> No.17598074

You might wanna check your sources, beer dates back to the oldest human civilizations and would in many cases have been healthier than water. Thing is, you don't need clean water to brew beer, since the process involves boiling the water before fermentation which would kill bacteria plus filtration afterwards which would remove unwanted particles from the end product, making it a very clean drink for people whose primary water source might be contaminated with animal feces or other nasty stuff.

>> No.17598079

Who calls it pop?

>> No.17598089
File: 20 KB, 288x288, 1617170715101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid spamming anime faggot. Are you sad your coffee thread got deleted immediately so you couldn't have ANOTHER of your threads spamming the catalog?

>> No.17598094

i really only get soda in instances where most people would order a beer, like out with friends or something, because alcohol is haram

>> No.17598367
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>> No.17598415

Yeah, I just gradually stopped liking it

>> No.17598556
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I enjoy soda but my mind views high fructose corn syrup as like a boogyman and if I see it listed I dont like to drink it. I started drinking these more expensive ginger ales instead but now I drink mostly sparkling water as a treat besides water, but I wish all the good soda wasn't so bad for you

>> No.17598572

>you want a coke?
>what kind?
>dr. pepper

>> No.17598728

I didnt really like diet soda until I started drinking it. Its just an aquired taste like anything else. The only thing I hate is a lot of the good ones (Diet Dr.pepper) have a lot of caffeine in them. it gets like redbull tier at 20 oz.

>> No.17598830
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>Went to mexico as a kid
>Had the fanta there
>Best fucking drink I've ever had
>Drink as much as I can
>Come home
>The fanta here doesn't taste the same at all
>No drinks can really compare to it
>Lose interest in drinking soda

>> No.17598889

Stopped drinking soda about 8 years ago when I made a conscious effort to lose weight. I still occasionally eat unhealthy shit like fast food and sweets, but I just can’t bring myself to drink empty calories like soda

>> No.17600503

I used to drink soda every now and then but now I prefer drinking water or the sporadic wine/beer

>> No.17601188

I checked my sources, found this article:
If you have a more recent source with a better methodology, I would like to see it.
I think it's an interesting topic and while I get that in some cases clean water wasn't easily accessible, if we're talking of the middle ages I think those cases would be the minority and much less common than most people assume.

>> No.17601250

i drink beer instead
at least i get intoxicated

>> No.17601943

I'll drink one if it's offered to me, to be polite. But I never buy soda.

>> No.17601945

This is how a gentleman thinks.

>> No.17602045


>> No.17602510

I'll drink a can of ginger ale if I get a club sandwich or something but in general drinking pop is childish

>> No.17602534

Using the word "pop" is childish. Having a Coke is fine at any age.

>> No.17602708

>southerner detected

>> No.17602718

I don't call all sodas Coke. I meant Coke in the literal sense of having a Coca-Cola brand soda.

>> No.17603464

imagine enjoying drinking sugar

>> No.17603629

it's soda you fucking retard

>> No.17604494
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I haven't gotten used to artificial sweeteners yet, they always have this weird aftertaste that's a deal breaker for me.

>> No.17604842

Yep same, a lot of the soda there was like that.

>> No.17604858
File: 584 KB, 326x326, anime girl eating apples.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what kind of website this is

>> No.17604877

Hiroshimoot should just drop in a little piece of code that permabans "people" who post this infographic

>> No.17604887

I have gerds so I can't

>> No.17605076

nothing beats flat root beer or Dr pepper