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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 640x737, unhealthy-choices-healthy-choices-melon-crotch-melon-crotch-e185fb4f00720463-c08bfae0c140dac4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17581970 No.17581970 [Reply] [Original]

There's a reason fatty foods have such a grip on the population's waistline and its not just because of how it tastes, fast food is practically propagandized and you'd need to be blind and dumb not to think it's part of the problem. So how do you advertise health food? What would happen if clean living had the same budget at McDonalds? How do you make fresh food as market savvy as a cheeseburger?

>> No.17581987
File: 183 KB, 700x678, 1619819115305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win? Meat kid looks tougher for sure.

>> No.17581995
File: 44 KB, 500x592, 82c43d61685c9824db9bb6119918a9bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally can't get anywhere unless you destroy the meat lobby and subsizie a vegetable other than corn. That's not even mentioning how resiliant big sugar is. That's a huge chunk of the reason our food is the way it is.

>> No.17582051

what the fuck does meat have to do with this? sugar/corn syrup and probably oil are the problem

>> No.17582076

No, it's because these unhealthy foods are literally designed by food scientists to be "hyper-palatable", they literally taste better than anything you could possibly find in nature, and are engineered to do so by hijacking your brain's survival mechanisms.

>> No.17582079

This is true and while it may be an addictive substance I believe people would more often than not choose the healthier option if it had the same availability as fast food.

>> No.17582085
File: 247 KB, 1441x810, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are over 100 brands of bottled water.
If global corporations like coca-cola and nestle cannot figure out a way to market water, then it cannot be done.

>> No.17582090
File: 38 KB, 204x463, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it be both?

>> No.17582127

>the virgin soyboy vs the chad meatlog

>> No.17582134

How often do you see a water commercial with the same spectacle as a Pepsi commercial? Is there an "I'd like to buy the world a Fiji" song?
You don't have to be a vegetarian to think the amount of meat we produce and eat is absurd.

>> No.17582143

theres nothing absurd about the amount of meat we eat because meat is amazing. you could complain about fried meat though since thats very high calorie and addicting

>> No.17582146

>How often do you see a water commercial with the same spectacle as a Pepsi commercial? Is there an "I'd like to buy the world a Fiji" song?

How the fuck do you market water?

>> No.17582170

I rarely eat meat but still think any problems with it pale in comparison to the problems with processed food in general.

>> No.17582177

Come on dude do you really think the promotion and incentive to make high density meat isn't adding to the obesity crisis?
Why do you need to he standoffish? Is it such an insane idea to think soft drinks aren't over promoted?
That's what I'm taking about, our meat is terrible for us and it's allowed to be terrible.

>> No.17582187

>How do you make fresh food as market savvy as a cheeseburger?
you can't

>> No.17582192

That's not meat. He's mostly made of bread. I'd rather get punched by a twinkie than corn.

>> No.17582197 [DELETED] 

What does a bunch of niggers dancing around have to do with soda? What’s the difference?

>> No.17582270

>buy a cheeseburger
>it's cheap and dast
>eat it
>it's good
>buy fresh food
>if raw
>wash it
>cook it
>comes out bland because you don't know how to cook
>if precooked
>more expensive than 4 cheeseburgers for a single "organic artisanal healthy meal pack"

you gotta beat the wombo combo of lazyness and "frugality" of the common populace

>> No.17582301

Is everyone so lazy that they can't engage with the idea without dismissing it?

>> No.17582306

yes, people are REALLY that fucking lazy.

>> No.17582313

people can try things multiple times and find they don't know what they're doing. I can cook basic stuff including some fresh shit but not everyone's gonna do that and especially weren't when they were commuting more often

>> No.17582315

>comes out bland because you don't know how to cook
Who's fault it is then, faggot? Certainly not the fresh food's fault.

>> No.17582351

>There's a reason fatty foods have such a grip on the population's waistline and its not just because of how it tastes
Why would OP btfo himself in the literal first sentence of his garbage post?

>> No.17582506

If I had healthy mediterranean options as convenient and cheap as drive through burgers it's all I'd eat. As it stands I'd rather spend $20 on a dozen oysters and a lemon than the equivalent in 2 McDonalds meals

>> No.17582535

Why does the "Unhealthy" kid have tomatoes for knees? He should shove his lollipop in that banana and laugh as he dies.

>> No.17582588

What I'm saying is what if it was as available as fast food? Subway but not processed into the trash.

>> No.17582598

I think those are pink frosted donuts, not tomatoes.

>> No.17582623

Japan treats it as a drug addiction and makes employers insure it with weight loss programs.

>> No.17582634

Japan also has child swim-suit and other model magazines. Not sure we should follow their lead.

>> No.17582658

Their obesity rate is low and they have stricter bmi standards.

>> No.17582694

Blame everything besides fat fucks with no self control.

>> No.17582696

Let's not do the whole Japanese culture thing here. They have some fucked up standards that are causing near clinical dwarfism in the newest generations from women dieting during pregnancy to keep their weight down. Preemie babies turn out into short as fuck adults.

>> No.17582711

Obviously they aren't perfect dipshit, but it's clear they have a better handle on obesity than whatever America is doing.

>> No.17582844

anything you subsidize will result in poisons being sold as food to the public. the only solution is to hang poisoners by the neck until dead

>> No.17582901

I ate 4 pounds of hamburg today.

>> No.17582906

if right really has been on an all-raw-veg diet his skeleton will probably atomize when fatty delivers his first punch.
Seriously, what the fuck? at least let the poor little nigga have some beans.

>> No.17582910

Easier to fuck up anything fresh/healthy than stuff that can go from freezer to fryer to paper sack
Like, literal downies can find gainful employment at Micky D's because it's easy as hell to just dunk fries in the oil, wait for a timer to buzz, pull them and salt them.

>> No.17582916

You don't have to market water
You're already selling it at a 100000x markup
bulk plastic and clean water are worth less than pennies but a fraction of that can be sold for $1

The reason people do not market water is because there's literally no need
You might see ads for Fiji, Evian, Smartwater--but at the end of the day you're still making millions while spending hundreds

People are still buying Dasani

>> No.17582983

>I'd rather get punched by a twinkie than corn.

>> No.17583004

>meat lobby

Is this street slang for the entrance to a gay bar?

>> No.17583054

You are extremely retarded and this thread is extremely low quality.

>> No.17583107

Think you can flip your attitude for once and engage without being a contrarian? You can't think of a single way to promote fast health food?

>> No.17583169

It is now!

Frank, I know you're lurking this thread. Get on the line with Lance, we got a new sign to put up in the front end.

>> No.17584795

I don't think this post was made in absolute earnestness.

>> No.17584805

I can get water from the tap or the water fountain at the gym/work. Why would I ever buy bottled water?

>> No.17584818

>I'd rather get punched by a twinkie than corn.
lmao words to live by

>> No.17584847

Seeing as we don't need to be a giant to do most of the shit in modern times is there anything wrong with a nation of little people? Live longer, Less joint pain, less space, less calories, less resources to feed, cloth and house.

>> No.17585423

There are hardly enough esl migrant workers and doped up teens to fry overpriced garbage as it is, fast food doesn't pay a livable wage and proved in 2020 to be a volatile industry where you can get shitcanned without moments notice or worse get your wagie brains blown out for meekly requesting that your customers wear their gay little masks. If somebody works at McDick's in 2022 it's because there is something wrong with them as a human being and they literally cannot work anywhere else.
It's already a dissolving suffering industry, you see all the big guns slowly closing out their cheapo menus, limiting hours, shrinking their menu items.

>> No.17585450

Who made this fucking picture? A growing child eating the diet on the right would have worse malnutrition than the lardass on the left.

>> No.17585455

It always bugs me when people are smart enough to see the issue but brain dead enough to go along with the popular opinion.

>> No.17586926

There's a certain enjoyment that comes from knowing you're eating something healthy. If I've eaten junk for a few days in a row then eating a salad tastes and feels better than normal.

>> No.17586964

Post hand

>> No.17587367

this is true, but simple fix is different standards for pregnant women.

that said, sometimes adverse health of the mother is good for babies. not sure how you strike a good balance there, somebody has to lose

>> No.17587440

root beer pelvis

>> No.17587866

It's sugar. It's fucking coke. Don't give me this shit that it's meat. It's sugar and carbs and I'm not saying all carbs are bad but people don't get obese on hamburger and steak and porkchops because the price alone keeps them from gorging on it enough to get fat. It's the sugary drinks and bags of chips and fries and other cheap numerous calories.

And health nuts need to understand you will never get people to eat some overwhelmingly rabbit food option like the right (Not to mention fruit often gets villainzed for the environment and sugar so all you're left with is leafy greens and various legumes). Better to adjust the portion size or to introduce more healthy foods to supplement unhealthy ones than to try and get people to quit burgers and wings and fries.

I feel like they'll go the way of other shit with whales paying the majority of it, whales being people who order grubhub.

>> No.17587885

>somebody has to lose
Not everything is a zero-sum game. Competition is healthy, but assuming it ends with winners taking the chips because people went home with nothing isn't sane for every aspect of life.

>> No.17588587

I always find it funny when burgerbros argue about the true cause of their obesity.
LoL you fat fucks just eat way too much, it's that simple. All the other crap is just you trying to rationalize a way to continue eating portions that would feed a whole family.

>> No.17588670

Unhealthy choices kid gasses in the first round

I take healthy choices submission round 3

>> No.17588712

But can you understand my point that our meat production and consumption is unnecessarily high? Our western health crisis is because of a myriad of issues that were allowed to continue, it's sugar, it's meat, it's serving sizes, it's advertising, it's a lot of shit.

>> No.17588832

well for example it has been established that diabetic women tend to give birth to precocious children. diabetes isn't particularly good for the mother

>> No.17589541

The point was convenience. You need to learn to cook good food and not many people are willing to, you fucking retard.

>> No.17589553

Me on the left

>> No.17589555

its not the meat. its all the other crap people eat.

>> No.17589574

That's not what I asked you.

>> No.17589600

you didnt ask me anything im just saying its not the meat

>> No.17591219

Fat is not the enemy. Sugar and carbohydrates are. Mainly the processed kinds.

>> No.17591226

pufas are more evil than sugar. some sugars are good.

>> No.17591251

There are essential PUFAs but having all your foods fried in or slathered with sòy oil ensures your omega ratio is fucked among other things. The way we feed chickens and pigs gives their meat higher PUFA and trans fat content. Ideally you get PUFAs only from whole foods. Some sugar in whole foods can be okay as well but 130 pounds of it like the average American is a bit much.

>> No.17591842

>Some sugar in whole foods can be okay as well but 130 pounds of it like the average American is a bit much.
no doubt, but the anti-sugar propagandists sometimes cross over into demonizing orange juice or even regular ol' fruits