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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17578051 No.17578051 [Reply] [Original]

Dinner tonight is leftovers from Thanksgiving.

>> No.17578073

If George Washington would have never invented thanksgiving turkeys would just be annoying birds in the woods, no one other than hunters would eat them.

>> No.17578075

are you poor

>> No.17578079

wasnt that shit celebration like 3 months ago

>> No.17578083

>shit celebration
youre either a skinny twink or an injun or a shut in which is it

>> No.17578086

Im still a believer that the Turkey should have been the National bird. Fuck eagles.
This pay period I am.
Closer to 4 at this point yeah.

>> No.17578090
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Between a skinny twink and an injun I’m closer to a skinny twink I guess. Not a fag though.

>> No.17578089

Why do you freeze random meals like my grandparents and their mall teriyaki anon

>> No.17578093

Because your grandparents are based.

>> No.17578101

nice arm veins

>> No.17578105

Just because your parents serve up dry shitty turkey doesn't mean they aren't delicious and plump birds.

>> No.17578117
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Heated up the sides separate from the Turkey so I didn’t overlook the Turkey. Don’t want it to get dry, after all.
>mashed potatoes
>scalloped potatoes
>from scratch green bean casserole (Vegan)

>> No.17578120

what's this gotta do with pizza
this is the second fucking time youve done this

>> No.17578124
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As you might expect from meat that’s been in a deep freezer, the turkey is dry as fuck.

>> No.17578126

>anon moved to a place that sells turkey year round
please go back

>> No.17578129

Are you also in the steak and eggs thread?

>> No.17578131

Nice snake mitts :)

>> No.17578136
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But that’s why God invented gravy.

>> No.17578170
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With the aid of gravy it was an enjoyable meal. Nothing like a taste of November in March.

>> No.17578174

that was a lot of food

>> No.17578189

/fit/lit for the win
Thanks, though technically it’s an alligator
Dinner for two, wife and I just shared a plate.

>> No.17578196

>wife and I just shared a plate
that sounds sickening

>> No.17578201

>laminate counters
>electric coil stove

meme status

>> No.17578209
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Nice. I just pulled one of two pork shoulders from the smoker. Got about 2 cups worth of dripping. Now to let it rest.

>> No.17578223

I’m a rent cuck, guilty as charged
What are you having it with? More importantly, what are you doing with those drippings?

>> No.17578230


>> No.17578252

I'm doing pulled pork, so the drippings will be added back in. The two pork shoulders will be turned into multiple meals. Tacos, ramen, pulled pork sammies with coleslaw, pork fried rice, pulled pork smoked beans, pulled pork grilled cheese sammies. Lots of meals.

>> No.17578259
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Only 20 mins into the rest rest period.

>> No.17578274

Thats an awful lot of pulled pork. You gonna freeze some of that for 4 months or what?

>> No.17578282
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>electric coil stove
Wait a second you nigger, I have a gas range. Shit tier counters though, I won’t lie.

>> No.17578292

>not a fag
Guess again, fag

>> No.17578293

It is, I do share with family, friends and neighbour's, so 15 pounds can easily vanish. If I don't share, I do vacuum seal it.

>> No.17578300

i wish op would manhandle me with those alligator oven mitts

>> No.17578327

Fuck, you got me.
Post slaw recipe. And what do you use for buns on your sliders? Also… ramen?
Alligaytor, amirite?

>> No.17578347
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I sadly don't have a slaw recipe of my own yet. I'm using some premade shit that is escaping my kind atm, its heavy on the vinegar.
Yeah, ramen. Most times I don't do the broth unless colder seasons.
Smoked pulled pork for the protein in this pic. I also do smoked brisket too.

>> No.17578350

Buns I usually go with is sweet Hawaiian rolls. My rubs are on the spicy side, so a sweet roll is a nice balance.

>> No.17578351

Over my adult life I have had a gas stove half the time and electric the other half. I never got the whole "electric sux" thing. Cooking over an open flame certainly has advantages, but electric stoves always owned gas at anything involving boiling water.

>> No.17578355
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this could be us

>> No.17578378

>gas works when power is out.
>gas gas higher heat, great for asian meals.
>gas was cheaper.
>can char shit like peppers, onions garlic.
Lots of reasons why gas kicks electric ass.

>> No.17578385

>gas gas
Gas has*

>> No.17578406
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>Yeah, ramen. Most times I don't do the broth unless colder seasons.
Smoked pulled pork for the protein in this pic. I also do smoked brisket too.
Interesting. I like making custom ramen myself, but I usually use basic tier shit like chicken or shrimp, I’ve never heard of pulled pork or brisket. Do you use instant ramen or fancy shit? Pic rel is some ramen I made a while back.
Na man electric is shit. You have so much more control on a gas range. I’m a poor fag so I’ll take what I can get, but gas vs electric isn’t even debatable.
Im a poor fag but not a true fag. Sorry Anon. In another life and as another species maybe. Just maybe.

>> No.17578448

>Do you use instant ramen or fancy shit?
Prety much most of the time I use Shin Black Ramen as the base. I do try different noodles, spices, what ever all the time.

>> No.17578458
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2nd one just came off.

>> No.17578486

In your third world country, maybe.

>> No.17578489
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Gonna make some pulled pork sliders with that? Sweet buns to balance out that spicy rub? That’s hot.
Na for real though keep the progress picks coming. I’m done cooking for the night so fresh OT is appreciated.

>> No.17578525
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With just a dab of Creme fraiche.
Just pulled the first bone out

>> No.17578529
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Yeah. Fuck yeah. You gonna boil that bone? Make some broth? It’s good for your skin, you know.

>> No.17578533
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Still haven't added the dripping.

>> No.17578540
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The bones always get saved. Now adding the drippings, the meat got darker, lots of flavor infused

>> No.17578550
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The other one gets more chunky, great for smoked baked beans later.

>> No.17578571
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>look at the suple meat. The tasteful thickness of it. My god, he even has an IPA.

>> No.17578590
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Drunk smoking is best smoking. Heres a brisket I smoked, split the point / flat. Easier to make burnt ends this way.

>> No.17578693
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That’s not smoked, sir

>> No.17578710

I'm white.

>> No.17578717

Not really. Turkey stock have tasty meat in nations with no Thanksgiving. Your corporate farms bred shit uncompetitive turkeys because of the guaranteed sales in November.

>> No.17578719
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For me it's chicken kyiv

>> No.17578730

Why do you hate thanksgiving fag?

>> No.17578747

I don’t hate Thanksgiving, you fag. It’s my favorite holiday. But I did think >>17578083 this poster question was directed at me (OP), and not this >>17578079 Thanksgiving batting bitch, which is why I replied.

>> No.17578770

where's the chicken? it just looks like a hollow sleeve of breading

>> No.17578920

Wtf are you talking about? People make sandwiches with turkey you dumbass.

>> No.17578950

Been forcibly annexed by the fellas who make beef stroganoff

>> No.17578955
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>> No.17578961

Plenty of people have to travel hundreds to thousands of miles away from their local relatives to get to a family member they actually want to spend a holiday dinner with.

>> No.17579531
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Ta da, it is now.

>> No.17579552

looks like the dump I took this morning after a night of heavy drinking

>> No.17579563

That's nice, anon. Now post yours.

>> No.17579569

I would but I already flushed it down

>> No.17579576

>talks shit about others
>can't back his shit up
Tells me every thing I need to know about you. Your opinion is worthless, so go waste some one else's tome..

>> No.17579584

I will when you learn to spell

>> No.17579596

Looks good.
How long was it resting when you took the picture?
He's right though.
You're just as bad as the nogun faggots on /k/.
Post some food or fuck off, retard.

>> No.17579600
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Rest easy chicken

>> No.17579623

Only 20 mins. Shit was delicious, made burnt ends with the point.

>> No.17579912

>I- I will when you learn how to spell!