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File: 281 KB, 2560x1319, land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17575386 No.17575386[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>remove the indian
>keep the land
simple as

>> No.17575408
File: 35 KB, 640x637, 1646197543970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think that all the Minnesotans sitting around the conference table never had it occur to them the implications of genocide and land theft because gosh they're all just so nice don'cha know

>> No.17575512

I'm from Minnesota and stopped buying this shit once they removed the Indian girl. Here's the thing about the state, almost EVERYWHERE outside of the Twin Shities (which has literally been artificially inseminated with foreign communists and their pets, i.e. Somalians) is redneck hicksville. The state is red outside of the nuclear strike zone.

>> No.17575538

Why would you buy this garbage and not Kerrygold?

>> No.17575552

>t. never been to Duluth
Go back to work at Paul Bunyan Land

>> No.17575699

Rochesterfags where you at

>> No.17575728

Can anyone actually taste the difference between LandOLakes, Kroger Brand, or some Kerrygold?

I mean, with baking I’ve noticed Walmart butter doesn’t work as well but if you’re just throwing butter on bread I can’t taste the difference with regular salted or unsalted butter. I just buy what’s cheap

>> No.17575741

Hehehe kek we had cheese on Australia called COON cheese they changed it to CHEER I'm so mad

>> No.17575744

>with baking I’ve noticed Walmart butter doesn’t work as well
Make sure you're using "unsalted" butter.

>> No.17575751

kerrygold is way different/better to me on bread. I don't think I could tell the difference between any of them in a cake though unless it was a side by side comparison and I thought real hard about it and even then prolly not

>> No.17575758

I can tell the difference between salted and unsalted I meant like if you put salted landolakes and salted Kerry gold and salted Kroger brand I couldn’t tell the difference

Butter is like milk it all tastes the same. Not like produce where you can gauge the freshness

>> No.17575986

How would the Indians have known about dairy anyway?

>> No.17576247
File: 278 KB, 507x501, 6s5ey9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they had llamas, maybe they milked those
...or the squaws

>> No.17576256

Damn conservative cancel culture.

>> No.17576270

I usually don't notice much of a difference between store brand and Kerrygold if I'm actually cooking with it but like >>17575751 said I can easily tell the difference when just having bread and butter or something like that. Land O Lakes butter already costs enough to where if I'm not buying store brand then I might as well go all the way up to Kerrygold for only a little bit more.

>> No.17576462 [DELETED] 

The fuck do Injuns know about dairy products?

>> No.17576478
File: 80 KB, 633x974, jessica CHESTain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy milkers

>> No.17576502


>> No.17576509

>north american indians had llamas
That's like saying that vikings had elephants.