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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.72 MB, 3420x2735, applepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17571123 No.17571123 [Reply] [Original]

I'll let you frens in on a little secret. Add two tablespoons of maple syrup as one of your ingredients. It makes the pie taste like fall. It's hard to describe lads but it works.

>> No.17571124
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Yeah I guess this might as well.be a thread.

>> No.17571125

sounds good
thanks for the tip fren

>> No.17571126

/ck/ is leaking.

>> No.17571127
File: 3.19 MB, 3456x3456, 20200324_172452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay, /ck/ is garbage and /k/ likes to cook it's all good

>> No.17571128

Brother I hear you released your strategic maple syrup reserves so stay safe

>> No.17571129

Solid advice. Thank you pie anon. You've brought light and joy into our lives. I wish you all the best and much happiness.

>> No.17571130

What grade syrup? I would assume whatever they call A dark or B now.

>> No.17571131

What dish would best represent the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

>> No.17571132

Whichever fish you can serve alive

>> No.17571133

Institutional Alcoholism.

>> No.17571134

TBQPH I'm more of a /ck/ regular and am just here to watch Russians get blown up.

>> No.17571135

Whoops sorry, anons. You Rambos should get into baking though, it's a lot of fun. Maybe start making Apple Pie Bombs eh? I never made them before but I'm sure they are really good.
Good to hear and same to you
A amber but I think anything would work

>> No.17571136

Good ginger snap recipe?

>> No.17571137

Is nice thread. We BBQ you a vatnik for main course, you supply dessert, all хopoшo.

>> No.17571138

Russias losing? I don't watch the news I thought they were strong?

>> No.17571139

Easiest way to make a ginger snap is to keep telling them that they're soulless spawns of Satan.

>> No.17571140

Best thread on /a/ right now

>> No.17571141
File: 430 KB, 1794x1420, 1647426409661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything visible indicates that the Russians are barely hanging on. Ukraine is being badly damaged, but Russia is only glacially gaining ground, and is losing equipment and soldiers rapidly.

Best guess right now for the Russians is about 11% overall casualties of which 4% are KIA, from their initial invasion force. Considering it's only been three weeks, that's enormous. They are withdrawing forces from everywhere else including Syria and Georgia in order to reinforce their invasion. Some of their weapons usage also hints that they are running out of the cheap stuff that they were trying to invade with, and are having to use the expensive stuff that they probably didn't want to have to burn up, like cruise missiles.

If Russia keeps this up, they won't have any tanks or helicopters left.

On the other side of this is the relentless propaganda that Ukraine is about to lose any second now, that cities are being overrun, and so on, none of which seems to actually ever happen. It may be that Russia is simply taking a breather to prepare for a surge (with all those new troops), and some knowledgeable military people have said as much, noting that the reason we see so many Russian losses is because Ukraine is using them to keep its troops' morale up, while Russia doesn't want to publicize what it is accomplishing quietly. But it's awfully hard to see satellite photos of helicopters burning at a Russian-controlled airport on three separate days, and not think "damn, those guys are getting hammered, and not just on vodka."

>> No.17571142

I cut the apples up to be as small as possible, I like the filling to be almost like Jam

>> No.17571143


>> No.17571144

who doesnt like Cinnamon and apple jam.

>> No.17571145

not in a pie bro, the texture doesn't work for me. i like thin slices in a pie

>> No.17571146

Do you like Blueberry pie?

>> No.17571147

Thanks frend

>> No.17571148

somewhat. i'm talking about apple pie specifically, i like it a certain way. i could see mini pies being alright with an apple jam texture but it seems like a large slice wouldn't have any substance

>> No.17571149

My momma style. :)

>> No.17571150


>> No.17571151

I wanna fuck that pie bro

>> No.17571152

I haven’t had too much apple pie in my life but growing up my parents had a raspberry bush in the backyard and I’d spend many a summer days picking raspberries. We’d make maybe 5 pies from all the raspberries. I miss mommy’s raspberry pie

>> No.17571153

Well, it's a lot like Blueberry pie in texture, has similar substance to that

>> No.17571154
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What gun and caliber did you use to hunt your apples OP?

>> No.17571155

Knowledge of apples and access to actually good varieties instead of supermarket shit takes your apple based cooking to a whole other level. For instance being able to adjust the sweetness and moisture levels by using certain apples in combination, as well as the overall taste.

>> No.17571156

I bet some vatnik deprived of sleep and cold, driving in a loud APC on his way to conduct operation while being thrashed around the inside uncomfortably would love a fall pie.
Too bad, all he gets is a bullet to the face.

>> No.17571157

i fully agree, its crazy to not want nice apple slices in a pie, though i do love blueberry pie

but if we're talking favorite pies, for me, its the pecan pie

>> No.17571158


>> No.17571159

Fruit based deserts > all other kinds of sweet things except good single source honey

>> No.17571160
File: 703 KB, 2411x1557, FBF61A6C-8ED6-4630-A471-4FC4B40EC93D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.17571161

I've converted a few people in my town, you should give the finely chopped apple filling a try.

>> No.17571162

It's weird how you usually get the best discussions about a topic if you don't post on the board dedicated to it. /ck/ can't cook, and mostly just talks about American fast food chains. /fa/ is the worst dressed board on this site, /a/ has shit taste in anime, /v/ has shit taste in games, and the biggest political event in recent history can't be discussed on /pol/ because of shills and retards.

>> No.17571163

>/ck/ can't cook, and mostly just talks about American fast food chains.
That's because the fast food chains, and Monster Energy Drinks, and a bunch of other companies all discovered 4chan and hired people to post marketing meme threads to /ck/.

Sort of like how /biz/ got destroyed by all the "crypto" and ICO and NFT scammers -- they literally pay the mods off so that they can shill their shitcoins there. The mods get free pre-shilling coins, the shills get all the dumbfucks to buy in, and then the mods and shills dump their bags at higher prices. Wash, rinse, repeat, and /biz/ is too fucking stupid to catch on to it.

>> No.17571164
File: 29 KB, 720x466, 1606847193128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mate, will try.

>> No.17571165

any /k/ommandos make apple crumble? I followed a recipe from America's Test Kitchen and thought it was a p gud starting point, but the juice didn't thicken and hold the apple together the way I hoped it would.

>> No.17571166

So, as this is /K/, what is the best way to weaponise this pie?

>> No.17571167

A gigantic stockpile of pies with VDV logos on the crust that are being thrown randomly over the ukranian border like a frisbee and left to splatter across the nearest hospital.

>> No.17571168


I made this recipe and it was fucking delicious. J Kenji Lopez radiates soiboi energy but he makes up for it by being an absolutely god tier chef.

>> No.17571169

Unironically borscht
> leaves you with a sour taste in your mouth
> literally looks like a bowl of blood
> no one wants to eat it for fear of becoming even infinitesimally Russian

>> No.17571170

Use cornstarch.

>> No.17571171

Damn this psyops by bigpie, I want an apple pie now

>> No.17571172

Tree blood > bee spit

>> No.17571173

I like this idea. Will steal this fall
I hate the slices

>> No.17571174

Why didn’t you post the picture of the pie you made and not one from google images you dunce. I hope you did something right and used McIntosh apples

>> No.17571175
File: 507 KB, 872x439, 8226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Winesap
CRINGE you fucking PLEB

>> No.17571176

/lit/ doesn't read books and basically just bitches about fat lesbians on goodreads.

>> No.17571177

/a/ is great for discussing /lit/erature, due to every weeb having seen the worst written pieces of shit in recent time. /v/ and /vg/ is wonderful for discussing history due to the fact that everyone has played total war and has read the most obscure ancient ancient warfare related books.
/po/ is just great. I like paper

>> No.17571178

In order to make this "weapons related" what's the logistics for use of this in clown "pie in the face" warfare?

>> No.17571179

You're supposed to use a cream pie for that because it makes the most mess.

Bottom text

>> No.17571180

For me its key lime pie in spring/summer time. each season has their own pie. but key lime is my spring/summer pie to go to.

>> No.17571181
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Nice bro I like to use honey instead of sugar but maple syrup sounds really good too. I'll have to try that.

>> No.17571182

But the Fall of thexSoviet Union thread gets nuked. Fucking SHIT!!

>> No.17571183

apple pies are firm in pie standards. One vital thing in clown warfare is to respect the opponents wellbeing, no nose injuries from smacking the pie in their head. So what you'd want was a large tray to bake the pie in, so you could smack the pie with reasonable force, yet also while avoiding damaging their nose.
Alternatively, baking the pie, removing it from the tray, and then applying it would also be alright, but wouldn't work with thrown pies. (even sturdy pies can disintegrate when thrown.)
Lastly, the aluminium tray is what deserves your attention, sturdy, yet light enough to be thrown, and at the same time soft, so the targets nose and head will not be injured. The only issue here is the disposable nature of aluminium trays, rendering reusing the tray possibly impossible.

>> No.17571184

Did it say to use any pectin?

>> No.17571185
File: 760 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2021-12-16-19h08m37s357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try different apples. I use 2/3rds Egremont or Brownlee's Russets (firm, dry flesh, very sweet, hold shape when cooked) with 1/3rd Bramley (tart, juicy, cooks to a fluff). If you're in America do some research and find available equivalents. I also use only oats, butter and honey. My method for the crumble is half ground oat flour and half good quality rolled oats, with however much butter and honey it needs for consistency and taste. I also mix a little oat flour in with the apple filling to help absorb a little of the moisture and thicken it, but it doesn't tend to need much at all and the crumble topping is usually dry enough that it absorbs some as well.

That's just my method though, a lot of people think it's too rough and not sweet enough or moist enough in the filling.

>> No.17571186
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, key-lime-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key lime pie is for me. thats one of the favorites but apple and pumpkin are all in top 3, top 5 would include possibly peanutbutter and banana pie also.

>> No.17571187

I see,
So having a hot, gooey apple pie would be almost like napalm
The hard crumble would make a harder impact
And the firmness would make it stick all together on the target
An apple pie would basically constitute a clown warcrime if I understand this correctly

>> No.17571188

Yes. You're supposed to use soft pies so it makes a big mess and doesn't injure the other person.

>> No.17571189

What does this have to do with Ukraine, or pie?

>> No.17571190
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, E74FAC46-0474-4ED6-9E7C-355B6C3DE6D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s into superior peach cobbler here?

>> No.17571191

How old is that book?

>> No.17571192

I wish more white peaches were used
Yellow peaches are tart

>> No.17571193

Coconut Cream is one of my favorites

>> No.17571194

Apple pie is sticky and hard. While smashing someone’s face with a cream filled pie is simply a bit of fun, to do it with an apple pie would constitute a war crime.

>> No.17571195

but for me its the taste too its hit or miss. the smell is pleasant though

>> No.17571196

Its the serb cuck again. You going to spam cuck porn again?

>> No.17571197

An army runs on its stomach

>> No.17571198

Agave nectar is also good

>> No.17571199
File: 750 KB, 1536x2048, E40BCAFD-94B4-49AD-B562-945E30EE6B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chefs of /k/ checking in
Just added pic related to my restaurants menu. Grilled snook over a chickpea and semolina blended crafty fettuccine. The sauce is a simple brown butter sauce with pickled pearl onions and rendered guanciale. It’s garnished with a marinated mixture of julienned pepperoncini and zucchini. Finally lightly dusted with a small 75/25 mix of ground black pepper and red peppercorns. Fairly proud.

>> No.17571200

>Maybe start making Apple Pie Bombs
Heh, like chocolate bombs?

>> No.17571201

The best apple pie has a combination of different types of apples ranging from tart to sweet.

>> No.17571202

i made a ritz "apple" pie not all that long ago and rather liked it, flavor of an apple pie but the consistency of a pecan pie sans the pecan topping

>> No.17571203

>Key lime pie
my nigga. peanut butter is definitely top 5 for me too

>> No.17571204

looks good bro

>> No.17571205

That looks good!

>> No.17571210

The mods found us! anyways i like adding a thin cover of chocolate to the pie before adding the filling to smaller pies, it helps by adding endurance to the bottom so it doesn't break after 1 bite plus it adds more flavour.

>> No.17571223

This is the first moderation action I have ever witnessed on /k/.

Do you have to use key limes or can you just use normal limes?

>> No.17571249

>fun thread
>jannies janny it to death for no reason

why are they like this

>> No.17571256

So uh.... what kind of guns do you like /ck/?

>> No.17571259

Are you ritzymom?

>> No.17571271

Fuck you, gun nut, /ck/ is king of 4channel.

>> No.17571278

this thread was distracting the 50 actual /k/ users from the 140 ukraine shill threads

>> No.17571567

Also, apple cake

>> No.17571724
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, 87650A95-26D6-47D8-83C8-457B16CF68FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s anything milsurp I just love the history and wondering what kind of life these guns have had. I even got into reloading just so I could shoot my arisaka more often.