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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17567668 No.17567668 [Reply] [Original]

for me it's the brazilian toes.

>> No.17567688

dag gum ole seliniums

>> No.17568617

would the ck janny ban me if i said what they were really called

>> No.17568624
File: 7 KB, 250x212, 1626831656005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah go ahead, man. We're pretty chill here.

>> No.17568630

no you can say it. go ahead...say it.

also brazilian nuts are fucking gross get fucked op you retarted gay faggot

>> No.17568632

we called them nigger toes when i grew up

>> No.17568634

we, as in you're a janny? because if you aren't a janny, then you've impersonated one just now, and you have broken rule 12. which, if there are any real jannies here, should result in a banning.

>> No.17568647

Weirdly aggressive and not a slam dunk case for breaking rule 12.

>> No.17569409
File: 181 KB, 462x372, whereisjanny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i am janny sirs, hello. you are free to say sirs.

>> No.17569521
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>> No.17569558

>can't binge eat or you get selenium poisoning
automatically shit tier, regardless of taste

>> No.17569610


>> No.17570145

2 a day max or enjoy your selenium poisoning

>> No.17570392

>can't indulge my insatiable hunger with thing
>therefore thing bad

Maybe you're just a fat cunt.

>> No.17570480 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 482x421, The_Lynching_of_Roosevelt_Townes_and_Robert_McDaniels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever stopped and thought just how many innocent humans have had their lives irrevocably destroyed through rape, murder, negligence etc just because the existence of niggers is tolerated in human society? Any other non-human beast that took half as many lives as coons do would rightly be rendered extinct.
The nigger is a plague on the Earth and the fact these shambling pavement apes haven't been exterminated is one of the greatest tragedies in history, their exaltation is one of history's greatest crimes.
They look like shit, sound like shit, smell like shit, act like shit, are shit. They are offensive to every sense and I for one am sick of everybody pretending niggers aren't the problem but everyone else is.
Niggers are a disease and genocide is the cure.
Fuck niggers.

>> No.17570489

Just say it, nobody's going to ban you just say it

>> No.17570490


>> No.17570537

Truly patrician taste OP.

>> No.17570579

>white people rampage, murder & genocide across the entire planet for thousands of years
>dem niggers is bad
what a cope

>> No.17570586

And look at those countries that whites invaded, they would still be in the stone age if it wasnt for us, youre welcome,

>> No.17570590
File: 109 KB, 922x1280, 1630239120964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfathomably based and truthpilled.

niggers are a plague on humanity and they have no concept of personal responsibility or justice, they're the best argument for evolution theory in the entire world

>> No.17571323

my wife said when she was a kid her parents called those ni.... toes.

>> No.17571338 [DELETED] 

You mean nigger toes? Yes, we called it that before the 80s all the time.

>> No.17571350

I love brazillian womens toes

>> No.17571359

you can and will get banned on /ck/ for saying that.

I don't have a problem with it myself but I get bored.

>> No.17571588

Nigger toes