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File: 14 KB, 470x470, 34833-0w470h470_Organic_Yellow_Onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17558872 No.17558872 [Reply] [Original]

Are they the ultimate filter?
>I don't like raw onions Anon

>> No.17558913

Seems like it. Every time I run into someone who really strongly dislikes onions, they turn out to be a picky eater. Anyone who can at least stomach them and say 'I don't really like them.' is fine, it's just those petulant fuckers who see an onion and go
>Omg onions? I don't eat that!
Who drive me up a fucking wall. Eat the goddamn onion, shut the fuck up or starve. Onions have good nutritional density, they're cheap and if you're going to pick them out like a baby, feel free to pull out the tweezers because a mirepoix doesn't mean 'big chunks you can pick out with your fingies'.

>> No.17558924

Fuckin faggots are texture fags too. I don't like how eggplant is so soft and mushy when cooked but it tastes good so I eat it. Fuck texture fags.

>> No.17558956

Defeats the purpose of eating a vegetable, but I've found frying eggplant to be great. Just cutting it into bite-size chunks and throw it in some oil. The exterior gets nice and crispy while the inside stays relatively soft. Very good alternative to like eggplant parm, but not nearly as healthy.

>> No.17558984
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I've sliced eggplant and coated in polenta then fried in a pan with some oil and it was tasty as fuck knowmsayin.

>> No.17558990

>what is balut

>> No.17558992

Picky eaters are cunts, when I was a kid I couldn't get orange juice with bits because my sister didn't like it
>You can drink the smooth though

>> No.17559000

I don't know, what is balut?

>> No.17559018

post your onion recipes

>> No.17559021

>you can drink the pulp

>> No.17559023

1:1:1 onion:garlic:rice
Fry and eat stock and cook.

>> No.17559044

weird people told me not to eat onions because they don't raise testosterone, so out of spite I started eating more onions. I don't know if I raised my test, but I have really good farts and I feel pretty good. I fell in love with onions because they tried to trick me into avoiding them. now I eat them almost every day. The same people that hate all the other good things seem to be the same ones that hate onions and push s-0-y.

>> No.17559058

You've got to know how to use them. Slice very thinly and pour any kind of hot liquid (for e.g. bean stew) and it cooks them just enough to take some of the edge off but keep the flavour. It's good if you don't want to spend ages caramelizing them.

I also use them raw with sharp cheddar cheese and pickle.

Also good as quick pickle. Add a small amount of vinegar and whatever spices you like and leave for a couple of hours.

>> No.17559124

>1x raw whole onion (large)
>1 tbsp of butter

peel the onion, cut it in half horizontally and put it in a baking dish with the butter, bake it on 350 for 20 minutes. where im from they call this a grilled oscar.

>> No.17559126

I fucking love onion, especially red onion.

>> No.17559357

>use as sandwich topping

get the RAW FLAVOR!

>> No.17559373

At what point does someone start to like onions? I truly despised them as a kid but now i fucking love em.

>> No.17559443
File: 129 KB, 1300x951, tacos-three-lunch-soft-tortillas-served-lime-tipped-raw-onion-celantro-stuffings-beef-chicken-tongue-109136032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we put raw onions on lots of food: tacos, tortas, chilaquiles, enchiladas, stews,

>> No.17559446

Cut in fine pieces added in sandwich and salad, I don't mine
But eating it like an apple was the worst idea I had

>> No.17559466

Uncooked onions can overpower other tastes. I’d use them sparingly, and IMO grilled onion is far superior for burgers.

>> No.17559518
File: 145 KB, 620x412, Haring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw onions make for a great topping for lots of foods

>> No.17559525

so you're saying they're too POWERFUL for your bitch-ass mouth pussy?

>> No.17559570

depends on how strong the onions are. you should be able to tell when you're slicing them. some onions start burning your eyes at a single cut while some you can dice up entirely no problem. obviously use less of a stronger onion, cooking them is wasting them. you wouldnt cook an egg or steak all the way through, so why would you waste a spicy onion like that?

>> No.17559883
File: 1.49 MB, 1170x1727, 3FC64C9F-24C8-465A-A59A-2E08B2F3543A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because onions can caramelize, and eggs and steak cannot, at least not in the same capacity. Cooked onions also have a distinct flavor from raw onions. Dishes with raw onions may not taste good with cooked onions, and vice versa.

I seriously cannot believe that bait makers have fallen so low.

>> No.17559888

I love raw onions but they give me nightmarish heartburn

>> No.17559892

I was like that when I was a kid, while I still don't like them too much now I don't mind them, I even use them when I cook for myself since I can mince them very finely

>> No.17559947

raw onions can be anything from mild as an apple to pure sulfur taste especially off the shelf. That's why I rinse them always

>> No.17560028

This. Grilled onions are the appropriate form for burger topping and just in general, raw onions just make the burger taste like raw onion. They do this with all dishes, literally can't taste anything else.

>> No.17560044

>onions to distract from the gross fish

>> No.17560625

I really love onions, but i don't like them raw since they give me horrible belly pains.

>> No.17560671

hang on, did this anon >>17559044 get tricked into eating onions due to 4chan's wordfilter?

>> No.17560802

I like putting onion in things but my eyes are so weak

>> No.17560849

Genovese sauce is one of the most delicious things on Earth

>> No.17561041

People that dislike onions usually have other childlike tendencies as well.

>> No.17561166

As a teen I hated onions. But as I grew older I love and appreciate them. The aroma and taste are absolutely wonderful and they literally fit in almost any dish

>> No.17561198

I’m super picky and munch on raw onions any chance I get.

>> No.17561986


>> No.17562213
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No, he was making a well crafted joke.

>> No.17562215

I like em carmelized

>> No.17562217

Imagine a soft boiled egg with a chicken fetus in it

>> No.17562252


>> No.17562277

Fry onion, garlic and carrot in butter on low heat for 20–30 minutes. The more butter and salt, the better. Goes great with chicken breast or steak.

>> No.17562579

I love onion smell. The taste is meh.
The garlic is the real filter. Can spot the fucker even if you put 1mg of it into bowl of fucking soup.

>> No.17562587

>the wrong type of aquafresh flag.
Herring with onions is staple of Russian kitchen as well. Probably the fucking Peter brought here.

>> No.17562635

>cup of salt

Slice the onion in cloves and dip it in salt and eat
allahu ackbar

>> No.17562950

Onions, like potatos are god tier. I fucking love sausage spread on full wheat bread with raw onions on top. FUCKING LOVE IT.

>> No.17563041

Onion rings work, they just do

>> No.17563303
File: 33 KB, 480x360, most palated fish and onion eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17563644

>grilled oscar.

>> No.17563705

I used to gang out with an idiot, we were friends but i get mature and he remained childish, He did not liked onions!!!

I use onions in rice, in risotto...

Toasted bread with lard on it, then raw onions and salt.

Tuna mixed with raw onions.

French onions soup.

Fried onions along with french fries, put the onion later in the pan.

Salads and any other food where it fits.

>> No.17563765

I know some people that dislike raw onions, but will try anything once,and yes they've tried raw onions in a numbers of different meals.

>> No.17563769

Texture is part of eating, would you eat a shit flavoured icecream if the texture was great? Not likely

>> No.17563782

I forgot to tell this story.

One of my heroes was an anti-comunist guerilla fighter, he fight for 7 years in the mountains and killed many.
He was telling about one of his adventures when some guy was a communist spy trying to infiltrate his camp to kill them.
The hero was cooking onion stew!
And the commie poison their food but they find out and survive!
Fucking partisans were eating onions!

>> No.17563785

Parboiled potato, cut large
Onion wedges
Saute with mustard seed and curry powder
Bacon is good in it too

>> No.17563871

knorr stockpot

>> No.17565122
File: 1.91 MB, 2825x2854, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. adore them on a cheese steak sandwich like this I just made

>> No.17565159

i like red onions

>> No.17566562

red onions are obscenely based