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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 634x423, fine dining enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17553677 No.17553677 [Reply] [Original]

Anons when you go out to eat at a restaurant do you tuck your napkin in your shirt like a true fine dining enjoyer, or are you too self conscious? I used to be too self conscious but then I realized I am going to die some day so nothing matters.

>> No.17553686

>nothing matters
Might as well spill spaghetti sauce directly on your shirt then

>> No.17554195

Tucking into the shirt will put you as nouveau riche. Place the napkin in your lap as you eat you phillistine. Keep at it though. You may still prove a true gentleman yet.

>> No.17554204

>leave the napkin on the table
>use it when I think I have sauce on my face
>otherwise let it rock

>> No.17554221

Fellow Shurbleghs is it true that before consuming a meal you should first swallow at least ten napkins so that they protect the lining of your intestines, or does that put you in league with the likes of the Arqwarq Confederation? I used to be too self conscious about it but I realized I'm going to live for eternity and will exist for all days so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.17554295
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, shits retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nouveau riche

>> No.17554303

I would always put it in my lap but no one else seems to do that anymore

>> No.17554503

You can smell it on people when they have become wealthy in their own lifetimes. The stench is unbearable. True wealth is something you have to be born into.

>> No.17554514

True wealth is earned, not generational. "Gentlemen" are just living off the profits of people wealthy because of slaves.

>> No.17554563

Gentleman are generally better bred than the rest of us and are better suited to life at the top. One wouldn't wear a shoe on the head or try to put a hat on the feet.

>> No.17554573
File: 102 KB, 1181x897, 06e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in your lane.

>> No.17554605
File: 29 KB, 334x506, 57592a156b1e27556fc88e94d7b04655de6aeac992721ac62ce2a1d4848d7718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True wealth is earned, not generational.
Says who? The commies?
People who earned their wealth are just management class workers with more money. If we use "wealthy" as a descriptor for a specific type of person, then being born into it is essential to cultivate both the social norms and the contempt for the working class.

>> No.17554715

The working class are the ones who made today's unintelligent, useless socialities wealthy. I don't respect people who didn't earn anything for themselves.

>> No.17554736
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, a999ba9a285e8ade6d4770cc3911b685cfdede4151ece556445ce853a138ae47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The working class are the ones who made today's unintelligent, useless socialities wealthy.
We got ourselves a commie lads.
Tally-ho! Load the grapeshot!

>> No.17554738

that would be manual labour and "gentleman" wouldn't do such a thing.

>> No.17554755

>Intergenerational wealth accumulation is wrong
>Everyone under an arbitrary income level is equally responsible for contributing to society and everyone above that has done nothing

>> No.17554774

>>Intergenerational wealth accumulation is wrong
It's a fact of life but it doesn't mean I'd treat the people who benefit from it as more useful or intelligent than your average four year old.
>Everyone under an arbitrary income level is equally responsible for contributing to society and everyone above that has done nothing
It's not about income, it's about work vs being born into money. One person starts a business that workers run efficiently enough to make it a massive success, the person's decision-making is admirable. His kids and theirs and so on not contributing to society in any way isn't

>> No.17554900

True nobles contribute more to society. People who exploit some gimmick to get rich quick don't have any sense of reasponsibility for others. They weren't raised to understand their responsibilities. They just figure they got what's theirs and that's all that matters.

>> No.17554943

Unironic monarchism is weird

>> No.17554950

There's no such thing as a "true noble". One of the main reasons for disparities in wealth and opportunity were that non-land owners weren't even allowed to be educated or vote, the latter of which also made it so that you had rich people voting for policies that favoured other rich people. It's always been about getting theirs. True wealth is a matter of grit and character, not being born with a silver spoon.

>> No.17554962

>being so clumsy you let food fall/spill on you

>> No.17554980

laughed out loud.

>> No.17554997

/ck/ food and coocking, lads.
Fuck off to pol you dirtbags.

>> No.17555006

>that would be manual labour and "gentleman" wouldn't do such a thing.
True true, but it's not an exclamation of intent, it's an order for the plebians to fulfill.

>> No.17555015
File: 46 KB, 624x542, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussion about the etiquette of wearing a napkin

>> No.17555029

While you're at it, ask for something better than a bacon sandwich to delicately catch on your napkin

>> No.17555063

Whenever I am at a doctors office and they have daytime network television playing on the communal tv in the waiting room it makes me want to go play on the highway blindfolded. I don't know who I have more, normie boomers, or their normie millennial and normie zoomer children.

>> No.17555154

Brooklyn Beckham isn't the UK version of a normie, he's a recipient of inherited wealth parlaying it into being an Instagram chef. He's one of your lot.

>> No.17555263

All you have to do is look around you and see what poor caretakers the exploitative capitalists have been. They care for nothing but how much income they can turn. No respect for history, no sense of keeping a family name respectable, and not one iota of noblesse oblige.

>> No.17555291

>keeping a family name respectable
means nothing but rich people mingling with other rich people who got rich by their families exploiting the poor centuries ago. they do nothing for anyone else, they just fuss over how to best show the wealth they were born into while people with actual skills cook for them and keep their house. I'd rather be in a room with someone with the napkin in their shirt.

>> No.17555303

Precisely the opposite. People born into wealth are rich by instinct, literally a different breed than the upwardly mobile everyman.

>> No.17555312

That's not instinct. Instinct includes a drive to work for something, which is entirely lacking from trust fund kids,who learn nothing except "how to be rich", which isn't a skillset.

>> No.17555335

>how to be rich isn't a skillset
It absolutely is. That's why not everyone can do it. Rulership is a difficult thing to master by someone not reared for it.

>> No.17555349

Anyone can be thrown into a program about how to act like a rich twit but generally people just live their lives instead of seeking those out
>Rulership is a difficult thing to master by someone not reared for it.
what rulership? this footballer's kid making bacon sandwiches on TV?>>17555029

>> No.17555360

where'd you find this picture of me

>> No.17555368

Get a job

>> No.17555369

I am talking about the people who consume media like the Today Show you turbo retard

>> No.17555385

LARPing as rich and exclusively communicating in 2012 redditspeak is doing more for the global cause of communism than most commies have done in their lives.

>> No.17555402


>> No.17555403

None of yall faggots is rich anyway lmao

>> No.17555421

>richfag kids
>responsibility for others
what an utterly ridiculous post

>> No.17555431
File: 225 KB, 2000x1333, kyle-smith-185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes comrade, communism is hecking valid. I don't want to have to work and communism is when no job. I will make latte art in the commune, what about you? Better make sure to get proper BIPOC representation though.
None of those retards read or understood marx and neither do you.

>> No.17555448

I don't claim to be rich I am just glad to know my place in society and appreciate others who know theirs.

>> No.17555465

better than being a trust fund kid with the productiveness of a handbag chihuahua

>> No.17555503

Is this the larp thread?

>> No.17555516
File: 80 KB, 625x626, bait_entertained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to be too self conscious
>but then I realized I am going to die some day so nothing matters.
I'm calling bullshit.
I think you're just trying to convince some hapless anon to do the collar-tuck in hopes that one day you hit that 1 in 325m chance and see someone dining out with the collar-tuck giving you the opportunity to blast them.

>> No.17555565

This person is right

Are you rich?

>> No.17555571

>1 post by this ID

>> No.17555588

No, they're clothes and i can afford more of them.

>> No.17555635

>blood is le bad
ok mutt

>> No.17555696

Being born into wealth factually has nothing to do with instinct. They were plopped out into privilege without doing anything themselves. Only people guilty of the same would have a problem with this being pointed out

>> No.17556034

Wnjoy your inbreeding, Charles

>> No.17556697

putting the napkin in your lap is literally what every normie does. how is that possibly a sign of class?

>> No.17556730

return to reddit

>> No.17557476

Having slept on it after posting this response Idk why I say these things anonymously over the internet. Sometimes I feel like I'm not listened to in real life so I say stuff online to make up for it. I don't believe in any of that stuff. Im sorry.

>> No.17557480

No. That might be true in new world nations. Not in nations with culture and history.

>> No.17557505

Fuck off, that's all it means in Britain. The history of Britain was always trying to get one over lower classes. You are a drain on society and provide nothing, and your children will be equally worthless.

>> No.17557526

it's ok anon, you are forgiven

>> No.17557529

This entire thread is represents the mindset of your average liberal..sad

>> No.17558089

>muh politiks
sadder tbqh

>> No.17558213

I put it on my lap. What are you supposed to do with it?

>> No.17558333

Saying please and thank you is also a sign of class even though everyone does it. The action itself is less a sign, but the absence of it sure as shit is a sign of being a lower class brute.

>> No.17558351

Rich twits are the first to start snapping their fingers and acting like only people of their own "class" deserve manners, idiot. You get back what you give.

>> No.17558755

I'd just like to say I wish I'd never posted this. It's backwards and snobbish.

>> No.17558802

I recently got mussels and had on a white sweater and was just drunk enough to tuck the napkin in my shirt.
I may have looked like an idiot but it worked and I fully believe that there is nothing wrong with it

>> No.17559191

I'm sure you "know your place" you pathetic bootlicker slave