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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17554327 No.17554327 [Reply] [Original]

Post something you actually cooked.

>> No.17554337


>> No.17554357
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>> No.17554364
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Didn't cook the brocc though bc we enjoy it raw.

>> No.17554366

egg salad sandwich, no pic cause it’s egg salad

>> No.17554372
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>> No.17554373
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Last year's Easter cheescake

>> No.17554375

That pie looks so good

>> No.17554379

Dunno what the green stuff is but you should really mould them into heart shapes

>> No.17554380 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17554382

I've never seen a cheesecake with crust like that

>> No.17554392
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>> No.17554403
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>> No.17554407

In my defense I don't usually take food photos. Probably shouldve checked it afterwards.

>> No.17554417
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>> No.17554426

Is that that one soad album

>> No.17554432
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The previous day with camera flash accidentally being on and me being too lazy to redo.

>> No.17554436
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>> No.17554441

SOAD album No. 1

>> No.17554454

you guys are dicks. post food.

>> No.17554468
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>> No.17554474
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>> No.17554478
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>> No.17554480
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no, i'm not fat.

>> No.17554671
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Did you scratch-make the Vaseline for your lens, too?

>> No.17554678
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Today's. Duck and prawn stir fry

>> No.17554827
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>> No.17554829
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I baked instead, got high after work and made fruity pebble macarons.

>> No.17555097
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Chicken cordon blue with Knödels and vegetable mix (lot of fresh garlic in it)

>> No.17555202

I fucking love capers so much. Broccoli?

>> No.17555343
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Meatball 'go 'za

>> No.17555355



Fuck, meant 'troit.

>> No.17555358


>> No.17555371

The toppings are supposed to be cooked aren't they?

>> No.17555380 [DELETED] 
File: 3.45 MB, 2268x3629, 20201004_212742_copy_2268x3629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife labeled them, I am not a gay

>> No.17555384
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>> No.17555393

The beef turned out really nice, don't mind the rest of the plate, I didn't make it to show you fags.

>> No.17555396
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idk where pic went

>> No.17555404


Yeah, but I said "fuck it". I eat my sushi 100% well done, though.

>> No.17555423
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My first 'nara.

>> No.17555432
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Shakshukas are great. Super versatile.

>> No.17555443
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looks tasty!

>> No.17555451

Would eat. Great job

>> No.17556001

Based friendly anon

>> No.17556041
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>> No.17556063
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dang, let me ante up real quick this stuff looks dope son

>> No.17556221
File: 56 KB, 540x960, 273058371_635345920863422_7977080687754212266_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made cannabutter

>> No.17556230

kek, cannabutter always looks like some kind of cleaning fluid
I had a dealer that used to send make all kinds of edibles, your basic brownies, rice krispies etc. but then she'd make cannabis pasta salad and even a lasagna one time
tasted like shit, got me baked as fuck tho kek

>> No.17556251

>Post something you actually cooked.
>posts something he baked
dumb shit retarded faggot

>> No.17556261

your house, dishes, and cutlery are depressing. even the lighting in your house is depressing as fuck. your house looks like it smells and is damp and messy. I hate stoners so fucking much. what a deadbeat loser you are, complete waste of space

>> No.17556277

well, he sounds like more of a chill and cool person to hangout with than you. but i do get your point, a lot of stoners ruin it for everyone.

>> No.17556284
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Your bowl is MASSIVE! Look how cute and tiny that corn cob looks in comparison.

>> No.17556300

>well, he sounds like more of a chill and cool person to hangout with than you.
why because he posted a depressing pic and said "i made cannabutter"? yeah bro you guys can totally chill together sitting around a dank shitty house playing call of duty. get a fucking grip stoner retard.

>> No.17556305

Don't squeeze all the butter out of the remaining matter or mash in the sieve or else you will incorporate too much chlorophyll into the butta

>> No.17556306

>t. virgin neet in his mid 20s that is a disappointment to his family and has no friends
Yea bro you're so much better than him because you don't smoke weed.

>> No.17556311

It's wide but not deep lol. portion control and all that. The corns are baby corn.

>> No.17556312

im in my late twenties and married you insecure projecting stoner faggot

>> No.17556317
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should've thrown a handful of green peas in the soup but it was pretty comfy nonetheless

>> No.17556320

nice pizza tho, anon. i'm planning to learn pizza when i get the chance

>> No.17556321

What a mean comment about a person's stuff. It's an imageboard with an on topic demand from OP and they fulfilled it. What are you going through that has you so upset?

>> No.17556326
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Challah. Need to work on my shaping. Both were quite good (left: NYT recipe, right: Weissman). I think the texture of the NYT suffered from my shaping the braids so long and tighter that it couldn't be as fluffy and stringy as the right one, which were shorter, fatter, and less tightly braided.

Both were still damn good challahs.

>> No.17556328

>i made cannabutter
I would say this is only very loosely related to this thread and this board. Stoners are fags and should be lynched.

>> No.17556330

I cooked down the berries before baking the pie, eat my sack faggot.

>> No.17556334

not to mention absolute SHIT presentation

>> No.17556339

So what's got you so upset about this? You described a bad memory of call of duty and a damp house reeking of skunky stoners. What happened there?

>> No.17556342

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17556344

Not me I just hate stoners too

>> No.17556352

>be a complete waste of space and a drain on society
>act all shocked when people dont like you and pretend there must be something emotionally wrong with them
classic bullshit stoner tactic

>> No.17556354

Where you guys from?

>> No.17556362


>> No.17556363

I agree, right > left but they both look nice. Sesame > poppy though so double mog

>> No.17556456

sorry to hear that.... actually the problem is my phone's camera is shit i dont care about being a loser or not being a loser i think living with hate is not good but that's your problem , adios.

>> No.17557011
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>> No.17557023


>> No.17557058
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this thread is legit. you guys inspire me to do better.
>murgh makhani
tomato paste with butter and garam masala, cream.

>> No.17557087

the 1980's

>> No.17557099

this nigga puts peas in his spaghetti

>> No.17557158

kek whatever you dumb fucking hippy weirdo

>> No.17557201
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>> No.17557222
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Hot dog sammy!

>> No.17557240
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Colinfliwer cheese soup

>> No.17557251

I do this with a big slice of good cheese and a long slice of pickle wedge in the middle.

>> No.17557319

this looks absolutely divine

>> No.17557329
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now what the hell do I do

>> No.17557404

that looks awesome. what's in the jhar?

>> No.17557464
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>> No.17557467

are those hot dogs?

>> No.17557468


>> No.17557472
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naw, they're just beanz

>> No.17557474

A brown liquid

>> No.17557477
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>> No.17557478

Looks great, thought I was looking at a one-pot chili dog recipe for a second though lol

>> No.17557489

It's good for you. It might just look brown because of the lighting

>> No.17557499
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but what is it

>> No.17557511
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Technically it's "cheesecake with spongebread/spongecake" (pască cu aluat de cozonac)

For the dough it's
250 ml milk
100g melted butter
550g flour
1 egg + 2 yolks
Dash of salt
120g salt
10g dry salt
Cheesecake is
500g queso fresco (closest thing to what we have in romania, ricotta is great too)
100g heavy sour cream
200g sugar
4 eggs
2tbsp lemon juice (the rind goes into the dough)
2tbsp semolina to thicken
Raisins and flavorings to your heart's content

Dough split in 3 equal parts, bake the bottom so it doesnt get soggy, the other parts you should intertwine. Take the dough out, pour the cheese, arrange the dough, bake again, vuala.
Thanks, here's a horribly mismanaged one

>> No.17557516

A brown liquid . I have it with a lot of meals . Sometimes I drink a yellowish liquid.

>> No.17557518
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is it beer

>> No.17557519

No . It's my brown liquid . It is unsweetened .

>> No.17557524
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Are my bacon wrapped mini meatloafs cute

>> No.17557527

it's tea

>> No.17557532
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forgot pic

>> No.17557539

It's a brown liquid . It's made of mushrooms, bok choy stumps and crab shells . I guess you could say it is a soup to accompany my soup , haha .

>> No.17557545
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Air fried Lemon pepper tilapia. First thing I ever cooked on my own.

>> No.17557551

There's something obscene about these I can't quite put my finger on.

>> No.17557553
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The air fryer cooked it, bitch!

>> No.17557557

Prolapsed assholes, smashed pussies, and periods.

>> No.17557559
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Fuck you're right.

>> No.17557563

Fish turns out much better fried in butter with a simple dusting of flour or just breadcrumbs.

>> No.17557566

Looks really great for your first thing. Could easily see that on some greens or pasta at a restaurant.

>> No.17557569

I'll try that next time.
Thanks for the kind words Anon.

>> No.17557735


>> No.17557865
File: 2.58 MB, 4000x1800, IMG_20220313_122125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade marmelade and croissants.

Very delicious.

Recipe used: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1022053-croissants?smid=yt-nytfood&smtyp=cur

>> No.17557871

looks like a wonderful breakfast, nicely done

>> No.17557930
File: 2.33 MB, 4510x3375, IMG_20220314_141904_685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's lunch

>> No.17557934

Looks real good. What is that, parmesan and portobello?

>> No.17557956
File: 252 KB, 750x1333, 3C57B768-C34B-4370-AC52-C78B9A745F9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roasted cauliflower salad with eggs soaked in beetroot and raspberry balsamic vinegar.
Only thing I’d improve on is that I would reduce the dressing a lil bit to tie it together a bit more but other than that it was decent

>> No.17557960
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Just hand pies.

>> No.17557972

Sounds tasty; hate to say it but the presentation is awful. Looks like an amalgamation of mush.

>> No.17557980

Thanks, yep that's it, seasoned with lots of black pepper

>> No.17557993


>> No.17558002

>not rye bread
you sorry fuck. never buy sarah lees for a reuben again you sorry bastard

>> No.17558013
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I made this cherry pie last week. My first attempt at a lattice

>> No.17558035

Haha that's fine my man, presentation has never been my strong suit, I'll work on it.

>> No.17558048
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hell ya macaron gang

>> No.17558071
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Made lasagna yesterday to have for lunch this week. Also grated carrots + apples with a bit of lemon juice is S-tier.

>> No.17558076
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breakfast roll:
eggs, grilled spam, cream cheese, ketchup

>> No.17558155
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>> No.17558161
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Macaro-anon here, nice eclair bruv

>> No.17558222

thats sushi

>> No.17558225 [DELETED] 

Looks tasty

>> No.17558227

adding something crunchy to macarons is certainly an interesting idea but fruity pebbles of all things is horrid, they taste like chemicals. those do look nice though, whats the flavor

>> No.17558237

#1. You misspelled colinflower
#2. That's broccoli

>> No.17558314
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Oat cookies

>> No.17558325
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>> No.17558338

Yeah, never had the cereal before, but I was high and was craving something sugary. There is geound cereal in the shells and the filling is a milk cereal buttercream.

>> No.17558366


>> No.17558428
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That's from the bakery anon. I didn't buy it for the sandwich, I had it already and because on corned beef day 3 I spontaneously decided to make a sandwich to finish it off rather than have it on a plate. and it was good!

>> No.17558449

whats the sauce

>> No.17558463

it's a parsley mustard sauce, roux-based, fairly mild but a perfect compliment to the salty corned beef. sort of like a bread sauce with roast turkey

>> No.17558474

Looks great for a first attempt but 2 pieces of advice. Cut the lattice pieces longer so you can fold them over the edge of the crust. And also brush with an egg white so it browns up nicely, I also sprinkle with raw sugar but that's optional.

>> No.17558483

Slice those meatballs into 1/4 inch slices, son.

>> No.17558511
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>> No.17558571

Forgot to mention that it’s cajun beans and rice

>> No.17558622

that's cauliflower

>> No.17558627

fucking nailed it son

>> No.17558636

if you can successfully make macarons while high I fucking salute you, sir

>> No.17558645

Thanks much, anon

>> No.17558653

is it just me or is this thread showing more talent than usual for /ck/

>> No.17558783

Mini goatses

>> No.17558818

Thanks anon, still surprises me.

>> No.17558919
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Yea normally these threads are like 60% inedible looking slop but these all look great.

Anyway here's another pie.

>> No.17559674

Looks like Mac and cheese lasagna, I want.

>> No.17559749
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Meal prepped for the week on Sunday.

>> No.17559792

That's fuckin' wild bro, it's the 4chan leaf!

This is for sure going on r/4chan.

>> No.17559860
File: 3.37 MB, 2108x2811, IMG_20220314_221526037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up a cheesecake something fierce, it sank back down to regular height and the cracks aren't as severe anymore, I overfilled the pan which resulted in the Browning/cracking. The raspberry sauce I made with it is real nice though

>> No.17559915

Cute mini cheesecake

>> No.17559942

Thanks, the recipe was for a 10in spring form so I made it work with an 8, used the extra batter for that

>> No.17559969

Why do you keep putting my name in the word cauliflower?

>> No.17559974

Who the fuck names their son flower?

>> No.17560004
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Cracking is somewhat inevitable unless you're willing to go through the hassle of doing a water bath. I've found that turning the oven off and opening the door for 2-3 hours while it cools can prevent cracking but only sometimes. Pic related worked great that way.

>> No.17560074
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My first attempt cooking octopus. Made a salad out of him

>> No.17560102

The full glass of wine is unsophisticated, the rest looks good.

>> No.17560129

Wew lad that's a pretty one, and that's not a bad idea actually, my grandmother always insisted on running the edge with a butter knife the second it was done cooking always helped. It's my first attempt so I'm not too bummed about it, hope my girlfriend likes it though, it's for her birthday

>> No.17560160
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, 20220315_185922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a garam masala with chickpeas and spinach earlier

was ok, could stand to improve a few bits

>> No.17560233
File: 1.96 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20220313_231736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pretty happy with this

>> No.17560244

want some ketchup with that well done steak, faggot?

>> No.17560246
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, 18080ECF-3D7A-44A6-82D4-13AC7B579D6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made stuffed peppers today.

>> No.17560317

looking good

>> No.17560329
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>> No.17560441
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I haven't baked them yet but I will post again once done to share how they turned out

>> No.17560472

> stuffed peppers
> mershed perderders
> gurvy
The fuck is the matter with you? Leftover day, but didn't wanna eat meatloaf again?

>> No.17560473

Dash of salt, 120g of salt and 10g dry salt, which I think was yeast? Help

>> No.17560502

that looks like 'roit 'za

>> No.17560539
File: 2.19 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20220210_211643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy pie

>> No.17560557


>> No.17560689

your life seems like pain

>> No.17560702
File: 207 KB, 1044x1392, 100% Authentic German Cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made all of this a while ago

>> No.17560713

that’s some nice looking bread

>> No.17560731

5 hours on Sundays. I don't have to worry about food for myself or my partner for the rest of the week. I have autoimmune issues so everything is a problem unless I make it myself. It's much easier than figuring safe things to eat on the fly while working two jobs.

>> No.17560742

What's that in the top? Fantastic bread btw.

>> No.17560763
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x2268, 20220315_190452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some sloppa today. It was a hit.

>> No.17560768

what are the things on the right?

>> No.17560787

Looks like a fried chicken patty and mashed potatoes with both covered in gravy

>> No.17560795
File: 533 KB, 1332x2560, Snapchat-1770495246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen w ground pork and hard boiled egg. Need advice on taking better pictures or making my food more presentable.

>> No.17560800


This was me spending the day with my grandmother and cooking with her. She did the effort in making the bread into a braid though I did twist the ends together. Osterbrot schmeckt lecker.

The top was a hybrid I made of Spätzle and Mac n' cheese and Kielbasa. I made the Spätzle from scratch (For every one helping of milk you use, put in two helpings of sparkling mineral water into it too to make it light and fluffy), and then made bechamel sauce and melted in a large block of sharp cheddar cheese into it. Added fried kielbasa into the Spätzle before pouring sauce on top of it, and then added butter fried breadcrumbs on top of that.

You also see pork Schnitzel. I'm not good at plating and prefer rustic appraches (Pile the food on and let the food look good for you), but there is apricot jam on the side for the schnitzel. Fruit + Pork is a great combo by the way.

And you can see an apple torte with my great grandmother's recipe.

Had food leftover for weeks.

>> No.17560803

Pork patty and madhed potatos both w/gravy.

>> No.17560804

oh. maybe i'm too dumb to recogise them. they do look nice, just never seem em in that form.

>> No.17560809

he's right man. i'd eat that bread.

>> No.17560819

Reality you fucking waste.

>> No.17560821

why do you always take a pic of it from the floor

>> No.17560825


Big dogs gotta eat woof woof

>> No.17560827

get the fuck out yiffer

>> No.17560829
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>> No.17560834

>baking is not based

>> No.17560842

XD I always wondered why nobody had ever made that comment with the tiled counters. I'll take a photo from one of the tables or the actual floor next time. Cheers, see you chefs around.

>> No.17560845

That faggot thought a sear was over cooking, don’t listen anon, looks just fine.

>> No.17560855

You've never seen a fried pork patty or mashed potatoes? Lol

>> No.17560869

i've been awake for a while and thought they were some kind of savoury pancakes.

>> No.17560882

How long have you been awake? I think I'm gonna stay up for at least 30 hours.

>> No.17560897

about 20. my eyesight gets blurry eventually. i usually have a regular sleeping pattern.

>> No.17560912

Go to sleep and get off 4chan, you need to now.

>> No.17560932

got non-4chan stuff to do between posts. sleep can wait a bit but cheers. on another note, i need to learn bread making i think. that poster's loaf looked good

>> No.17561027
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This was supposed to be a pie with a pudding but I fucked up the recipe.

>> No.17561039
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>> No.17561129

you got a recipe for that mac? that burnt little bit looks delectable

>> No.17561136
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They came out delicious despite some filling leaking out, would make again

>> No.17561139


The burnt little bit is a steak. Asshole.

>> No.17561194

He's talking about the burnt piece of macaroni and cheese you stuck up prick.

>> No.17561213
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>> No.17561217

Mmm, cinnamon rolls with goo from your nose, my favourite!

>> No.17561299
File: 187 KB, 1477x1108, 1647402770585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginger pork and some soup. I can't photograph for shit so it looks unappetizing, but its delicious.

>> No.17561326
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuffed potatoes and (slightly) overcooked chicken titties.

>> No.17561543


Looks like you stuffed the potatoes with a creamy soup or something. I never would have thought to do that.

>> No.17561584

It just looks like broccoli because of the lighting. I had a filter on my camera I forgot to remove.

>> No.17561902
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x4032, 1642442679980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some chicken soup with homemade bonebroth using chicken feet that turned out great

>> No.17562021
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 2F9404FD-0571-4C5C-B53A-52D6E1883D8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg tarts from forever ago. Probably forgot how to make them

>> No.17562202

Just beat eggs with cream and bake in short crust pastry by the looks of it. Like mini quiches but without ham and cheese. Should probably should put some cheese in them bro, and some chopped parsley.

>> No.17562357

Sure. I didn't measure much but here goes:

>boil 500g spirali in chicken stock (2 pots); save a cup of pasta water when done; let the pasta get Al dente because we're not going to bake it long
>cut a head of cauli into florets and put in 150Cish oven. I didn't use any fat but I had previously cooked sausages on the same baking tray
>gently fry a sliced leek and half a bulb of garlic in ~25g of butter in a saucepan
>add flour until it makes a roux, add some nutmeg and white pepper
>add whole milk slowly (you know how to make bechamel); you can leave the alliums in and it will still form correctly. Don't make it too runny, because:
>add the pasta water to the bechamel
>grate 250g of cheddar and throw in a diced camembert, rind included, it goes nice and soft in the sauce
>fry bacon, I used the pan I later cooked the steak in
>take the cauli out when the tips are getting dark brown
>chop the bacon
>mix everything and pour into your baking tray
>grate another layer of cheddar over it, I used about 50g
>layer of bread crumbs
>another layer of cheddar
>garlic powder, salt, pepper
>bake at 200C for 10 mins

Unfortunately it fell apart so you can't see much of the crust, but yeah it was pretty nice. Next time I'm gonna try adding beer and sundried tomato in the sauce. Possibly some finely chopped carrot and celery, not sure.

>> No.17562390

Oh whoops lmao how'd that sneak past the censor
Dash of salt, 10g yeast, 120 sugar

>> No.17562483

Yep, with a sort of custard-y type binder. Was pretty good, then I read you have to eat with ketchup. That really sealed the deal. I subbed egg noodles for macaroni because I had a ton of those but no macaroni.

>> No.17563250


>> No.17563349
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No I made the stuffed peppers fresh that day. Gravy? It is tomato sauce. Organic from Costco.

>> No.17563841

It's just some random one I found off Google and it wasn't the best, too much filling and too high a ratio of pumpkin. You could easily do better.

>> No.17564337
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>> No.17565623


>> No.17566198
File: 1.79 MB, 3402x2157, PXL_20220317_082107164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made some kind of Nashville hot chicken. 30 minute dry brined boneless thigh, watered egg wash with a spiced dredge (smoked paprika, cumin, black pepper, clove and various dried chillies, salt)
Shallow fried in a tiny pan
Put hot oil in the same spice mix (plus sugar) for the Amerifat glaze
On white bread with some pickles
Breddy gud

>> No.17566234

It was just some steamed broccoli and a beschamel sauce, ignore the schizo. But yeah it makes great comfort food for not much effort.

>> No.17566249

What're you making with the butter, fren?

>> No.17566251

right makes my PP the big PP

>> No.17566397

damn that looks good. love some glazed chicken

>> No.17566404
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Fucked up like 3 before I had one presentable enough

>> No.17566421
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, 47162841-10CF-4BFC-95CD-5D85F1BB625A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My version of a florentine pizza
Carb free base
Four Anchovies fillets
Garlic, chive, red onion and spring onion
Quarter of a Avocado
Polpa Italian tomatoes
Pinch of basil, oregano, thyme, paprika, and parsley
A dash of saffron
Salt and black pepper

>> No.17566424

Oh yeah and squid pieces in cuttlefish ink

>> No.17566435
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>> No.17566438

gosh that looks good. how did you do the potatoes? baked/fried? i've always struggled making wedges at home that I actually like

>> No.17566442
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>> No.17566444

Deep fried, twice.

>> No.17566448
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>> No.17566468
File: 23 KB, 489x423, 256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, okay. yeah I can't do that kind of fantsy pance frying at home. good work though anon, looks delicious

>> No.17566674

People who say partner are either really gay or spiritually gay

>> No.17566856

Happy pie day.
Also, please post mario milk if you got any

>> No.17566868
File: 1.70 MB, 2775x2202, IMG_0929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apple pie from a few months ago. I've made it 3 or 4 times now and I really like it.

>> No.17566914

don't you think it's a bit dry

>> No.17566997

those are some dry looking apples

>> No.17567091

>It was just some steamed broccoli and a beschamel sauce
*Colinflower and béchamel sauce

>> No.17567114
File: 896 KB, 400x300, Satisfaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut your brotatoes up and put them in cold water with salt. Bring to a boil and boil for 8 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. Leave in the fridge over night. Next day pre heat oven. Put a roasting pan in the oven with some oil and allow the oil to get hot. While waiting shake the potatoes in a bag with a tablespoon of flour and some salt and pepper. Take pan out of oven and gently swill hot oil around to cover the base of the pan, add potatoes in skin side down and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, turn on to their sides and another 15 - 20 minutes, turn on to the last side and another 15 - 20 minutes. If by now they aren't cooked to your satisfaction turn them again and give them another 10 minutes. Repeat until you have satisfaction.

>> No.17567232

good lighting, table setting, camera stability, and take a lot of shots. keep it simple.

>> No.17567287

>Need advice on taking better pictures
Why the fuck are you taking so many pictures of your food?

>> No.17567486
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Here's another one I made yesterday for my BJJ class. Definitely done using the NYT recipe, it's just not as good. A picture doesn't do the size of this thing justice, but I don't know how to convert a video to a webm.

>> No.17568424


>> No.17568880
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Keep the dishes coming, ppl. Most of them look great. Making chicken curry tonight. Pic related and I'll make sure to post a non floor photo.

>> No.17568950
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Looking good so far

>> No.17569004
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I haven't posted on /ck/ yet

>> No.17569033
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I remember taking a picture of the interior, but I can’t seem to find it. Rest assured, the apples were not dry at all.

>> No.17569039

There’s a program called “handbrake” that’s useful for stuff like that.

>> No.17569144

Presentation: 100

Is that wacamole?

>> No.17569172
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Iced coffee

>> No.17569173

I would eat those

>> No.17569212

It looks great.

>> No.17569223
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>> No.17569651
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>> No.17569922
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Wish I knew how to make high quality webms like some people do. This is the best you get, /ck/.

>> No.17570326

Well judging by your attitude, doesn't sound like you're in a happy place.

>> No.17570333

did you even read the comment he was replying to, also stop projecting your unhappiness.

>> No.17570379

Cry about it.

>> No.17570386
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Low res but I made some fried rice

>> No.17570421
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It was ages ago but

>> No.17570689
File: 915 KB, 4000x3000, 20220306_161406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf let me fuck her ass for the first time so I made her soufflé pancakes

>> No.17570698
File: 5 KB, 191x160, shmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how it looks like the aftermath on the sheets

>> No.17570702

we did it on the sofa babygirl, you should know this

>> No.17570712

That's kinda romantic :D

>> No.17570719
File: 1.77 MB, 1170x1558, 75D35912-0120-48FE-953D-E9F83BEF542E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st time. Very good.

>> No.17570721
File: 7 KB, 191x160, 1647601634403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like how it looks like the aftermath on the sofa

>> No.17570941

But poop comes outta there bro

>> No.17570957

It's ok with him. His dick normally smells like shit anyway from all the gay sex.

>> No.17571026

Anyone have any cookbook recommendations for someone who's not very good at cooking.
My cooking isn't bad, I just have a very limited variety & I get nervous buying new vegies and ingredients & then learning how to season then properly

>> No.17571067

i miss the passty general.

>> No.17571272
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Was good.

>> No.17571283

nice. did you brine that breasty or just choke it down dry?

>> No.17572027

Looks good

If you can't make a decent chicken breast that isn't dry without brining it you need to figure your shit out.

>> No.17572771
File: 2.09 MB, 2973x3137, 20220318_194239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made homemade puff pastry dough for my beef pot pie, but the dough shrunk while baking, but thise layers though.

>> No.17572843
File: 2.32 MB, 3022x2353, IMG_1415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple, but worked out. Fucked up one of the fried eggs though. Any tips on how to cook a serrano without pepper spraying yourself?

>> No.17572871
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>> No.17572899
File: 1.49 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201226_211830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double fed sweet sourdough, homemade cultured butter
>Red snapper cromesquis, herb aoli
>Poulet Rouge, white truffle, milk braised celeriac, parsnips puree
>Braised waygu beef cheek, mashed potatoes, chanterelles and pearl onion
>Coconut granita, coffee foam, thyme, passion fruit gel
>Chocolate truffle tart, olive oil ice cream

The pallet cleanser didn't work out so well because I used espresso that was too strongly flavored. Visually it failed because didn't quenelle the foam and added too much gelatin. The olive oil ice cream didn't stand up to the richness of the chocolate tart either. Otherwise it was all very good.

>> No.17572907 [DELETED] 

I don't think the quenelle would have made much of a difference, looks pretty good even if it wasn't included. However, I would have made a quenelle of the olive oil ice cream in a smaller portion, would have made the chocolate aspect shine more.0rhp2

>> No.17572915

don't think the quenelle would have made much of a difference, looks pretty good even if it wasn't included. However, I would have made a quenelle of the olive oil ice cream in a smaller portion, would have made the chocolate aspect shine more.

>> No.17572916
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>> No.17572930

Fair points.

There was also demi glace with the chicken I forgot about.

>> No.17572943

being a professional's cheating but damn, any more photos?

>> No.17572945
File: 1.63 MB, 2688x1512, IMG_20220318_190215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be too jelly

>> No.17572951
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I'm not a professional chef. Self taught. I work in IT. Here is some baking I've done over the years.

>> No.17572965

they look great, but i'm sure ya don't need me telling you that

>> No.17572966
File: 999 KB, 3168x3024, 20211124_114111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Pastry chef in training here)
Thats a good looking gallete du rois, my good sir, here is a carrot cake I made in class in October.

>> No.17572975

Nice. I like the leaves. I suck at piping. Don't do it enough to get better either.

>> No.17572979

Thanks anon, they are the first tuille I ever made, this is my best piping, my hands get really shaky and crampy easily.

>> No.17572985
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uma delicia

>> No.17572993
File: 395 KB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_20220318-194124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a strawberry souffle I did with a rhubarb sauce. Copied it from an Alain Roux demonstration I saw on YouTube where he did the same with a raspberry souffle.

>> No.17573004
File: 844 KB, 1852x1911, 20220311_122827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mai, what a lively color, and great height! Here is a chocolate soufflé from last week with a creme anglais sauce in the middle.

>> No.17573024
File: 443 KB, 1080x797, Screenshot_20220318-195210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the middle of building a house living in an apartment with a tiny ass kitchen, so I haven't done anything fancy in a while. Just been sticking to baking breads. Made 4 loaves of this miche bread the other day. It has white, wheat and rye flour in it.

>> No.17573029

That looks quite aesthetic.

>> No.17573036
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 20211007_190150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks aweome, my scoring needs work, haven't made sourdough in a while, most puff pastry, chocolate and viennoisire. I'm gonna attempt a Gateau St. Honore in the next few days when I get more butter and sugar.

>> No.17573040
File: 350 KB, 1080x793, Screenshot_20220318-195805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on my lame work. Trying to get fancier. It's a balance between the correct proofing, and distance and depth of scores. If you get too much oven spring you can have blowouts.

>> No.17573075

That cream puff looks great. The gateau is going to be tasty. I love pastry cream.

I like doing viennoisire and puff pastry. I bought an indepth book on sourdough viennoisire and brioche that I have yet to work out of. I just haven't had the three days it takes to prep the sourdough. It has a bunch of feeding steps and bagnettos to reduce the acid content. Once the house is finished next year I will have to give it a shot.

>> No.17573076

You seem to be good at this stuff and passionate about it. Follow your dreams.

>> No.17573089
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, 20220309_151804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Homemade puff pastry is so worth it when done right)
Thanks! I'm practicing for a baking skills competition in a month, so fingers crossed I can find a good recipe.

>> No.17573092
File: 1.45 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191110_211729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah maybe one day I will do something with it other than cook for friends and family. I just don't have the professional background to monetize it effectively right now.

>Duck roulade, creamed white corn, duck ju
>Sacher tort
>Roasted pumpkin seed miche

>> No.17573114

Good luck. It was a couple dollars, but a great recipe in my opinion:


>> No.17573126

I don't know how your food tastes like but the presentation is really good. Like something you'd expect to see in a high dining restaurant.

>> No.17573127
File: 269 KB, 1045x1109, Screenshot_20220308-162510_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the one we used in class, mainly used for making mille feuille, but you can baje it to full height without the weight.

>> No.17573171

Well the duck roulade recipe was from the French Laundry cookbook as was the braised waygu beef cheek. The rest was from either other places or my own recipes. But thank you. I do my best.

Thanks. I will have to give it a shot and see how it stacks up.

>> No.17573175
File: 2.28 MB, 1746x2328, blackpepperbeef31722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black pepper beef I made last night

>> No.17573194

Seriously. If I was served that in a restaurant I would probably tip the waiter 20%.

>> No.17573238

Btw this recipe >>17573127 has 4 double folds and 1 single fold. It also strangely uses some bread flour which I thought would hurt because of the gluten making the dough though, but that doesn't seem to be the case. One other thing is the amount of butter and salt are a slightly larger amount in terms of ratio to flour. I will say it was the flakiest puffy pastry I have ever had.

>> No.17573279

>cooked on a old CRT TV
i like your style

>> No.17573294

Something funny about cooking at a high level is that once you can it is almost always disappointing to go out unless you are going somewhere really fancy and expensive. The fun becomes finding hidden gems by traveling around. For instance, some of the best BBQ I've ever eaten was at Scott's BBQ in Hemingway SC. A middle of nowhere place, but killer food.

The most standout places I've been so far have to be Vetri Cucina in Philadelphia and The Inn at Little Washington in Virginia. Steirereck at Stadtpark was another good one in Vienna.