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17548680 No.17548680 [Reply] [Original]

I turn legal drinking age tomorrow. What drinks/brands do you anons recommend?

I have no budget

>> No.17548702

retarded kid, fuck off

>> No.17548707

>I have no budget

Do you want us to recommend shit for you to steal? What even is this thread?

>> No.17548710

5 weeks sober tomorrow.

>> No.17548711

Nah, I just want to buy something good to drink and go to sleep for the rest of the day.

>> No.17548722

I misinterpreted that as meaning you didn't have the funds instead of the opposite because I'm a retard, I guess. I recommend something sweet that will get you trashed since you're a newbie drinker. Mix a shot of hot damn 100 and apple crown royal together and it'll taste like an apple pie that gets you drunk.

>> No.17548729

Corn or potato vodka + your own lacto-fermented beverages

>> No.17548756

Fireball is the proper introduction

>> No.17548774

Beer. You can sip it all day.

>> No.17548777

Why do you want to fuck up your first experience with legally drinking alcohol?

>> No.17548788

Absinth. Is it legal in your country?

>> No.17548806

Fuck up what? I think he's asking the exact opposite. NOT to fuck up with bad alcohol.

>> No.17548815

Have you drank at all before or will this be your first time?

>> No.17548846

The kid has zero budget anon. The fucker should save up

>> No.17549518

I'm on week 7, good luck

>> No.17549522

You're supposed to be 18 before posting here. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.17549523

lol quitters

>> No.17549529

Nah I'm just doing two months off for health purposes. April 1st I'm back.

>> No.17549532

Dirty Martini

>> No.17549534

>he doesn't know that americucks cant drink until theyre 21

>> No.17549570
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Bros I'm sick and taking a bunch of dayquil, but it has a bunch of acetaminophen in it. Would it be safe for me to drink later tonight? How long should I wait?

>> No.17549575

How to tell if someone doesn't drink? Don't worry, they'll tell you

>> No.17549578

lol drink until your piss turns red :DDDD

>> No.17549586

Barleywine and lots of it

>> No.17549593

Poetic since your life is a joke

>> No.17549615

Real answer? Proper cocktails are delicacies that will also get you enjoyably buzzed/trashed, and are easy enough to make that even a drunkard can do it. An old-fashioned is dead simple to make, tastes very good, and can intoxicate you pleasantly. And depending on your budget, it can either mask the flaws of a shitty whiskey, or amplify the virtues of a good one. A dark-and-stormy is also a dead simple cocktail that's extremely easy to make. And if you're interested in food autism, the gin martini is very simple but has a sophisticated enough flavor that it drives people into fits of obsessive tinkering to get the exact perfect ratio of ingredients, garnishes, and mixing technique.

>> No.17549657

everyone is different, but in my personal experience, you should be fine

>> No.17549988

Shots that are required for your 21st birthday are the cement mixer, prairie fire, and the bar mat. Ask for them in that order.

>> No.17550000

Jager bombs. This is the only answer.

>> No.17550010

My nigg that's how you get turned off from drinking on the first night

>> No.17550015

Only if you're a bitch.

>> No.17550020

Some people prefer to drink things that aren't complete dog shit tasting paint thinners

>> No.17550065

wow lmao this stock photo was used in an AEON textbook (English teaching company in Japan) I worked for them for a few years (don't worry I'm not a loser anymore, live and work in Manhattan doing a big boy job)

Anyways, the textbooks were for adults but they didn't have a "high school" class, so basically you'd have 16-18 year old kids thrown in with adults, which was often very fun and it was cute sometimes how this like police officer woman would end up best friends with this kid who loves soccer and she's always correcting his English poorly lol

anyways, so I have this 16 year old girl, super shy, and the way it goes is there's a setup on the TV like "I'm worried about ______. He's ______ a lot these days" and then four stock photos to kind of prompt ideas, but ideally they'll use their own original ideas to use the grammar structure (it's progressives, so like "he's eating too much these days" or something)

so this 16 y/o girl uses this picture "I'm worried about Mark. He's drinking a lot these days" which prompts her heavyset salaryman conversation partner to sort of grin, and ask why he's been drinking, and she freezes up to think, casts her eyes around the room, and then turns back to him and says "he's thirsty" lmao

>> No.17550074

And others have functioning taste buds, what's your point?

>> No.17550105

Anything that keeps the buzz going.

>> No.17550113

Fuck this poison.
t. alki

>> No.17550141
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ok if you haven't had a drink before, the easiest start is beer. Just make sure is really really cold, get a light beer. Tastes like water but you'll enjoy the effct.

If you can't handle beer a gin and tonic is nice and cheep. Get beefeater gin (Itll be affordable no matter where you are). and the most expensive tonic in the store you are in (Tonics most important part. Pour out 50 ml gin and 150 ml tonic.

If you also dislike that, try a rum and coke. Look for any jamaican rum, they have a legal minumum standard over there for the rum to be alright. Start with 300ml coke to 50 ml rum and move down from there towards 150ml coke to rum.

That'll get you started, have a good one.

If your planning to go to a bar for drinks, get a nice fruity cocktail. You can't hate that, and if its a nice enough bar itll be propper nice.

Have a good one

>> No.17550153

you might as well try a little of everything, easier to find your favorite that way

>> No.17550193

drink only beer. alcoholets biggest mistake when starting out is drinking things other than beer that they are simply not ready to taste and resorting to drinking sugary drinks that make their vomit technicolor.
drink nothing but beer. you may hate it at first but that's because your palette is raw and undeveloped. at some point you will come to enjoy even a shitty light beer with dinner. then you are ready.
try out different spirits (straight or slightly diluted at most, never chilled) and see what you like at that point. you should try and find some spirit that you like drinking. most spirits have lots of subtle, rich flavors that are difficult for the unvarnished palette to detect.

>> No.17550213

This pic is simultaneously fairly hideous and kinda hot.

>> No.17550238

>tfw no supreme gentlelady gf

>> No.17550273

I recommend the bible and a better group of assosciates

>> No.17550274

not Guinness draught
t. Guinness Storehouse employee

>> No.17550277

>drink nothing but beer. you may hate it at first but that's because your palette is raw and undeveloped.
>drink piss until you like piss, than you will be a MAN who drinks PISS
Don't listen to this retard. Drink what tastes good and don't drink what tastes bad, otherwise you're just trying to be somebody you're not to impress others, which is hella gay.

>> No.17550480

just don't make it a habit

>> No.17550501


>> No.17550862

What did you end up drinking, OP?

>> No.17550886

have you drank before? i recommend beer (specifically lager) if you haven't had it before. if you want something sweet get some hard cider or make a rum and coke.

>> No.17550926

well I started with a 40 of 10% malt liquor during lunchbreak in high school, and it suited me just fine, but if you're looking for tastier stuff:
>cider. Tastes like sparkling apple juice
>Shot of whiskey and a shot of frangelico in a cup of coffee
>amarula and milk
>aperol spritz
a good way of getting acquainted with whiskey apart from taking shots of jameson at the bar until you like it, is scotch and soda/water. You get the flavor without the bite, and you can lower the amount of soda over time

>> No.17550957

Your first time getting hammered should be beer because it's somewhat self-limiting by volume and taste (bitterness). It's too easy to go way the fuck overboard with liquor or even sweet drinks like cider.

My first hard drunk was with cider more than 10 years ago, and I was so fucked I still won't drink cider to this day.

>> No.17550967

A seven and seven. I didn't like the way I started feeling, so I didn't finish it. I'll try something else next weekend.

>> No.17550969

>It's too easy to go way the fuck overboard
If he's really turning 21, that is a proper introduction, though. You don't turn 21 and then just sip a bud light. You get rip roaring drunk.

>> No.17551019

There are only two ways to turn 21
>go to a pub or brewery with friends/family
>order food and also get a flight of beers, one with a variety of styles and flavors
>find out which beer you like
>order another beer you like or try a cocktail, the food keeps you from getting drunk until you can handle it
>go to corner liquor store and buy a botte of cheap sweet liquor and cheap beer, ex. Captain morgan, fireball, jag, natty light, keystone, bush lite, etc
>hang out with your degeneraye friends and do shots/shotgunning
>make an absolute ass of yourself
>vomit and pass out and wake up with the worst hangover of your life that will make you swear off drinking for at least a week

>> No.17551030

Drink more you pussy

>> No.17551048

Get a captain morgan and a diet coke (so you don't fuck up your blood sugar)

>> No.17551049

I left the house today to buy a bottle of Pink Whitney and found this kitten in the vestibule, so I took her home and named her Whitney.

I was gonna put up found-cat flyers but she's like 8 weeks old, not microchipped, and smells like whoever she was living with smokes black-and-milds in the house so fuck them folks, free kitten.

>> No.17551050

drink for taste first, when you find you like it, get drunk from what you like amd youre view of it will completely change

>> No.17551056
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>> No.17551064

>implying americans can be called adults

>> No.17551078

Go to a nice bar and order a dirty grey goose martini
If you're a social pariah, buy a bottle of champagne

>> No.17551161

Drinking when you're sick sucks. You don't have enough energy to enjoy yourself and you prolong your sickness by weakening your immune system.
I hear that nsaids with alcohol can be really bad for your liver, but the biggest danger is probably from regularly taking them as a hangover cure.
Alcohol and nsaids will both fuck up your stomach too.

Anyway, I'd recommend a mixed drink called an "Old Fashioned".
It's a "spirit forward" drink, meaning it mostly tastes like the liquor you pit in it.
If you make it for yourself I'd recommend using Wild Turkey 101 and trying some neat as well. It's good for the price and an inexperienced drinker probably wouldn't notice or appreciate the difference of a higher end whiskey.

The wisest choice is to never start drinking at all. It's highly addictive and destructive in many ways. I kind of feel bad giving a recommendation that will help you appreciate the taste of alcohol even. Limit yourself to no more than 2 days of drinking per months, and preferably in the company of trustworthy friends. Your early 20s are an important time for developing your skills, knowledge, and general responsibility, and alcohol can really get in the way of that.

>> No.17551178

if you haven't been organically introduced to alcohol by the time you're 21, what you need to do is urgently chase social situations where that might happen. Get friends and go get smashed in a park, don't just buy a 6pack of whatever and go back to your room. You're 21, you're still young, there's still time. The main good thing about booze, especially when you're young, is that it lowers your inhibitions and opens up opportunities in social situations. Ideally, as a young man, you wanna be drunk surrounded by friends in a sea of strangers, so that you have a safe rally point, but adventure is within grasp all around you. Drinking alone is definitely comfy but it's for older guys, you need to go out there and wreck shit

>> No.17551183

>turn 22
>Almost no desire to have more than 1 drink, even in social settings
wtf is happening to me bros

>> No.17551190

dont listen to this retard
beer just tastes like maybe carbonated water with a fruity bitterness and is better to drink in place of soda rather than as an alcohol, getting tipsy is just a nice side benefit but you shouldnt force youself to drink a gallon of it just to get drunk
the malt taste to it is hard to describe as theres little sugar to bring that taste forward and malt on its own doesnt have much taste but its distinct from just water

>> No.17551193

I started off with #1 and still blacked out, last thing I remember on that day was scaling a construction site fence

>> No.17551195

skol and water, if you're doing it right you will have a budget

>> No.17551203

if you do it once it probably won't kill you. Over time you will get stomach ulcers and potential liver damage. Just don't do it

I don't even take acetaminophen, it doesn't do anything for me when I'm sick

>> No.17551213

>I have no budget
just buy the cheapest beer you can find

>> No.17551225

drukbros win again

>> No.17551229

and christ was a drinker who made company with alcoholics, what he told us to do is be temperate in drinking, not avoid it altogether nor drink strongly

>> No.17551238

wholesome and based.

>> No.17551245

wine is also good for limiting how much you drink, its strong and has you sipping slowly, but also isnt as strong as liquor so you need to drink a reasonable amount to get drunk
id say beer is easier to drink

>> No.17551292

give the cat back jamal

>> No.17551344

>The main good thing about booze, especially when you're young, is that it lowers your inhibitions and opens up opportunities in social situations.
It can be a good part of alcohol, but also bad if every social event becomes a drinking event.

There's an interesting video about this from a religious studies guy
tl;dw ancient wine likely very different from modern wine, with a lot of spices and such mixed in. (Some say psychoactive substances, but that isn't discussed here). Wine was also likely safer to drink than unfiltered water at the time.

>> No.17551385

>Wine was also likely safer to drink than unfiltered water
dont take this retard seriously please, i hear people constantly parrot this idea that nobody drank water before the 1800s because alcohol was cleaner
you cant make alcohol without clean water in the first place and they new how to find good water sources otherwise they wouldnt be living there in the first place because cities were founded on good water sources

>> No.17551430

She looks too big to be 8 weeks old, especially for a female. Probably more like 6 months to a year old. My adult female cat isn't much bigger than that.

>> No.17551459
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>give the cat back jamal
>stealing a cat from niggers who malnourish their cats and smoke garbage cigarillos in their 1br apartment

>> No.17551469

>I was so fucked I still won't drink cider to this day.
You either have a pussy, or are one.

>> No.17551480

I didn't start drinking until I was 22 faggot.

>> No.17551481

>Gets hammered on 3% cider
bruh what

>> No.17551486

in that pic she's all puffed up defensively. it's a very, very young cat regardless. I haven't weighed her but I do have a 3 year old cat who is 10lbs so I know what a full-grown-small-cat looks like. This one's a baby, no doubt.

>> No.17551491

She looks like a good kitty :)
I also took my cat in from the wild when she was young, it was a very gradual process but now she spends her nights indoors and her days outdoors.

>> No.17551502

ciders tend to be 5-7%abv, you're thinking of shandies. the bigger problem is that for that same amount of alcohol, they tend to have 3-5 times as much sugar. the hangover is fooked. But his advice is sound. Either have a good round-after-round of beers (in pace with everyone else) or get fooked on cocktails but have a whole party to drag you home.

>> No.17551536
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her in my bathroom to quarantine her from my other cat, after having been bathed and dried and cuddled and fed

>> No.17551547

Crushed grapes in a jar and wait 3 days

>> No.17551565

>You don't have enough energy to enjoy yourself
Not if you bring cocain !

>> No.17551606

how does cocaine fee when you have a headcold? I only tried it the once and I was on kratom so the high was basically useless until I crashed down into feeling tragically depressive.

>> No.17551668

Seconding Aperol spritz's or even Chambord with some champagne (or ANY bubbly white wine on the dry side). Great flavor, can get you decently drunk on account of the introduction of higher alcohol liquid, and won't give you a terrible hangover since they're not high in sugar.
Start out the night with a proper shot of vodka or whiskey, though. It's something everyone should experience.

>> No.17551679

>cement mixer
What the fuck

>> No.17551701
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She'll make a good friend.
This is mine after being freshly woken

>> No.17551706


>> No.17551773

Make yourself a caipirinha. Its basically just lime, sugar, and Cachaça but its tasty as fuck. Its especially good if you got some salty meat with it, like chorizo.

>> No.17551821

We get it, you're brazilian

>> No.17552073

don't sleep on wine, if you don't like the taste you might like the buzz

>> No.17552106

She looks like a freak but a very fuckable one

>> No.17552111

I've honestly found that wine gets me the best drunk, by which I mean you don't have to chug it to feel anything like beer, but it's hard to get completely tanked like with spirits.

>> No.17552114

Based catbro

>> No.17552296

none. its all fun and games until youre mid 20s and your family hates you, girlfriends leave you, and jobs fire you. but if you insist, nothing is more badass than being able to take shots of whiskey

>> No.17552395

Once a dancing monkey, always a dancing monkey, you pathetic faggot.

>> No.17552439

hey op, I had my first drink some months ago and 100% recommend champagnhe, not too weak or strong and the taste is absurdly good for young people, unless you smoke, then fuck you.

>> No.17552445

Put some Chambord in it like this anon said, too. It makes it taste even better.

>> No.17552538

beer is an acquired taste. I'm not saying you have to be macho and pretend to like it, just to grin and bear it until you actually do like it. then you will be ready, because all alcohol ultimately tastes bad to an unvarnished palate.

>> No.17552616

the fag at AA hate him, but the suits over at Smitnoff TM love him. what a conundrum

>> No.17552915

yeah wicked story bro thanks 4 sharing

>> No.17552958

Half & Half

>> No.17552964

Wild turkey 101

>> No.17553545


>> No.17554325

this but unironically

>> No.17554594

8 months. Feels good man $$$$

>> No.17554616

You're just not an alcoholic. Keep it that way, dont force a habit. Will put you ahead of everyone immensely over time, and you will keep your looks.

>> No.17554757

do you/did you party alot?

>> No.17554772

A regular drinker already has years of experience under their belt by 21. Shame on you Americans.

>he will never have his first beer at 14

>> No.17555136

bar culture here in america is fucking cancer

>> No.17555529

>I'm not saying you have to be macho and pretend to like it, just to grin and bear it until you actually do like it.
>you don't have to pretend to like it, just pretend to like it!
Well said idiot.
>all alcohol ultimately tastes bad to an unvarnished palate.
First time I had a budweiser, molson, spiced rum, gin, and tequila I enjoyed it, and this is with little experience. You're an insecure retard. Stop trying to convince others that they need to like what everyone else likes because everyone else likes it you bland, uninteresting, homosexual NPC.

>> No.17556743

>First time I had a budweiser, molson, spiced rum, gin, and tequila I enjoyed it, and this is with little experience.
wow you're so cool, holy shit.
it's funny how you're accusing me of being insecure. I'm not afraid to admit that I didn't like a lot of alcohol the first time I tried it, unlike you apparently.

>> No.17556780

>clicks on alcohol thread
Its not going to last

>> No.17556807

Similar to how kids don't like earthy/bitter vegetables but learn to love them as they get older and their palate develops you're going to hate 95% of booze you drink at first.
Ease in, enjoy it. Don't got right into Guinness and heavier tasting things or you're going to have a bad time.
Try some cheap shit, don't touch IPAs as you won't like them till your tongue burned out on the hops. Try some ciders and mead if you can or some of the girly extra sweet fruity wines.

>> No.17556994

Water with lemon

>> No.17557006

dirty water makes gut rot wine. I know from experience.

>> No.17557558

skipped yesterday
skipped 2 days last week and the week previous

>> No.17557698

>I'm not afraid to admit that I didn't like a lot of alcohol the first time I tried it
That's not what you did. You claimed that all alcohol tastes bad to everyone who hasn't had it before, in an attempt to justify why you didn't like beer at first, because you're an insecure faggot who's afraid of being judged for not enjoying beer on the first sip, which is fucking stupid. All i did was refute your claim by stating that there are multiple alcoholic beverages that I enjoyed the first time I tried them. I will admit that most did taste like shit to me at first, and I still am very picky with my beers. But there are plenty of alcoholic beverages that taste just fine to an "unvarnished palatte", as you put it. Faggot.

>> No.17557702

>I have no budget
Kilju it is then.
It's actually pretty good. Especially if you add a sliced lemon to it. I think the acid also helps the fermentation

>> No.17557705

how many times did you fuck

>> No.17557919

Buy a gun.
Alcohol is just a waste of money.

>> No.17558017

I think your story was cute :>)

>> No.17558507

do not mix portuguese and burritospeak.

>> No.17558770
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Incredible Hulk
A cocktail that should be awful but is more than the sum of its parts.
Half Hpnotiq and half Hennessy.
You don’t even have to be black to enjoy it, which is normal with Hennessy.

>> No.17558777

Proud of you anon. Before you know it you’ll be drinking only on weekends like a normie
Not sarcasm btw

>> No.17558812

Got any recommendations about Portuguese and Brazilian cuisine, ingredients etc (books, websites can be in Portuguese, film would need subtitles)?

There really isn't much available apart from Alex Atala and Rick Stein (eh). Google is utter garbage, nothing but interpretations of shit people ate on holiday in Porto/Rio.