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File: 1.23 MB, 4032x3024, 207c569c-2bdf-4e3a-95c6-2f08a6bec6a8-Franziawine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17547803 No.17547803 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most economical boxed wine? Assume, for the sake of argument, that I am only looking to get drunk and don't necessarily care about flavor.

>> No.17547813

How the fuck would I know what you have access to? Go to the fucking store and look at the prices and alcohol percentage you lazy cunt.

>> No.17547829

Drink liquor straight from the bottle like a real alcoholic.

>> No.17547847

Make your own in your bathtub with fruit that you foraged and natural airborne yeast. If the box itself is a sticking point then I guess you could just grab one from a nearby dumpster. I think this is the most economical wine possible.

>> No.17547866

I'm gonna presume you're not willing to commit to liquor. The answer is, whatever is the cheapest alcohol by volume on any given day. Check clearance if you're desperate.

>> No.17547868

Just look at the pricetag, you stupid asshole. What the fuck do you think you're asking?

>> No.17547876

What's the most effective way to harvest yeast from the air?

>> No.17547982

At my liquor store it was Pete Vella

>> No.17548126

$10 handles of vodka are the most economic way to get drunk and you can mix it with fucking anything.

>> No.17548131

trader joes has some decent options for a 3 liter that range between 11-13% for $12.

>> No.17548138
File: 407 KB, 712x977, Screenshot 2022-03-13 000235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better than boxed wine.

>> No.17548157

What I do is get the least economical on the shelf. It's still very economical, and the cute cashier assumes I'm not getting it for the price to volume ratio because I didn't make the best choice for that.>>17547813

>> No.17548233

Literally just the cheapest and strongest, are you retarded?

>> No.17548256

based and rossi-pilled. favorite varietal? i'm partial to the chianti.

>> No.17548751
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Fruity Lexia (makes you sexier)
Coolibah (sends you far)
whatever's fukken the cheapest.
whole point of goon is to get whatever shit's $8 for a gallon so you can do pic related

>> No.17548754

This. Also, it has the wide mouth because they know you sure as shit aren't going to be pouring it in a glass. Carlo wants you to drink it straight from the bottle.

>> No.17549081

spoken like an alcoholic ben shapiro. seconding everyone in the thread recommending carlo rossi purely for the fact that you get the added bonus of having a cool giant glass jug left over afterwards

>> No.17550243

Go to one of those places that makes the wine for you (you have to put yeast in yourself by law in Canada) then after 4 weeks you show up and bottle it. 30 bottles for $100CAD. Can't get cheaper in Leaf land but in the USA you would probably be better just buying cheap wine.

>> No.17550262

>most economical
Not sure what you mean.
Almost every 4l box is $18-$21 so get whatever.
Highest boxed wine ABV tends to be Chardonnay, at 13-13.5

>> No.17550280

airborne yeast is a meme. the "natural yeast" actually comes from the flour or on the surface of the fruit.

>> No.17550310

The franzia crisp white has the highest abv of that brand and is the most common and widespread brand you’ll find at 13.6% iirc. Bottom shelf vodka will always be the the greatest bang for your buck 99/100 and don’t buy the bullshit that the cheaper makes for worse hangovers. If you really want to save money, just get an entire case of it from a liquor store and they’ll usually only give you a small markup if you arrange a deal with the manager as opposed to their usual self price. Don’t bother making up a lie about a party, they’re not going to judge you for wanting to save some money. Can save you a couple thousand bucks over the course of a year.

>> No.17550716

Who is the market for this stuff? Just poor desperate alcoholics?

>> No.17550778

what's the point of boxed wine

>> No.17550812

It releases wine without letting air into the container, so you can pour some without accelerating oxidisation and therefore don't have to finish it off as soon as you do with a bottle.

>> No.17550851

and it fits great in the refrigerator

>> No.17551594

>meme reason
>real reason

>> No.17551625

Carlo Rossi is decent as a cheap table wine

>> No.17551681

What's the difference?

>> No.17551739

It minmaxes shipping and cooling costs.

>> No.17551757

>not using ice

>> No.17551801

Spilled a whole glass of this on my nice keyboard. RIP

>> No.17551972

If they were 5L jugs instead of 4L I would absolutely agree with you

>> No.17551994

Some alcoholics don’t live in Australia.

>> No.17552092

yo i didn't know americans gooned

>> No.17552175

Why not?

>> No.17552238

My dad used to get so sick drinking this garbage :(

>> No.17552275
File: 390 KB, 1727x648, drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the end game, this is what you have to look forward to

>> No.17552332

Goon isn't worth it lad, no matter how cheap

>> No.17552524

Indisputably based. Also the Chianti is absolutely the best one, it's a nice table wine to sip a glass or two after you get a buzz off a nice bottle of wine

>> No.17552548

I sincerely hope that all of you buying box wine are still in college

>> No.17552874

I work at one now if that counts.

>> No.17552907

Close, but powdered drink mixes are cheaper.
Also, adding lemon juice to it helps mask the booze a lot if you like sour things.

>> No.17552917
File: 313 KB, 1500x1500, 919iiDtyeOL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>powdered drink mixes are cheaper.
Truth. This is my go-to

>> No.17552934

That's kinda smart since the electrolytes in Gatorade help mitigate hangover effects.

>> No.17552937

Alcohol tax in Ausfailia is silly.

>> No.17552988
File: 138 KB, 660x495, 1617480052080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.75L 95% alcohol Everclear, box of black tea bags, lemon concentrate, white sugar, Franzia cabernet sauvignon
>Pour couple ounces Everclear into mason jar
>Make Arnold Palmer from lemon, tea, and sugar to taste
>Combine in mason jar
>Top with a nice gradient from the red wine
I dont know if this has a name so I just call it the Nasty Arnie

>> No.17553818

The Nasty Arnie sounds based.

>> No.17553829

?, just buy 2 then

>> No.17554100

you are not a thought in any cashiers mind

>> No.17554110

The truth is that NPCs like you are the minority. Real people notice things.

>> No.17554117

you will never know how wrong you are about everything

>> No.17554119


>> No.17554121
File: 29 KB, 570x564, 1609903345835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in america wine comes in....boxes
do americans really? but seriously do yous REALLY really? what the fuck is wrong with you, it's something in the water?

>> No.17554127

Anyone who holds a position in a grocery store, let alone a cashier of all things by definition is an NPC. If you have a soul, you cannot perform this job. Press the little X in the top right while you're still ahead.

>> No.17554322

Cheaper to ship cartons than glass bottles. Wine drinkers dont typically use their bottles as melee weapons but its a concern also.

>> No.17555311

its not americans retard
australians invented it, actually fucking rent free

>> No.17555326

thats a fucking OZZY FUCKING GOON BAG CUNT dont you forget it

>> No.17555361

What am I looking at

>> No.17555398

A bag of wine hanging from a clothesline, probably for a shrimp barbeque or spider wrangling or whatever the hell aussies do on the weekends.

>> No.17555483

I can assure you, as someone who has worked as a cashier, we do not fucking think about you. Anything you say or do is out of mind within 3 minutes. You are meaningless.

>> No.17555484

As a dispenser? Ingenious. I thought they were making something by baking it in the sun

>> No.17555992
File: 34 KB, 384x384, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a goon bag hanging from a hill's hoist
(a bag of wine hanging from a rotating clothesline)
used to play "Goon of Fortune" aka: everyone stands in a circle, spin the clothesline, whoever it lands on drinks

>> No.17556268

Bros I like to slam goon before plowing my BBW wife's asshole.

>> No.17556285

>still in college
>you won't be 21 until around senior year


>> No.17556412

This sounds like an elaborate shitpost but im tempted to believe its real

>> No.17556487

>he didn't graduate from high school at 17
Jeez, are ya retarded or something?

>> No.17556782

...why not just make some jungle juice for the sake of cost and overall volume?

>> No.17556791
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>> No.17556997

I didn't say NPCs don't exist at all.

>> No.17557424

Artificially selected brewers' yeast is like a buck and you'll get vastly better results

>> No.17557458

nigger I was born in November

I turned 17 halfway through senior year in hs

I got like half my senior year in college to drink legally


>> No.17557492

of course it fucking real are you living under a rock or something?

>> No.17557508

I've seen it before, but on first exposure it doesn't look real because nowhere else in the world has those spinning clotheslines that take up too much space for no reason.

>> No.17557550
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 1647332782753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of course it fucking real are you living under a rock or something?
No Im living over a rock, why else am I doubting surreal Aussie customs and terminology?

>> No.17557585
File: 1.72 MB, 1600x1600, Hills-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
