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17543092 No.17543092 [Reply] [Original]

Is $10 usd worth it for this stuff? Keep seeing it in my local supermarkets international aisle and been thinking about giving it a try. What would I be in for? How's the best way to prepare and enjoy it? Can you do more than just spread it on toast?

>> No.17543262

>Vegan spread
gee I wonder why there's a premium...

>> No.17543577

You’re better off with Vegemite, it’s far superior.

>> No.17543831

Fuck off dingo cunt

>> No.17543876

>Is $10 usd worth it for this stuff? Keep seeing it in my local supermarkets international aisle and been thinking about giving it a try. What would I be in for? How's the best way to prepare and enjoy it? Can you do more than just spread it on toast?
also curious about this.

>Vegan spread
>gee I wonder why there's a premium...
potatos are vegan and they are cheap as hell you absolute fool

>You’re better off with Vegemite, it’s far superior.
I never tried vegemite or marmite, but I want to. Why is vegemite better?

>Fuck off dingo cunt
I wonder if the guy that unconditionally hates australians for no reason is the same guy who unconditionally hates italians for no reason. personally I don't buy your random mkultra hate propaganda and if anything just to spite you I love australians and italians even more because fuck you.

>> No.17543909
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That stuff is shit, pic rel is the only good tasting marmite.

>> No.17543914

does that mean mental hospital or something?

>> No.17543924


>> No.17543963

the mere presence of the word vegan on the front label is why its $10 retard. kinda like how ketofags inherently raise the price of bacon and chicken because they eat 10x more of the shit than anybody without a meme diet. if they slapped a giant sticker on every bag of potatoes claiming they are a superfood they would be $5 a poun jackass. spinach is easier to harvest to than kale but because fitness jews pushed kale instead of spinach kale became like gold.

>> No.17543968

I've only ever had vegemite. It's "worth it" in the sense that one little jar lasts fucking forever, since you spread it pretty thin on toast or whatever. But it's a little steep if you end up not liking it.

>> No.17544131

I always stir a tiny bit in when I'm sautéing vegetables or caramelizing onions. It makes them taste amazing. Not as much a fan of spreading it on toast.

>> No.17544158

nah, get vegemite. It is much better. Make some toast and butter that bitch and then spread it thin, FUCKING THIN. THINNER THAN YOU THINK

>> No.17544193

Marmite has been vegan since its inception in 1902, its expensive because its an imported product.

>> No.17544205

I just ate half a jar of it with a loaf of bread while drunk last night. Its not for everyone but i like it, some people put it on bread/toast or you can put a teaspoon into a mug of hot water and drink it like a broth. You can add it to soups, stews and chilli for a savoury flavour.

>> No.17544223

I'm not him but you seem genuinely stupid. He is telling you that it is expensive because it is marketed toward 'vegans'. Vegans didn't existed in 1902, at least not as a hipsty trend.

>> No.17544230

Its been vegan since its inception, it has always been vegan and the price is high because its an imported product. I will not discuss the matter further, accept it or dont, i dont care.

>> No.17544274

>the marketer says as it pisses its pants

>> No.17544420

Vegemite is tasteless and weak compared to Marmite

>> No.17544427

jesus christ its like 2 quid in the shop