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File: 39 KB, 768x1024, old-english-800-malt-liquor-abv-59-42-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17541553 No.17541553 [Reply] [Original]

Is it healthy to drink 1 of these a day?
If not, why?

>> No.17541558

Anon, what is your highest level of education?

>> No.17541560

A lot of sugar in those

>> No.17541565

I knew some dirty crust punk kids that tried to do "40 days of 40's" I think most of them got sick and/or sick of it after week two.
For the record Leftover Crack sucks.

>> No.17541568

It's probably healthier to drink a fifth of vodka every day.

>> No.17541578

Hold up. 40oz of 8% is only 94.4 millilitres of actual alcohol per day. That's like taking three days to finish a fifth of vodka or whatever (40%, thus 300mL of alcohol).
Now, I'm no paragon of temperance, but how much of a lightweight would you have to be to tap out after just two weeks of that?

>> No.17541597

Is hard seltzer better for you that beer ?
Its just water and alcohol right.

>> No.17541604

there's some unholy shit in malt liquor

>> No.17541621

just don't drink it in one go (and none before bedtime)

>> No.17541705

Classic Brass Monkey: Drink it down to the label then top with orange juice (no pulp) for a much improved flavor and added vitamins.

>> No.17541733

alcohol has calories anon

>> No.17541735

I know it's keeping me alive after 5 years of daily use

>> No.17541746

They say you can't slay a lich until you destroy his phylactery. Good luck destroying ALL THE MALT LIQUOR IN THE WORLD! MUAHHAHAHAA!

>> No.17541818

who cares
die at 60 or die at 80 it's all the same
might as well enjoy life a little while you still can

>> No.17542708

It ages your brain really quick if you drink daily. Look it up.

>> No.17542715

>For the record Leftover Crack sucks.
They really, really do.

>> No.17542836

Hot take: I prefer malt liquor instead of those faggot ass autistic as fuck microbrew beers.

>> No.17542846

Star Fucking Hipsters was good tho

>> No.17543221
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real talk bros what is the best alchohol to slam for extended periods of time. everytime i drink alot of beer i get tired. but everytime i drink vodka i end up chugging the whole bottle and passing out

>> No.17543227

sorry your life hasn't been good

>> No.17543234
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This post reeks of cope seethe, but there's nothing wrong with some malt liquor. Don't gotta be a fag about it

>> No.17543263

They have some good tracks, even a couple of Choking Victim tunes rub me the right way but I have notoriously bad taste in music.

>> No.17544509

I've been doing that for like 7 years

>> No.17544551

Never heard of malt liquor here in England, what is it? Only alcoholic malt drinks I know are beer and whisky, perhaps I'm just not olde enough

>> No.17544602

Whatchu know about that?

>> No.17544606

Cheap strong lager. Usually 8%

>> No.17544753

American Special Brew?

>> No.17544785

Prolly nothin’

>> No.17544807

Basically. They get a higher alcohol content by adding sugar or corn mash to the malted barley, while also decreasing the amount of hops. Note that the sugars are converted to alcohol, so the drink isn't "sweeter". The milder taste comes from not being a hoppy.

>> No.17545678
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21 drinks is week is controversial.
I have copped a 40 3/4 times a week and thats enough for physical tolerance.

>> No.17545710

It wasnt even a health issues, heavy drinking means paying more taxes n shiet.

>> No.17545741

> 8%
> strong
Wine has AT LEAST 15%, this is weaksauce.

>> No.17545744

Bleach is much healthier for you.
Drink that instead.

>> No.17545748

He said "strong lager", you twit. Typical lager is around 5 or 6%.

>> No.17545752

Found the nigger

>> No.17545762

8% is strong for beer, retard. Retard

>> No.17546338


>> No.17546353

>Wine has AT LEAST 15%, this is weaksauce
>Liquor has AT LEAST 40% this is weaksauce

>> No.17546361

I was raised on /ck/

>> No.17546377

Hand sanitizer has at least 70%. Wine is weaksauce.

>> No.17546887

wine from a box specifically

>> No.17546892
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You're not just drinking ONE of those per day. Get to rehab, Anon.

>> No.17546907

Everclear is 95%. All other drinkable liquids are weaksuace as is being alive.

>> No.17546935
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>> No.17546970

Real talk, is is healthy to drink one of these a day?

>> No.17546994

Don't forget it has to be low quality "from concentrate" orange juice. I'm gonna spend the entirety of next week blackout drunk. Hopefully I'll get alcohol poisoning or suffocate on my own vomit.

>> No.17547005

Recommend me the cheapest box wine that is drinkable.

>> No.17547008


>> No.17547013
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>> No.17547888
File: 36 KB, 700x437, 0E008703-133F-497D-A7D9-2531DA973C96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend developed a heart condition when he was 25 from drinking malt liquor everyday for like half a decade. His balls ended up swelling up to the size of melons and his face swoll to the point he looked like almost looked like Violet Beauregard. I won’t touch the shit anymore.

>> No.17547900

i'll never drink alcohol again it is a shit tier drug

>> No.17547951

Source: your ass.
Just trying right pass your shit opinion off as a fact

>> No.17547960

It's about 500 calories. If you burn enough calories to drink one of those, plus eat enough to get the nutrients you otherwise need, you'll probably be okay. It's just super sugary liquor.

>> No.17548014

drinking a 40 a day won't kill you but sleeping in supermarket dumpsters is dangerous OP

>> No.17548039

>wood alcohol
That shit will kill you.

>> No.17548043

>notice it's in leaf
How much are 40s there?

>> No.17548074


>> No.17548084

it'll catch up to you after a few years but its not terribad. you might gain a few lbs in your stomach. not even that much alcohol but what are the chances that if you drink one a day you'll stay at one a day?

>> No.17548091

yeah, its a good meal replacement.

>> No.17548123

wow, that's expensive. they're $2 here and tall cans (25 fl oz) are $1. ironically, they cost almost double in ghetto areas but are cheap in nice areas since upper middle class don't drink it.

>> No.17548142
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>he cant into industrial grade alcohol
You are like little babby

>> No.17548147

>methyl alcohol
retard that shit will kill you dead