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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17541465 No.17541465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that women don't care if a guy can cook and bake at all, let alone if he can do it well?

>> No.17541470

It's not that they don't care abiut a man cooking it's just they don't care about YOU

>> No.17541472

Dude why do you keep spamming the catalog with tranny shit?

>> No.17541477

wtf are you talking about, women are lazy and heavily appreciate a man that will pick up their end of the housework.

>> No.17541483
File: 41 KB, 478x478, 1647025851848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, freak

>> No.17541767

Then why do they want to hang out so often? Just not have dinner or cake. Or talk about cooking.
On dates and when texting, cooking is a boring topic compared to others apparently.

Eat shit with your awful fetish you keep shoving everywhere

>> No.17541779

It's just been recently too what the hell man

So many threads start fine but have an anime girl then turn into gay erping

>> No.17541787

Hello, I'm one of those men.

See, unlike the skinhead untouchables who inhabit this site, I grew up and became a normal human being with healthy relationships and a good career.

I don't have a problem with gay people.
I don't have a problem with brown people.
I don't have a problem with Muslims.
I don't have a problem with Jews.
I kinda sorta respect the holyfuckinghell out of modern women.

In other words, I'm not a pea brained toddler repeating history as farce with an orange fucktard who puts children into LITERAL concentration camps.

I'm not pissing my pants scared at the idea of women having more voices, more votes, and - GASP - more control over worldly affairs.

I'm not cucked to the cruel, nonsensical, evil ideas cooked up by shitty white men a hundred fucking years ago, or the shitty sexist morals all but beaten into us by our shitty fucking forefathers.

I'm free of toxic masculinity. Fuck yes, you will be hearing that phrase a whole fucking lot over the next ten years, and it will become law.

So suck my asshole, you fucking cowards. Go real deep and suck like I know you secretly want to.

Fascism is so fucking dead after 2020 you won't even be able to smell its oozing corpse.

Your world is thrashing around on its deathbed as we speak.

It's gone for fucking forever as soon as the rotten Cheetoh is gone.

Here, have a look inside my crystal ball.

I see a whole fucking lot of bold, pissed off, beautiful women tap dancing on your skull for the HELL you inflicted on them the past four years.

And men like me will be right there at their sides just laughing. Mocking. Drowning you in heaps upon heaps of your own shitty shit.

>> No.17541800

>I'm one of those men.
Which ones?

>> No.17541803

Sounds like you're trying to chat up dumb thots with zero life skills. Food is such a fundamental part of life, I can't imagine how anyone could be impartial to it.

>> No.17541847
File: 723 KB, 1254x1252, 1646377154145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undeniable truth below:

Cooking/baking really is not hard. Even room temp IQs can follow a list of directions. Preparing food is furthermore a low effort step towards positioning yourself for the stay at home mother grift. It's a job interview to be hired by your partner

If your partner cooks and cleans on his own, your comparative value is lower, you would have to seek higher effort signaling to get hired as a housewife.

>> No.17541857

because they dont care about things being well made so long as they get their shitty overly sweet foods, thats why women without men cant cook

>> No.17541875
File: 286 KB, 1080x978, 1646767290101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could impress women like this by cooking
i want to be valued and pegged for my baklava making skills

>> No.17541885

Even for women, the grift is largely over. I don't blame them for trying, it's a sweet gig. I sure as hell am not going to deprive myself of one of life's few remaining pleasures at the cost of a huge chunk of household income.

>> No.17541893

The other side of the coin is, if you are willing to buy a housewife out of her existing career, you can land someone that would otherwise be outside of your league.

The modern career woman exists in a few fields, but everyone still would love to be a houseNEET, assuming your partner can afford it

>> No.17541972

OP here, Serb as well. Maybe women here just can't appreciate it.

>> No.17541990

She'll care if you cook her something and it actually turns out to be good. I bet she assumes you're full of shit like most people are. I've lost count of how many people told me that they're good cooks and the food they cooked ended up being terrible (I still ate it out of politeness).

>> No.17542069

you will never be a... what?

>> No.17542083


>> No.17542110

where do you live? women love a cooking guy

>> No.17542136

stay at home father

>> No.17542152

Probably a gay, a trannie would rather die that admit to being male.

>> No.17542425

Would be cool if she wanted to try it


>> No.17542435

reddit spacing