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17541145 No.17541145 [Reply] [Original]

give tips and tricks on getting pizza to be delicious and sinful
how the fuck do I make pizza stretch like in the commercials, what mix of cheeses do I use
I currently just use parmesan and dry mozzarella (regular mozzarella is too watery)
please give me your wisdom /ck/

>> No.17541165
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>My most recent 'za

>> No.17541180

I use to make mozzarella + parmesan + raclette + emmental

>> No.17541267

Not bad but it needs a bit more color on the crust. You need to let it cook for 2 more minutes at least.

>> No.17541281

The commercials use white glue for cheese.

>> No.17541294

High moisture mozzarella balls are extremely stretchy. In the commercials the slice is sliced before baking so the cheese doesn't get cut. You can't get a sick cheese pull.

>> No.17541298

Bumping. Gf and I have been making pizzas nonstop for a few days now. So far I've found that a very high heat will cook the crust, but not overcook the cheese to the point of browning. Letting the dough rise a lot also helps the crust stay fluffier, we're trying letting it rise overnight. For the cheese pull, we've found that mozzarella balls work better than shredded. More moisture maybe? Idk yet, will follow up.

>> No.17541305

use full fat mozz and cut it into cubes instead of grating it

>> No.17541326
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Made this pan pizza (panza if you will). Cheese looks funky because I shredded it and mixed it with chili powder.

>> No.17541328
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For TV style cheese pulls, you want to use Mozzerella, but not just any mozz. Look for WHOLE MILK LOW MOISTURE mozzerella, and use a healthy amount. Shredding your own is always best, and it can be hard to find pre-shredded whole milk stuff unless you're shopping for huge bags at a restaurant supply store.

>> No.17541335

You should never use pre-shredded in general if you can help it. The anti-caking fucks with the melting. Plus it's probably more expensive, anyway.

>> No.17541347
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Here's the underside. Very cakey but I heard it's how pan'za is supposed to be?

>> No.17541364

As long as you like it it's all good bro. Wouldn't prefer that to a normal 'za personally.

>> No.17541373

You need a pizza stone and something to launch it with-- an actual peel or a big piece of cardboard if you are a poorfag. You don't need a stand mixer. Mix the dough with a spoon and let it sit for an hour. Then knead it by hand for a minute. Cover it and put in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Put it out at least an hour before cooking. Preheat the oven for at least 45 minutes.

Low moisture whole milk mozz is the standard for NY pizza but not always easy to find. That's how you get the cheese pull. Always shred or slice your own. Regular low moisture part skim you can find anywhere is pretty shitty. Blocks of whole milk mozz are good but a little wet, still not as wet as fresh. You can counteract the wetness by using a thick puree or crushed tomatoes instead of a thin sauce. You don't need any other cheese. Legit NY places only use mozz, and sometimes a sprinkle of pecorino. There's no provolone or other fancy shit on them.

Bread flour instead of all-purpose; a whole milk mozz; crushed tomatoes or a heavy puree.

>> No.17541377
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Pizza OC dump incoming. Got a new phone, so I have all my pics on my PC now.

BBQ Chicken Pizza

>> No.17541383

Dough might be underworked or low gluten. What kind of flour is that, and what kind of oil is that?

>> No.17541386

>80% dough
>20% chicken

>> No.17541396
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This one was cooked right under the broiler, pre-heating the stone the same way. Ripping hot, probably the best way to approximate a neopolitan style cook in the home.

>> No.17541401

This looks just about perfect to me. You probably use too much cheese because it's fully coated and I see beads of oil everywhere. But I see a little black bubble on the crust at the bottom so you pulled it out at the optimal moment. Crust chars so freaking fast as soon as it starts to get a little color.

>> No.17541403
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My most recent

>> No.17541407

Crust looks pretty good; toppings look almost uncooked. Lots of vegetables = lots of water. Little more top heat, more oven time.

>> No.17541409
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Pan Party Pizza

>> No.17541410
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And my kiddo's
(the half with anchovies is also mine)

>> No.17541411

What kind of cheese did you use?

>> No.17541413

Try starting with the broiler on-- not at the end. Launch with the broiler glowing and turn it off and go back to the regular bake after about 30-45 seconds.

>> No.17541418
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An Italian Boi

>> No.17541419

pretty good looking grandma. Ferment your dough it'll take it to the next level

>> No.17541424
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Trying pizzas on a big green egg thing. Not quite ready yet...

I have no idea, looks like fresh mozz.

>> No.17541428

They unironically use glue to make the cheese look like that, never trust commercials with anything, ever

>> No.17541430
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Mega Mushroom Pan. It still didn't have enough mushrooms.

What makes you assume I'm not fermenting my doughs?

>> No.17541431
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This cheeseburger sloppa pizza was actually crazy good. Murrica.

>> No.17541434
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>Wouldn't prefer that to a normal 'za personally.
Can't say that I do, either. Just thought I'd give it a shot. I always mess up regular pizza because my oven sucks so it made sense to me at the time.
Just checked, it's 000, lmao.
Olive oil. This is the dough, ~30h in the fridge

>> No.17541437
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Focaccia-bread pizza with cherry tomatoes, arugula and ricotta cream.

>> No.17541442
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I have more pics, but it starts to get repetitive, so I'll end with a spread from Pizzeria Binaco, in Phoenix AZ. The World's Best(tm) Pizzeria. Thanks for coming to my pizza party.

>> No.17541474

Nice toppings. I'm disturbed by how perfectly straight those edges are. Please remake this one with this dough >>17541409

>> No.17541757

Good lookin 'za's boyos! I'm making one tonight with my pizza steel. Is pizza steel a meme?

>> No.17541785
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My first pizza

>> No.17541790
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>> No.17541845

Oh my. Do you have a silver colored baking sheet? Maybe wrap the sheet fully top and bottom with foil if not.

>> No.17541852


For a first try that looks pretty baller, could use more cheese for my taste. Good job waiting until it was actually done, most amatures take it out waaaay too soon.

>> No.17541927

The grandma doesn't look fermented. The crust is uniform. It lacks microblistering.

>> No.17542103
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Look at this cutie

>> No.17542195
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I'm a pro ny style pizza chef at a upscale pizzaria. I'm also a avid ny style pizza maker at home so I understand the difference's required to make pizza at home. Id rather talk on discord or text as its much easier to send messages. my discord is cahleb#0178.

>how to make pizza stretch like commercials?
develop enough gluten that it can stretch thin without tearing, than properly relax that gluten so its extensible, fermentation and temperature of dough play a role as well.

>what mix of cheese
either all whole milk low moisture mozz or mix of wmlm + a melty but flavorful cheese like provolone or pepperjack. Than grate dop parmigiano reggiano or grana padano on after or under the cheese.

(probably) dont do this. Blast the broiler on the stone for 5 min before to get an extra 70ish degrees on the stone, but turn it off during the bake. It will most likely brown the top too quickly and inhibit oven spring in the crust. If you have a weak broiler or weird oven it could work. if you want more browning in the crust, add more sugars to the dough. broil at the end if you want more browning

>> No.17542201
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>> No.17542204
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>> No.17542228
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How hot should my home oven be senpai? Is 450 alright or should I crank it to 500+?

>> No.17542238
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>how the fuck do I make pizza stretch like in the commercials
stretch it as much as it'll go then leave it for 10 minutes for the dough to relax then final stretch. as far as the shape goes you'll get better over time

Your crust isn't baked enough, judging by how brown the top was compared to the doneness of the crust you probably didn't use a pizza stone or steel. Get one, it's the best investment for home pizza.
Nice, crust looks airy
Very nice, just need to work on the shape
The breadstick texture of the crust sucks in my opinion. It's the biggest downside of using a pan and not a steel/stone
0 air in the crust, needs a longer ferment, hotter oven or a stone/steel
Looks fantastic. What's your hydration and flour type/strength?

>> No.17542277

as hot as it can go. And you will probably need around 4% sugar or milk powder/ malt syrup to help the crust brown without everything else burning.

59% hydration, 3% fat, high gluten white flour. Some times i through 5% semolina in the mix

>> No.17542289

>59% hydration
Damn that's really low for a home pizza. Do you have an oven that gets very hot and/or use a steel? I'd never get a crust that airy if I used that hydration with my stone/oven.

>> No.17542336
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I use a 1 inch pizza stone. This open crumb was 59% hydration. It’s due to good but not over gluten development, 50% rise bulk fermentation and proper final fermentation. I was obsessed with the biggest best crumb for awhile but I don’t care anymore. It’s nice to flex online but that’s really it. It isn’t crazy more flavorful. I’m more concerned with the overall flavor of the pizza and texture.

Here is my current formula. It gets slightly less ovenspring than the pic above, but still gets a nice open crumb with better flavor. Malt syrup can be subbed for sugar, if so increase water to 59%. Flavacol is just butter flavored seasoning salt, or course sub for salt. Vwg = vital wheat gluten which is a additive, can be left out. Be careful about over proofing this recipe, with the bulk, it will have a shot ton of air in it and can be harder to evenly stretch if it’s overproofed.

>> No.17542338

I've done it all in a home oven. Broiler at the start for a brief period is superior to the charred very top rim at the end. Oven spring, even browning.

>> No.17542342
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>> No.17542346

Fair, I should have considered things can work for other people even if it doesn’t work for my particular situation

>> No.17542350

Cheers, saved. How would you adjust the kneading time if you're doing it by hand?

>> No.17542368

Add cold water, dissolve yeast, salt and sugar. Add flour and VWG, and mix until a shaggy dough forms. Drizzle olive oil in and knead 10 minutes or until it starts to somewhat smooth out. Rest 20-25 minutes. It should now be totally smooth, ball or letter fold and start bulk,

Honestly you could probably add the olive oil in with the water and just knead like 1-2 minutes longer

>> No.17542374

How big of a difference does the wheat gluten make? Though I really doubt I could get it here anyways

>> No.17542383

skip it, DESU I don’t know if it does anything, but It’s supposed to be good for dough at that amount, use the highest gluten flour you can find but more importantly I think is just knead a little longer if you are using a lower gluten flour. Flour really doesn’t make a huge difference. Go by appearance, the dough should start to become more smooth but not totally smooth around the 8-11 minute mark.

>> No.17542441

That crust does look beautiful though. How long do you leave it in the oven?

>> No.17542453

For this pizza there is a lot of olive oil on the bottom of the pan to help fry the bottom of the pizza. I think foil would prevent that from happening but let me know if I am wrong.

Thank you. I was scared it would was burned before I tried a slice and it was actually very good. Really complex flavor where the oil stuck to the crust. Beginner's luck I guess.

Actually curious if any other anons have additional tips besides >>17542338
to get beautiful pizzas like >>17542195. A different style than what I am starting out with but what tools do you use to reach such a great round looking pie at home? How long did you work on your recipe?

>> No.17542480

I assumed you wouldn't want the bottom that dark, so yeah, a shiny pan or foil would reduce browning. If it tasted good then no problem.

>> No.17542547

6ish min

I made that on a 18inch pizza screen, no stone or anything else, 4% sugar, 6% milk powder was enough sugars to get the crust very brown at 525 in 8 minutes. Creating dough that is able to be stretched is the first step, than practice.

>> No.17543127

if you guys add my discord i can walk you through everything, give you sauce and cheese tips, and trouble shoot everything

>> No.17544435

always use three cheeses mozzarella, pecorino and ricotta. high-moisture mozza is best. buffalo mozza is perfect.

for pizza dough make a 62% hydration, 2.5% salt, 1% yeast, 3 tablespoons olive oil, knead for 10 minutes then cold rise in the fridge for 24 hours. 2 hours before baking pull out dough and form into balls. allow a full 2 hour rise on the bench. when done properly the dough will be super elastic and easy to form into rounds. don't use a rolling pin. gently stretch leaving a slightly thicker edge. then transfer to a pizza peel before adding sauce and cheese.

then onto super hot stone and 90 seconds for the perfect neopolitan pizza. I make pizza once a week and get leopard spots and the perfect crust every time.

>> No.17544442

fuck you anit vaxx pizza communard

>> No.17545499

I did this when I first started,. Don't bother. A quality bread flour is all you really need. If you can get actual high-gluten pizza flour that's fine but don't overwork it (and that's really easy to do) Also if you were thinking about it don't ever bother with fancy Neapolitan 00 if you are making pizza in a home oven. 00 is just unmalted bread flour milled very fine like a gravy flour. It actually makes a worse pizza in a home oven.

Flour, water, yeast, salt, evoo, sugar. And actually even the evoo and sugar are arguably not necessary.

>> No.17545526

Looks amazing.