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File: 331 KB, 1125x1500, PSX_20220311_112341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17540666 No.17540666 [Reply] [Original]

is this legal?

>> No.17540673

what's the issue

>> No.17540675

What? Pouring drinks in metal containers? Smells like stupid murica post.

>> No.17540683

the nutrition facts are clearly fiction

>> No.17540691

100 calories but 0 carbs, 0 fat and 0 protein. It's nonsense.

>> No.17540693

Thats a Celsius energy drink, right? And in what capacity is it misleading? The ingredients list is right there, assuming they have not been omitted from including anything.

>> No.17540700

it's a hard seltzer
with vodka and fruit juice

>> No.17540704

i think it might be borderline legal since alcohol doesn't need to print nutrition facts
but it's false advertising so idk

>> No.17540705

>sugar 0g
>4th ingredient: sugars
Huh, it's funny cause in leafland you have to list ingredients in order of quantity too.

>> No.17540706

>in what capacity is it misleading?
look at the nutrition facts and use your brain

>> No.17540709

9*grams of fat + 4*grams of carbs + 4*grams of protein = calories
yet somehow it has 100 calories despite supposedly having 0 of everything
there's no amount of rounding that makes that possible

>> No.17540710
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Wow, it's fucking nothing.

>4th ingredient
It's also below "Natural flavour" and only above ingredients which are only present in single-digit milligrams per can. There's probably just a droplet of "Sugars (pomegranate juice extract)" in the whole thing.

>> No.17540722 [DELETED] 

did you miss the second ingredient?

>> No.17540723
File: 7 KB, 650x158, Screenshot_2022-03-11 alcohol calories - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if tarded.

>> No.17540726

I belive you don't have to include macro nutrients and can mark it as 0 if it's less then 1g

>> No.17540737

alcohol is calories

>> No.17540744

oh god i might be tarded
i thought alcohol was sugar or carbs or something

>> No.17540797

So why bother wasting the time and product to add an immeasurable amount of sugar?

>> No.17540812
File: 58 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-38e3e3b2f13d070a260770c81e4a7525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do retards pay for a shot of vodka and seltzer water?

>> No.17540821

less than a 12 oz and a pack of flavored seltzer actually

>> No.17540826

For the mild pomegranate flavour?

>> No.17540829

The price point and alcohol content is usually set around the same as beer and wine coolers.

>> No.17540877

>Mix a shot of vodka with 3/4 oz of some homemade flavored syrup like grenadine or lime cordial
>top with 4oz of club soda
A little more work for probably close to half the price and more flavor. Plus you can use the syrup in other drinks so you can have some variety.

>> No.17540883

The point I was trying to make was that it's equivalent to a beer or a wine cooler, not a highball. You're making a "roast beef sandwich vs. big mac" argument.

>> No.17540887

I know, I'm just saying there are better ways if you're actually worried about cost.

>> No.17540889

Give it up, Albini.

>> No.17540898
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its just seltzer with some vodka and fruit juice dumbass vodka has no sugar or carbs but a ridiculous amount of calories per shot

>> No.17540899
File: 687 KB, 619x863, Albini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude? He actually seems pretty cool

>> No.17540900


>> No.17540912

because of alcohol laws in canada they can literally sell this for less than all those ingredients would cost
crazy but true

>> No.17540921

How much USD per can are you paying?

>> No.17540957


>> No.17540968

I mean, a fifth of vodka is ~$22 here in BC (I prefer Silent Sam). That's 25.4oz, or 16 standard 1.5oz drinks, for around $1.38 per drink. The drink in the OP is 100 calories, so I'm assuming that's 1.5oz of vodka plus soda. A 750ml bottle of San Pelligrino is $2.79 at Save-On (on special this week for 2-for-$4, but we'll ignore that), giving you about two OP-sized portions at $1.40 each.
So your drink costs you $2.40, if you listen to Steve Albini ITT.

I have no clue what the drink in the OP actually is, but BC Liquor sells 6-packs of Nutrl or Nude for around $14. That's $2.34 per can. Pretty much equivalent.

All values in leafdollars.

>> No.17540982

By the way, I intentionally didn't go out of my way to find the cheapest substitutes, but you can get much cheaper soda and somewhat cheaper vodka sodas.

>> No.17540988

i got it for $1.5cad per can
it's not something i would normally buy it was cheap af and came with a free fanny pack

>> No.17540993

desu i don't love it it tastes like artificial sweetner even though it has none

>> No.17540994
File: 204 KB, 1433x1573, youdroppedthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came with a free fanny pack

>> No.17541005

The FDA allows a profuct to be labeled sugar free if Less than 0.5 g sugars per RACC and per labeled serving.

>> No.17541010

Yeah you're tarded but it's OK everyone here is
Sugar is a type of carb
Alcohol is another type of carb
Carbs contain calories

>> No.17541015

thanks for the clarification
what type of carb is called carbs?

>> No.17541019

It's the CFIA in this case but they have the same policy.

>> No.17541021
File: 137 KB, 750x712, 1644353559659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Co-op/president's choice/big 8 sparkling water is $1 maybe $2 for a 2 litre and you can buy flavoured ones already. Hit that with some bottle shelf hobo vodka.
It's definitely more economical to mix your own unless that shit comes with a fanny pack and dubs >>17540988

>> No.17541026

Alcohol is not a carbohydrate in any sense of the word. It's its own thing entirely.

>> No.17541044

this makes more sense
will i get fat if i huff gas?

>> No.17541062

I can get a glass 1L bottle of Vodka for $13 USD, so twenty 50mL shots at $.65 each. Sugar, water, and juice are dirt cheap. For instance, 2 cups pomegranate juice is $3 and one of the more expensive juices. add in 4 cups of sugar ($2.50) which makes about 3.25 cups of juice(I know this because I have made grenadine before.) I'm going to round up to $6 for what is 26 fl oz of syrup that will be shelf stable forever. If I follow the recipe and add 3/4 oz to every soda, that's $.18 worth of syrup per drink.
Lastly, 4oz of club soda is literally pennies. I can get 32 oz of club soda for less than $1.50. $1.50/32oz = $0.047 per oz, times four is a little less than 19 cents.
Add it all up, .65 + .18 + .19, that's a $1.02 a drink. I know it isn't half like I said, I hadn't done the math yet, but you can get that even lower if you don't opt for the glass bottle and instead get shit tier vodka. I bet you they're not using high quality vodka in these seltzers unless you shell out the big bucks. Plus you KNOW what is flavoring your drink, and there will be twice as much flavor. Because of this I personally think it is a superior product, it would be worth it even if they did cost the same.
Now is it worth it to go through the effort of making one vs. just cracking open a can? Dunno, $.16 a can might not seem like much and it adds up. As someone who is making syrups for cocktails anyways, it certainly is worth it for me. You could forgo the syrup part and just add juice directly, but I like a little sweetness and I have it around.

>> No.17541071

>I can get a glass 1L bottle of Vodka for $13 USD
Don't remind me... I haven't been able to cross the border in over a year.

>> No.17541074

alcohol costs way more in canada, tard
a 375ml costs more than your litre
your math and wall post is therefore irrelevant to this discussion

>> No.17541081

We're discussing booze in Canada though. Most of of provinces have government run monopolies (crown corporation) on alcohol sales so prices get set by the government and then taxed out the ass because of our Healthcare system that demands sin taxes on stuff that contributes to poor health. We can't get booze as cheap here despite half the country being functional alcoholics.

>> No.17541083

Hey, go easy on him. I appreciated the price point comparison to my own wall of text.

>> No.17541093

But you only pay $1.17 USD per can of vodka seltzer?
If I were to use my price per can, it's $17.50 for 12 cans, so $1.45 per can.

>> No.17541096

i appreciate that but i was already triggered when he asked for the total in usd
everyone in canada is aware we can buy a months worth of alcohol in america for $22
that's why they made borders

>> No.17541098

Actually, just found some for $15.99 at a different place, so $1.33 per can.

>> No.17541099

>price per can, it's $17.50 for 12 cans, so $1.45 per can.
wow you're almost at op's price per can and you dont even get a fanny pack

>> No.17541140
File: 87 KB, 937x409, Screenshot_2022-03-11 Buy BCLIQUOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys actually have 1L liquor bottles down there? That's weird and a half. Our standard bottle sizes are based off imperial measures:
>750ml (fifth of a gallon)
>1.14L (40oz)
>1.75L (60oz)
Because metricization was largely a lip service move in commonwealth countries.

>> No.17541142

there's laws here for minimum price based on alcohol%
so you can technically sell vodka diluted to 5% for $1/~250ml (this price varies by province i don't know them all)
but straight vodka is another price something around ~$5/250 ml

>> No.17541148

Though you're getting ~8x the amount of alcohol per volume at only ~5x the price increase.

>> No.17541167

Yeah, our progression is usually
Man, that shit is fucked. So that makes the prices more comparable like >>17540968 calculated. I still think it is worth it, as I stated in this post >>17541062, but yeah. At $22 for 750ml it might cost less for someone to fucking ship it to you from across the border.

>> No.17541179

i think i have it fucked up
pretty sure diluted costs less no matter what but i don't want to look into it any further

yes it definitely costs less to buy from smugglers ;)

>> No.17541197

yall ever had bourbon? i spent 5 bucks on a 2 liter (1.75L but whos rlly counting) the other day and it was gross. I've decided bourbon is icky.

>> No.17541198

Most Canadians like close to the boarder. It's pretty common to max out your allotted booze on a trip to the states or to risk bringing more and potentially getting taxed. Same used to go for smokes too but I doubt that's as common these days.

>> No.17541201

Before you guys closed your border, common practice if you lived close enough was to drive down once a week for a tank of gas and hit the liquor store every other trip. I never once got dinged with duty fees since most of the time they didn't ask about it and if they did you'd just say "Yessir" and they'd say "Alright, drive safely". As long as you weren't hauling barrels of the stuff across the border, they didn't bother wasting their time with the paperwork to charge you the ~$20 duty.

I did a bunch of price-per-percentage-alcohol calculations back when I started drinking heavily. Lower percent drinks are superficially cheaper but you wind up paying more for the same amount of actual alcohol. That's why most alcoholics are into hard liquor up here.

>> No.17541205

bourbons my favorite
i had a regular stream of blanton's for a while about $70/750l? but it's dried up

>> No.17541209

I got it from walmart. it was okay with some DC (my name for diet coke)MYDPR

>> No.17541215

i accidentaly included my captcha

>> No.17541219
File: 107 KB, 256x389, ButtersStotch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst trouble i ever got into at the border was for an orange i packed for lunch
and i brought ecstasy one time

>> No.17541240

i'm too drunk and retarded to do any more math right now but i was basing my original calculation on being able to get a 375ml bottle of 40% for ~$12 but it doesn't look like you can get one for under $17

>> No.17541250
File: 20 KB, 474x237, OIP (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that legal?

>> No.17541254

$17 for 375ml? That's what I am paying for cheaper cognac. You guys need to do something, christ.

>> No.17541262

It's $12 here in BC, but we have competition through the private stores. My local private proudly advertises that they'll undercut gov't prices by 10%.
Some provinces have it much worse.

>> No.17541310

I thought your health care was free?

>> No.17541336

no such thing exists anywhere in the world, you pay healthcare with taxes, no taxes no healthcare.

>> No.17541346

Free as in it's paid for by our taxes and only covers basic stuff. Anything deemed unhealthy is heavily taxed, in theory, to subsidize the outcome on the Healthcare system.

>> No.17541357
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, rc_an (21).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never EVER say that to a Canadian.

>> No.17541360
File: 580 KB, 1500x1000, oonset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here i learned something today
thanks 4channel

>> No.17541542
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>> No.17541555

Nothing wrong that I see.
I miss when you could buy alcoholic drinks with caffeine.

>> No.17541573

but now you have an entire bottle of vodka in the house
these are good products for runaway drinkers

>> No.17541655
File: 157 KB, 710x710, 1643291978211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And somehow this comment was missed by 23 other IP's. Astounding.

>> No.17541669

What were we supposed to say? There's nothing preventing a bottler from requesting a nutrition information assessment and slapping it on their label to appeal to the """health conscious""". No part of the label was actually false advertising.

>> No.17541670
File: 116 KB, 511x453, turt5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. It's why I started using one of those wine brewing services. You put the yeast in and then come to bottle in 4 weeks. $115 Syrup Dollars for 30 bottles.

>> No.17541676

Leaf here, I don't believe manufacturers need to specify the nutrition of alcohol, and seeing as there is nothing but water and vodka in the seltzer, they give you 100cal with no nutrient information

>> No.17541688

They should include the alcohol in the calorie values table.
How much ABV?

>> No.17541700

Whoa really? Can you recommend one friend?

>> No.17541713

>There's nothing preventing a bottler from requesting a nutrition information assessment and slapping it on their label to appeal to the """health conscious"""
Actually, yes there is.
There are several foods and beverages that are exempt by law from listing their nutritional content on the label.
Alcohol, vinegar, and fresh food for example.

>> No.17541715

I did some calculations, is the ABV 5,1%?

>> No.17541723

Not who you're replying to and no idea where you're at, but my buddy gets his wine at similar prices done at Terminal City Brewing on Clark in East Van. Just look up Ubrews in your area and check their rates.

>> No.17541726

I'm not sure you understand the meaning of "exempted" here. That doesn't mean "forbidden" or "prevented".

>> No.17541840
File: 211 KB, 1226x473, vizzy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My calculations were right, I feel so damn smart now

>> No.17542039

It's the fourth macronutrient. It serves a function in the body, and we always have some natural alcohol present in the bloodstream. Even more with a moderate fruit and veg intake.

>> No.17542335

Someone call someone, we got a brainiac over here!

>> No.17542525

Call me mr Einstein, if you will

>> No.17542533

Spanish has been legal for years

>> No.17542546

oh ya? well i reverse engineered the walkers cookies recipe by looking at its nutritional info
beat that nerd

>> No.17542638

Well, chief, I gotta admit it's pretty impressive, but baking is a whole other animal so to speak, u get what'm'sayin'?

>> No.17542662

checked. and doesn't really matter. it's a scheduled drug, they don't really have much of a legal reason to be %100 honest.

>> No.17542689

nothing like the "it's cheaper to drink at home" weirdo losers
here's a fucking hint: nobody is going to bars and dropping 5x the cost on drinks because they just like to waste money

>> No.17543056

>nobody is going to bars and dropping 5x the cost on drinks because they just like to waste money
thats exactly what it is

>> No.17543079

I hate to say it, but this is neither the place to complain about weirdo losers nor is it the place t complain about people who waste money.

>> No.17543093

dont be a pussy

>> No.17543133

Especially with with fourth ingredient being sugars.

>> No.17543138

Anything below a certain weight threshold can be placed as 0g, it's how tic tacs can say they have no sugar when they're pretty much entirely sugar.

>> No.17543143

wrist yourself homo

>> No.17543146

>says it's nothing
>diabetes hand shake means the camera can't focus
Lose weight.

>> No.17543166

>File: 1597076699435.jpg
Not sure if you're a classically trained retard or a prodigy.

>> No.17543333


>> No.17544138
File: 160 KB, 1439x1569, 1645386757828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dumb high school or college student
>can't buy alcohol because US booze laws are fucked
>State ran liquor stores too
>Limited to beer & wine for easy to get alcohol
>either buy some bottom tier Milwaukee's Best or something easy and quick to drink and the girls will drink too.

Adults can just go buy vodka, this is kid tier beer replacement. It doesn't help that the fucking IPA fad ruined the beer market.

>> No.17545174

Lmao, checked.

Vodka sodas have started to become an oversaturated marked, if you ask me. What started off as something where a bartender would throw a bunch of shots in a pitcher and top it off with the shitty soda gun has turned into a whole section of the cooler at the liquor store.

>> No.17546205

>and we always have some natural alcohol present in the bloodstream

yeah ok booze hound