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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 107 KB, 450x450, selfchekout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17532566 No.17532566 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest /ck/ do you cheat at self-checkout machines?

I used to scan avocados as cucumbers when I was in college. Also few times some expensive Belgian beers as same weight pisswasser

>> No.17532577

i'm not poor

>> No.17532581

Spends on the store. Some of these are packed with cameras, temperamental scales, “calls attendant” over every little thing.
If you wanted to cheat a self-checkout in Minecraft, the easiest would be Whole Foods.

>> No.17532591

first of all I'm not poor, second I'm not black, third my idiot roomate got caught doing this and now has to drive across down for groceries since he's banned from the store

>> No.17532658 [DELETED] 

Why would you do the work that the grocery store does for you?

Fucking idiots.

>> No.17532660

you can't self checkout alcohol

>> No.17532668

Im not a thief.

>> No.17532675 [DELETED] 

>he chooses to do extra work

>> No.17532677

You can but you need to smash that call for attendance button for the wagie to type in a date on the computer, it’s easier to buy booze at the normal checkout desu.

>> No.17532693 [DELETED] 

I’m not a nigger

>> No.17532695


I feel like I've noticed baggers moving slower.
I wonder if they are just trying to get people to use self checkout and less people come to their lines.

I only use self checkout if I have like 1-2 items and want to get in and out quickly. However anti-social mouth breathing retards are lining up 5-1 for self checkout, so its actually faster to get them to do it.

>> No.17532711

I'll select no plastic bags then take one for free when I'm done, that's as far as I'll go, but that's because I remember a time when they were free and I think it's bullshit that they no longer are. Climate change isn't real.

>> No.17532722
File: 161 KB, 1000x847, Finger+%25C3%25B8l.jpg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can register your fingerprint here

>> No.17532738

The self check outs are fine for a few items, but they seem to have became so temperamental recently that trying to do your whole shop in one takes forever. And the wagies running it take forever to reset the thing.
I'll choose the normal lane, but even so, there's less baggers and they're so slow at it. More than half the time if I bring my own bags, they simply won't lift a finger to bag anything at all.

>> No.17532757

I used one last weekend.

I didn't have many items and there was a long line to wait.

It was weird, but good, despite the machine running into error and the designated Karen having to come help to unfuck the computer.

I didn't like the fact that I needed to run the item through the scanner and then immediately bag it. I'm very autistic when it comes to this.

>> No.17532761

I could do beers in my country. Never tried harder alcohols.

>> No.17532778

Depends. When the person running the register slow, sometimes using the self checkout is a good idea if you have a minimum of items (Wal-Mart). Other times, like when buying beer at the grocery store or paint as the hardware store, I use the register because the machine stops to ask for ID, then some lazy person has to saunter over and mess with the machine for 5 minutes just to check my one age-approved item.

>> No.17532788

worked at a grocery store and am now super autistic about bagging as well, they need more space

>> No.17532866

Every self checkout I know comes with a scale so it should be able to accurately tell if you're trying to scam it

>> No.17532881

the walmart ones have never bothered me about weight not matching up. i think they have the scales disabled. but yeah, other stores' self checkouts freak out sometimes even when im not trying to scam them

>> No.17532891

How would scale tell it's being scammed?

1kg of potatoes is the same as 1kg of avocados.

>> No.17532926
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But potatoes are heavier than avocados

>> No.17532948
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>> No.17533012

Some discounter near me has 6 of these little checkout stations near the register, I sometimes steal just for the fun of it, the store is really shitty too, the staff is really fucked up, one of the cashier guys constantly drinks with the homless that hang out near the store when he's on a break, one time one of the clerks called another one by her name and she got all angry and told him she doesn't want her real name used in front of the customers. Eventually they hired a security guy to stand near the self checkouts, but it turned out he was just there because homless people kept grabbing vodka from the liquor isle and just walked out of the store, so he really didn't give a shit about the self checkouts. Funny enough one time he did walk up to me while I was scanning my stuff and just to tell me I should remove the security thing from the toothpaste I bought so it doesn't trigger the alarm when I walk out. I really love that store

>> No.17533019

No, I'm black and I hate perpetuating stereotypes.

>> No.17533137

Shit like this is why credit card companies can suck my dick. Remember, you're entitled to pay with cash everywhere.

>> No.17533139

There's a single wagie watching the self checkout stations who just has to hit a button at their station to let alcohol go through. Just glance over for the thumbs-up after scanning and you're all good. Dunno what shitholes you're shopping in.

>> No.17533178

many produce items (such as avocados and cucumbers) are often sold by each instead of by weight

>> No.17533194

I never have but then I'm not a nignog and prefer my stuff to be bagged for me and put into my cart.

>> No.17533207

That guy on the left looks like Mr. Scratch from the movie The Devil & Daniel Webster.
Trust him at your own peril.

>> No.17533376
File: 25 KB, 900x900, 1646311187876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work in a grocery store and it really hurts my feelings when i catch people cheating in the self checkout

>> No.17533395

Are you one of those smelly old biddies with thirty cats that insists on paying with loose change and pennies?

>> No.17533409

>at least two cameras
>at least one employee watching like a hawk


>> No.17533410

most of them have cameras that will check the product matches. I got flagged scanning red chillies as green chillies by one of them (genuine mistake, they cost the same).
The way it's set up, I can't tell if they used some machine learning garbage, or if it's basic template matching.

>> No.17533414

Are you one of those tards with a chip in every finger so you can be smurrt like your fone?

>> No.17533494

100% false.
i do it all the time.
the attendant needs to come over and ok it.

>> No.17533499

why would i do that?

>> No.17533501

>take one for free
they're all free in a real country.

>> No.17533510

Only tomatoes, I scan them to whatever variety is the cheapest

>> No.17533594

I use them when I'm in a hurry or the regular line long is really fucking long. I always use them at walmart because they only have a couple of cashiers and everybody who hates these fills those lanes out into the aisle.

>> No.17533613

can I cheat to make the self-checkout machine actually work in a reasonable fashion for purchases over ~20 items

>> No.17533677

Grab the scan gun

>> No.17533683

Yes, and I love every second of it. I love watching the faces of people like you, convenience-chasing sheeple, waiting at the line at the supermarket. I love seeing your beady little eyes widen with discomfort the moment I whip out my coin purse, how you go from a condescendent smirk to increasingly deep sighs while I'm picking up my change, knowing that you have sold your purchase history to the devil in exchange of shaving a minute off your daily transactions, only to have it stolen by me insisting on paying with at least 20 coins of spare change. I usually pay with some foreign coins, just so the cashier realizes it and has to check all of them individually. The face of absolute defeat you make the when you realize we're back at square one fills me with childlike joy. And the best thing is, noone can even complain about it.

>> No.17533787

are you fucking slow?
>wagie must check you out

the easiest way to steal from one would be to unload a few items, scan the alocohol, let the wagies approve it and then pay without scanning the rest of your items. if you get confronted about it you can just play the "oh woopsies i thought i was done im sorry" card

>> No.17533820

why would i do this?
do i want my food costs to go up?

>> No.17533827
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No, I always pay cash.

>> No.17533834

No I pay for all my shit.

>> No.17533843

>Weigh bottle of spirit on veggie scale
>It's now a 1€ worth of potatoes
>Scan, put in checkout scale if asked to
>Leave with a free bottle

Also when you get to know how some places are run you can steal with no risks 30/40% of your groceries

>> No.17533896

No, I'm not poor and I'm not going to ruin it for people who are poor

>> No.17533906

You two fags must be really important and make millions per year, why don't have your butlers and maids shop for you? Heck you two should get a room, a tub of lube and some cucumbers and go to town on each other.

>> No.17533932

Depends on your country I guess
I often have to go behind the counter myself to get wiskey since there's no staff around, and I checkout without issues.

>> No.17533936

I'm not a nigger so no, I don't steal.

>> No.17533943

In Minecraft I would make the wagie come check out my wine while I would sneak other things out because they only check people once

>> No.17533970

Why would anyone bag your shopping for you? Are you the Queen?

>> No.17533994

You can in Texas

>> No.17534011
File: 69 KB, 1200x856, 20211128_001602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time, fuck those cunts I'm not spending 3$/LB for pomegranates. Besides they make more through wage theft than they lose from shop lifting.

>> No.17534020

I've probably self checkout booze in about half the states, and California is the only one where this was a thing

>> No.17534108 [DELETED] 

oops, UH OH guess what buddy if -I- can't say nigger? Nobody. Can say. Nigger. Consider yourself Reported. Janny! Lock this one away for three days, chop chop!

>> No.17534574

Act broke to stay rich, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.17534579

I got a free 6 pack at walmart last week. I just stuck it in the top of my cart and took my jacket off and threw it on top and the wagie at self checkout was none the wiser

>> No.17534637
File: 6 KB, 205x246, thatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regular oranges on super sale
>Got 10 pounds of oranges
>used the real checkout because I hate the goddamn self checkout
>cashier asked if the oranges were the regular or organic
>told her they were regular
>got home
>realized the stickers on all the oranges said organic
>I'd taken oranges from the organic bin
>grocery store closed a month later
>tfw put the grocery store out of business by accidentally getting organic oranges

>> No.17534662

If you're hit by wage theft file a complaint with the DOL and your state's labor board. DOL investigations are an absolute nightmare for a business to deal with.

I'm a tax accountant and was involved with putting together documentation for a Chinese buffet (the buffet was actually committing wage theft) that got hit with a DOL investigation followed by a lawsuit from the DOL. Just paying their attorney and the accounting firm I worked at cost tens of thousands of dollars. And that's before they had to pay the huge fines they racked up.

They were financially ruined, enormously stressed out, and ended up losing their business. Sucks to be them I guess.

>> No.17534673

I can't figure out what is more insulting to those grocers who fed us for years through covid. Nurse videos, mandatory vaccinations (or your job), or these fucking things.

>> No.17534676

this, it's bullshit that I have to pay 15cents for a "better made from recycled crap" bag. the only thing it's saving is the pockets of the upper management because you know they actually don't care about the environment and just uses it as an excuse to make more money.

>> No.17534684

Yeah but why does the DOL give a shit about what one worker says about Loblaws? That doesn't change the fact that it's a common occurrence and it's practically ignored.

>> No.17534688

In my area the bag charge isn't used to fund any environmental directives. It's not a tax collected by any level of government. It's just literally illegal for a store to provide free plastic bags to customers. Crazy that people support this kind of useless overreach. I'd still disagree with the fees if they were used to fund some environmental bullshit, but I could at least understand why some might be duped into supporting them. But that's not the case.

>> No.17534740

no but I hate them because they give you 0 space to work with. I fill my basket least crushable to most crushable, most boxy to least boxy and I need to fill my back the same way, but I can't do that because there is no room to empty your basket so you can scan your items and then but them back into bags in the reverse order you removed them

>> No.17534757

>Be honest /ck/ do you cheat at self-checkout machines?
No. Self-checkout machines make me happy because I don't have to interact with human beings so I'm extra careful to reward this opportunity with honesty.

>> No.17534763

>you can't self checkout alcohol
In Austria you can. It tells you that it needs approval but it's okay'd within seconds because the people just centrally approve it.

>> No.17534785

They will come around and check your id, afterward they have to input a code on the machine or scan their id card. I'll typically just go through the line with cashier, because I don't like waiting for employee to walk down and check my id. I'll put my id on top of the booze so they see it immediately.

>> No.17534821

I don't pay for bags.

I remeber when it became law and it annoyed my young self so much I refuse out of spite.

>> No.17534825

yeah seriously
if they want us to fucking bag our own items, give us some goddamn space to do it
its impossible to bag shit at those things for a 4-person household for example or a seriously full cat of items is very painful

>> No.17535395

why are you eating nonsense, anon?
also, that is the dumbest pic i've ever seen.
you can't steal wages from an employee because the employer gets to arbitrarily decide what was earned.
here's how it works:
>you work for me because i have money you want
>i pay you what i give a shit to because i'm the one that has the money
>i get a guy in a green plastic visor named randolph to do the books
>you eat shit

>> No.17535613


>> No.17535729

Looks convenient. I wish the mall I go to had this so I didn't have to call the self checkout assistant to confirm my age every time I buy a can of Monster.

>> No.17536257

I spent 3 minutes trying to get a bundle of wrapping paper to scan and it wouldn't so I just threw it in my cart and scanned the rest of my stuff and just left without paying for it.

>> No.17536273
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Because they're delicious even if they're a pain in the fucking ass to peel.

>> No.17538347
File: 331 KB, 828x814, ipa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're delicious

>> No.17538735

I, as an uneducated consumer, was not trained to use the self-checkout machines or bag my own groceries. So it is clearly not my fault if I mess up and "forget" to scan a couple of items.

>> No.17538739

The grocery stores in my areas switched to thicker, more expensive plastic bags to try and encourage customers to reuse them. Except no one does and now they're just wasting even more plastic.

>> No.17538817

I put unexpected items in the bagging area just so a woman's voice will speak to me.

>> No.17538823

Mine switched to thin cloth bags. Surprisingly sturdy for something I can see through. They don't rip or tear without some extreme abuse.

>> No.17538900

boo fucking hoo nigger, every time they try to change things it just causes more problems for the wagies, which is why they disable the scales or just click through the errors because wagies are spread too thin right now to focus on people buying 1lb of potatoes instead of 1lb of asparagus

>> No.17538911
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>go to pay money for goods
>realize you have to do extra work just to be able to pay money
>you aren't trained to do the job and must rely on micromanagement to complete it
>decide to give yourself a little "tip" for a job well done

>> No.17538938

I always do with things that are easily explained away if I get caught.
I will always choose the cheapest variant of any produce for weighing.
If there are expensive mangos they will be input as cheap ones etc.

>> No.17539189

I can't believe you've done this

>> No.17539210

I did it on purpose with some poppy seeds recently. Was holding it with some tuna cans I was scanning and on the last one I just put both in the bag at once. Charging $14 for a salt shaker filled with seeds is nuts. But other than that, no.

>> No.17540292

Being honest to who? Billionaires? As >>17534011 shows, it's no different than pirating video games and movies, you're causing next to no harm by doing it.

>> No.17540296

>pain in the a-

>> No.17540501

Yeah that's what I do, you still gotta take them out of the fruit though

>> No.17540543

It's fine to pay in cash but actively inconveniencing those around you is nigger behavior. Paying in cash is usually faster anyway so if you're slower about it then you or the teller are retarded.

>> No.17541366

But that's not the point you absolute fuckwit. I'm causing potential harm to *myself* in case the self checkout gets removed or heavily policed.

>> No.17541505

This is how you do it man. You tap that pomegranate in the ass.


>> No.17541639

I'll give it a shot thanks bro