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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17538093 No.17538093 [Reply] [Original]

Since it is nearly spring time and with the rapidly rising costs of produce, what are the best foods that can be grown at home?

>> No.17538097 [DELETED] 

Hereford, Angus, or if your land is kinda crummy and cold Scottish highland cattle.

>> No.17538117

>nearly spring
Do you mean Autumn?

>> No.17538124

Tomatoes, potatoes, herbs, cucumbers, and melons.


>> No.17538131

Tubers and root vegetables are easy mode. I have a small crop of carrots and radishes that have been growing even in the winter.

>> No.17538137

Not in the Northern Hemisphere, AKA the only relevant Hemisphere.

>> No.17538604

berry bushes

>> No.17538608

ankle biting faggot

>> No.17538619

dont grow things that are dirt cheap at supermarkets like carrots and onions, grow things that cost more like herbs and berries etc

>> No.17538633

depends on your home
vast difference between apartment and 2 acre rural comfyshack

>> No.17538659

Root crops because they can be stored easily. If you want to can/freeze the sky is the limit

>> No.17539181

I'm starting my onions, peas, and potatoes this weeks, already have some broccoli, tomatoes, and pepper plants that I started from seed indoors a couple weeks ago. Will plant beans and squash from seed mid-may wish, and a bunch of lettuces herbs, spices, and leafy greens in the old flower bed for fresh salad all season long.

>> No.17539275

This is exactly where I'm at as well. Got cucumbers and melons started earlier today. Trying out luffa, and birdhouse gourds this year for fun.

Is it worth it to start peas indoors? I planted a bunch of them last year, so it would take a lot of space in my greenhouse to get the 40 or so I want started. I've heard they don't like being transplanted also.

>> No.17539281

no, peas don't transplant well and should be sowed directly into the ground.

>> No.17539283

this place is a pretty good resource.

>> No.17539301
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Sprouts are easy to grow. You just need a mason jar and the right type of lid. Don't even need sunlight and can be grown inside.

>> No.17539314
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I found this excellent pdf for where I live. Shit is awesome to have. You may be lucky enough to find something similar for your area. It isn't too difficult to plan everything off of frost dates also.

>> No.17539323
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Victory garden ftw, do you part to survive the democrats war against americans.

>> No.17539342

one thing about planting your own garden is that that you can order exotic seeds and plants online and grow things that you can't get at the store.

>> No.17539357

>working the garden is too hot, time to go topless with shorts and just tattoo a bat on my chest
No wonder Superman looks disgusted.

>> No.17539400
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>> No.17539403

I love hot onions, I grow onions every year because I live like 10 miles from an industrial area with a bunch of steel mills and an oil refinery. The acid rain and abundance of sulfur helps create the best onions. I have a buddy who always tears up when even cutting the mildest onions. I made him chop one of mine up and he almost died. He was only slicing it for burgers.

>> No.17539410
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kek remember the CHAZ/CHOP garden during the BLM riots? Why does this country carry dead weight like that?

>> No.17539415

And Robin is sweating profusely while clenching a giant wooden pole. Supes look like he's running off and thanking, "where's lois? I need to prove I'm a man."

>> No.17539421

what is it with gays seeing gays everywhere? You need a hoe and a spade, and gardening in the summer is sweaty work.

>> No.17539459

breh dat garden be bussin fr fr no cap

>> No.17539460

you live on an irrelevant part of the disc

>> No.17539485

gays rarely go outdoors, and have never done any manual labor other than taking cocks up their ass.

>> No.17539489

Tomatoes are good because there's a big taste improvement over grocery store tomatoes. Grocery store tomatoes are bred to be durable and last a long time, not for flavor.

>> No.17539495

that, and you get fresh delicious maters in season, and have a lot to can a bunch of stuff with for the winter season.

>> No.17539502
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Hey friends, just wanted to clue you in on something special. I grew these melons last year and they were stunningly delicious. The most delicious melon I've ever tasted by a long shot and one of the best things I grew the entire year.

They're called petit gris de renne. Grow them. You won't regret it. Even the smell is divine.

>> No.17539506

I don't like cantaloupe or bananas, something about them I just cant do. I've tried and tried my whole life and every time it's the same as when I was a picky eater.

>> No.17539509

They have a unique taste to them, like honey mixed with flowers, but I'm guessing it's a texture thing?

>> No.17539512

that's what I have been told, but it's only those two things. I spent 8 years in infantry and a lot of barely palatable shit.

>> No.17539517

An army marches on its stomach.

>> No.17539522

Shit that sucks. One of my friends hates all fruits and tomatoes. Feel bad for him.

>> No.17539524

probably would have worked if they tore out the sawed underneath and planted them in the soil, but putting cardboard on top of grass and compost onto the cardboard and expeciting the roots to have anywhere to go is just commie logic.

>> No.17539535

The 2 foot tall A-frame trellises are funny for the toms as well.

>> No.17539540

are those tomatoes? I figure they were beans or peas that would have probably have died in the best conditions because they rarely survive transplant shock.

>> No.17539548

The leaves look a lot like young tomatoes, but it's hard to tell.

>> No.17539553

still not enough trellis for either, they would just crawl the ground and shade out or strangle everything else in the garden, if it was possible that anything could grow in something so retarded, which it can't except for maybe some weed seeds that drop in there. If I recall all of the plants died in a few days and they gave up.

>> No.17539558

I can only imagine that's what happened. I don't understand how they could be so absolutely incompetent about growing food. I grew a fuckload of stuff my first year. Loads of mistakes, but I still grew like 300+ lbs of food.

>> No.17539569

I grow a lot of peppers and tomatoes each year. I grow a lot of potatoes some years. I grow an infinite amount of greens and herbs each year. I grow onions sometimes. Here at least carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes are cheap, so cheap they aren't worth the effort in growing especially as I'm limited for space. They often taste great though and are still cheaper to grow so if I've the space and work capacity I sometimes do some. Tomatoes and peppers are because they are expensive and they taste better grown at home rather than the mass market hydroponic imported tasteless stuff we get in supermarkets. Salad, greens, herbs etc are quite expensive here and quick and easy to grow, but you can't exactly hold a body together on them. I should grow courgettes as they are expensive, but I dedicate that space to cucumbers mainly as we seem to eat three a week every week and courgettes rarely.

>> No.17539573

I grow potatoes anyways, I just plug a couple stale tomatoes that are growing roots in the ground and get 8-10 potatoes each and just plant them in some unused part of the yard each year that I don't pay much attention to.

>> No.17539577

What kind of peppers do you grow? I'm planning on growing an absolute shitload of pepper plants this year. Lots of hot paprika peppers and cayenne for drying/powder. Lots of fun and unique varietals as well cause they're so cool.

>> No.17539578

not tomatoes, potatoes. They pretty much grow themselves without needing any special attention. plus everything is going to get ridiculously expsensive as the democrats keep fucking everyone over as they loot the country, it's not a bad idea to learn the skill to feed yourself.

>> No.17539580

tomatoes mostly. Big juicy tomatoes you can cut burger sized rounds out of

>> No.17539605

The reason should be learning how to compost and garden from seeds, and collect seeds for next years garden is because everything is going to skyrocket to unafforadable levels and many things will become rare if not attainable. Which is great because the woke people ruining the world are going to have to suffer their stupidity. But you don't have to suffer with them, I'd invest more in a gun and bullets and reloading equipment.

>> No.17539609

Maybe next year I would like to attempt to grow enough food so I don't have to buy food at the store. I'll get meat from a local rancher, but all the veggies, starches etc would be from my garden.

>> No.17539618

start composting this year, collect all of the dried dead material this year, then throw all of your weeds and mowed grass into another pile, and stack it in layers with each other. you turn it once in awhile. it become compost.

>> No.17539624

>conservatives have become greenie weenies

>> No.17539631

this has been debunked, some farmers taught some hippies about composting, and then the hippies tried to get urban retards to compost their trash in the cities, which just made a unbearably smelly and polluted city stink even more. Rural retards have been selling you decomposing garbage and manure for ridiculous prices for years.

>> No.17539634

I started a compost last year, but I want to remake my compost pile thing, so it's the size of my tractors scoop, so I can easily turn it all.

Have you heard of the 14 day composting method? I almost got it working last year, but it died off after a while. Gotta try again, but it involves shoveling a lot of animal shit.

>> No.17539640

yeah, but I'm not that impatient, I get a big enough compost pile for next year to put on top of the beds, I already have rich soil and not desperate for more compost than I need. But I also don't have a lot of space, just space enough that I can grow a sustainable amount of veggies and I tinker around with things every year until I find the perfect spots to plant. When I bought this house it was just a lawn and pretty things an old woman planted, since I moved in just about everything has become a place to grow food. Yeah in autumn canning time is laborious, dehydrate a lot of stuff, and freeze a lot of stuff that ends up in chili's, stews, soups in the winter.

>> No.17539650

I had to build raised beds with mesh underneath because the bastard gophers destroy everything. I have 640 sq.ft of prime growing space now, so it was worth it.

I've got 17 acres that just grows stuff for cows to eat, but I'd like to experiment with tarping a 300-500 sq.ft section and then growing quinoa, but it's way crazy compared to the small scale I've been growing.

>> No.17539653

you have cows and probably bails of hay that started rotting or didn't get eaten, mix them together and start piling it on itself, now you have an infinite supply.

>> No.17539654

Only you faggots would find a way to turn a thread about gardening into a political thread.

I'm going to grow tomatoes, green beans, peppers (bell and hot), and beets this year.

>> No.17539655

my compost pile was like 6 ft tall in the autumn, it's like 3 feet tall now, and will probably be even smaller by the time it's actually time to use.

>> No.17539657

I also have thousands of pounds of weeds and grass growing around, but it's backbreaking to scythe it all down and pile it up in the mule. Probably worth it to go big one of these days. Good exercise too.

>> No.17539662

yeah, one of my most hated things and also most rewarding traditions is pulling weeds by hand once the ground thaws, but I don't have a field of land to grow on. Just a quarter acre

>> No.17539663

Oops, I forgot about cucumbers. I'm a real cucumber buff.

>> No.17539667

for me? it's egg plant, it even has the aesthetic that my 4chan addled brain desires.

>> No.17539671

use that cancer inducing shit in the fall, and till the ground, and then till it again in the spring.

>> No.17539676
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Have you considered getting a scythe? Incredibly based activity. Love mine and it makes the work less awful because you arent bending over to pull weeds.

What do you think of this snake cucumber I grew? Do you like sour gherkins? I freakin love those lil bastards. The acidity makes them so refreshing.

>> No.17539684

nope, I usually pull them for compost in the fall to plant garlic and onions and don't want the other plants roots fucking everything up. I also don't want random seedlings sprouting out of order from where I designated them.

>> No.17539689

Makes sense. Scythes usually leave about 1ish inch of whatever you're cutting, so it has a good chance of growing back. Fuck rhizome grasses the stubborn bastards. Do you think that dead plant roots become worm food?

>> No.17539694

most plants they do, most weeds establish a root system with enough energy to restart their colony.

>> No.17539705

their are an interconnect system of roots with twice the mass of anything you see above soil, if you cut them apart they become independent plats with enough energy to establish another root system of plants. the real only way to get rid of them is to either slowly and carefully dig up the root, or to tediously kill any ground level vegetation until they wither and run out of energy.

>> No.17539724

I think there's different kinds. It sounds like what you're describing is rhizome grass like weeds. There's other weeds that grow tubers and other that just have very fine roots.

>> No.17539729

hippies tried to start calling weeds 'stygmatized because they are unwanted or useless plants' in a some stupid hippie way of saying that highly invasive useless and very productive in the 60's. All berry plants are weeds. But you can see how that works in common times. The most nutritious plants in existence are purslane and dandielions, which grow just about everywhere in the world.

>> No.17539732

of course there are different kinds, but the hardest to get rid of bury a tap root deep into the soil and vine out, and you can never pull a taproot that is established, you have to physically dig it out.

>> No.17539742
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These dudes pop up everywhere and do the taproot thing. Fucking mallow.

>> No.17539744 [DELETED] 

>zoomers don't know what a spade if for, probably thinks it's an alt-right dog whistle for niggers.

>> No.17539747

don't plant rasberries or blackberries anywhere that you don't want them to be, they are impossible to kill.

>> No.17539757

Apparently mallow is extremely nutritious, but is kinda slimy. May have to munch on some tommorow. There's no freakin way I'm putting berry bushes anywhere near my raised beds. I've got wild blackberries that go crazy every year. It is a true joy to snack on them tho.

>> No.17539760

>oh you mowed me over and split my root? okay guess I'll just grow two roots now, I'll got this way while you go that way.
>mother plant: oh no some clipped my nails guess I had better spend more energy on my next set of roots and start some new fingers.

>> No.17539773

Are raspberries indigenous to greece? because I could see where they got the idea for the hydra in mythology.

>> No.17539779

you should look up purslane, it is an actual superfood, but it extremely invasive and grows in the cracks of driveways. fucking plant can't be killed.

>> No.17539786

oh do you have water? oh well you have me now. you don't have any more water? that's okay I'll just rest here until more water comes.

>> No.17539802

it's toxic in large doses, that's why most animals don't eat it.

>> No.17539807

I'd like to actually get purslane established as a weed on my property. I really like how it tastes and is better than the grass and wild radish that grows abundantly.

I grew some in a pot and it would literally do this >>17539786 pretty cool. My beet patch did that as well. I didn't water it for like 5 months and then it rained. Beet greens coming up from the dead.

>> No.17539815

it's been native all over the world since recorded history.

>> No.17539832

they are good ground cover and have shallow roots, they spread out in all directions and fan the ground to keep their immediate surface moist. Kind of an alien plant. you can tear them up and a couple days later they will be right back. They are a good plant, but are annoying in the spring when you are babying your little plants and seedlings from weeds.

>> No.17539841

They don't grow on my land. I've always been observant of all the wild shit growing around and purslane doesn't grow around. Do you think tall grass will just out grow it and kill it?

>> No.17539856
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fuck if I know about your land, you can buy purslane seeds and try it, but you'll regret it as you won't want to eat as much as it produces, and it doesn't stop tall grass from growing. That's why I called it an alien plant, it stays undetected and hides under other plants. And it also holds a lot of water that every other native plants in an arid region can't.

>> No.17539859

that's middle of summer in arizona, and this little faggot has all of that water? even the cactus that contain water have a thick outer skin to preserve what water it can. these things are softer than baby shit and sweet.

>> No.17539862
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Pretty much every square inch grows tall grass each year, so I'm thinking something edible would be nice to have instead of just goat food that becomes a massive fire hazard when it dries out.

>> No.17539864

That's a big vegetable my lad

>> No.17539865

it's edible, highly nutritious, and is basically invulnerable. What makes me suspicious is that it grows where that type of plant shouldn't be able to, and how fast it grows. Not to mention that is fucking takes forever to decompose. And I'm not talking like and Alex Jones person, that really plant freaks me out.

>> No.17539870
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Love me some big eats.

>> No.17539872

>peppers are because they are expensive
Where do you live that peppers are expensive? Just curious because where I live they're like 89 cents a pound

>> No.17539873

oh yeah, it doesn't seed or propagate by flowers that need to pollenate, but is basically prominent all over the world.

>> No.17539876
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I think I'm going to do it. I think I still have some purslane seeds I'll put in the ground and keep them watered.

Kale is also strangly hardy. I didn't water some kale plants for like 6 months and it came back strong when it rained. I ended up somewhat carefully transplanting them and they were back to happy within a week.

My 1 year old pet beet.

>> No.17539877

in a few months, wherever you live.

>> No.17539884

I planted some in a pot and I didn't keep up with watering it very well. What I noticed is that it self perpetuated very efficiently because new sprouts were always popping up when I did remember to water it.

>> No.17539896

>ohh you burned all of my branches and ran a rotor tiller over me
>see you next spring, bitch

>> No.17539907

that doesn't even work either, basically have to dig the whole place out, or make sure they get no water. their green part above the soil is basically the tip of the iceberg, and the mother root will dig deep.

>> No.17539913

pretty sure he was agreeing that those cunts once established aren't going anywhere, they will start digging into your concrete foundation if you planted them close to your house.

>> No.17539918

Maybe monsanto could make a gene therapy vaccine for blackberries, so they stop growing thorns. If only...

>> No.17539926

heh when I bought I my first house I planet raspberries on a corner of the fence, a couple years later my neighbor said he was going to kill my raspberries because they were poking up in his yard, when I moved six years later they were in everyones yard. not my problem.

>> No.17539929

I have thornless that were bred in the 1920's, most people dug them out of patches from wild bushes from the mountains and transplanted them.

>> No.17539936

You're lucky. There are only thorny blackberries over here and the brambles are so fucked up to remove.

Based berry spreader. I'd like to get raspberries established along some fences. I like them better than blackberries.

>> No.17539938

I couldn't get any of the wild blue berry seeds I got from Alaska to grow, so I just dug some up and shipped them home and planted them, they seem to have been enjoying the dryer more warm climate.

>> No.17540334

Tomatoes, bell peppers and hot peppers in the greenhouse
Carrots, parsnips, turnips, radishes, beets, onions, shallots, garlic, peas, green beans, cucumbers, summer and winter squash, celery and celeriac in the garden.
I have a little bug net tent for cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli otherwise they get completely eaten by bugs.
I'm expecting a decent berry harvest too, raspberry, blueberries and blackberries.
It's gonna be a good year.

>> No.17540886

Is there a good guide somewhere for balcony growing? I'm still in the process for searching for a home, so I have to make due with what I have. I mostly want to grow herbs I eat often but don't want to constantly go to the store for basil, cilantro. Growing a few peppers would be cool, something like habaneros or a vertical tomato vine.

>> No.17540983

Nice melons anon

>> No.17540990

a cramworthy specimen

>> No.17541272

One of the most bad ass threads on ck in a while. Tnx farmer bros.

>> No.17541277

I think /out/ and /diy/ have threads on growin

>> No.17541595
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I was inspired to expand ny compost pile and scythe about 40 feet of weeds and grass to add to it. Good exercise.

The cows were disappointed. They still got a few scoops to eat.

>> No.17541633

Ugh, I never liked using a scythe with the grip placed right on the end of the snath, but then against I have pathetic girlyman wrists.

>> No.17541683

I got the snath customized to my height and arm length, so it's really nice. The wood used is very light as well, so it's pretty pleasant to use. I've handled one of the curvy styled snaths with a super heavy blade and much prefer the lighter style.

>> No.17541704


>> No.17541736

Extremely fun plant to grow, but an absolute fuckload of work. If you want good stuff you gotta spend like 30 minutes to an hour everyday on average for 7 months.

>> No.17541742

lol no, that's just because you are constantly staring at a plant through addiction lenses.

>> No.17541751

Or maybe just an enjoyment for growing plants? Cannabis is highly reactive to all inputs and I was doing a lot of training through scrogg. I did 6 plants and got over 7lbs of excellent bud my first time ever growing it.

My average time includes all processing after you grow it as well.

>> No.17541760

>maybe I just enjoy asserting you have to spend an hour everyday per pot plant you grow?
Maybe you're just a retarded queer

>> No.17541768

Hey man, I'm not here to argue with you, or to make silly assumptions about my experience successfully growing and processing prime bud.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Otherwise have a great day and I hope your crop is bountiful this year.

>> No.17541782

>I fucked with my plants every hour of every day day and still accidentally got prime bud
imagine if you didn't fuck with them all of the time.

>> No.17541794

Wild blackberry
These are the most insane invasive plants I have dealt with when I worked as a landscaper. I once wore two pairs of jeans removing wild blackberries and still got stabbed by a thorn.

>> No.17541796

I don't use drugs but just looked up the prices. Seemed like a massive waste of time but I if you sold it you'd be doing pretty damn well

>> No.17541806

If I didn't train them properly they would have hit the ceiling far too early. I needed wider plants rather than taller to use my space efficiently, so I had to do something. I also had a spider mite infestation that I successfully fought back enough.

I can tell you don't know much because the entire harvesting, drying, trimming process takes many many hours.

You sound angry. What's wrong, friend?

>> No.17541814

It's a fun plant to grow and I've been able to make some really potent salves to help my family and friends with joint pains and inflammation.

>> No.17541817

I grew lots of weed in high school, then I grew out of weed entirely.

>> No.17541819

Is the issue with sprouts and E. coli based on Mexicans shitting in the fields or is it something inherent you need to be careful with when home growing?

>> No.17541823

>shucks friendo you ok?
You are a gay man, correct?

>> No.17541830

>thread now derailed by drug addicts

>> No.17541839

>helps his friends and family by making organic medicine for them.
>Gets ridiculed for it.

K bud. Like I said have a great day. I hope you can find some peace in your life.

>> No.17541841

Not anymore. I'm done with the jelly baby having a temper tantrum over nothing.

>> No.17541849

you said you'd answer questions and yet you have answered none. lying little homo, scuttle off now.

>> No.17541854

You shouldn't take anyone on this chinese nigger talking forum seriously.

But in other news maybe some anons want to get a /foodgrow/ general going by aggregating a pastebin w/ information? I would do it but I'm too busy playing Supreme Ruler Ultimate.

>> No.17541861

Yeah man, it's crazy how weird and immature people can get on here sometimes.

Not a bad idea on creating an aggregation of good information. It's more important than ever with how things are going these days.

>> No.17541865

I would love to but I'm going to be pretty busy the next 10 months bartering this equisite primo salves for some thai bussy. Maybe you could try to accomplish your own goals?

Just a thought, I'll leave you to it if you wish to pursue it. Namaste

>> No.17541874

I don't even know why I would want anons to survive other than having someone to shitpost with, shits going to get really fucking bad really fucking quick.

>> No.17541881

There is a gardening general on /out/ but it really should be on this board. I think it's only on /out/ because retards on /ck/ can't do anything but shitpost like retards.

>> No.17541887

We can make poultices.. Gardening isn't on /ck/ because it's not cooking or food.

>> No.17541894

The people who get it may find it helpful. I think growing food can be a really positive and healthy activity for anyone. Even it's just some pots on a balcony or something.

It's really nice to wake up and go check on all my sprouts progress and all the outdoor activities.

>> No.17541901

>gardening isn't food
this is your mind on fastfood.

>> No.17541925

>gardening isn't outdoors


>> No.17541943

lots of slow food is grown indoors like OPs pic, fast food addled brainlet.

>> No.17541956

>slow food

Oh you're that gay fella, lol.

>> No.17541958

Not that anon but I wouldn't really consider going into a fenced off backyard to really be outdoors that much, hardly counts. Probably like having a /backyardswimmingpoolgeneral/ or something in
/out/. There's also indoor gardening.
Both of these really feel like they belong in /diy/ or /ck/ more than /out/, unless it's some industrial size farm or foraging which is even less gardening.

>> No.17542000

>We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities

Only some of the things people garden is edible, so I don't know that indoor gardening's mere existence justifies it being on /ck/.

>> No.17542049

well obviously gardening in the aspect of growing food is /ck/ relevant.

>> No.17542118

>really potent salves
Lol, ok Dana.

>> No.17542121

based bidenflation forcing normies to learn to grow their own food.

>> No.17542130

Your retarded “feelings” are irrelevant. /out/ is where you go to talk about gardening.

>> No.17542139

Growing(food) == /ck/;
Grow(roses) == /out/;
Get it now, chud?

>> No.17542214

only because the userbase of /ck/ are utterly retarded fat fucks that talk about McDonalds, if the IQ of the board was above 70 it would belong here.

>> No.17542258

They aren't my feeling though, it's just objective facts, gardening includes food like >>17542139 mentions, it also includes indoor gardening. Don't tell me there's ACTUALLY a pool general on /out/ is there?

>> No.17542314

>ummm /out/? hello? I'm a flaming homosexual I just wanted to tell you that your backyard shenanigans aren't gardening but these countertop sprouts of mine are. thhhaaaannnkss
your sexual feelings towards other men are deeply unnatural

>> No.17542325

growing a bunch of peppers to make my own hot sauce.

>> No.17542357
File: 282 KB, 1200x804, Marijuana-Seeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cunts having the meta discussion are fucking retarded. post veggies or gtfo.

>> No.17542694

I haven't had any issues with mine. I just rinse mine three times a day (twice each time letting the water come up to the lid) and drain them leaning in a big bowl at an angle since it seems they drain better that way. I wasn't aware it was an issue until after I had grown them a few times and saw something about it on the internet. Maybe they don't rinse them well. They steam up in the jars a bit so I always stay on top of rinsing them and swishing the water around to get the sides of the jar.

>> No.17542699

some basic salad ingredients and cilantro

>> No.17542717

people with superior genes can taste the chemical that reminds them of soap.

>> No.17542737

I like a lightly curved snath, a blade with a good heft to it, and the handles choked up nicely with a little bit of counterbalance. I've got lanky arms in addition to those garbage wrists, though.

>> No.17542915

If that helps you cope, sure.

>> No.17542961

>muh meme garnish makes food taste so much better and more authentic can you hear my virtue signalling bro
that is the real cope

>> No.17542993

It's good because it adds a tone of freshness to fatty or heavy foods.
Being authentic is retarded, no one uses it for that other than youtubers. And hating it for that reason is about as dumb as hating the various spices used in Indian cuisine because they're related to pajeet.
I don't give a shit if you use it or not, all I'm saying is that you're depriving yourself of another tool to use in the kitchen. Or in this case your shit genetics are depriving you of it instead.

>> No.17543132

so just add parsley, you'll get the same thing because it adds literally nothing. I am sorry that my superior genetics makes me better than you so that I can enjoy things without virtue signalling.

>> No.17543174

Seething mutie

>> No.17543199

>beaner defense force shows up to defend their shit tasting garnish

>> No.17543417

what veggies do you eat? plant those. potatoes, onions, carrots, garlic, I use a lot of those in the winter for stews and soups

>> No.17543453

>Northern Hemisphere
The trash pile of hemispheres, your Coriolis effect is totally fucked.

>> No.17543550

Garlic and parnsips are insanely easy to grow and they taste a lot better than the store produce.

Look into kale and obviously all the basic herbs.

>> No.17543571

I've picked blackberries they're no joke. I prefer them over raspberries. They're both great and you're blessed to have those spiny bastards there. Promise the neighborhood kids some pies, get them some good gloves, and they'll work for free.

>> No.17543743

you can plant ones that are thorneless and sweeter that aren't GMO, I planted a bunch that were made in the 1910's thornless. I'll let you know what they were called when I remember.

>> No.17543747

Canby Red Raspberries.

>> No.17543858

good choice, but they are weeds that will grow anywhere that has moist soil and you can't get rid of them, they are basically permanent berry producing plants that you will grow to hate.

>> No.17543899

it's an alien plant

>> No.17544232

Not that anon, but eatable unkillable weeds is exactly what I want. Any vegetables like that?

>> No.17544234

Purslane, milk thistle, stinging nettle, mallow, peppermint

>> No.17544269

establish berries on the borders, grow everything else inside, let your neighbors know and share with them and kill everyone that enroaches on your land.

>> No.17544279

also in the spring dig them up and pulverize their bones and sprinkle them all over your garden for calcium

>> No.17545320


>> No.17545322

Only if you have a lot of space. In a small garden it takes up way too much space for what you get.

>> No.17545408

Are there any good guides on tropical gardening? It never fails to surprise me just how different nature is between the north and south.
>tropicalfag in an area where it hasn't snowed since the 70s
>every guide I see in these threads is phrased in terms of last and first frosts
>site in >>17539283 straight up tells me "we can't properly advise you on planting"
>have to rely on local know-how and borderline folk tales to get things just right (tfw perfectionist)
It's soulful but frustrating, bros.

>> No.17545417

If you use 10 gallon pots and grow 1 melon per plant you can get 10lb melons in a roughly 1 square foot space. You need to train the plants upwards, so setting it up is a bit of work.

>> No.17546396

I don't know, I live in the rocky mountains, but seems like once you establish good soil you are in the prime area to grow literally anything.

>> No.17546532
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>> No.17546546
File: 20 KB, 500x327, segregated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this WATER FOUNTAIN is for BLACK and indigenous folks and their liquid allies

>> No.17546547

those niggas out there planting carrots when they could be kicking tojo's ass instead lmao

>> No.17546558

I remember seeing something on /co/ about how apparently the Nazis and the Japanese had an ancient artifact during WW2 that prevented superheroes from intervening. Who fucking writes this crap?

>> No.17546655

the reality is they wanted the nazis to win... the knew the answer to the JQ and decided to hope others would give it to keep their hands clean.

>> No.17547896

Vegetables and gardening.

>> No.17547935

Where do you live?

>> No.17548191

That's a bit of a non-sequitur. How about next time you mind your own business, moron.

>> No.17548200

It was just a bump. Similar to the one you got after your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby.

>> No.17549441

When this was happening someone said there was some fairly niche technique with cardboard they were probably trying to utilize. I can't recall the specifics, but he said CHAZ did it absolutely wrong.