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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 899x1352, grilled-cheese-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17524616 No.17524616 [Reply] [Original]

ANYONE who puts anything more than just cheese and maybe some butter in a grilled cheese sandwich is a pretentious fag. No you are not sophisticated. No you are not creating some artisan masterpiece, you just like sucking cock.

>> No.17524622

I disagree, why the homophobia?

>> No.17524632

bc ur a faget

>> No.17524633

what if i add more stuff and then i just call it a fucking sandwich?

>> No.17524642

yte ppl can eat dey spicy foodz

>> No.17524646

i put onions

>> No.17524652

defining your masculinity by what you think is "allowed" on a sandwich is the gayest thing i have ever heard

>> No.17524660

putting cock on my grilled cheese doesn't make me gay, faggot

>> No.17524676

trying too hard, shit bait, 1/10

>> No.17524679

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17524688

>trying too hard, shit bait, 1/10
it's not bait, if you actually add shit other than cheese to a gc you might actually be homosexual.

>> No.17524700
File: 170 KB, 842x699, winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily for you, it's not actually possible to put anything besides cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich, because as soon as you do, it's something else.

For example, adding ham would make it a "grilled ham and cheese" sandwich.

Your wish has been granted. The unsophisticated pretentious fags you are concerned about do not exist.

>> No.17524731

Onion powder, garlic powder, chopped bell peppers. Shut the fuck up 5 year old.

>> No.17524740
File: 1.92 MB, 1417x2098, 1616018956619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon why would you not add bacon man

>> No.17525748

>getting trolled by based patty melt poster

>> No.17525754

Id add a cooked hamburger patty, grilled onions, and a tangy thousand island sauce. The best grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.17525803

>pepper and granulated garlic are pretentious
jesus christ anon, that's not pretentious, you're just being like the fags who refuse to eat carbonara made with cream

>> No.17525807

Based and positivity pilled.

>> No.17525810

I may add additional stuff to a sandwich that I melt cheese/fry bread in a pan, but I wouldn't ever fucking dare call it a grilled cheese after I put one atom of non cheese in it.

>> No.17525816

jesus was not a real person

it is ok to be gay

gay people are not hurting anyone

homophobia is very harmful and limits social cohesion

>> No.17525819

i would 100% suck a cock and enjoy it, stop being a faggot

>> No.17525838
File: 30 KB, 700x700, cerebos-piccalilli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit makes your cheese toastie infinitely better...

>> No.17525870

because homos are repulsive to every normal human.

I know fags have normalized their faggotry to a degree and there's social pressure to be accepting of fags outwardly, but man, gay people are nasty. Most will agree.

>> No.17525878
File: 269 KB, 1200x918, screen-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17525889
File: 85 KB, 576x1024, 1634725695516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jesus was not a real person

Not even Christian, but he existed. He was just one of many false prophets at the time, but he did exist.

>it is ok to be gay

Not really. It's vile and nasty.

>gay people are not hurting anyone

You brought aids upon this world. Gay people become a problem to every society where they are allowed to be open about their agenda.

>homophobia is very harmful and limits social cohesion

Not really. Social cohesion was better when you were all closeted and married to women.

>> No.17525893

>reddit spacing

>> No.17525899

Sick rebuttal, dude man.

>> No.17525969

In other words I didn't even read lmao fucking fag.

>> No.17525979

>screenshot of a mobile link opened from discord
>downloaded the screenshot from 4chan
>last posted on /co/
>reddit spacing
actual retard detected lmao

>> No.17526000

Chill out there Professor X.
Personally I like to adjust it depending on what tomato soup I have or how much of the stuff I intend to consume.
This is the second active thread he's done this in.

I guess he didn't get enough (you)s.
Anyway. Pepper and chillie flakes are always nice. So is a light dusting of nutritional yeast. Maybe a dash of some cheap curry powder if we want to really get it to another level. You can really experiment quite a bit.

>> No.17526017

bubonic buttblasters detected

why so butthurt? Don't you pozzed up faggots insert large objects into your colons for fun? You should be used to it

>> No.17526050

>took him 35 minutes to think of a comeback

>> No.17526061

A grilled cheese sandwich here in Denmark is: Buttered bread, cheese and ham. Anything else is WRONG!

>> No.17526074

Those are called hammy whammies where i live.

>> No.17526088

Hammy whammy is what I do to your mom every night!
Sometime I spice the sandwiches up with a touch of tomato pure, basil and oregano.

>> No.17526110

You turn me mum into a hammy whammy? M8...

>> No.17526111

No, my grilled cheese is not sophisticated. It’s my dip that is. scallions/ketchup/mayo dipping sauce that is.

>> No.17526199


>> No.17526260

Tomato slices are cool

>> No.17526471

>He doesn't put onions in his grilled cheese
Garbage taste.

>> No.17526536
File: 221 KB, 1280x924, Preserve Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all doing it wrong.

>> No.17526555

Is that jelly you slob?
>He puts onions in his grilled cheese
Ugh that's a ruined 'dwich
Tomato ruins any sandwich, no exceptions
>inb4 club sandwich turbonerds seethe

>> No.17527882


>> No.17527887

Green chile
or y'know, whatever you want
is a sandwich and you cook it in a pan

>> No.17527891

>jesus was not a real person
You know that he literally caused the splitting and ultimate annihilation of an entire nation?

Did Israel break apart over something they imagined?

>> No.17527897

bullshit, it needs ham, fried egg and sriracha mayonaise

>> No.17527978

*patty melt

>> No.17528059

Nigga I'm fucking hungry, why are you so elitist

>> No.17528101

>It's better that gay men married women and created unstable unloving marriages and had kids that were psychologically affected by that lack of familial cohesion
You're a retard. And AIDS came from infected bushmeat, doublenigger

>> No.17528139
File: 230 KB, 1085x1123, D02117EF-B4A6-4F7F-9AF7-7F6AD811DC1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me when lactose intolerant and coeliac disease

>> No.17528262

At that point just end it my guy, you can't be having a good time

>> No.17528283

I use a box of Kraft three cheese shells to make my grilled cheese

>> No.17528294

I don't care what you put in your grilled cheese, but if you don't pair it with tomato soup, you are truly low class scum and should be removed from society.

>> No.17529098

>fried cheese sandwich
Do americans actually

>> No.17529201

i like grilled onions and dijon mustard on mine. how is that pretentious or sophisticated? are you a caveman?

>> No.17529500

I grew up with mayo inside it and sometimes fried on the outside. Butter was good but mayo was fantastic. I miss grilled cheese (autoimmune and can't have much fun food).

>> No.17529504

can you put your cock in my mouth and ass and then my mouth again

>> No.17529559

Then it's not a grilled cheese, just a sandwich which is fine. People who put more than cheese and butter in a sandwich and call it grilled cheese are fags tho

>> No.17529703

That's a hamburger

>> No.17529706

Nah man. Just nah. You really should try fruit and cheese together though.

>> No.17529720

iiii have been meaning to for a long time but haven't push myself to try it. i have some red figs, any recommendation on the cheese? i bought an irish blue cheese but i think it's gone bad. i have access to that murrays cheese stuff, real badass little selection.