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17524910 No.17524910 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite brand of peanut butter?

>> No.17524912

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17524919
File: 897 KB, 503x1119, Screenshot_2022-03-07 Dane Moses Greaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Trinidadians really?

>> No.17524922


>> No.17524942


>> No.17524949

Something about the way they talk makes me want to be their friend. Like it has good bro energy.

>> No.17524954
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Any type that has less oil.

>> No.17524962

*bredren energy

>> No.17525103

This. I also prefer milk that has less water

>> No.17525116
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I kneel

>> No.17525133
File: 53 KB, 488x488, GUEST_c4ae5000-adce-4020-9fe2-7fb5238d0a8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just buy the cheap shit, it all tastes the same.

>> No.17525433

I've never seen this one with the explanation lmao based and bredrenpilled

>> No.17525468

peanut butter is basically poison, not fit for human consumption

>> No.17525483

peanut allergies are God’s way of saying it just wasn’t meant to be, better luck next life

>> No.17525502
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>Grandfather loves peanut butter
>Every gift giving holiday the whole family gets him just short of a truck load of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
>I kind of like peanut butter, not as much as him, but enjoy it a bit more than the average person
>Also be a fat ass
>Start checking calories
>Can't really eat peanut butter anymore
>Have a fresh jar of the good stuff in the pantry

>> No.17525522

I always tuck a small jar (chunky) in my pants when I visit a fancy restaurant.
I like to smear it on the bathroom walls with pieces of toilet paper.

>> No.17525527

A couple of my favourites there, along with low-fat mayonnaise.

>> No.17525534

peanut butter isn't too bad since it has a good amount of fat and protein. it's processed foods that are typically high in refined carbs which give you tons of calories but don't fill you up. it's really hard to overeat peanut butter compared to something like cookies.

>> No.17525545

I love it when fat people think they "can't eat" certain foods. You can eat anything you like, just eat less of them. You can have peanut butter every day as long as it isn't by the jar.

The hilarious thing is that if you aren't actually losing weight right now, you're just punishing yourself with no benefit. Although I suspect many do it so that they can tell themselves they're "being healthy" or some such nonsense, even if they currently weigh as much as two healthy people.

>> No.17525549
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There is no other.

>> No.17525554

>You can eat anything you like, just eat less of them.

That's why I'm fat, I can't stop. I'm not punishing myself, I'm just shifting from gorging myself on high calorie stuff to lower calorie stuff because once I'm on a roll I just keep going.

>> No.17525568

The only peanut butter I'll buy is Adams Crunchy salted. And maybe their dark roasted version.

>> No.17525585

Well then Godspeed, Anon. If you only gorge yourself on non-starchy vegetables you'll probably lose something.

>> No.17525592
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based. only ingredients is peanuts and salt. the jews over at jif and skippy throw all kinds of other unecessary bullshit additives, sneedoils, dextrose, emusifiers, stabilizers for no reason. i also like picrel

>> No.17525594

The no sugar one is better.

>> No.17525605

roasted vegetables with cheese sauce or hollandaise are absolutely delicious, super filling, and low calorie for their density

>> No.17526086

>t. People who've never been fat
It's easier to stop cold turkey then to just have a "little bit" at time.

>> No.17526092

>only ingredients is peanuts and salt
Yeah, and that's why it tastes like shit.

>> No.17526105

peanut and salt is the most iconic duo

>> No.17526200

I don't eat peanut butter

>> No.17526223

ain't this pronounced differently than how it's spelt?

>> No.17526230

>cheese sauce or hollandaise

>> No.17526338

You eat cock

>> No.17526344
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>> No.17526351

i was obese. peanut butter is nutritious and filling. you should be concerned about highly processed food instead but peanut butter is just roasted and ground peanuts as long as you buy the good brands. tests show that just avoiding highly processed food naturally lowers your calorie intake even if you still eat naturally fatty foods.

>> No.17526381

>t. fat asses

>> No.17526386

>Yeah, and that's why it tastes like shit.

not enough sugar for your refined tastebuds, anon?

>> No.17526388

nutrition doesnt matter when you are consuming more calories than you burn lardass

>> No.17526399 [DELETED] 
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you support big peanut extracting and selling valuable peanut oil and replacing it with seed oils? so grateful for this its grouse 10/10 will shill anytime peanut butter is mentioned

>> No.17526470

Sounds dreadful.

>> No.17526500

Yeah life was good until that one kid at school got peanuts banned. Ruined my life.

>> No.17526509

Do a flip

>> No.17526635
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The only answer

>> No.17526651

I make my own and add some honey to it

>> No.17526653

>Something about the way they talk makes me want to be their friend. Like it has good bro energy.
I literally had a smile whilst reading it.

>> No.17526661

The kind where the labels peel off super easy and the lids are plain brown, great for reusing

>> No.17526711

Finally some good fucking food

>> No.17526858

you have no idea how much less healthy you would be if you had eaten all that peanut butter

>> No.17526868

but I don't want to be a woman anon

>> No.17527267

Tastes like childhood, strong peanut flavor, nice and salty and with the right amount of sweetness. Perfect peanut butter, and not that separated oil natural shit either

>> No.17527321

Obviously. But it's harder to consume too many calories when you're eating more nutritious food since it's more satisfying for your body's nutritional requirements. It's the processed junk food with "empty calories" that leads to overeating more often, it's not just about how high something is in calories.

>> No.17527328

Then you aren't addressing the problem, just altering your daily life to accommodate it, which is just as destructive.

>> No.17527393

Even an ounce is enough to kill a full grown man.

>> No.17527415

>*places glass of water on table*
>"Gentlemen, if this glass were full of peanut butter, it would be enough to kill every man and woman on the eastern seaboard."
>*dips pen in glass and flicks out a drop*
>"And that... Would be enough peanut butter to kill everyone in this room..."

>> No.17527416

You mean butter? Fuckin amerifats

>> No.17527417

for me its natural peanut butter that turns into peanut flavoured concrete after you put it in the fridge

>> No.17527424

Not how it works. There isn't an abstract normalized "nutrition" factor that correlates directly with satiety. There is no such thing as "empty calories".
If anything, you can make the argument that fats typically sate the appetite over a long period of time relatively more than other macro-nutrients per calorie, but it's oft subjective.

>> No.17527555

congratulations on having the worst opinion i've seen today

>> No.17527558

Is that the future of the meat section once hyperinflation hits ?

>> No.17527742
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>> No.17527770

Peanut oil is much more valuable so they separate it out and replace it with garbage
Peanut oil used to be a byproduct of making peanut butter but now that people know how superior it is to vegetable oils peanut butter is a byproduct of making peanut oil, and the peanut butter quality has dropped accordingly

>> No.17527807

I get the low sodium version, white label. The only "low x" or "lite" version of anything I buy.

hard to go back.

>> No.17527825

The lack of separation is a feature, anon. I've tried my mother's oil-separating artisan peanut butter and it just tastes like a duller version of Skippy or Jif.

>> No.17527883

that's chocolate ice cream

>> No.17527923
File: 51 KB, 700x794, peanut_butter_making_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they have a peanut butter machine in the back and make it fresh

>> No.17527955

You're thinking of gif (pronounced /ʒif/)

>> No.17528688

No he's thinking of a .jif file

>> No.17528830

I use to be a real fat ass.
You don't really understand how bad cravings are for fat people who drink soda and eat processed food.
Peanut butter is great and healthy but if your fat it won't help you loose weight it is actually great in weight gain for people with small appetite because doest fill you up much.
I swapped to diet soda and end up craving sugar so hard it was crazy.
Ended up having to go cold turky of all sweet drinks including juice because to easy to drink calories.

>> No.17528958

>contains 80% peanuts
what's the other 20%? cuz it sure as shit aint all honey

>> No.17529971

They make this not too far from my hometown, I always grab a jar when I'm in New England

>> No.17529978

spoiler, peanut oil is still a vegetable oil, just with a higher sat fat content meaning it's slightly longer lasting and less oxidizing, still probably twice as good for you as goybean oil

>> No.17530239

I don’t know how I ended up being eight years old and legitimately wishing death on someone just so I could eat a god damn PB&J in peace at lunch time.

Normally I hate eugenics but fuck those mutants. Love live peanut butter supremacy.

>> No.17530297

it most certainly does not all taste the same
that garbage you posted tastes like sugar