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17516454 No.17516454 [Reply] [Original]

Have you had a refreshing Mug's Root Beer today?

>> No.17516464
File: 219 KB, 1080x714, hp2npczow1t71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mug doesn't have the “bite” of Barq's, or the creamy taste of A&W. In fact it has a muted, less impressive version of the characteristics that make the other two root beers loved by so many. A positive attribute of Mug how clean the taste is for a mainstream root beer.

>> No.17516469
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>> No.17516541
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>1 poster
low budget this month?

>> No.17516703
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They only pay us in MUG

>> No.17517920
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>> No.17517925

Mug is fucking terrible, I remember asking my mom for root beer and she brought me home a Mug instead of a Bangs or IBC.

>> No.17517934

your mom was a smart woman you're a stupid motherfucker. be grateful she gave you the elixir of the gods

>> No.17517950
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sugar isnt refreshing
take the flavored water pill

>> No.17517968

shut up

>> No.17517985


FYI to old fags

This mugs vs barqs is an ifunny meme they are trying to get someone to reply to with a funny green text or something so they can repost it on ifunny and Reddit and get upvotes since most people that use all 3 sites are literal Down’s syndrome retards who suck their own dads penis and are addicting to likes like some sort of teenage girl on twitch book

Sage all fields

Root beer is gay and you’re all cold fajitas

Fuck you

Have a terrible day

Don’t bother replying cuz I won’t be back

>> No.17518138

>Have you had a refreshing Mug's Root Beer today?


>> No.17518143

For me it's Bang's root beer, the only root beer with aged thyme.

>> No.17518159
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>> No.17518163
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>> No.17518204



>> No.17518212

> hit enter key
> disregard anything he says that’s what people on Reddit do

>> No.17518215

>get called out for reddit spacing

>> No.17518242




>> No.17518246

schizo posting

>> No.17518271

i find mug to be quite creamy

>> No.17518323

creamy is good
reditor posting spaces nolike mugg

>> No.17518351


>> No.17518464
File: 1.06 MB, 1513x1280, Moneybag-Root-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Gene Simmons Root Beer

>> No.17518468

shut up i ts mug

>> No.17519341

why no highly caffeinated root beer energy drinks

>> No.17519375
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Sprecher is the best you can do, if you're a medwest bro

>> No.17519398


this thread is clearly for discussing the generic trinity not this fag shit

>> No.17519419


>> No.17519422

thanks for the tip, did some research and they have this at a grocery store that's only 3 miles away

>> No.17520131


>> No.17520136

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17520170

it's on a timer though cause flat flavored sparkling water sucks

>> No.17520171

Dear Mug marketing team, please send Myv.

>> No.17521951


>> No.17521954

>Doesn't choose his drink based on the marketing character
Pathetic desu

>> No.17522525

a new day a new can of Mug Root Beer

>> No.17522535

All the memes in this thread suck.

>> No.17522553
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Sarsaparilla is much better than root beer

>> No.17522568

I like birch beer. Very similar but more minty.

>> No.17522571

>flavored water
Nigga why

>> No.17522580

stpid Mug Deniers

>> No.17522613

i cant understand why all canned root beers taste like fucking sweetened shampoo

>> No.17522680

What IS root beer?

>> No.17522698
File: 128 KB, 648x1080, ibc_root_beer_1556242727_1218c446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesomeness. Just don't drink shit like Mug. IBC is where it's at.

>> No.17522772

>sprecher is fag shit
I know its generic root beer time but neck yourself ya fucking tranny

>> No.17522781
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>> No.17522798

Root beer is disgusting. It tastes like medicine.

>> No.17522954

Medicine for the soul.

>> No.17522959

It does taste like ointment

>> No.17522961

I feel like at least 40% of MUG's sales are directly attributed to the meme

>> No.17523073

Actually, I prefer to take a swig of Bargs on a hot summers day

>> No.17523195
File: 17 KB, 450x450, 1622204099588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its birch beer.

>> No.17524194

its not root beer. its cherry cream soda w/ artificial flavors

>> No.17524198

kek, what a faggot. your tastebuds are literally gay

>> No.17524201

Medicine is cherry dumdum