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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17516398 No.17516398 [Reply] [Original]

Is the art of cooking dead?

>> No.17516403

Whoever says capiscum instead of pepper needs to be flogged publicly

>> No.17516405

It's a regional dialect.

>> No.17516406

It's just a fucking casserole you sandy vag, at least he didn't use cream of mushroom soup.

>> No.17516409

No. You're just a whiney, reactionary faggot

>> No.17516416
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What region?

>> No.17516421

cooking isn't art


>> No.17516458
File: 2.86 MB, 1268x938, Chatma restaurant & lounge_Turkmenistan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I supposed to be angry at? I'm trying but I just can't find it

>> No.17516485


>> No.17516494

FPBP. Capsicum is a disgusting word to read, and I can only imagine how wretched it is to actually hear the word said aloud.

>> No.17516557

It's new. We've never called it capsicum.

>> No.17516570
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He enjoys cooking and he's not hurting anyone. This is no way to live, brother.

>> No.17516607

British English has always had a tendency to evolve and stray away from tradition moreso than other branched off dialects. Consider how people in the US and Canada still use the older term "candy", an Arabic loanword used back when the stuff was introduced to the west, while the British typically say "sweets" nowadays.

>> No.17516629

and australiams say "lollies" like the braindead degenerates they truly are

>> No.17516639

Yeah, you can sort of tell the kind of people who ended up getting sent to Australia and New Zealand by the words they use.

>> No.17516661

Absolutely wrong. Pepper implies spiciness. The original pepper is black pepper, the first non-mustard heat exposed to Europeans and British Islanders. Peppers found in the new world have to offer the same type of heat, or they're not peppers. Capsicum has no heat at all.

>> No.17516731

Yes we call them lollies too.

>> No.17516758

>electrician = sparky
>fisherman = boaty
>mason = bricky
>biker = bikey
>garbage man = binner or truckee
>McDonald's = maccas
>white trash = bogan
>Australian = retardee

>> No.17516767

Spoken like a true eshay

>> No.17516771

Most of these terms are found in lower class British English.

>> No.17517538

No they aren't you fucking retard. Sparky is literally the only one. I've never even heard bricky and I work in construction.

>> No.17517557

I sort of agree with you, but the word you're looking for is paprika, not capsicum.

>> No.17517580

Paprika is the spice made from capsicums. I heat referred to in capsicums is the capsaicin in spicy peppers. Not the same thing.

>> No.17517589

I'm American. I used to play WoW with a girl from Australia and she used vernacular that I'd expect from a small child half the time.

>> No.17517606

Paprika is both the fruit and the spice made from the fruit in literally every language other than English.

>> No.17517643

a bricklayer was referred to as a brickie in england when I was a kid, probably not common now simply because bricklayers are less common

>> No.17517650

fuck that is a stupid post

>> No.17517756

>It's a casserole
>didn't use cream of mushroom soup
then it's not a casserole, simple as

>> No.17517762

yeah, imagine not knowing that the plural of 'capsicum' is 'capsica'

>> No.17518064

tomato sauce = casserole

>> No.17518139
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>Capsicum has no heat at all.

Oh really?...

>> No.17518149
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>British English

>> No.17518154 [DELETED] 
File: 3.54 MB, 500x600, cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly good excuse to rid the world of two Coloureds and didn't go for it.

>> No.17518220

Yes. Modern """cooking""" is a joke and anyone that says otherwise is a braindead puppet.

>> No.17518223 [DELETED] 

Only mormons and niggers use cream of ___ soup

>> No.17518230

This copypasta omits probably my favourite real wacky -ism, "beef tea".

>> No.17518257

Those poor people. Convicted prisoners make better food in their jail cell using a cup and a paperclip.

>> No.17518272

Stop telling lies on the internet.

>> No.17518274

>forcey fun time
that always gets me...

>> No.17518305

ahhaha he ran into the building

>> No.17518453

No he didn't?

>> No.17518526
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have an optometrist check your eyes

>> No.17518652

Is he in the building?

>> No.17518656
File: 85 KB, 700x700, Tuna-Noodle-Casserole-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a casserole; this is a casserole.

>> No.17518663

thread's full of capsicoomers

>> No.17518669
File: 44 KB, 500x500, knifeyspooney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you've play stewey-casseroley before, eh.

>> No.17518677
File: 203 KB, 500x375, 1378496071783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao classic

>> No.17519706

Nah mate that makes it spagbol

>> No.17519731

offended much?

>> No.17519764

you're so weird

>> No.17519771

>Pepper implies spiciness
Retard take

>> No.17519995

Capsee cum lol! Like goatse cum.

>> No.17519999

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17520019

>garbage man = binner or truckee


>> No.17520914

>The absolute state of cooking media
Red Bell Pepper. Why is that so difficult.
Capsicum means any chili pepper.

>> No.17520929

no the building won that exchange

>> No.17521327

No what you need to achieve that is a bag of Doritos, a pound of cooked chicken breast, cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, as much shredded cheese as you can fit into a casserole dish, a can of Ro-Tel and an oven at 350 degrees.

>> No.17521484
File: 14 KB, 646x68, Screenshot 2022-03-07 06.09.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17522691

Why are people such pussies?

>> No.17523490


My favorite (that isn't included in the image) was;

> my face when Americans call genocide "Thanksgiving"

>> No.17524007

>Pressure cooker
My parents made me hate this appliance with passion.
Everything from it was overcooked to mush with zero taste.
The best were soups with giant floating pools of grease on top and vegetable that tasted like cardboard.

>> No.17524259

Stop posting and uninstall your web browser.

1) There's nothing wrong with what he cooked.
2) It looks delicious.
3) None of you have posted alternative casserole recipes.
4) You are just seething Amerifats arguing about British English.

Guess I'm having sausage casserole on Friday.

>> No.17524270

>Stop posting and uninstall your web browser.
Take your own advice before you get up in arms like that again.

>> No.17524286

chips on the side is pretty daring but i like it

>> No.17524293

Delete system34 and stop replying.

>> No.17524423

Penis pot pie.

>> No.17524541

First time seeing r*ddit?

>> No.17524881


>> No.17524958

Western society for decades has been trying to make things as low-brow as possible, in a form of reverse classism where people try to disassociate with high society as much as possible