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17509165 No.17509165 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking pisses me off that I can't digest cheese.

I hate you cheese enjoyers so much it's unreal.

>> No.17509179

>chew cheese
>spit it out

>> No.17509182

cram it up your ass then?

>> No.17509189

I feel better eating a large amount of cheese than not. Sucks for you. Get better genetics, noob.

>> No.17509194

Just fucking eat cheese without lactose. I fucking explode if I consume milk but I don't even have a small fart when eating gorgonzola for example.

>> No.17509197
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can’t you take lactase pills or something

Must suck to be from a population that didn't herd animals and drink milk historically

>> No.17509202
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>> No.17509210

Just eat it in small amounts to build up a tolerance.

>> No.17509212

Only that lactose intolerant populations don't have any trouble consuming it. See all those african cattle farmers.

>> No.17509238

>Lactose intolerant
>Eat dairy products anyway because I love them
>Just accept the fact that in 30 minutes I'll be shitting my guts out
I have lactase pills but I always forget about them.

>> No.17509262

Fermented and cultured dairy products have next to no lactose, including hard cheeses. The only thing that would stop you is an actual rare allergy to dairy protein, which would kill you before it reached your bowels.

>> No.17509266

Lactose intolerance isn't real

>> No.17509298

For the most part thats correct but with cheese the amount of lactose varies with age. So a relatively fresh cheese like cream cheese or riccota still has quite a bit of lactose in it, where an aged cheese like parm has basically none.

>> No.17509304

True, which was why I specified hard cheese. Ricotta is an acid-set soft cheese and cream cheese is a fresh cheese.

>> No.17509344

Not being able to enjoy dairy must suck but imagine having a wheat allergy

>> No.17509352

Oh shit my bad, I missed that.
Still as a lactose intolerant I'm going to eat a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast every day

>> No.17509433

get a poop transplant from a non intolerant person

>> No.17509609

thats bullshit, because my dairy tolerance only got worse as i got older

im 28 years old, if i eat a slice of pizza im lying down for the rest of the day

>> No.17509743

You're just built different (worse)
Keep going and you'll be okay

>> No.17509764
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>Can't eat cheese
Stop being inferior.

>> No.17509803

cheese is basically already digested, i'm lactose intolerant have no problem eating cheese

>> No.17509805


>> No.17509818

My boyfriend just developed a dairy allergy late in life, which I guess is even worse cause he knows what he is missing now. Poor bastard.

Im still gonna eat it tho.

>> No.17509822

that's bullshit, cheese doesn't effect lactose intolerant people. you might have a wheat allergy

>> No.17509923

We can describe cheeses to you if you like.

I'll start with blue stilton. The texture is very pleasant, being simultaneously crumbly and creamy. It has some of that sharp tang from the blue mold, but its creamy quality makes it milder than many other blue cheeses, while still feeling decidedly mature.

>> No.17510007

as in from the pizza crust? I actually might.

>> No.17510032

You're brown LOL

>> No.17510072

Not all allergic reactions are lethal.

>> No.17510103

its sounds uncouth, but I find 'burger' sauce (generally a mix of standard cajun seasonings and mustard) is the closest I can think of that resembles eating cheese without cheese

I have these weird rules for myself where I don't eat certain things during the week which includes most dairy things (other than a bit of milk in my tea) but burger/cajun sauces feel like the closest thing to smothering my dinner in cream/cheese

I'm an alcoholic lunatic though so don't expect me to elaborate with any sort of logic as to why
its not 'ethical' for one

>> No.17510112

that type of allergy does get worse with age or repeated exposure, my sisters allergy didn't get bad until she was 30

>> No.17510126

you seem like a good person, i would try one of your burgers they sound flavorful

>> No.17510140

What do nonwhites buy for office lunches or at work group functions? Pizza has already been a go to at my shop but we also grill cheese burgers during the summer.

>> No.17510175

haven't eaten a burger in forever
just like the burger sauce they sell in the supermarkets
but your post inspired reciprocal positivity so here's a big turkey meat burger covered in a whole tub of Lidl burger sauce
>forgets to give you tissues

>> No.17512052

I have both. Nut and egg too.

>> No.17512081

Not all bullet wounds are lethal.

>> No.17512088
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>> No.17512091

and fyi gluten allergy poops can be anywhere from shitting your brains out to clogged up for days only to squeeze out a rock-hard pebble of mucus-coated doo doo. it just depends on the person

>> No.17512111
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>oh my heckin Science, get that super-pooperino in my belly right now!

>> No.17512116

I'll feed you the nut from my eggs

>> No.17512171

you could be allergic to the protein in dairy. milk protein allergy is one of the more common food allergies.

>> No.17512192

It could also only be intermittent. I guess because I had eaten it for so long I kind of built up a tolerance to it. I'd only occasionally get migraines and diarrhea but it was only like once a month at the most which made it harder to figure out. It was only after I stopped eating wheat for a few weeks then tried it again when I had more immediate symptoms like that but also including joint pain.

A strange symptom was that I started to feel uncomfortably warm after eating wheat which I had noticed for a while but just assumed it was from living in an area with warm weather. When I tried wheat after not eating it for a while I'd start to feel really warm again within a few minutes.

>> No.17512229

>here's a big turkey meat burger covered in a whole tub of Lidl burger sauce
much appreciated, i honestly don't think i have ever actually had a turkey burger

>> No.17512253

what the fuck

thats exactly what im experiencing

>> No.17512257

Just suffer through the diarrhea, it's worth it

>> No.17512264

try a break from gluten. I hope your piss isn't unreasonably drippy too that shit is the worst

>> No.17512270

Too much cheese just makes me backed up for days, not that it doesn’t stop me from eating glorious cheese based producers on occasion. What I’d give to have a normal functioning digestive system..

>> No.17512274

Lol sorry OP it's so good too, potatoes and cheese is one of the most delicious combos in food existence. Crunchy potatoes, mashed potatoes, potatoes in a stew. Cheese is powerful enough to make broccoli taste good.

>> No.17512375

Haha what a...
You know what? I can not imagine life without cheese. I'm sorry bro.

>> No.17512794

doesn't that happen from cooming to much

>> No.17513590

nah a gluten allergy can inflame your colon where it might swell and press in to your bladder and prostate making a burning, drippy pee mixed with discharge

>> No.17513713

Just take some Lactase pills before eating? What's the problem

>> No.17513793

am i the only one that knew about lactase and that its in the milk brand Lactaid?

>> No.17513822

get yourself some yamnaya genes

>> No.17515120
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