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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17508951 No.17508951 [Reply] [Original]

Might it be the shredding and the maillard reaction. What do you think bros?

>> No.17508954

i think potatoes in general are pretty good

>> No.17508961

If you think about it, your stomach thinks all potatoes you eat are mashed.

>> No.17508977

they basically are just hashed browns, unless you mean those stupid tater tot things they sell at mcdick's

>> No.17508999
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>> No.17509014
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Latkes are made from a batter though

>> No.17509024


>> No.17509237

Aren't we supposed to be boycotting Russian food?

>> No.17509245

its not russian if you put a jewish name on it, duh

>> No.17509341

While we're at demonizing certain groups of people why not stirr up jewish hatred too

>> No.17509501

Who's we, reddit ?

>> No.17509525

Shit's been stirring harder than ever the last half decade or so. It's depressing that I'm a regular American Liberal who votes Democrat every election whose used 4chan my entire adult life and people are driven to Nazism from places as mundane as facebook, twitter and youtube. To me it's surreal.

>> No.17509561

I prefer a proper seasoned hasbrown v any potato latke I've ever had. And my temple used to do a "Latkepalooza!" fundraiser for various causes as an annual thing so I've had quite a lot of latkes. Good hasbrowns > good latkes, end of.

>> No.17509744

Those are called Potato Pancakes. Latke is a Loxist term and does not really describe the dish.

>> No.17509795

Maybe kikes should just stop acting like kikes

>> No.17509809

As an amerimutt you are neither white nor human

>> No.17509835

how does calling them latke denote hatred of gentiles?

>> No.17509852 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 2568x1804, JewVGoyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because jews are smarter than goyim. You are worthless cattle and are powerless to stop being replaced by more obedient non whites.

Or maybe white christians could stop oppressing gays. Literally all you have to do is stop harming gay people and you refuse. That is why you are being replaced.

Jews believe in social justice.

>> No.17509875

ahhhhh im chimping out!!! let loose!!!!!

>> No.17509879

That's just the members of Dethklok in the left, isn't it?

>> No.17509926

>Jews believe in social justice.
Herbs in some fields.

>> No.17509954
File: 155 KB, 800x527, goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlike Christians who just believe that anyone who isn't a white straight man should just be oppressed and powerless and have to suffer...

>> No.17509967

You may just be the worst jidf shill i have ever seen.
Herbs still in fields.

>> No.17509978
File: 596 KB, 750x400, Israellight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is a beacon of light and prosperity.

>> No.17510280
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>> No.17510283

My stomach has a better palate than that

>> No.17510331
File: 75 KB, 561x650, Historyrepeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Latkes" are eaten to celebrate Hanukah, the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE. It isn't a religious holiday, it's a military celebration of the re-dedication of the second temple over a victory against a Hellenic Empire.

The potato was native to the Americas, and Potato Pancakes are a common dish throughout Europe. Potatoes, and potato derived dishes are more attributed to the European peasantry than any Jewish culinary invention or contribution. People regularly eat Potato Pancakes, but not Latkes.

Do you call jelly donuts, Sufganiyah? Then it's incorrect to call a potato pancake a Latke unless its for Hanukkah.

>> No.17511076

I mean the words are not really important but there certainly are common culinary techniques and ingredients popular within some Jewish communities.

Potato pancakes, whatever you call them, are delicious. Also Purim is less than two weeks ago and the tradition is to make triangular, filled, butter cookies with poppy seed filling, fruit jam, or anything else you like. I've seen turkish delights used, I've made caramel apple filling, also cream cheese with chocolate chips.

But I'd say poppy seed custard and apricot compote are the two most popular jewish butter cookie fillings.

>> No.17511252

who /rösti/ here

>> No.17511336

I've never tried to make it. How is the process different from grating potatoes and adding egg and starch and salt and forming it into a cake?

>> No.17511538

Where I would say it matters is that a Latke, according to all the kashrut rules, must be fried in olive oil.

If you order potato pancakes in most of eastern europe, it will be fried in lard, butter or sunflower oil. Some damn good ones can have meat filings or bacon in them. Often with sour cream topping, would render it entirely unkosher.

>But I'd say poppy seed custard and apricot compote are the two most popular jewish butter cookie fillings.

These are delicious. I want to try the cream cheese and chocolate chip ones.

>> No.17511579

I don't keep kosher. I should make some fried in clarified butter. Wud b gud.

recipe is here:


(rabbi olitzskys choccy cream cheese at the bottom)

I just think its silly to get hung up on terminology when what matters is ingredients, technique, and preparation.

>> No.17512711

no need for egg or starch

>> No.17512862


>> No.17513795

you add a small grated onion