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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 995 KB, 3800x2137, homemade-pizza-sauce-recipe-3059269-hero-d99f22fb71c94187a1fc20d9df60ec30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17499750 No.17499750 [Reply] [Original]

Ok niggers whats your best pizza sauce? Mines this

-500g tomato
-2 garlic
-1 onion
-oil 10g

Throw everything in pan, shimmer for 30 mins, apply to pizza dough.

>> No.17499788

Same, but no onion. It seems to overpower everything else in pizza sauce.

>> No.17499796

Tomato paste mixed with BBQ sauce.

>> No.17499804
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>pizza sauce
>simmer for 30 minutes

>> No.17499824

HRT when?

>> No.17499827

>3 tbsp olive oil
>Heat in pan on low heat to 200-250 F
>Toss in basil stems and let it infuse for a couple minutes
>Add a very, very tiny pinch of lemon myrtle or lemon zest
>Dump 28oz canned crushed tomatoes in
>5g salt
>1 tsp mirin
>Simmer for around 10 minutes
>Take off heat, remove basil stems then add a bunch of crushed basil leaves

>> No.17499844

should have mentioned small finely chopped onion but whatever.

Any other herbs that you feel one should try? I ve heard of cumin but am in no mood for tests

>> No.17499873

Pizza sauce is never cooked.

Jesus Christ.

No one cooks here.

>> No.17499875

In blender


Blend and put on stove 250F for 20 mins, let cool, apply to pizza.

>> No.17499883
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>> No.17499911

rosemary? explain

>> No.17499922


This is Reddit spacing, with a blank line after the quote. It doesn't matter about following lines,
like this.

Or this.

This is 4channel spacing.

This line doesn't matter.

>> No.17499923

It's a herb.

>> No.17499927

Shut up redditfag. You can take the faggot out of reddit, but you can't take reddit out of the faggot.

>> No.17499933

canned whole italian tomatoes, hand crushed.
2% of the weight of the tomatoes salt.
A splash of olive oil
Some basil leaves.
goes onto my neapolitan pizza uncooked. Less is more

>> No.17499944



>> No.17499946

>canned whole italian tomatoes, hand crushed
Shit, I only have chopped jarred spanish tomatoes

>> No.17499948
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Kek, I thought the same thing. Just use a teaspoon of sugar instead. Fuckin weebs man, I swear.

>> No.17499968

I know its a herb but isnt rosemary strong? Wont it ruin the sauce?

>> No.17499974
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Maybe if you use all of it...

>> No.17499985

This. All you other niggas making spaghetti sauce.

>> No.17499986

• tomato paste
• just enough water to make it a sauce
• dash of garlic powder
• salt
• dried oregano

after lightly frying the tomato paste in a hot pan, you deglaze with bit of water, add the seasoning, stir until cohesive and simmer for only like 10 minutes and there's your sauce. amounts are up to taste and you can add whatever additional seasoning and herbs you like. Adding some grated parmigiano reggiano aint a bad idea either. I also like to add parsley and basil if I have it around but dried oregano is a must and it must be dried oregano not fresh oregano.

onion is better as a topping on the pizza really.

>> No.17499993

>50/50 mix of Full Red Fully prepared pizza sauce and 7/11 Ground tomatoes
>1 cup oregano
Enjoy your fancy super secret NY sauce

>> No.17499997
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>> No.17499999

I don't always have Italian tomatoes because I am a poorfag, but this is essentially what I do. If I feel like it I might use my fancy Neapolitan herb olive oil.

There's just no reason to overcomplicate pizza sauce.

>> No.17500011

Cooking pizza sauce is retarded. Makes it taste like pasta tomato sauce. Also no onions.

>> No.17500015

Its different every time but always starts with a 4 oz can of tomato sauce. The next most bulky ingredient is probably a big squirt of BBQ sauce, the sugar gives it a needed something. Then on with the dry spices, onion/garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper. I don't add olive oil to the sauce because Ive already oiled the crust. Its kind of hard to fuck up pizza sauce, I'm a fan of variability so I eyeball it every time and no two are the same. Why would you write it down and measure every time, unless youre a huge faggot?

>> No.17500022

pizza sauce should be tomato/garlic/oregano/crushed red pepper/salt/olive oil only. no onion

>> No.17500024

It's a totally unnecessary ingredient but if you've got it may as well use it. I don't give a hoot if nobody's nonna ever used it, it's a straight upgrade of sugar.

>> No.17500031

This is up there with ramen sundae and NyQuil chicken as one of the worst posts I have seen on this website

>> No.17500044

If you're using canned tomatoes it's cooked, so the taboo of reducing it any further is just Italian autism.

>> No.17500048

>Italian autism
It's literally a bunch of Americans complaining about pizza sauce in this thread.

>> No.17500063

Too sweet.
Ragu is unironically better for a slapdash pizza sauce. Doesn't even have to be the designated pizza sauce either.

>> No.17500070

Carmelization, anon.

Plus pizza sauce doesn't necessarily need onions.
Salt, garlic and oregano will have you set. Maybe black pepper to some effect.

>> No.17500074

>Ok niggers whats your best pizza sauce?
crush tomatoes with hands, and then a pinch of salt. No need to do all that shit

>> No.17500076

I'm not the guy you were calling a redditfag. I'm just explaining Reddit spacing, most people don't seem to know what it is.

>> No.17500080

use... less... of it?

>> No.17500083
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I'm gald we have a reddit expert in the midst.

>> No.17500086

checked and agreed. Italian cuisine is for the most part just poor people food. It's simplistic and tasty.

>> No.17500089

It won't caramelize until it's above the boiling point of water so it's only possible if you stick the pot in a 350 F oven, which nobody does

>> No.17500094

Yeah but if you wanna emulate chain restaurants, you gotta overcomplicate the sauce a little.

>> No.17500095

>Carmelization, anon.
You don't need to caramelize everything anon.

>> No.17500101

>Italian cuisine is for the most part just poor people food
It's simple but not cheap at all repspect to any other country.

>> No.17500115

Why the fuck would anyone want to emulate chain restaurants?

>> No.17500168

1.500 grams tomatas
5.1 spoon garlic

stove for 10 minutes on medium heat, goes well with 4 cheese pizza

>> No.17500191

Back to the shitting streets, Rajeesh

>> No.17500202

Um based?

>> No.17500206

Pasta pizza uma delicia just like nonna used to make

>> No.17500210

Your dumb anglo "nonna" didn't make pizza sauce, retard

>> No.17500213

Actually she was paraguayan pussy ass crakkka

>> No.17500218

more like PARA GAY

>> No.17500220

For gay more like YOURE gay

>> No.17500222

back to your decapitation streets Horacio

>> No.17500228

Thats one way to get head, not that u ever will

>> No.17500250

Jokes on you I don't have a penis, I lost it in 'nam

>> No.17500399

why waste time on making a pizza sauce when good ol' 'chup is the superior pizza sauce? just spread it on the flatbread and you're done

>> No.17500589

Missing the taste
Sticker shock preventing further business
Moving out to a place that doesn't have it

>> No.17500627

If you're that addicted to chain restaurant garbage, you should probably get help.

>> No.17500839

less drama more recipes ma niggaz, lest i send you to the plantantion and fuck yo mamas while you make me money

>> No.17500856

---->>>>> heat pizza sauce or not?

>> No.17500894

Yes, until the oil stops pooling on the surface

>> No.17500907


>> No.17500910


>> No.17500938


the fight of the century

>> No.17501119
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>shimmer for 30 mins
Nigga what?! Plz don't.

Get those tomatoes (pic), they are the best for sauce. Add 500g of them in a large bowl, add 1 big clove of minced garlic, 1 tbsp of salt, 1 tsp of brown sugar and 1 tbsp of dry basil. Crush them by hand very well while you mix everything together. Get another bowl and a strainer and strain 2/3 of the liquid. (keep if for later for whatever you like). Add the remainder of the sauce to pizza, put cheese and whatever else you like, and bake.

NEVER pre-cook pizza sauce.

>> No.17501135

Excellent mein niggers, this thread delivered hard. I suggest you all buy mein kampf its about a guy trying to make pizza. Anyway

No preheating. Any grandma secrets to get that piizza sauce shit to the next lv?

>> No.17501144
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>brown sugar

>> No.17501180

yes: rosemary

>> No.17501394

Can of tomatos
2 garlic
Half an onion
Tin of anchovies, plus the oil in the can
Basil, dried oregano
Salt pepper and a dash of sugar

>> No.17502233

>ctrl+f "sardines"
>0 results
bunch of fucking retards in here.

>> No.17502258

You won't notice any difference so you can just put regular sugar instead.

>> No.17502269

What kind of inbred retard puts sardines in pizza sauce?? Sounds like some Cringing with Trashish shit.

>> No.17502290
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jesus fucking christ 80% of this board has no idea how to cook

>> No.17502396

I agree with the rest but you HAVE to put a tiny bit of sugar in fresh tomatoes. They are bitter and it balances it out.

Not much, like a tsp per 500g is more than enough.

>> No.17502402

Seems like a waste of energy, electricity or gas and time. Just get store brand varieties. Fir how cheap it is, you will never get a better deal making your own sauce.

>> No.17502415

What shitty fucking tomatoes are you getting that are bitter?

>> No.17502441
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a lot of store tomatoes are picked before they're ripe so they last longer on the shelf, that's why people should grow their own

>> No.17502465
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You buy tomatoes from regular supermarkets aren't you?

Real-non processed tomatoes are bitter when made into sauce. you have to put a tiny bit of sugar to balance out the bitterness of the tomato itself as well as the garlic/basil/salt.

Go buy some San Marzano tomatoes (you can order them online if you can't find them in local stores) they look like pic.
Tell me it's not day and night difference compared to supermarket tomatoes.

Napolitans use those exclussively for a reason

>> No.17502494

Ripeness contributes little to bitterness when made into sauce. Store tomatoes are mass-processed with chemicals to make them sweet/avoid too much care.
Mass producers spray any vegetable/fruit like CRAZY. They lose their original flavor and taste like shit, but sweet.

>> No.17502527

I have grown my own tomatoes for years and never had a bitter tomato. Maybe there is something wrong with your soil.

>> No.17502556

what the fuck would you know about tomato farming? you're a twenty something year old faggot talking out your dumb ass on 4chan. just shut your stupid mouth

>> No.17502636

My family has been growing tomatoes since before WW1. Even in my great-grandma's notes, I have "put a tiny bit of sugar when making tomato sauce, else- too acidic".

I mean, whatever works for you, but don't try to deny tomatoes ARE acidic by nature. (Cherry ones excluded ofc)

>> No.17502661

next time make your posts more informative so you don't sound so stupid

>> No.17502667

first you say you add the sugar for "bitterness," now it's for "acidity."

Sugar does not reduce acid in tomato sauce. It's a culinary old wives' tale.

>> No.17502692

your great grandmother must have been.growing shit tomatoes if she needed to add sugar

>> No.17502762

I wish you were my brother

>> No.17502780


>> No.17502796

so I can fondle your dick and balls while you sleep

>> No.17502819

Heaven restores you in life

>> No.17502831

have you tried it with shallots instead?

>> No.17502926

Buddy, onions are for spaghetti sauce. Stick to tomatoes and herbs.

>> No.17502942

In the midst of what?

>> No.17502989

Sugar reducing acid is a retarded explanation but it's only technically incorrect. When the sugar:acid ratio is balanced it tells our brains the fruit is ripe and lowers our perception of sourness. Unfortunately, tomatoes never get to the sweetness of grapes/apples/oranges etc.

>> No.17503011

Nice google answer, retard. It's still functionally worthless and all you're doing is adding an unnecessary ingredient and risking ruining your sauce. Like, no shit they don't get to the sweetness of other fruit, but we also don't put applesauce on a pizza, now do we?

>> No.17503043

Maybe not but every single pizza chain I look up lists sugar in the sauce ingredients

>> No.17503098

Not yet anyways, but now I have an idea.
>puréed melon for sauce
>feta cheese crumbles

>> No.17503120

Again with pizza chains. If you actually want to make pizza that isn't pig disgusting american slop, don't put sugar in your sauce.

I have worked in multiple pizzarias (not chains) and none of them used sugar in the sauce.

>> No.17503443


>> No.17503455

>t. wop

>> No.17503483

1. Brush crust with olive oil
2. Spread on thin layer of pesto (basil, garlic, olive oil, parmesan, pine nuts, blended)
Pesto ingredient amounts are not measured, just what seems right

>> No.17503797

i only have 400g tomato can i still make this

>> No.17503801

go back

>> No.17503806

>you have to add sugar
unironically an italian and I use only san mazanos and no you dont you humongous faggot

>> No.17503885

Ofc my son, just put less garlic-salt etc. Also as someone else said, maybe skip the onion and just put it as topping on the pizza

>> No.17504472

why are you putting sugar at all, retard?
might as well put onions like the first anon if you want more sweetness
americans are so yucky

>> No.17506052


san marzano or whole peeled 28oz
4 tbs tomato paste
2 tbs olive oil
pinch oregano
pinch salt
pinch sugar if not sweet enough
some basil leafs perhaps

lightly pulse blend or food mill

>> No.17506153

Crush some san marzanos. A glug of evoo. A pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. 2 good healthy pinches of fresh basil. A bit of pecorino Romano grated in. A couple crushed cloves of garlic

Stir and then apply to pizza without cooking.

>> No.17506206

>hurr it's just a pinch

>> No.17506227
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i make better pizzas than you could ever dream of

>> No.17506240

It tastes like shit because you add sugar like a nigger.

>> No.17506255
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I add a pinch of sugar senpai... it's how the recipe was taught to me.

>> No.17506265

You were taught wrong, hate to break it to you.

>> No.17506281

i know this is 4chan but what a weird hill to die on. You understand that tomatoes have natural sugars, the reason they are so goos is they have a balance of sweet and acidity as well as natural glutamates

>> No.17506288

They have natural sugar, therefore you don't need to add sugar. Unless you're a fatfuck desperate to have your pizza taste like your precious chain restaurants.

>> No.17506338

>tastes like shit
Found the saucelet

>> No.17507178

you don't get to decide what goes into a pizza sauce.

>> No.17507180

Found the american

>> No.17507182

lol faggot reddit tourist

>> No.17507983

Peace be among us my sons! There is no right and wrong, IF people want sugar let them and if people dont want sugar let them aswell.

But i swear To God I will get my shotgun if i hear about pineapple and anchovies on the same pizza.

That said, i tried some mediteranean shit style sauce. Same as op with basil-oregano no onions as some said etc. Will NOT COOK and i will let it in the fridge for 11 hours from now. Will post photo when done ma nigers, In the meanwhile keep the gas chambers burning and the willing participants walk in, and the colored people tend the plantations etc

>> No.17508081

How is that reddit spacing? They need to enter twice to get text on a newline
Like this.

Except double enter looks like this on 4chan ofcourse. Who starts a post with pressing enter?? Having a blank line after the quote makes no sense at all.

>> No.17508398

tomato straight from the can with some grated garlic

>> No.17508423

>But the Burgers dump sugar into everything!
Sounds real autentico, paisan.

>> No.17508715

dat sauce be saucin in da fridge ma niggaz

>> No.17509082

I just spread a mild ketchup on the dough and call it a day.
I once tried to make a real sauce, but recipe I used called for the amount of oregano that made the final product barely edible for me.
I just don't want to risk it anymore.

>> No.17509178

>I tried to cook and fucked it up and now I'm never going to cook again
/ck/ in a nutshell

>> No.17509414
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heres the pizza nigglets, wish we could share some cold beers too before i threw you in the oven hitler style. Cheers

>> No.17509445
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>go to the store
>suck it up and buy the expensive canned tomatoes
>drain, crush, olive oil, pepper, basil, oregano, garlic, tomato paste
>don't cook it at all

>> No.17509541

>1 and 3/5 garlic cloves
3/5 salt
how do i?

>> No.17509581

Crust looks underwhelming, but you tried. E for effort.

>> No.17510291

yeah he can. that's the point of the thread you dumbass

>> No.17510559

Tomato basil and salt, maybe olive oil up to you. That's all you need, and never cook the tomato for the love of god.

>> No.17512058

some superben tips in this shit ere

>> No.17512244

i agree
i like sugar in asian style sauces, but against a tomato? to much is lost and no real positive gain in flavor

>> No.17513125


>> No.17513609


>> No.17513720

I kinda like uncooked sauce on pizza, just some good crushed tomatoes with herbs, salt and some sugar blended until smooth.

>> No.17513752

Going to try this anon. I love chovies.

>> No.17513769
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>cooked basil

>> No.17513981

I kinda like a fucking tomahawk in your skull

>> No.17514027

Well that escalated quickly

>> No.17514304
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>In the meanwhile keep the gas chambers burning and the willing participants walk in, and the colored people tend the plantations etc
naughty goy! take this

>> No.17514361

This but
-Canned tomato
1) Rinse off (make sure to rinse out seeds)
2) Pop into oven & brown
3) Make paste with salt & garlic
4) Temper your spices in oil, add garlic paste paste for 30 seconds then take take off the heat
5) Take out tomatoes
6) Put tomatoes into blending vessel
7) Filter infused oil
8) Add oil to vessel
9) Blend

>> No.17515913

>Pop into oven & brown
B-but you're cooking your tomatoes...

>> No.17515967

You fool.
You heathen.
You unwashed unbeliever.
Caramelizing canned (or fresh but I don't live near the equator so GOOD tomatoes exist for roughly 45 days of the year for me so I prioritize them for sandwiches and salads) in the oven is how you create W I N N I N G sauces & soups.
My entire fucking family plus their SOs have asked me for my tomato soup recipe.
Guess what.
It involves caramelizing tomatoes (and and a small amount of bell peppers & green pepperoni for structure and the slightest amount of kick) in the oven. Don't need cream, don't need beef stock, don't need MSG. Perfectly smooth, perfectly creamy, perfectly filling.
I should actually do a cook-along of my recipe at some point.

Point is.
Trust in the maillard reaction, my friend. She sheer amount of flavour will tear your fucking face off.

>> No.17515986

>I should actually do a cook-along of my recipe at some point.

Please do bro

>> No.17516030

I shall!
Just gotta find a day where I'm not sleep deprived or lazy. It's like 10 different recipes put into one that I trialed in different configurations for several weeks in preparation for Christmas 2019 and it's still a staple.
That + Halushki = You become the undisputed king of the dinner table.

>> No.17516088

he's ftm

>> No.17516402

>(make sure to rinse out seeds)
NO! That's where all the umami is, baka. It will look visually worse but try it with them left in.

>> No.17516445

I'm getting all the umami through roasting + rinsing out the seeds also gets rid of all the watery stuff. The goal is to have primarily degraded plant fiber for a super creamy sauce.

>> No.17516467

>The seeds of the tomato, typically discarded by most chefs, have by far the highest MSG and ribonucleotide content, Young told Chemistry World. ’We found an eight-fold difference in the umami content of the seeds versus in the flesh,’ said Young.

>> No.17516520

I don't doubt you, anon. I'm just saying that the roasting does a LOT and that removing the watery shit makes a massive difference.
Still, thanks for the link. I have a fair few people that might be interested in this.

>> No.17516552
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The watery shit is the choicest bits. I go all out and add a tiny bit of anchovy paste. Not normally for pizza, but I do the oven method for ragu and it does make it so much more hearty.

>> No.17516565

>anchovy paste
Now THERE is a big-brained tip. Thank you!

>> No.17516589

If you try it, I suggest using a small amount at first and frying it with your spices/garlic so it's more Maillard-y, less fishy.

>> No.17516730

>153 posts for this non-topic
Pizza sauce lol. Just put uncooked passata on it and call it a day. The flavor comes from the toppings.

>> No.17517986
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>The flavor comes from the toppings.
Unironically challenged in life.

>> No.17518973

Onion has no place in any tomato sauce. Go fuck yourself (onion sweet) tomato sauce boy.

>> No.17519062

Absolutely no Mirin.

What is with people thinking it is right to put essentially a load of raw sugar into italian tomato sauces?

>> No.17519298

No. This is redditfagging. All of it. Make a uturn and go back.

>> No.17519308

this post deserves a ban

>> No.17519466

going to borrow this thread
tonight i was going to try to make a marinara sauce for my first time
i watched this video and i really like this lady

>> No.17519836

I come here to grace you cooked-pizza-sauce dirty plebs with a real recipe
>one can of whole tomatoes, preferably san marzano but just the most expensive can
>some tomato paste
>2-3 cloves of garlic
>some good olive oil
>salt to taste
>maybe a tiny amount of vinegar if required

This goes right on the pizza dough and make sure to save some of it uncooked because it works great as a sort of dip for the finished pizza.

>> No.17519898

That's not pizza sauce, that's puttanesca sauce.

>> No.17519914

This sounds like mine, but I add crushed red pepper and fennel seed. Why does no one here use fennel? Am I doing something wrong

>> No.17519955

It's close I will admit but it lacks olives and anchovies and you would boil a puttanesca sauce at least for a while. That being said I have actually tried adding both olives and anchovies to a pizza sauce and even if it turned out very well it wasn't really pizza.

>> No.17519960

damn that looks delicious

>> No.17519986

Fennel is an overwhelming spice. I wouldn't use it in something delicate like pizza sauce.