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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 694x390, RonaldMcDonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17502473 No.17502473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did they retire Ronald Mcdonald

>> No.17502491

They didn't. Love children. So fucking much my god. Fuckin love them.

>> No.17502625

They make more money by advertising brown people eating special combos of shit they already serve

>> No.17502632

Why does he have a rash around his mouth?

>> No.17502669

kids don't even know what are clowns anymore

>> No.17502682

that's what happens if you eat mcdonald's all day, every day

>> No.17502688

Because Sanders Muss is a better mascot

>> No.17502717

Resurfacing of racist tweets from 2012
The real reason is clowns have a lot of negative shit associated with them now and McDonalds doesnt want to appear to be marketing to children anymore

>> No.17502735

Why is that? It's a safe, family friendly place where you can get a good healthy meal and have fun in the same setting. I don't remember how many birthday parties ive been to at McDonalds.

>> No.17502738
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to make room for the sexy replacement

>> No.17502749

Nobody wants a fucking clown preparing their food. Clowns will fuck up on purpose for laughs and are untrustworthy and unhygienic.

>> No.17502784

Ronald McDonald will never be a woman.

>> No.17502790

Rather have a clown than spics and nigs.

>> No.17502791

because we live in a society

>> No.17502818

introducing: black ronald mcdonald

>> No.17502827
File: 41 KB, 600x683, ronald-mcdonald-the-wacky-adventures-of-ronald-mcdonald-birthday-world-20.9_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real Ronald Mcdonald was assassinated by the Burger King's loyal Burger King hitmen after a spy from the Mcdonalds corporation was stealing secret recipes for items on the BK menu. Ronald's friends had attended his funeral but refused to comment on the beloved fast food clown's circumstances prior to his untimely death. Grimace hasn't left his home since Ronald's death, the Hamburglar has lost the desire to steal hamburgers, and Birdie has now gained a following on Onlyfans.

goodbye Ronald Mcdonald

>> No.17502843
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>> No.17502849 [DELETED] 
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Because "pedo clown" is considered a protected gender identity in Biden's America.

>> No.17502852 [DELETED] 

Because he started telling the truth about niggers and jews.

>> No.17502855 [DELETED] 

It's fine if it's straight.
t. Proud MAP

>> No.17502882

because cartoons make kids want to get fat and smoke cigarettes. the super size was making people fat so that had to go. I mean I can go get a super sized drink from del taco but it's called a "macho" and they have a cheese block in clear sight when you walk in the lobby so you know it's real food and real food could never be unhealthy. but yeah, having a kid associate food with a cartoon character is unacceptable. It's their marketing that's the problem, not me using my money to buy my children that crap whenever they want it, as a parent I obviously have no say in what my child eats.

>> No.17502912

Too white.

>> No.17502931

Likeliest culprit

>> No.17502943

Eating ass

>> No.17503124

You will never be a real restaurant. You have no ingredients, you have no taste, you have no eggs.

>> No.17503141

It's not a rash. He's licked his lips so much all the skin is gone.

>> No.17503168

but the joker baby!

>> No.17503212

When all the people were dressing up like clowns scaring people they ended it

>> No.17503253
File: 1.24 MB, 920x1440, wendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd unironically like this a lot. It'd be hot if Wendy's got a sexy redhead insta model slut to mascot for them too, but that'll never happen while Wendy the Hut is still alive

>> No.17503258

One of their best sketches

>> No.17503267

>safe, family friendly place
feral n words are constantly brawling with staff and fellow customers

>> No.17503268 [DELETED] 

>bidens america
tell me you have a 2 digit IQ without telling me you have a 2 digit IQ challenge completely successfully

fat dumb flyover hick lmao imagine thinking presidents make any decisions in the world

>> No.17503273

he was too based

>> No.17503276 [DELETED] 

who thought it was a good idea to have a bunch of freaky looking drag queens come into kindergarten classes? was it by committee? was it some superintendent? did the secretary of education make all the schools do it? did none of the teachers or administrators ask why are they doing this? what is the point? very very strange

>> No.17503284

The real non meme answer are

1. General lack of interest from kids. New trends pop up and the idea of clowns became old and dated to them.
2. Health movement demonized cartoon mascots making it harder to attract kids and families in and in general attracting people in.

>> No.17503293 [DELETED] 

YWNBAW and I will never bake your "wedding" cake.

>> No.17503316
File: 209 KB, 1080x852, 1618460754491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a symbol of white supremacy and systematic racism. He's literally wearing whiteface

>> No.17503318

>Why did they retire Ronald Mcdonald
look at how white he is anon

>> No.17503327

The child rape allegations were too much heat

>> No.17503329


>> No.17503331

based steakummms btfoing le pluto guy

>> No.17503333

STEMfag here, this fag is right but he's obviously being a virtue signaling queer about it. Black science man is a fag who talks about too much shit out of his depth, he's like a slightly less egregious Bill Nye

>> No.17503339

>STEMfag here
Stopped reading there. Do you actually think that gives you any credibility? Everyone and their grandma has a stem degree

>> No.17503356

>Do you actually think that gives you any credibility?
I paid the price of a house for a piece of paper to get le heckin' inductiverino scientific methoderino shit drilled into my head, and what he's saying is correct, but I think he's a pretentious faggot because of how he said it (condescending to some random fag, "muh epistemology")

>> No.17503358

So did I and you both sound like enormous faggots. I hate how most stemfags are so fucking insufferable

>> No.17503364

>literally just mention the fact I'm a STEMoid
>anon starts pooping his diapey and pissing and screaming
I diagnose you with chronic seethery. Kick back, pop open a can of deenz, sip a steelie, take a load off, and call me in the morning

>> No.17503366

White people are offended by a white clown.
Black/mulatos think it's the KKK

>> No.17503373
File: 766 KB, 850x1151, car ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's you after being called out for being yet another insufferable stemnigger that no one likes being around

>> No.17503382

Pick one.

>> No.17503459

I did STEM and now I'm almost a hobo

>> No.17503506

is it just me or is she actually kinda hot?

>> No.17503509
File: 220 KB, 330x285, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can get a good healthy meal

>> No.17503525


>> No.17503527

STEAKfag here. You're a cum guzzling gutter faggot.

>> No.17503529

>healthy meal
Anon, I...

>> No.17503538

he's *literally* white. think what that means to america

>> No.17503675

>Health movement demonized cartoon mascots
I think that's it. It'd be so annoying to go to a store with a kid that insists on "getting that one cuz the bunny on it" and then u be the big mean grown up who says no

>> No.17503688

moshi moshi? Ronorodu desu~

>> No.17503724


>> No.17503803
File: 678 KB, 980x629, 0EFEF586-0B88-494F-A134-9DAB272A8D3C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the Popeyes lady?

>> No.17503813

she is a racist caricature

>> No.17503842
File: 66 KB, 737x416, mac sabbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to make way for the new generation of clowns

>> No.17503847
File: 89 KB, 1200x1200, 1646276720390-standard-scale-3_00x-gigapixel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gigapixel ftw

>> No.17503853

you know you can say nigger, right?

>> No.17503858

So black people are racist caricatures by default?

>> No.17503933 [DELETED] 

high iq hours to allow pedos and the mentally ill roam free bet you rent a shitty apartment

>> No.17503976

the ones who are paid to act excited about fried chicken on national television are

>> No.17503979

So you would prefer if it was a white person getting excited about fried chicken?

>> No.17503980

i dont know if i would prefer it but it would be less racist. best would probably be someone (not black) in a chicken costume

>> No.17503987

I guess black people will have to start avoiding any association with fried chicken for the rest of their lives for fear of some anon thinking that it's racist.

>> No.17503990

Marketing is not food or cooking.

>> No.17503993

i didnt say black people cant be associated with fried chicken i said that employing black people to be a spokesperson for fried chicken is racist

>> No.17504009

Did it occur to you that Popeyes is supposed to be Louisiana themed? And they play New Orleans jazz at their restaurants? And there are a lot of black people in Louisiana? And black people and Louisiana go hand in hand? It's not racist, even if people chimped out at Popeyes having a black spokesperson, although I don't recall there ever being outrage over that, at least not on the same scale as Aunt Jemima. Also, if I ever hear of a black guy opening up his own fried chicken restaurant, I'll be sure to tell him to hire a white spokesperson, or at the very least not have himself as the mascot or anything like that. Don't wanna step on anyones toes...

>> No.17504012

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17504013

are you saying louisiana is a "black" state?

>> No.17504015

It's one of the blackest states, if you wanna describe it like that lol.

>> No.17504029

>if you wanna describe it like that
i dont actually because im not racist.

>> No.17504034

what part doesnt make sense

>> No.17504036

They did that for a few years a decade ago. Cute ginger who went by Wendy.

They should’ve capitalised on the normie momentum of the catty Wendy meme by making cartoon ads of her being a snark. Too late now

>> No.17504045

A high percentage of the population of Louisiana is African-American. There!

>> No.17504046

>nobody respecting the quads

>> No.17504055

no one gives a shit stemfag

>> No.17504059

I didn’t even finish HS, buttmunch

>> No.17504067

Nobody remembers that period where there were a rash of incidents where people were running into knife wielding clowns that chased them?


This is what killed Ronald, they stopped using him after this happened.

>> No.17504068

explains why you are autistic about le ebin quads

>> No.17504070

respect the dubs, dropout

>> No.17504102 [DELETED] 

The scientific method doesn't seek truth it seeks reproducability. Not sure what "misteaks" they're talking about; its literally just "if i make a prediction using X, how often will it turn out true?"

>> No.17504107

The scientific method doesn't seek truth it seeks reproducibility. Not sure what "misteaks" they're referring to; it's literally just "if I make a prediction with X, how often does it turn out correct?".

>> No.17504108
File: 53 KB, 750x843, 1599942055982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted to retire the clown for a long time to fit with their new (((modern))) image. The creepy clown sightings was the perfect excuse they were waiting for.

>> No.17504127

You still misspelled it.

>> No.17504229
File: 400 KB, 1024x912, it_just_might_work_by_usaritsu_dc5o1k5-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17504237
File: 472 KB, 500x500, sweating john.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17504244
File: 100 KB, 625x943, ronald and some other clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Courtney Love killed Ronald.

>> No.17504259

What a ridiculous premise.
That guy really doesn't have bulletproof windows in his office? Come on.

>> No.17504266

Can someone please assassinate IRL Wendy so we can get slutty mascot Wendy?

>> No.17504371

It isn't the 90's anymore and every single thing in your post is incorrect except your observations of your shitty memory

>> No.17504375 [DELETED] 

If you say anything or ask questions, you lose your job and get blacklisted from your field.

>> No.17504382
File: 72 KB, 601x678, ronald mcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back old school Ron

>> No.17504396


>> No.17504461
File: 789 KB, 718x404, 1572519588641.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>POV you didn't wanted fries with that

>> No.17504474

the absolute madlad tonguepunched a negress's dung-caked fartbox

>> No.17504493 [DELETED] 


>> No.17504503

>I don't remember how many birthday parties ive been to at McDonalds.
you are white trash

>> No.17504530

I’m not a disgusting shrimp dick wh*toid subhuman, no.

>> No.17504537

That was a tranny though

>> No.17504539

You realise you're literally inferior to white people, right? White people created the world that all other races exist within.

>> No.17505810
File: 138 KB, 1380x1080, FMkJSdKWQAEy-RM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17505843

Yes. Well rounded.

>> No.17505885

idk but the last time i went to mcdonald's i bought an ice cream cone with a $1 bill and when the cashier gave me my change he told me that they were out of pennies so i'm "only" four cents short and then walked away

>> No.17505990

>the super size was making people fat so that had to go.
Stopped reading. Don't speak of things you know nothing about, retard.

>> No.17506027

A tragic deep fryer accident burned off portions of his face including lips, eye browns, and down below….his clown genitalia.

>> No.17506034

plain double cheese burgers are so good lol

>> No.17506090
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 1572849987685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17506135

>doesn't know what POV means
Stupid people mean nothing and your life will always be pointless.

>> No.17506178

>it's literally just "if I make a prediction with X, how often does it turn out correct?".
That's actually probability and steakchastic processes

>> No.17506221

Everyone knows who caitlyn jenner is